Chapter 3: Jay

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I can't belive that I fell for the puppy dog eyes again. I mean, she just made me say 'yes' to go into some gas station, in the middle of a hood! Great now i sound like Jake's paranoid self.

I walked up to the 7 Eleven, as Jake and Diana raced up there. Once I reached the door I saw Jake and Diana searching through the store for water, candy, soda, and anything else they could afford.

At the counter I saw that there was a tall, brunette, with sharp facial features, sitting at the check out watching us out of the corner of her eye.

Suddenly I heard a large crash, coming from the two trouble makers location. I walked over there to see a jar of pickles on the ground. But the strandge thing was,right where the shelves of pickle jars had been, was a tunnel. How it got there I don't know, but one I asked Jake how this happened, Diana gladly spoke up for him. "Well, once this lunatic saw a bag of Butterfingers at the end of the store, he ran for it. Then tripped, then fell on his face, and knocking a jar to the ground that triggered the tunnel to open."

I turned around expecting the cashier woman walking up towards us, but the strandge woman was gone.

"Huh." I said to myself. "What?" Alex asked, easedropping into my private conversation to myself. "Oh, there was this lady sitting at the counter but now she's gone." I replied. Diana looked at the register to see for herself than looked away confused.

Jake was holding a flashlight he found in the store, which already had batteries in it, and looked down the tunnel with it. "We should close it." I say grabbing another jar, and started to place in the place where the other one was, before i was interrupted by Diana, "Close it?!'' she yelled staring at me in disbelief, "But Jay, this is the most amazing thing that has happened to me since i found out about mint chocolate chip ice-cream! If we close this it might not reopen, you might just be closeing the adventure of a life time! There could be treasure down there, or a secret society down there, and you might just be throwing it away."

She didn't need the puppy dog eye's for that argument, she was right, I could be closing the best adventure to ever happen to her, Jake, or me. I took the lead on our way down onto the darkness of the cave.

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