Chapter 11: "...that my little Sparky really was my soulmate."

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"Shit!" I tossed the dress on my bed, rejecting what felt like my fiftieth outfit of the night. I was trying to find something to wear on my date with Taehyung and nothing I tried seemed appropriate. I was disappointed by everything and even thought the clothes I had gone through were actually really nice, I knew it was because I was trying to impress him. He was handsome, more so than anyone I had ever met and it stunned me that he seemed interested in me. It made me wonder why. I wasn't anyone special and there certainly were women who were much more beautiful than me.

Picking up the first dress I had rejected, a pale blue one, I held it up to myself in front of the mirror. It was cute and flattering, but I was so nervous about whether it was good enough to wear on my date with Taehyung. Before I could change my mind, I slipped it on over the bra and panties I had chosen, a cute dark blue set, even though I had no intention of even getting that far with Taehyung. Just the idea of pretty lingerie made me feel good about myself, made me feel confident and sexy. Elena always laughed about it, but I couldn't help it.

After getting dressed, I moved into the bathroom to fix my hair and do my makeup. Although I usually kept it simple, I wanted the look tonight to be a little bolder, a little more daring since I was definitely trying to impress Taehyung. After messing up my eyeliner three times, I stepped back from the mirror, finally happy with the results. When my hair was done, I turned off the lights then headed back into my bedroom. I picked up my shoes, little gold heels that matched my dress and made my way to the front door.

Leaving the apartment, I headed to my car, glad we had decided to meet there. Even though Taehyung was sweet and kind, I still didn't know him well enough to feel comfortable getting into a car with him yet. Hopefully this date would reassure me, let me know that he was safe. But we would just have to see.

As I drove, I thought about the time I had spent wit him. I didn't spend a lot of time with him, but I already felt a connection to him. It made me wonder if I was being silly. He was so handsome that I was surprised he had shown so much interest in me. Although I tried hard not to, I couldn't help but think about Alex. Was I moving on too quickly? It was a conversation I had with Elena and she had vehemently shaken her head, telling me that even if things with Alex had been more serious than they were, then he would want me to be happy. As it was, we had still been pretty casual.

Pushing the thoughts of Alex aside, I tried to focus on the date with Taehyung. He had chosen a little Greek restaurant not far from my job and when I pulled up, I smiled when I saw him waiting outside. He was wearing dark grey pants and a cream colored sweater that made him look even softer and sweeter than usual.

I parked my car in the lot and as I approached, Taehyung's smile grew bright. "Hey Y/N. I'm so glad you came." His voice was sincere and as I drew closer to him, he reached out for my hands. "You look beautiful."

Feeling the heat rush to my cheeks, I looked down at the ground for a moment before meeting his eyes again. "Thank you. And... and you look so handsome."

Grinning, Taehyung brushed his bright hair back from his face. "Thank you." He gestured towards the restaurant. "Are you hungry?"

Nodding, I returned the smile. "Yes actually. We had a rough morning today so I... I didn't eat much for lunch."

Taehyung tapped my nose, making me laugh. "Nuh uh. Can't do that. Have to make sure you are eating well." He turned and pointed to the restaurant, giving me a bashful smile. "I've never been here before, but the reviews were great."

"It's a great choice. It's my friend, Elena's favorite restaurant. She says it's the only place besides home that she can get decent Greek food." I laughed as I spoke. It was true. Elena's family had come here from Thessaloniki when she was only 5. When she had turned 22, her parents had moved back to Greece, but Elena had chosen to stay. She met Dimitri a few years ago and now they were engaged to be married, giving her the fairytale she had always dreamed of.

Before entering, we stopped in front of the restaurant, admiring the statue of Aphrodite in the front. "This is pretty." Taehyung's words were soft as he stared at the statue, his eyes taking in every detail.

"It really is. This is actually the restaurant Dimitri brought Elena to when he proposed. He asked her right in front of this statue." Turning to Taehyung, I grinned. "Fitting really since Aphrodite is the goddess of love."

Taehyung nodded in agreement and after admiring the statue for a moment longer, we headed into the restaurant. The host, a young Greek man named Nicholas, greeted us with a smile. "Y/N! It is good to see you. You joining us for dinner tonight?"

Taehyung looked over at me curiously and I grinned. "Tae? This is Nicholas. He is a friend of Elena's family."

"A friend? Ha! I am family! I have known Elena since she was still wearing nappies." Nicholas's smile was mischievous and I had to laugh.

Taehyung gave Nicholas a friendly smile. "It is nice to meet you." After they shook hands, Nicholas grabbed menus and gestured for us to follow him. He led us to a quiet table then let us know that someone would be right with us. After we were seated, Taehyung turned his attention to me. "You must come here a lot."

I shrugged. "Once every few weeks with Elena."

"What do you recommend?"

"Elena swears by the saganaki, but I just can't do it and the smell is not pleasing to me."

Finding the item on the menu, Taehyung crinkled his nose. "Flaming cheese?" Shaking his head, he grinned. "I think I will pass on that one too."

"The moussaka and the souvlaki are my favorites." I pointed to the items on the menu and Taehyung nodded.

"How about I get one and you can get the other? Then we can share." Taehyung's eyes were hopeful and I couldn't stop the smile that crossed my face.

Closing the menu, I nodded. "Sounds like a good idea to me." A young pretty woman arrived at the table and we placed our orders, along with drinks. The server said it wouldn't be long and that she would be right back with our drinks.

The meal was amazing and, as scared as I was to admit it, I could feel myself falling for Taehyung.

Taehyung POV:

The dinner with my soulmate was better than I ever expected and I wanted nothing more than to stay right there with her, basking in her attention, but there was more I wanted to show her, more I wanted to do with her. After I paid the check, even though she tried to insist on splitting it up, we left the pretty little restaurant. I had chosen this place, knowing it wasn't far from the museum, just a short walk. Since I didn't have a car, I knew it would be awkward to explain how I got there.

"Umm... since it's such a nice night, do you mind walking to the next place?" I hesitated before speaking, not knowing if she would agree, but hoping she would, hoping she wouldn't question where I had parked.

Y/N nodded, a smile on her pretty face. "I would love to. It's rare to have such a warm evening. I know that winter is going to be here soon so we may as well take advantage of the warm weather."

Letting out a sigh of relief, I timidly offered my hand, a grin splitting across my face when she took it. I laced my fingers with hers, relishing in the moment of being able to hold my soulmate's hand, to have this moment with her, this beautiful moment. We walked along the busy street and I had to marvel at how the conversation never waned. We kept finding things to talk about and it made me feel so good to know we got along so well. The time with her was perfect and I loved it more than I had imagined I would.

"Are you excited to see the exhibit?" Y/N's question pulled me from my thoughts and I nodded my head excitedly.

"Yes. Very much so. I have always had a fascination with mythical beings and when I heard about this one, I knew I had to see it." I tried not to sound too silly, but I couldn't help it.

Our conversation continued while we walked and within moments we arrived at the museum, a beautiful large building with impressive pillars and gorgeous stained glass windows. Still holding hands, we entered the building, and before Y/N could protest, I purchased our tickets to tour the museum. Turning to her with a grin, I squeezed her hand, my heart fluttering when she squeezed back. "You can pay for the next date." Y/N's smile grew at my words and I felt good, knowing that the idea of another date didn't sound bad to her. The cashier handed me our tickets and we entered the main part of the museum.

The main room was large and circular, with several hallways branching off going in different directions. There were signs pointing towards different exhibits, including the mythical beings exhibit I was most exited to see, most exited to share with her. Although I was anxious to see her reaction, I led her towards the statue in the middle of the room first. It was a beautiful one, sweet looking fairies seated on flowers, while forest animals sat near them. It was adorable and whimsical and, from the soft smile on her face, I could see she liked it too.

We wandered through the main room, pointing out things that caught our attention, beautiful paintings of ballerinas and intricate marble, jade, and stone statues, including ones that reminded me of the statue outside of the restaurant. There was even an entire exhibit dedicated to miniatures and I was impressed by the detail that went into the tiny room boxes. Y/N marveled over one that looked to be set up for Halloween, complete with a pumpkin that appeared to be the same size as my thumbnail, while I fell in love with a tiny nursery decorated in pale blues, mint greens and soft greys. I couldn't help but think abut the potion that Hoseok had set aside for Jimin and Princess, the one that would give them the child I knew they so desperately wanted.

The idea of children and a family was so unbelievably appealing to me and it made me want to tell her everything right then and there, but I also knew I had to wait, to be patient.

We walked around the museum for a little while longer and finally made it to the mythical beings exhibit. I had to admit, I was pretty impressed with the depictions of my brothers and me. The paintings were stunning, along with the statues and I couldn't help but smile when all the paintings of sirens were female. Poor Jungkook.

We stopped in front of an impressive dragon statue. It was black and orange, similar to my own coloring and had stunning black wings. Y/N's were on it, taking in every single detail and I couldn't help but smile at the pure awe on her face. "These are my favorite." Y/N's words stunned me and my mouth dropped open.

"D-dragons?" My word came out shakier than I intended but she didn't seem to notice.

"Yep. I just think they're so fascinating and so beautiful." Y/N's voice was soft, as though she was embarrassed, and I wanted to pull her into my arms and tell her everything, but I just gave her a smile. "They're my favorite too."

As we continued to explore the unusual exhibit, I tried to keep the stupid smile off of my face, but it was almost impossible. To hear my soulmate tell me, a dragon, that they were her favorite, made half of the worries I was feeling suddenly fade away.

The evening passed quickly, too quickly and before I knew it, we were heading out of the museum and back towards the restaurant. Y/N's hand was still in mine and I couldn't stop the fluttering in my heart that erupted each time she looked over at me, that soft sweet smile on her face, the one that told me there was something there between us. What it was, I still didn't know, but I knew it was going to be something big, something amazing.

We reached her car and Y/N turned to me, her eyes bright. "Thank you so much for tonight. I had... I had a great time." Her smile was shy, making the flutters even quicker.

Squeezing her hand gently, I reached up with my other hand and softly touched her cheek. "So did I. And I would love to see you again."

"Really?" The shock was clear in her voice and I grinned at her cute response.

"Of course." There was something else I wanted to do, but I was afraid to ask, afraid of rejection, but before I could stop myself, the words spilled from my lips. "Can I kiss you?"


Spurred on by the soft plea, I released her hand then wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. My hand was still on her cheek and I lifted her face to mine. Searching her eyes for any signs of hesitation and finding none, I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. Hers were soft and sweet and I knew I wanted northing more than to spend eternity doing just this. Unsure of what her reaction would be, I deepened the kiss but she opened to me immediately, and when her tongue met mine, my knees almost buckled from the sensation. I continued to kiss her and when her arms came around my neck, tangling in my hair, it was almost my undoing.

I kissed her lips softly one more time then pulled back. Her eyes fluttered open and I grinned at the slightly dazed look, a look that was probably present on my own face. "Um... wow." Y/N's words were soft, shy.

"Wow is right." Stroking her cheek gently, I watched her face carefully for any signs of discomfort, but I could only see happiness radiated in her eyes. "I... I better get going, but I do want to see you again."

"Okay. I would like that."

Stepping back, I reluctantly released her, grinning at the soft sigh she released, one that clearly said she wanted to stay in my arms. She got in her car and I leaned down to see her one more time. "Good night Y/N."

"Good night Tae." I closed her door gently and as she started her car and pulled away, I couldn't help the feelings of excitement that crashed over me, feelings that let me know that things were going to be okay, that my little Sparky really was my soulmate.

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