OC Jugdralian History Part 2(Reflections of the Vassal and Thracian Adventure)

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In the beautiful city of Tokyo Japan, Sakura Middle High. Hikaru focuses on the teacher's lesson but he's out of character, he is depressed after his journey to the Jugdral and he met his tragic fate and he failed to rescue Deirdre from Arvis. It is been three days after his journey in Jugdral and he slept for a week.

He had no hope to go back to Jugdral and he put himself on the verge of a mental breakdown. Sad, grief, despair, overthinking, anxiety, losing in the dark and so much pain that he wants to overload it. The teachers are getting worried about his mental condition, Hikaru told him that he was okay, even his classmates.

One day, Hikaru was walking in the street until it rains and he got wet until he was sitting on the bench of the playground. He didn't bother about being wet, he reflect on the journeys that he did to Jugdral, he realized his leadership has gone wrong and he take the blame for Deirdre's abduction because of his negligence. He wants to cry...because he can't take it as he releases his loud wail of anguish Until Akira saw him and she comforts him.

She takes him home and his sisters are worried about his brother's condition until he is cleaned up, Akira wants him to explain Hikaru's condition. Hikaru explains his journeys at Jugdral. Aki told that his leadership is right and just, but Hikaru blames himself for Deirdre's abduction and he didn't deserve this. Akira denied it, and she told that it was the enemy's fault, not his. Until Aki decided to bring him to Tenbi Academy for temporary treatment.

The next day, Aki bring him to Tenbi Academy after school, and then Hikaru met Principal Minori Rokujou, Aki told Minori about his adoptive cousin's condition and Minori accepted it.

Aki gave Hikaru a tour of Tenbi Academy. The female students of Tenbi Academy were in love at first sight with Hikaru, while the male students of Tenbi Academy were jealous of their teacher and school nurse Aki had a younger boyfriend, Hikaru told them that Aki was his aunt. Aki reached to Maken-ki club room, Aki introduced Hikaru to the members: Furan Takaki, Haruko Amaya, Yuuka Amado, Kimi Sato, Azuki Shinatsu, Uruchi Minaya, Chacha Akaza, Kodama Himegami, Inaho Kushiya, Kengo Usui, and Takeru Ooyama. Hikaru greeted them with a pleasant but sad greeting. The Maken-ki club member was seeing something wrong with that kid, Aki told them that he was depressed so he bring him in to cope with his depression. Amaya, Furan, Azuki, Uruchi, and Kodama had no sense of pervertedness toward Hikaru.

Aki told Amaya, Furan, Azuki, Uruchi, and Kodama to treat him well not to fear him, and that he's not a pervert at all and they accepted it. Then Hikaru and Aki continue touring and they decide to eat in the fast-food store, then they stopped at the lingerie store, and Aki went inside that store but Hikaru stayed outside.

The boys starting approach Hikaru and warned him to stay away from their hot nurse of the academy. Hikaru snapped from his depression and told them that they had no relationship but aunt to nephew only, and also asked them if they were fantasizing about his aunt with their lewd act, and he told them to leave her alone because the relationship between student and teacher is inappropriate even it was a sexual relationship.

The boys got angered, and he wants to attack him but Aki stops them and scolded them to leave Hikaru alone then they leave.

And the two go to the hot springs and they bathe together in a male's bath.

Hikaru doesn't get awkward. Aki told that they bathed together because they had to talk about what he experienced in Jugdral.

Aki told him, 'Don't be afraid of being failures of being a leader and don't blame yourself because it is not your fault. Being a leader has ready for anything, accepting the consequences and never looking back.'

Hikaru marked her words and with that, he decided to return to Jugdral, He hopes that Deirdre was okay, I hope that his rival Arvis, hopes that they have children, and he hopes that one of them will be his godparent. Aki decides to hug him and put his face into her chest.

Aki told him to keep moving forward and face the future. But they didn't know that the girls of the Maken-ki club listen to their conversation. Uruchi, Azuki, Haruko, Furan, and Kodama want to kick Hikaru out of the spring but Minori stops them because Aki wants to.

Hikaru told that he was alleviated and Hikaru thank her. Aki promised him 'whenever you got a big problem, she will be by her side anytime.'

Hikaru's depressive side was replaced with an optimistic side. At last, Hikaru was relieved from the depths of his pessimism.

A few days later, Hikaru was filled with hope, joy, and light guiding him on his path to save the Grannvale and Jugdral. Before that, he practiced the lance and ax. And Hikaru summons his Crimson Sword and Binding Shield to reality.

One night Hikaru went to his room and read the book until he fall asleep.

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

In the spirit world, Hikaru talks to Naga, that he found something missing for him and he was determined to strike back against Arvis and Loptyrian Army.

Naga was elated by his determination to fight back, despite getting lost and dying in the hands of the Loptyrian Empire.

Hikaru told her that he had to reflect on what he had while on the journey and shoulder the burdens that he had.

Naga told that it was a brilliant idea and told him, 'Go, Hikaru, Go and continue what you have for. Go to Thracia and help your godson Leif on his quest. Go Scion of Light.' And Hikaru disappeared.

On a small remote island, it was evening, Hikaru woke up in a small hut. His armor that he wore in Jugdral was gone and now he's wearing a peasant's clothes.

(Imagine that Hikaru wears this outfit)

He get out of the hut and he realized that he found himself on the shore and he decide to take a look and head to the forest.

Hikaru wonders about this island and is this Jugdral? Until someone called him, a familiar voice, it was none other than...Sigurd's ex-wife and Arvis's wife, Empress Deirdre are wearing a peasant dress.

(Imagine that Deirdre wears this outfit)

At last, Deirdre embraced Hikaru and she began crying. Hikaru saw something wrong with Deirdre and he asked her if she is the real Deirdre or the Amnesiac Deirdre. Deirdre answered that she is the real Deirdre now and she's no longer empress of Grannvale. Hikaru realized that his leadership did not go wrong, just like Aunt Aki's words.

Deirdre told that she managed to retrieve her memories thanks to her Naga's bracelet.

Hikaru asked how she was adrift here. Deirdre explained that his son Julius received the Loptyr tome from Manfroy until Julius was possessed by Loptyr and then Julius(Loptyr) went berserk, She and her daughter Julia want to escape then She teleports Julia from somewhere when Julius(Loptyr) attacks her with the Loptyr tome but a barricade of light blocks the attack and the Naga's bracelet was glowing and she heard of Naga saying, 'Deirdre. Descendant of Crusader Heim, I've come here to rescue you, I will send you to the remote island of Jonah, outside of Jugdral from the southeast and then your memory shall return in no time, and finally, you will protect the resurrected Vassal of Naga until he's awake in your hands.' Then Naga sent Deirdre to the shore of the remote island of Jonah, once she was there, she started remembering what happened in the past until she got despair when he realized that she married Arvis out of the blue and she had his children Julius and Julia and witnessed Hikaru's demise and she got cried, about what she did until he heard a voice of Hikaru who was sleeping under the palm tree.

Deirdre was glad that Hikaru has revived but sleepy thanks to Naga and Deirdre swear that she will protect him at all-cause and until seven years. Also, she told him that it was the year Gran 776.

Hikaru realized that the year Gran 761 is the attempted battle of Belhalla where Hikaru died at the hands of the Loptyrian army, so he told her that he realized that he slept for 15 years, he hope that Sigurd was okay and he get enough manpower of The Crusaders Army.

Deirdre had no idea about The Crusaders Army. Hikaru told about The Crusaders Army led to Hikaru and Sigurd was his right-hand man, Sigurd teaches me about being a leader and he trained him along with his companions until he passed his leadership to Sigurd. Hikaru also apologized for her abduction by Manfroy and he told her that he was off guard.

Deirdre apologizes for the suffering that he holds for the last 19 years. And also, Deirdre scolded Hikaru about what he has done years ago and she told him many times that don't use the Rage of Naga for his selfish use and Deirdre was emotional after he saw his demise. Hikaru apologized to her for his actions, but Hikaru was about to cry due to his action, and Deirdre comforted and Hikaru asked her help if that insanity rage will come again and sometimes it can trigger all by itself and he become more struggle and it makes him depressed.

Deirdre told him, 'Hikaru, I promised that I will take care of you like a mother and help to regain your senses if the insanity return.'

Upon Hikaru hearing those words, he remembers that Sigurd treats him like a father figure and Deirdre is willing to be his mother figure of his. After that Hikaru wanted to cry more as Deirdre comfort her, saying, 'Let it all out Hikaru, your mommy Deirdre is here for you.' And also she comforts him in a lewd way(A/N: In other words, sex).

After that they cuddled each other, Hikaru told her that they will leave on this island tomorrow and hoped that there was a ship that passages them to Thracia. Deirdre told Hikaru that it was time to sleep and Deirdre embraced Hikaru, Hikaru realized Deirdre was taking care of him.

The next day, Hikaru and Deirdre pack up their things and they went to the port and they found the ship to Thracia luckily, they met Dew who is an adult now and He asked them to get aboard the ship.

While sailing Hikaru asked him about the situation in Jugdral when he's gone. Dew told that things went worse, after the fight, the Crusaders Army fall back to Tirnanog in Isaach and began to create a headquarters, and build a resistance army. The Grannvalean Army managed to take the Silesse and Leonster, and then Grannvalean Empire was established under the rule of Emperor Arvis of Belhalla. But the people of Grannvale were struggling under his oppressive and dictatorial rule it is because of Loptyrian Schemes, The Crusaders Army evacuate all of the people of Jugdral to Isaach most of the people are volunteered to join the resistance army and trained them. Sigurd created the Jugdral League of Lords and Kings under the Crusaders Army.

Sigurd become the Lord of Chalphy and trained Seliph along with Alec, Naoise, and Arden. Also, they help him to train the future soldiers.

Quan and Ethlyn stayed in Tirnanog to help train the young warriors and also Quan and Ethlyn had a son Leif but he's here in Fiana along with Finn and he told him to don't bring him in Isaach, also King Calf of Leonster was killed by the soldier's of his trusted man Lord Raydrik of Conote Army that cause of Quan's grief, and anguish about his father's death, and he wants revenge against Lord Raydrik, but Ethlyn stop him and follow what Sigurd's plan. And Quan was crowned as a King of Leonster.

Altena was on her parents' side she was trained by her parents, also there are many Thracian Wyvern Knights who joined the Crusaders hoping that the Vassal of Naga will return to aid the Crusaders Army.

Midir and Edain got married and they had a child Lester and Lana, they joined the Crusaders Army. Midir helped trained the future soldiers while Edain help the children who lost their parents in the war. Edain becomes the Lord of Jungby.

Jamke also trained the new soldiers from Verdane.

Eldigan and his wife, Grahnye had a son Ares, now he is a member of the Crusaders Army, who helps his father to save the children. While Grahnye helps with the injuries of the soldiers. Eldigan has crowned the new King of Agustria.

Chulainn and Ayra got married had children Scàthach and Larcei and joined the Crusaders Army because they admired Hikaru as a Vassal of Naga.

Beowulf and Lachesis got married and had children Diarmuid who is now part of the Crusaders Army to help his army and Nanna who stayed with Finn and Leif due to circumstances. And now they help train the future soldiers and evacuate the citizens. Lachesis became the new Lord of Nordion.

Lewyn and Erynis got married and had children Ced and Fee who became part of the Crusaders Army, and Lewyn become the King of Sillese. But Lewyn disappeared and Ced was out to look for his father Erinys became the Queen of Sillese, while Fee stay in the Tirnanog to be with her mother and sometimes she help her mother to scout along with the Pegasus Knight Corps.

Annand was staying in the base and training the future pegasus knights of The Crusaders Army.

Lex became the Lord of Dozel, he was now helping the knights with the plans for strategic defense and tactics, and also he have nephews, Johan and Johalvier.

Azelle and Tailtiu had married and had children named Arthur and Tine who became the greatest Mages in The Crusaders Army. The couple continues to train the future mages. Azelle became the Lord of Velthomer and Tailtiu became the Lord of Friege.

Tailtiu's sister Ethnia got married to someone and they had children named Amid and Linda who became members of the Crusaders Army.

Claud and Silvia got married and had children named Coipre and Lene, they are all members of the Crusaders Army. And now the couple helping the citizens to ease their worry.

Dew told that he married Brigid and they had children named Febail and Patty. But Brigid was lost in contact with the Crusaders Army army seven years ago.

Hikaru told him to don't lose hope. He is sure that they will find Brigid in no time.

Dew was almost forgotten, that he was a supplier to the Crusaders Army.
Oifey joined the Crusaders Army and he became the greatest general. Shannan was the greatest swordsman in the Crusaders Army.

Also one more thing, Sigurd found a girl named Julia in a base entrance. When Sigurd met her, she couldn't remember anything of her past. Sigurd was curious about Julia and he realized that she had a resemblance to her wife and he realize that she was Empress Deirdre's daughter. Sigurd had a hold grudge against Arvis, but Sigurd has no choice but to take care of her, Sigurd told Seliph about Julia that who is his half-sister. And also back at the battle of Belhalla, Arvis got mad at the man called Manfroy that he ruined their fight.

Deirdre was relieved about Julia's condition.

Dew told them that 15 years ago, the next day after his death. Naga appeared in front of them she told them, 'Do not be sad, I know that you are mourning Hikaru the Vassal of Naga. He's not dead, he just return to his slumber, he will return for a few years. Sigurd. Descendant of Baldur, please you must fulfill the Vassal's wishes until he arrives and give it a signal, don't attack and left in your place yet, but to save the citizens in Grannvale and train the future knights of the Crusaders Army' and she disappears, Sigurd had no choice but to fulfill it along with the others too.

Dew asked Hikaru if he is going to Isaach. Hikaru said no, he want to go to Thracia to find Leif and guide him. He knows that many knights of The Crusaders Army wait for his arrival. Dew asked Deirdre why she found herself on a remote island. Deirdre told that she escaped thanks to Naga, she remembers everything now and she found Hikaru and take care of him for seven years. Dew thank her for her efforts, Dew told her that Hikaru was dearest to the Crusaders Army without him, and Arvis was sure that he will be charged with Sigurd for his crimes instead.

After a few weeks of voyaging, they reach the Fiana, Hikaru dressed in his new outfit and sheathing his iron sword, while Deirdre wearing her priestess outfit carrying tomes and staff, and they wearing their capes to cover their identity, Hikaru told Dew about their returns and he tells to Sigurd that doesn't attack yet unless he gives a signal and Dew agrees and they bid goodbye to Dew and go to their separate ways.

When they reach Fiana, Grannvalean Empire had an assault on the village and then they decide to move in a silent approach. Until the duo saw Leif, Finn, and he saw a girl who was familiar to him and her two fighters.
They began to fight against the Imperial army and then the duo met Leif and Finn but their identities are hidden and also Tanya, Dagdar and Marty joined the battle, and they defeat the boss named Weissman and the imperial soldier, and Leif captures the castle. Leif finds the girls Nanna, and Mareeta in the castle but nothing. A female swordmaster named Eyvel or true name was Brigid told that the two women taken by King Raydrik and Leif realized that they were taken to Munster. Leif wants to chase them but Eyvel wants to stop him Leif told that he was not a child anymore, the two girls were captive because of him, and he will never let someone sacrifice their life in exchange for him. Then Eyvel understand him, they leave at dawn, then Leif's group went to the two caped people, Finn told them to introduce themselves to the group. When Hikaru speaks up, Finn realizes the familiar voice and who he is.

Hikaru removed the hood, Finn was shocked about him and he didn't believe that his old friend returned from the dead, Leif was confused about Finn knowing Hikaru. Leif asked Finn about who he is. Finn introduced Leif to Hikaru as the Vassal of Naga and his godfather who saved his parent's life, Leif was shocked and Eyvel was familiar with his face but she didn't remember anything.

Leif asked that he save his parents' lives years ago. Hikaru answered yes, but he didn't manage to kill Travant. Then Leif hug his godfather, with tears in his eyes, and Leif said he can't thank him enough for Hikaru to save his parents. Once they let go, Finn asked him who his companion was when she remove the hood, they were surprised that the second caped person was none other...Deirdre, the Empress of Grannvale. The Fiana freeblades step back and raised their arms as they asked why the Grannvalean Empress is with his side. Deirdre told that she was no longer the Empress, the empire was after her life now like a wanted. Hikaru decided to protect Deirdre and Finn introduce Leif to Deirdre as his nephew. Hikaru told Leif that he will become an assistant leader from now on, he believes that many Loptyrian soldiers support the empire.

Eyvel introduced herself to the two, and also she introduced Osian, Halvan, Dagdar, and her daughter Tanya, and Marty to Hikaru. The Fiana Freeblades had great respect for the Vassal of Naga due to his contribution to the Jugdral and also they want to join the Crusaders Army and they know about the Legend of the Vassal of Naga who aids the 12 Crusaders years ago.

In the camping at night, Hikaru told the Freeblades that their leader was not Eyvel, her true name was Brigid, Princess of Jungby and Edain's twin sister and a member of The Crusaders Army, much shocked and disbelief in her militia that their leader was Princess. Eyvel told that she didn't remember everything. Hikaru told Eyvel, no Brigid that you've got lost contact with the Crusader's enemy and her husband Dew was worried for him, even Febail and Patty. He told her militia to help recover her memories and they accept it, since the Brigid had done well to Freeblades, now it is time to return their gratitude.

Finn asked Deirdre how was got out of the castle. Deirdre told her story to everyone. Finn was worried about Deirdre if she fall in love with Hikaru, but he had Sigurd and their son, Seliph, but he was sure that they never fall in love with each other. In the night, Deirdre was sleeping with Hikaru, hugging him and singing a lullaby as stroking his hair. Finn was happy that she take care of Hikaru like a mother caring and loving to his son.

Meanwhile, at The Crusaders Army base in Tirnanog, Sigurd was overjoyed that his lost wife, Deirdre was still alive, she remembered anything, and she takes care of Hikaru for seven years and now she is on his side, he told his son Seliph about the news, and he was overjoyed and he doesn't want to wait to see his mother again and his godfather for the first time. Sigurd wants to thank Deirdre for her efforts to keep him safe.

For the members of the Crusaders Army. They are overjoyed and their spirit was revived when the Vassal of Naga and their leader were returned.
Quan and Ethlyn were glad that he was guiding their son, Leif. And he hopes that he will guide his son well. But Quan wanted to punish Hikaru for his reckless acts 15 years ago.
Altena didn't wait to see her godfather.

Dew, Oifey, Alec, Naoise, Arden, Azelle, Lex, Midir, Edain, Jamke, Ayra, Chulainn, Lachesis, Beowulf, Eldigan, Silvia, Erinys, Claud, Tailtiu, Annand, and their children and soldiers are having hope that their leader and his friend is back.

Shannan was elated by the news about Hikaru saved Deirdre from the hands of Arvis.

But the Crusaders will wait for his signal to attack and now he had to save the people and gather more soldiers and trained them.

The next day, the group went to the Ys coastal village but the village was raided by Lifis's group. The group fought the pirates and brigands saved the village and Ronan join the group, and they defeat Bucks they met August, a priest of Bragi on pilgrimage and August saw Hikaru the Vassal of Naga and also Empress Deirdre of Grannvalean Empire much shocked to the priest, but Deirdre was no longer empress and August suggest them to go to the Corsair Isles to destroy the pirates. Leif told them to it is only a matter of time before the pirates attack Ys again and he told them that the cleric was held captive in that isles. Then August joined them to be the navigator and he guide them to the isle.

Leif told why would August know the way to the Corsair Isles. Hikaru told him that there is no time to waste and save the cleric in danger. Then they accept.

Before they sail, The knights of his army come to the group and receive two letters for Hikaru, a letter from Sigurd and a letter from Quan he thanks them and the knights return to the base. The two set sail to said Isles.

Hikaru, Leif, Finn, and Deirdre open the letter from Sigurd first and read it.

He said that he thank Hikaru for saving Deirdre and he thanked her too for taking care of him for three years. He told that he missed her when she was kidnapped by Manfroy.
He was waiting for her arrival and Seliph was excited to meet her and him and he told him he was sorry, he was focused on Hikaru's sufferings, he treat him like a father to his son, and taught him to become a good leader he hopes that he can forgive her and he told that her daughter Julia was safe and now she became the member of The Crusaders Army and sometimes she was helping rescue the villagers also Alec, Naoise, and Arden are on her side. Sigurd told one final thing is to protect her, and Deirdre does the same thing to Hikaru.

Deirdre was crying about his letter.

And also he read Quan's letter, he said that he welcomes him back to the Jugdral and he scolded him because he make Ethlyn cry when he lost. He was sad when he know that his father, King Calf was dead and he promised to help and protect Leif from his task. And he told Leif to be a good man to his godfather. And please told him that he will entrust the Thracian and Munster's future into Leif's hands.

And when they reached Corsair Isles it was too fog and Hikaru was the first time-fighting in this condition, but thanks to Deirdre he got a Torch staff and Leif decide to stick together and it was a brilliant idea.

After the hard fight, Hikaru captured Lifis and Eyvel captured Shiva and seize their hideout, and freed Safy, a cleric from Tahra who know Leif, Safy told them she is the one who comforted Lady Linoan, duchess of Tahra. Safy was a friend of Lady Linoan not because she was the daughter of Duke of Tahra but her servant. Leif asked about Linoan's condition but Safy told that Tahra fell under the empire's control after the duke was passing but it has been corrupt, and they started child hunting this year. Leif was shocked about the child hunting and the citizen of Tahra couldn't hold it and they start rebelling as Lady Linoan become Duchess. They were mercenaries but King Bloom of Friege wouldn't allow it and Tahra was surrounded by the Imperial Army. The mercenaries feared by the empire fled leaving only a few numbers of citizen warriors putting up a hopeless struggle. Linoan sent Safy to look around Thracia for people that would fight for Tahra.

Hikaru told about the child hunting that it was the purpose for sacrificing their lives for the Dark God Loptyr, which is the empire's mission

Safy and Leif were shocked about the word 'sacrifice the children's lives for Dark God Loptyr.' Safy believes that Dark God Loptyr was destroyed with the 13 Crusaders years ago. Hikaru deny her words, he told that empire to revive the Darkest History of Jugdral.

Safy asked him who he is, Leif introduce Hikaru to her as his godfather, Vassal of Naga, and the leader of The Crusaders Army.

Safy didn't believe that he met the leader of The Crusaders Army in front of her. Safy told that the Vassal of Naga was dead in the Battle of Belhalla many years ago. Hikaru told that it was a long story but he ended up resurrected by Naga.

But Safy was scared when she met Empress Deirdre of the Grannvalean Empire. She asked Leif why the Empress of the Grannvalean Empire was on his side. Hikaru told that she was no longer empress. Safy relieve and told him about the citizens of Tahra the was only hope for the returning of the Vassal of Naga.

Leif remembers his life at Tahra. And also Leif and Hikaru speak to Lifis, Leif decides to turn him over to the villagers and they'll decide his fate. Lifis protested that if the villagers get a hold of him. Lifis please to Safy and he promised he will go to Tahra with her.

Safy told about Lifis was not an evil man, she know that he is already realized his mistake and she want Leif to help him. Hikaru introduces Lifis as the Vassal of Naga. Lifis was in disbelief that the Vassal of Naga apologized to him and he wants to spare his life, Hikaru told what Lifis is capable of, Lifis told that he expert in Lockpicking doors and chests and he asked him if he wants his service. Hikaru realize that he was a thief and the thief was very useful in war. Hikaru decided to hire his service and Leif accepted it and the group welcomes him. But Shiva escapes.

On the next day, the group went to Kerberos' Gate. And August told something important, that Kerberos' Gate guards the road to the Munster and they warned them to don't fool with their numbers. Leif wants to answer his question. August told that the soldiers are no longer watching over the road but the child hunting road. The fortress served now as the provincial child hunting base. Leif wants to ask about Child Hunting.

Hikaru explained it to him, the children aged seven and thirteen are seized by the Imperial soldier, and sent to the capital of Belhalla, to sacrifice their lives as the new reborn servant to the Dark God, Loptyr.

Leif remembers that Hikaru's word is correct and he can't believe it from the start but Leif believes in what his godfather said, after the remaining conversations, he left and they began ambushing the gate. Hikaru visits the villagers and begs him to save their children, and they finally barged into the fortress and rescue three children and escort them back to their home and defeat Lobos after a hard fight, Leif was captured by the hands of Lord Raydrik even Eyvel, and Lifis, except Hikaru, Deirdre, Finn, Osian, Halvan, Dagdar, Tanya, Ronan, and Safy retreat from that place.

Hikaru and Deirdre aren't separate from the others. But Hikaru didn't see Finn and the others.

The next day, Hikaru and Deirdre decided to cover their face with their hood and they met the Magi Corps Led by Ced, and his retainer Brighton, Lara, Asbel, and Machyua. He told them, where are they going, and Ced told them that they were going to Munster to free the prisoners.

Hikaru told them that his companion to join because he had a friend who has been imprisoned in that place. Ced introduced himself to them and his companions.

Hikaru decide to remove the hood, and he introduced himself to them as a Vassal of Naga. The group was shocked that the Vassal of Naga was in front of their eyes and they kneel in front of the Leader of the Crusaders Army and they are sorry for offending him. And Ced asked who is his companion. Deirdre removed her hood and revealed her identity to everyone.

The Magi Corps step back and raised their arms against Deirdre, but Hikaru told them to lay down their arms and he told them that Deirdre was no longer an Empress.

Ced explained that the Magi Corpse was formed by Ced, himself. Hikaru told them that there is no time to waste and they go to the Munster. Hikaru asked Deirdre if it is okay to accompany him. Deirdre agreed but Hikaru warned Deirdre to stay silent and cover her face with her hood.

Once they breached the Munster, Ced is going with Asbel to save the children, and while Hikaru, Deirdre, Brighton, Machyua, and Lana infiltrate the basement cell to save Leif, Lifis, and also he Leif had allies, Fergus, and Karin a pegasus knight of Silesse, and a member of The Crusaders Army and joined the team. They saved the villagers and Hikaru convince Dalsin to join because his brother Yubel was saved and they advance to the next floor to save the Prisoners and fight against Imperial Forces. And Asbel reunites with the group but Ced will not join them because he had to investigate something he entrusts the Magi Corps into Leif and Hikaru's hands and they advance to the ground floor.

The Imperial Army had a suspicion about their rebel's mysterious ally. Hikaru and Leif and his companions continue routing the Imperial Force and Nanna and Eyvel reunite with Leif and Hikaru's force. But Mareeta was possessed by Shadow Sword. Eyvel want to save her but Veld teleported Eyvel to his placed and petrified her much angered at Leif, but Hikaru calm him down and told him that time is on his side, and rash actions will lead to consequences, Hikaru suggested Leif come back when the time comes and Leif follow his advice they faced the Loptyrian Priest and they defeat him and they proceed.

Finally, they are now outside the castle, and August came to them for the rescue, Leif didn't imagine Raydrik's actions but he swears that he will save Eyvel. Hikaru and Leif listen what August's words, August told about the sacred artifact called Staff of Kia that can reverse the process of Petrification, but Manfroy places the seal that staff that prevents anyone, not anyone from his bloodline from using it, there is a rumor, but it said there is a hidden shrine to Loptyr lies within the Aed Desert.

Leif remembers that the Aed desert was the place when his godfather, Hikaru saved his parents Quan, Ethlyn, and his army and his sister Altena from Travant's hands at the attempted Aed Massacre fifteen years ago.

August stated that the countless warriors who defied Loptyr were turned to stone and are kept within its forbidden halls. He imagine that Lady Eyvel's petrified form was kept in there as a trophy.

Leif said that was nonsense, Hikaru snapped at Leif, Leif was sorry to him.

August protested Leif about what he see if it is utter nonsense. In the Thracian Peninsula, not more than ten thousand children are to be sent to Belhalla and the Loptyrian Empire goes strong and he'll see nary a single child still free.

Leif objected to this, the parents feel nothing when their children are stolen from them and he asked why aren't they fighting this situation.

August told him that the people fight not just in Munster but all of Jugdral which was dominated by the Empire. But they had no match for them against the empire's might, let alone the Loptyrian Order anyone who attempts to fight is arrested and executed, the Loptyrian Sorcerers, the Welkenrosen used methods that are the definition of cruelty. More than of that they burn everyone in the village at stake and most of the people are become slaved now. And no mistake, the Dark Ages starts again.

Leif told that it was no end to this.

August replied that Northern Thracia was beautiful and clear but the land was ruined, Leif's royalty to Eyvel is admirable, but there is an important task standing before him. They need a hero to rally behind, someone who will reinvigorate the people's will to fight and assemble them into an army, calling such heroism whatever he like, whether through bravery or ingenuity, he must rise above the obstacles before him. It was Prince Leif of Leonster, who carried the blood of the Crusader Njörun by Quan and the blood of the Crusader Baldur by Ethlyn, their strength and deeds live with him and they entrust Hikaru to guide Leif.

Leif realizes the letter Quan sent to Hikaru that he read points out that Quan and Ethlyn entrust the future of Munster and Thracia into his hands.
And he finally understands what it means, he wants his son to raise an army, and all those in North Thracia who opposed the Empire would unite behind him. Leif begs Hikaru once again to guide him and make him strong and teach him to become leaders like his godfather, who became the leader of The Crusaders Army he plead to August to become his advisor and tactician, he accepted but they must focus on escape. Deirdre, Fergus, Karin, Machyua, Brighton, Lana, Darin, Asbel, Lifis, and Nanna agreed to help Leif.

And with that Hikaru decide to summon his evolved Tyrfing, much shocked August, he thought the only descendant of Baldur who wields it, Hikaru asked Leif to wield that Holy Weapon, because he has the blood of Baldur thanks to his mother Ethlyn. When Leif touches it, it glows as it means he had the blood of Crusader Baldur. Hikaru decides to use Yewfelle in the meantime. Leif has two weapons the Light Brand and Tyrfing.

They begin the escape plan, and they met Hicks, an ax knight, and joined the team. The enemies are they come after them, while in the fight, a wind suddenly blows that cause them to remove Deirdre's hood in her cape in front of the Imperial Army, Hikaru, Leif, and the others were screwed up. The soldiers were shocked the enemy hooded mage was the Empress of Grannvalean, Hikaru and Leif went to her side, and one of the generals told her beloved Emperor Arvis was waiting for her arrival in Belhalla. But Deirdre was refused and cast the general with a fire spell the Empress turns her back against the Empire and they attack the Empress but Hikaru and Leif protect her and Hikaru blew the gate with his powerful shot of Yewfelle and the group is finally escaped in the Munster.

Hikaru blew his secrets from the Empire and he knew that the Grannvalean Imperial Army will after her.

A few hours later, an enormous price had been playing with their heads and one of the guards went to Belhalla and report to Emperor Arvis about Deirdre's betrayal, the Grannvalean Imperial Army began their move to bring Deirdre back to Belhalla. The bounty hunters were after them and what's more, the Knights of Munster will after them, and their force growing dangerously close.

While they are between the mountains, August suggested two options: First, they could flee to the mountain range to the west and lose the knights in the rocky terrain. The second is they could continue south and seek refuge in the Castle Meath and at least it will be a petition to Thracia for aid immediately.

Leif told that asking Thracia was an absurd plan, the Thracia declared Quan and Ethlyn branded a traitor.

Hikaru told Leif to give it a try. Leif believes Hikaru was the Vassal of Naga even though the Thracia sides with the empire and his strength alone isn't enough. Leif was glad to have his godfather on his side, they hope that he become a good teacher to them and he wanted to join The Crusaders Army and fight alongside Quan, Ethlyn, and Altena. He wants to shoulder the burdens and fight for Thracia and make Quan, Altena, and Ethlyn will be proud of him.

August imagined the retaliation of General Hannibal of Meath would be especially great. He told that General Hannibal was a famed military general that the people revere as the 'Shield of Thracia.' And also he will follow the Vassal of Naga's ideals, and the general wants to meet Hikaru along with his army.

Leif was amazed at Hikaru, that he was famous not in Thracia and Munster District but in Jugdral because of his contributions to the people and the Vassal of Naga was only hoped for Jugdral.

Leif answered that they will continue to Castle Meath, and head for Tahra afterward. Tahra was Leif's second home before in Fiana, the Duke of Tahra sheltered him before he died. He had many friends in Tahra and this is a perfect opportunity to gather enough soldiers.

August told that they will discuss it later and Hikaru apologize to Deirdre because of what happened earlier. Deirdre said that it was fine, she didn't deserve to become Arvis's wife and empress and she decides to fight alongside Hikaru and Leif.

The group rout the bounty hunters and Leif and Hikaru met Shiva again. Shiva apologizes for what happened in the Corsair Isles, days ago, and also he realized that Leif's closest companion was the Vassal of Naga and he wants to join them Hikaru welcomes Shiva to his group, and also he reunites with Finn and Safy who is Shiva's little sister. And they reunite with Finn and also Nanna called Finn her father.

And they enter the Meath, and Finally, Hikaru met General Hannibal for the first time, the general was glad to meet the Vassal of Naga and the leader of The Crusaders Army and also the general met Leif of Leonster and he realized that he is Quan and Ethlyn son and he told it. Leif was shocked that he know his parents and asked him about his parents. Hannibal told that he met Quan and Ethlyn in the Tirnanog at Isaach along with Sigurd while having an agreement on The Crusaders Army seven years ago and also his adoptive son Charlot joined the Crusaders Army.

Hikaru realized the Meath was under the control of The Crusaders Army. Hikaru wants to thank Hannibal for doing so much all for his sake of the continent and peace and he hopes that the war against Grannvalean Empire will be over. Most of General Hannibal's army are followers of his army, and they will continue to fight against the empire also, Hannibal met Empress Deirdre, but she told that she was no longer an empress, Hannibal told about the Grannvalean Empire launched an army to bring Deirdre back to the Capital.

Hikaru was worried about Deirdre if Manfroy appear and kidnap her again or even Julius.

Leif told that they head for Tahra, to break a siege on the city. And they plan to route through the central mountains.

Leif said it was yes. Being a rebel, they obviously can't risk crossing through Imperial territory. Hannibal also warned them that there are many bandits in the mountains and don't let their guard down. Leif wants to release the men that he captured earlier they are their allies of Leif.

Hannibal releases Osian, Halvan, and Ronan, and he apologized for her trouble, he introduces Carrion and he asked them for safety, but he joined with Leif's Army.

In the night, Hikaru talk to Nanna for the first time, he asked what is his relationship with his father Finn. Nanna told that he took care of her for many years. Hikaru told Nanna about her origin, he told her that she is not the Daughter of Finn. Nanna was confused about his words, Hikaru told her true parents, Nanna was the youngest daughter of Princess Lachesis of Nordion and Beowulf, and also she had an elder brother Diarmuid, and niece to Eldigan.

Nanna was in disbelief about his words and asked Hikaru if he was concerned about this and she didn't sure about his words. Hikaru told her that her hair and her face are resemblances to her mother and if she wants proof from him, then Hikaru summon the Crusader Hoðr's Holy Weapon, Mystletainn and he wants to give the holy weapon to her when Nanna touches the blade it glows and suddenly she saw the past in her visions about her parents and then she finally remembers everything and she cried. She realized that Lachesis and Beowulf entrust her daughter Nanna to Finn taking her to raise him like her daughter.

Nanna thank him for this and Hikaru decided to keep the Mystletainn in her hands. And Hikaru gives a letter to her. It was a letter from Beowulf and Lachesis for their daughter and Nanna read it.

It said how are she and they hoped that she is fine. They're sorry about her that she didn't tell the truth. They entrust Nanna to Finn it is because they didn't want to involve her in the war. That Nanna will forgive her and they want to see her daughter again grown up. They want to follow what Hikaru and Leif command and they want the duo to protect her and one more thing, they want her to protect Hikaru at all cause.

Nanna told that she can not thank him enough for what he did to her parents to survive in times of peril and she promised to help Hikaru and Leif. Hikaru appreciates that. Finn was watching the whole conversation and he glads that she knows the truth.

And also Shiva want to spar with Hikaru and then he accepted it with their wooden sword.

The next day, Hikaru is now wearing his old armor back when he became the leader of The Crusader Army. And the group was glad that the leader wear his armor 17 years ago and they bid goodbye to General Hannibal Carrion was joined and they left. Hikaru decided to wield his Crimson Sword and Binding Shield and ride on his new horse.

Before they leave, yesterday Hikaru told what happened to Eyvel back at the castle. Osian and Halvan will never forgive what they did to her.

They went to Mount Violdrake with the assistance of Carrion, revealing to Leif and Hikaru that he was a knight of House Leonster and a knight of The Crusaders Army, thanks to Quan and Ethlyn. His father perished in the war and her mother was taken in by General Hannibal when he had an agreement with The Crusaders Army he decided to join that army. He pleases them that he wants to fight for the House Leonster and reclaimed their land...and also Jugdral.

Leif doesn't know that he has the power to reclaim Leonster but in the meantime, he had to go to Tahra. Carrion didn't care about this, as long as he fight beneath the banner of House Leonster and The Crusaders Army.

They began fighting against the Bandits and reunite with Dagdar, Tanya, and Marty, and they capture Rumei they interrogate them about Dagdar and Tanya's whereabouts but refuse to answer told that he was in the villa and they proceed.

They barged into the villa and Hikaru save Dagdar and Tanya and defeat Gomez and his companions. Hikaru told about what happened to Eyvel to the two.

Leif pitied Dagdar and his men, August told that their land was infertile and the children that were abandoned by her parents were forced to banditry, and also he told the story of the war between Njörun and Dainn one hundred years ago.

Hikaru almost reach the villa but Hikaru spotted the Thracian Army.

The group defends the Villa against the Thracian Army and met Selphina and her retailers Cain, Alva, Robert and they enter the Villa and they met Duke Dorius. Dorius told about being a leader and its sacrifice until they look at the mountain and saw a dracoknight.

He yelled saying, 'All soldiers of Thracia, heed me! This is your prince, Arion! I bring word from General Hannibal itself! The men in that Villa are not bandits-they're a mercenary unit the General has stationed here to PROTECT this area from bandits! Sheath your sword! Withdraw at once!' And he left.

Hikaru asked who is the dracoknight, Dorius told him that he was Prince Arion of Thracia, son of King Travant of Thracia. He is the descendant of the Crusader Dainn. Hikaru told them that he remembers Lord Travant back in the Aed desert in the attempted massacre of Quan, Ethlyn, and his Lance Ritter many years ago. Hikaru defeated Lord Travant and his Wyvern Knights using his only bare hands. Selphina, Cain, Alva, and Robert met Hikaru in person. They thought the Vassal of Naga was dead, Hikaru told that he was resurrected and managed to get back to Jugdral, the Selphina met Empress Deirdre of Grannvale in person but they heard about Empress Deirdre's betrayal of the Grannvalean Empire, Deirdre told Selphina that she didn't deserve for the empire and Arvis and she decides to atone her sins by helping Hikaru and Leif and the Crusaders Army.

The forces of Fiana Freeblades, the Magi Corps, and the remnants of Leonster nobility become the new members of The Crusaders Army, but Leif was the leader and Hikaru became an assistant leader.

They managed to cross the Imperial-Thracian border and they will pass Nowell Canyon and the Friege army was on their stand. The Crusader Army began to charge with a silent approach to the ballistic and killed the remaining knight and they killed General Largo. And Hikaru wondered about the woman mage knight and they went to Fort Dundrum.

The Crusaders Army began a frontal assault on Fort Dundrum, Hikaru, and Leif were trapped in Fortress, and they met Fred, the knight along with the female mage knight back from Nowell Canyon. They had an agreement with Fred that he escapes to the south so they can take care of the rest instead of fighting, and they escaped plan success The Crusaders Army took care of the Friege Army but General Kempf was almost attempting to seize Deirdre but Hikaru protect her escaped and they seized the fortress but they had to clean the interiors.

They manage to sweep the interior and with the torch, thanks to Deirdre and they met Olwen and Fred and manage to save the children. They managed to capture Oltoph but he was released.

Leif told that the more children caged caused why the people of Tahra rebelled against the empire. Dorius told that they are making sure that there are uprisings against the empire and it is the very reason that the empire summons soldiers around Jugdral just attack one city, they move to crush Tahra and its hope all at once. He heard the Gelbenritters have recalled from Belhalla to join the assault and also the Emperor Arvis's Imperial Guards joined the assault to find Deirdre and execute her for the crimes.

The Gelbenritters are mage knights each of them is handpicked, and each of them is from the nobles of House Friege's inner circle they consider to be the strongest battalions in all continents and the worse is they lead by Princess Ishtar, the Goddess of Thunder and her adjutant, Sir Reinhardt, they believe that he is the reincarnation of Crusader Thrud. Both of them want to challenge the Vassal of Naga when they met him.

August told one more thing about Ishtar was betrothed to Crown Prince Julius, known to be the 'Scion of Darkness,' need I remind them is the Vassal of Dark God Loptyr, just like Hikaru as a Vassal of Divine Dragon God Naga as the 'Scion of Light'. He stated that anyone who served Julius in the world will be destroyed.

Olwen added that his brother Reinhardt was not a servant of Loptyr. Olwen introduced herself as the brother of Ishtar's adjutant.

Leif told August that she will accompany The Crusaders Army and August accepted it. Olwen and Fred met Hikaru and they have a great honor for him, Hikaru hoped that the two are working together in future battles.

It is night, and they continue passing the Dacia Forest, but they had a battle against bandits, and again thanks to Deirdre's magic. Hikaru managed to capture Salem and Lifis managed to recruit Perne and they managed to defeat the bandits Leif managed to find Mareeta and he told about Eyvel.
Mareeta took the blame. And they promised to get Eyvel back. Hikaru told Mareeta about Eyvel's true identity as Brigid of House Jungby. Mareeta was sad that she was not her mother but she understand now and she wants to thank her for her compassion Mareeta join The Crusaders Army and met Hikaru with her shocked that he was the Vassal of Naga and Leader of The Crusaders Army and she met Deirdre.

They broke the Manor and Salem said to Hikaru and Leif that Perne is a reasonable man and if he can just talk to him, he could understand the situation. Hikaru asked that Salem be offering to help The Crusaders Army and he accepted also Lara told Perne was not a bad person and she talk about the past and she wants to talk with him and he accepted it. They managed to save Tina, Safy's sister, and Lara managed to convince Perne to join The Crusaders Army and Perne convince Troude to join The Crusaders Army the dawn breaks then they had a good rest and for a few hours, they marched to Tahra.

They were almost reached the Tahra but first, they battle the Imperial Army Finn met Glaid join the army, and defeat General Rist and they managed to save Tahra The Crusaders Army met Linoan, and he apologized for what happened to his father and Linoan met Hikaru and Deirdre and they answered their questions and now they protect the Tahra.

They managed to protect Tahra. Deen, Eda, and Homer join the team, and they managed to escape Tahra along with Linoan.

Leif and Hikaru met Ralf in battle and after then they decide to split up Hikaru went to the West with Dorius and borrowed half of his companions while Leif went to the east along with Augustus and his remaining companions.

Meanwhile, Hikaru and Deirdre were almost there in Fort Nordrhein to fight the Imperial Forces and also Emperor Arvis's Imperial Guard, Karin managed to convince Ilios and Hikaru to meet Sleuf, a priest of Bragi and a member of The Crusaders Army and he joined them and he defeats General Kempf and his companions and they advance.

At the same time, Leif went to Miracle Forest and with caution, Leif managed to save Sara from the Loptyrian Sect, and Homer managed to recruit Shanam, impersonator of Prince Shannan, and she met Princess Miranda of Alster and join the army and they proceed.

At the same time, Hikaru and Deirdre, and his companions reach the Leonster Gate and they had a battle against the Imperial Force and Silessian Forces. Karin met Captain Misha of The Crusaders Army but she refused to join and Deirdre put her to sleep and defeat they met Saias, a priest of Velthomer but he left in they seized the gate, but Hikaru realized about Misha, she had a resemblance to Díthorba. Back when he was with Sigurd, Hikaru killed Díthorba. He asked her that, is she the daughter of Díthorba. And by that Misha remembers that her mother was killed by Hikaru, then she unleashed her rage and attack him suddenly, he asked why she attack her. Misha told that it was her mother, and she wants revenge. Hikaru told that her mother Díthorba betrayed the Silessian knights and joined the Loptyrian Empire Schemes. And the Misha realized that she had gone wrong and ended up crying, and Hikaru comfort her.

At the same time, Leif and his allies make a frontal assault against Friege Army and they get rid of Balista they reunite with friends and introduced their new allies to one another. Hikaru was surprised about Shanam, he remember his friend from Archanea named Xane. Leif also met Princess Miranda of Alster.

They breach the interior of Leonster Castle defeat the Imperial Army, and Imperial Guards, Leif convinces the former Leonster general Xavier and save the people who are trapped inside and defeat Gustav for tomorrow morning, they will match to Alster.

They marched to Alster and fight the remaining Imperial Soldiers and Imperial Guards after then Miranda managed to convince General Conomer to join the army and Sleuf manage to convince Amanda to join the army.

Two months had passed after they return to Leonster. And they managed to fend off the Imperial army and defeat Barat and then Hikaru and Leif met Diarmuid, and he get a letter from Sigurd, he said he send Diarmuid, and his army to assist their army, and Sigurd plead to attack Alster for it and they agree. And Diarmuid finally met Nanna and he want to apologize to her and he accepted also, he saw on her waist that she has a Holy Weapon Mystletainn surprised by her brother, Nanna answers his remaining questions.

The Crusaders Army marched to Alster and they managed to rout the empire. With The Crusaders Army assistance, they managed to drive King Bloom out of Alster to Conote.

They managed to rout the enemy and they defeat Seimetol and Fraus they successfully manage past Alster, and they saw the prison but it was vacant the two proceed to the Fort Danzig and Thracia River and fight the Imperial Forces and Imperial Guards and Reinhardt was here and challenging Hikaru in one on one fight while Saias watching them. After the hardest fight, Hikaru went victorious and they are almost in Munster Castle but they fend off the Imperial Army, and they met Saias, the illegitimate son of Emperor Arvis, and Aida and Ced again, then they join The Crusaders Army and they managed to enter the castle after the Wyvern Knights of Thracia came to them in a sudden. Leif got the Blade of Bragi from the bishop who fled the castle and there is no time to waste they enter the castle, but Saias leaves the party.

The Crusaders Army barge the interior of the Munster castle and fight the Loptyrian Mage, and Mercenaries, but no more Munster soldiers, and Mareeta managed to convince Galzus to join The Crusaders Army. They managed to get the Kia Staff and Leif and Hikaru managed to defeat Lord Raydrik and they secured the castle. Sara told that she was her grandfather of Archbishop Manfroy, so she could use the Kia Staff.

And they secretly enter the castle underground where the Loptyr shrine is here with extreme caution and patience and they fight the Loptyrian army Sara uses Kia Staff and they manage to save Eyvel from her petrified state and reunite with The Crusaders Army. Hikaru thinks now is the time, he summons Yewfelle and he wants Eyvel to touch it, and Yewfelle glows when she touches it, and she remembers everything once again. Eyvel...no Brigid saw Hikaru and she embraced her and he apologized to Brigid about what she saw in the past, Brigid embraced him and told him that it was not his fault because sometimes it will trigger his anger in no time but she told him to not let his anger consume in his heart and he thanked him and he knows that she will forgive him. But Hikaru told her that this is no time for that they went on the teleportation device they teleport where Bishop Veld is.

The Crusaders Army barge the temple and rout the Loptyrian mages and at last Hikaru and Leif finally defeat Bishop Veld and the Loptyrian forces in northern Thracia are eliminated and the Thracian people had finally been freed but it is far from over.

Leif decides to turn over his leadership commands to Hikaru. Hikaru commands them to go back to Leonster.

They finally return to Leonster. On the next day, Hikaru rides on his horse along with Deirdre, and Brigid ride on him and Diarmuid and they want to go back to Tirnanog and commanded Leif and his Thracian companions to stay and protect Leonster until they arrive with reinforcements. But Ced left to search for his father.

Leif wants to thank his godfather for his support even for his companions and that they met him again. Fiana Freeblades want to thank Eyvel and she appreciates the four left with his horse for Tirnanog, Hikaru decides to the invincibility on his shield to avoid the Imperial Guard from seizing Deirdre, and at last, they managed to reach the Tirnanog where his army awaits. Sigurd and Deirdre had a teary reunion along with Seliph and Julia. Sigurd apologized to Deirdre for his negligence, but Deirdre was the one who apologize to him because she was reckless but the important is they are all safe, Sigurd wants to thank Deirdre for taking care of Hikaru for seven years and Sigurd and Deirdre embrace Hikaru. Deirdre wants to thank him for guiding Hikaru as a leader. Hikaru told them that they had one more thing to do and they enter the base.

When they reach the base and saw the others, he called the others and apologized for the acts that he had done for so long, sometimes he will lose his composure and felt some surge of his anger and insanity flows through him and he wish the forgiveness to everyone. Tailtiu was the one who forgives Hikaru and she said that sometime it will all go loose, and embraced her. To be followed by Lachesis and she told him to not lose his composure and she hate to see him as a monster, same with Silvia, Edain, Ayra, Ethlyn, Lachesis, and Erinys. So the boys do too.

Sigurd introduced Muirne and her brother Deimne, Creidne and her brother Dalvin, Asaello and his sister Daisy, Tristan son of late Eve, and his sister Jeanne, Hermina and brother Hawk, and last Laylea and his brother Charlot whom Hannibal mention to him.

Hikaru thanked his army for their sacrifices for seventeen years and they've been done all for his sake. Hikaru tells them that now is the time to defeat Arvis and Julius and his Loptyrian Army and they agree.

Narrator: And finally, Hikaru was succeeding guide Leif in his quest. But the mission was not over, they are many things that they want to finish, which is to defeat Grannvale Empire and Loptyrian Army. As the journey continues.

-To be continued-


-OC Jugdralian History Part 3(The Great Revolution)

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