OC Jugdralian History Part 3(The Great Revolution)

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In the real world, Hikaru was in the rush to his house from school. A week later since Hikaru woke up after 5 days of journey of Thracia but now he had to finish this.

He went to the room, changed his clothes, and he sits on his bed, and open the book and he fell asleep.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Part 2.

(In addition to blue cape)

It was the year of the Gran 777.

In Tirnanog, Seliph tries to wake up his godfather, Hikaru and he is awake at last, Scáthach and Larcei report to Hikaru that the Empire has finally caught into their base, and brigands from Ganeishire are headed to their base. Hikaru didn't wait for this opportunity to finish this. Hikaru commanded Scáthach, Larcei, Creidne, Dalvin, Lana, Muirne, Julia, and his godson and new right-hand man, Seliph to fight against the Brigands. Most of his army is led by his old friend Sigurd to capture Silesse from the Empire's hands.

In Flashback, in the meeting. Hikaru told Sigurd and his old companions to cross Silesse without crossing the empire border and free Silesse, Agustria, and Verdane from the Grannvale Empire's hands they had no objections and Hikaru told them to stay in the empire to protect the base, and Sigurd told Hikaru that Naga always guides the army and Sigurd accept it to become the leader of the said operation.

Hikaru, Seliph, Julia, Scáthach, Larcei, Creidne, Dalvin, Lana, and Muirne go to the battlefield and fight against the brigands, but not for long. Oifey, Tristan, Diarmuid, Deimne, and Lester went to their aid. And they managed to defeat Harold and seize the Ganeishire and also they finally met Lewyn again.

Hikaru got sick of his running away. Lewyn got apologized to Hikaru, and he left because he watches the Empire's moves. But Hikaru notice that his speech is different and he asked if he was Forseti, then he answered yes. Naga sent Forseti to take control of Lewyn. Hikaru appreciates that and he hopes that he guides him and he left to continue watching them. Lucky before Lewyn left, he gave a communicator to inform him what the empire is up to, and The Crusader Army proceed to the next one.

Hikaru met Lex's nephews Johan and Johalvier. Since Larcei chose Johan, Hikaru cheered Johalvier up and told him that there is more time for that romance and many beautiful women around in Jugdral than Larcei, and Johalvier accepted, luckily Creidne confess her Johalvier since Johalvier visits the base for her, Johalvier was speechless and he also returned that he had feelings for her and they fall in loved and the brothers ended up joining The Crusaders Army along with their troops. The Crusaders Army seized Isaach and Sophara.

And they met Arthur, Fee, Amid, and Hermina, who returns from scouting and they joined their aid and fight against Rivough they defeat Schmidt and his minions, and also Hikaru, Seliph, Johan, and Johalvier fought King Dannan and they defeat him seized Rivough.

Hikaru told Seliph and Julia that the world was in critical condition. Seliph and Julia didn't know about it. Hikaru explains to them, It's been fifteen years since Emperor Arvis united all of the lands as the Grannvale Empire and they had a plan to resurrect the Loptyrian Empire, the children of all the lands of Jugdral have been abducted to sacrifice to resurrect the fell Dark God Loptyr and all attempts to resist the empire are put them to death and enslavement.

Seliph and Julia didn't believe this and they heard the rumors to be true.

Jugdral needs a savior desperately. They need a man to unite behind in the name of liberty. Of course, it was Hikaru himself, being a Vassal of Naga, leader of the Thirteen Crusaders and now the Leader of the Crusaders Army and also Seliph too.

Seliph didn't sure that he was required for that title.

Hikaru told him what Sigurd and Deirdre said to him. And Seliph remembers it, before Sigurd's army left he told him that he and Hikaru are the Saviors of Jugdral and they hope that they will save the Jugdral with his hands and Deirdre told them that the two of them are not alone, they have companions to fight alongside with his allies. Sigurd told Seliph that he had the blood of the Crusader Baldur and Heim, the right-hand man of the Vassal of Naga, and Julia that she had the blood of Crusader Heim and Fjalar due to Arvis and the couple hope that they will be proud of them once they met again.

Seliph and Julia accept his words of being a savior, but Julia told that everyone in The Crusaders Army are the savior. Scáthach, Dalvin, Larcei, Creidne, Muirne, Lana, Lester, Deimne, Diarmuid, Tristan, Oifey, Johan, Johalvier, Arthur, Amid, Fee, Hermina, Sophara, and Isaach troops agree with her.

Hikaru told let's do whatever they got to save the Jugdral and they scream saying, 'All hail the Vassal of Naga! All hail the Saviors of Jugdral! All hail The Crusaders Army!'

Hikaru decided to move their items from Tirnanog to Rivouge. Hikaru received a letter from Sigurd and they said that they managed to seize the Silesse and now they went to Agustria to seize it. The casualties are low, most of them have died and the others were injured. Hikaru informed via letter that the Isaach was seized by the hands of the Grannvale Empire. Johalvier and Johan report to Hikaru that the word of the first victory of The Crusaders Army and the return of the Vassal of Naga was quickly spread far and wide, inspiring courage anew to the Empire's victims and they are many people who revolt against the Grannvale Empire. Hikaru was praised about that the many people who want their help.

The next day, The Crusaders Army will march through the Aed Desert and return to Leonster where Leif, Finn, Nanna, and his Thracian companions(except Saias and Ced) await his arrival.

And they fight the Loptyrian troops with caution and they met Shannan Patty and Daisy, after their scouting. Hikaru evolved his Balmung and give it back to Shannan and the prince thank him, they managed to seize Aed Shrine and now they will continue to Darna where the past events still hold the city. And also Amid and Linda return from their scouting mission and they regroup.

The Crusaders Army continue fending against the enemies and they defeat the boss that guards Darna they seized it and Lewyn(Forseti) told Seliph, Julia, and Hikaru about the Legend of the Miracle of Darna. Lene, Laylea, Ares, Tine, Linda, and Jeanne return to their scouting mission and they strike the Melgen's Army He defeats Ishtore, brother of Ishtar and his lover Liza, they seized Melgen and then they proceed to the Leonster and finally they reunite with Leif, Nanna, Finn, and Thracian Companions and they joined forces in The Crusaders Army and they marched to Alster and they saved many villages.

Hikaru heard that the Alster was taken again by Lord Bloom of Friege and then Hikaru met King Bloom's sister magi squad, Fetra of Wind, Vampa of Fire, and Eliu of Thunder, Hikaru managed to fend them off but when their Triangle Attack, but Hikaru managed to defend himself by his Binding Shield, he managed to defeat the sisters but they retreat. He knew that there was something to their sisters and he want to convince them to join his army. The Crusaders Army continue routing the enemies, saving villages and he met Lord Bloom they managed to defeat him but he retreat to Conote and seized the Alster and they stay in Alster, while Leif and his Thracian Army were back to Leonster.

The next day, Selphina reported to Hikaru that the Friege army was marching to attack both Leonster and Alster. And Hikaru and The Crusaders Army began to fight against Bloom's soldiers and they defeat General Muhammed. Until Julia sensed something evil and she told that Ishtar was here and told them to not fight her. Hikaru told the about Ishtar is the same Ishtar the Goddess of Thunder and Julius' betrothed girl. He told the troop to be more cautious and they agree, Febail carrying Yewfelle and his assistant Asaello, returned to join forces.

Hikaru met the magi sisters for the second time and they fight him again this time, he knock them off without killing them. And he told Galzus, Linoan, and Halvan to keep them alive.

They finally met Bloom again and they finished him and seize Conote Castle. Until Altena came inside to meet his godfather Hikaru and then she finally met his brother Leif and Finn. Hikaru was shocked when he saw her wielding the Gáe Bolg. Altena informed that Sigurd's forces are managed to seize half of Agustria and they continue to seize the other half and more things, Quan told Altena to join Hikaru's force and Hikaru accepted it, and then The Crusaders Army proceeds to Munster, and they now fighting against Wyvern Knights of Thracia.

Ced inform Hikaru that they are many children were held captive in Miletos. And then they had a heating confrontation with his father Lewyn about leaving suddenly in his base and Erinys was crying and she's so worried because of him, but Hikaru was resolved their problems. But they carefully killed the ballisticians.

And they visit Meath for the second time and defeat the boss and seized it, but Hikaru searches the castle for General Hannibal but he's not there. Hikaru told about the Thracian army attack with such intensity to Seliph and Julia. Mareeta and Galzus reunite with their relative Shannan despite being missing for a long time, Hikaru also introduces Shannan to Shannam much disappointed with the heir of Isaach and they managed to get to know each other. Then the Fetra, Vampa, and Eliu woke up and they protested Hikaru to release the sisters at once. Hikaru didn't wish to fight the Magi sisters, which they are confused him, he told that he evaluated the sisters in battle and he said that it was excellent teamwork, coordination, and precision even in the Triangle Attack. He reminds him about Palla, Catria, and Est of Whitewings Sisters. Vampa asked if he mean it.

Hikaru answers that he means it, he told that it was perfect for being a candidate for the soldiers of The Crusaders Army, Hikaru told why don't join The Crusaders Army. The sisters beg for the same thing, and Hikaru agrees to it and the Magi sisters welcome The Crusaders Army.

In the night, Leif wants to bequeath the Tyrfing for Seliph, when Seliph touches it glows then Seliph wants to thank him. And also Leif told that it was Hikaru's Tyrfing. And Leif decides to wield the Sword of Bragi.

The next day, Hikaru discuss the plan along with The Crusaders Army about the Thracian Wyvern Knights, Hikaru told them that the Wyvern Knights are invulnerable against Magics and Bows.

A few minutes later they march to Kapathogia, Charlot came to them and informed them that Coipre had been captured by General Disler, many shocks to his sister Lene and became worried, and fought the Kapathogia soldiers and at last, Hikaru told his allies that he had to go to Luthecia castle along with Salem, Asbel, Carrion, Fergus, Scáthach, Olwen, and Ronan and they went to Luthecia castle and fight the Luthecia soldiers and they defeat General Disler and they seized Luthecia and saved Coipre who had a scouting mission along with The Crusaders Army, Coipre told that his army was dead and he captured him.

Then Hikaru and his allies bring Coipre out of the Castle and bring him to General Hannibal, and he thanks him also Lene was crying because she was so worried about her brother, she hopes that Silvia and Claud will be worried about him again. General Hannibal thanks him and they decide to join The Crusaders Army. But the villagers of the Northwest Thracia were under attack, The Crusaders Army went to that village and help the villagers fight the imperial soldiers.

They now war against Grustia soldiers and fight Bishop Judah of the Loptyrian Sect and they defeat him and seized Grustia.

And they went to Thracia to see Travant. Hikaru was surprised that he survived after he beat him many years ago. Travant finally got what he want, to avenge his shame seventeen years ago, and then Hikaru, Seliph, Leif, Ares, and Julia finishes Travant and seized Thracia. Julia told that she will be separated from them somehow.

Hikaru apologizes to Hannibal for his military aggression in his homeland, but Hannibal told him that he save his nephew Coipre.

Arion came to Hikaru along with his remaining wyvern knight corps. Arion told that realized that his father was gone too far as a servant to Emperor Arvis. And he wants to correct his mistakes, and he asked him to join The Crusaders Army along with his troops. Hikaru notices the Holy Weapon Gugnir in his hands. Hikaru accepted his words and he told that if he fight and die in The Crusaders Army's hands, The Crusader Dainn bloodline will be erased in history and there will be no meaning for The Crusaders Army to fight in honor of the Thirteen Crusaders.

Arion asked to evolve the Gugnir and then Hikaru evolved it and return it normally, and that make ten out of twelve holy weapons that he evolved. And they hoped that they will help each other in the future days along with Lord Leif, who he wants to unify Thracia.

The next day, while they are marching to Miletos District, he receives a letter from Sigurd, he told that he managed to liberate Agustria and now they will set Verdane free. Hikaru summon his Valkyrie Staff and give it to Coirpre and it recognized that he had the holy blood of Bragi also Hikaru summon his Helswath and give it to Johalvier and It glows but a little because she had minor holy blood of Nál.

They were stationed in Peruluke, but Hikaru heard a voice until he and Seliph met Manfroy with Julia in his hands. Manfroy introduces himself to Seliph, and he's the one who brings misfortune to his godfather he was had enough of his games and entertainment and they hope that they will meet them again and they vanished along with Julia.

Hikaru had no choice but to continue, and he told that there is more time for that. The Crusaders Army march to Chronos and they fight the Imperial Forces and saved the villages and children. Hikaru, Leif, Seliph, and Ares fight Hilda, and they defeat but she retreats. Finally, they seize Chronos. But Lewyn told that the children move out to Miletos and he suggests to take Rados first, then it will open the gate to Miletos.

The Crusaders Army continue marching to Miletos and fight against the Loptyrian Sect and mages and Hikaru, Seliph, Leif, Ares, Arion, Altena fought Morigan, a Loptyrian bishop and he defeat him and seize Rados and the gate was open.

Once they have entered the gate, Saias came onto Hikaru and he decided to The Crusaders Army one more time he accepted it and then they continue fighting against Loptyrian mages, mercenaries, and imperial forces. Until Hikaru met Julius for the first time and his betrothed Ishtar, Julius decided to wait for him in Belhalla for one on one showdown between the Vassal of Naga, and the Scion of Light, and the Vassal of Loptyr, the Scion of Darkness, and they left.

Once they reach Miletos, they fight Zaggam and defeat him, and seized the Miletos but the children were gone and it seems they take to Grannvale and Lewyn told that the bridge that channels to Chalphy.

The bridge was drawn and they advance to Chalphy and fight the remaining Imperial Forces and save the children.

Hikaru met Emperor Arvis again, Arvis told that he didn't wait for this chance to continue what they start seventeen years ago and Hikaru is ready and he told that he hopes that no one will interrupt the fight, and the fight between the Vassal of Naga and the Emperor of Grannvale Empire commence.

Finally, Sigurd's forces arrive and they watch the fight, and Hikaru decided to use the Rage of Naga against Arvis, after an hour and half minutes of the fight.

Until Hikaru felt something unusual again. Looks like he's filled with anger and insanity until it burst the Rage of Insanity was used and again they were terrified that their leader is gone berserk again and he can continue the fight.

Until the Crusaders Army felt something light in his hands and the light told that aimed to Hikaru and then a ray of light shoots at Hikaru and his insanity was gone. And they were happy to see Hikaru returned to his senses.

Hikaru was victorious and he said to Arvis 'Game over Arvis, I win.'

Arvis dying words, 'Hikaru, you won fair and square, I'm glad that our battle is quite an honor and amazing despite your situation. Your future is in your hands, you must defeat Julius. To stop this massive war. I will put the rest onto you.'

Hikaru got terrified of those words, and Sigurd and Deirdre comforted him.

And Saias was about to pick the Valflame tome and he can use it because he had the blood of the Crusader Fjalar, however, he passed it to Arthur.

But Hikaru suffered multiple injuries, but The Crusaders Army give applause for his ability, and they managed to heal Hikaru. Also, Erinys had an emotional reunion with Lewyn, and Hikaru taught Lewyn a lesson, Erinys wants to thank Hikaru for returning Lewyn to them.

Finally, they seized Chalphy. The people of Chalphy celebrated the return of The Crusaders Army and Seliph, Sigurd, and Deirdre, and the people wants to meet the Vassal of Naga in person, he met them all. Hikaru told about what happened to Julia and Deirdre was silent and in her heart, she was angry when she heard the name Manfroy. Sigurd and Seliph saw Deirdre was silent for the first time. Hikaru assured her that he will save Julia at all times. Sigurd told that they manage to reclaim Verdane and Jungby. In the night Lewyn told Hikaru and Seliph about Julius that he is the descendant of the Loptyr Clan and that he wants to restore his dark empire. And also the legend of bishop Galle and the Miracle of Darna once again.

Sigurd and Hikaru and Deirdre had a private talk about what he and Deirdre had done while they are on the Island of Jonah. Hikaru got felt bad about this. He want to apologize to him but Sigurd told him that it was okay, she did this to him because she want comfort in him. Sigurd was not mad at all about their infidelity and was lucky they'd done it just once. Sigurd was elated after his sufferings are gone now.

Three days later, The Crusaders Army face the final battle, The Final Holy War. Hikaru wields his Crimson Blade and his Binding Shield, Seliph wields the real Tyrfing, Ares wields the real Mystletainn, and Johan wields the real Helswath from Lex, Febail wields Yewfelle, Arthur wields Valflame, Arion wields Gugnir, Ced wields Forseti, and Coipre wield the real Valkyrie Staff. Leif and Altena wield the Sword of Bragi and Gáe Bolg, and Shannan wields Balmung, all of these persons are on the side of Hikaru.

The Crusaders Army had the Agustrian Forces, Silessian Forces, Thracian Forces, and Isaachian Forces.

Hikaru told his army, 'Saviors! It is time, to defeat Prince Julius and his army and bring the bloody war will to an end! Well then, will defend Jugdral?!'

Replied to The Crusaders Army, 'We will defend the land of Jugdral.'

Then they marched outside the Chalphy to Edda.

The Crusaders Army fought against Mercenaries, Imperial Forces, and Loptyrian soldiers at Edda and they defeat Yupheel, the Loptyrian Sect member, and seized Edda, Claud was happy that the Edda but this far from over.

The Crusaders Army now went to Dozel and face Dozel's Army and defeat the boss in Dozel and seize it. Seliph wonder about Dozel Army
Hikaru told about Dozel was aggressive now and it is because Lord Langbalt and Lewyn continue the story of the Legend of 12 Crusaders also the legend of the Vassal of Naga, after performing a blood pact to the 12 chosen warriors Naga decide to find a body who is compatible for her and she found a person who is a man and fused her body to that man to fight and fight Galle and he was killed and she banishes along with its vassal.

The troops are marching to Friege and continue fighting against its forces Hikaru, Arthur, Tine, Tailtiu, and Azelle fight Hilda again and they defeat her, but Baran was on the line, Seliph manages to kill him and Hikaru seized Friege and he met Felipe, former Emperor Arvis' attendant. He told him that he had secret orders from Arvis to safeguard all of the abducted children from his son. In other words, the children are alright and they are here in the monastery Princess Ishtar secretly came to their aid, none of the soldiers came from the monastery for fear of Ishtar's retribution. Much shock to Hikaru, Seliph, and Tailtiu, Hikaru asked why did she do that, Felipe told that Ishtar was a very caring individual and she took the interest in the children's welfare. Hikaru wants Felipe to accept his gratitude.

Two territories remain in the hands of the empire, Velthomer, and Belhalla.

Hikaru decided to take the Velthomer and they open the gate and they marched together in Velthomer and fight the Belhalla Army, Hikaru met Maybell, Bleg, and Meng who fight alongside Ishtar and are the descendant of Crusader Ced, and the Magi Sisters fought against the Trio. Hikaru met Ishtar the goddess of thunder for the first time, she challenges Hikaru in one on one fight and he accepts it using the Holy Weapon Mjolnir after a long fight Hikaru knock her off, and he told his army to tie her. Hikaru pick the Mjolnir and he evolves it and he told Tine that she wants to use the Holy Tome the Mjolnir responds to its wielder and they continue to fight against Belhalla Army but Hikaru, Sigurd, Deirdre, and Seliph, met Julia but she suddenly attacks them Seliph want to shake her off, but Lewyn told if he killed Manfroy, the spell will be released. Hikaru realized that the Manfroy spell was the same spell to cast Deirdre to control her 19 years ago.

Coipre heard Bragi's voice and she told him to stab the staff on the ground Coipre stab it until a light magic circle surrounded Julia and causing her pain and until she was freed by Manfroy's control Sigurd and Deirdre caught her in their arms.

Claud didn't believe that Valkyrie Staff was not just used to resurrect the dead but the cleanse the evil inside of the individual, thanks to Hikaru for evolving the Holy Staff of Bragi.

Julia gained consciousness and Deirdre was emotionally to see her daughter alive and Sigurd relieved. The Crusaders Army now fighting against the Loptyrian Mages and at last, Sigurd, Deirdre, Seliph, Julia, and Hikaru met Manfroy, Sigurd told Manfroy to pay for what he had done to Deirdre, they will fight Manfroy but Deirdre told Sigurd to she will fight him instead, Sigurd want to stop her but Deirdre's voice become bitter and hatred and revenge told him that she was not in her mood. Much shock to The Crusader's Army. Hikaru notices Deirdre's eyes that she was seriously intended to kill Manfroy, she wants revenge. Hikaru accepted it, then she step up and the battle between the Deirdre and Manfroy commence.

Deirdre began using smoke magic, to cover up. The Crusaders Army didn't see the fight. Until Deirdre step out of the smoke and she told them that it was over now. They were confused about what she said when the smoke was cleared. Manfroy is tied in an energy chain that connects to the ground and also many lights sword pointing at him. The chained restraint from his movements. Much shock to the whole army, Manfroy demand to let him go.

Deirdre explained to everyone that she cast a Judgment of Light. She cast smoke magic to cover up and he cast the Judgment of Light when he was closer to her. Deirdre trained that magic for a long year since she was on the remote island of Jonah before she master it.

Manfroy demands her to let him go, but one of the swords hit on his palm then followed by his legs, arms, and even his fingers. The Crusaders Army was horrified to the former Empress of Grannvale would do such a gruesome act like this.

'Manfroy, you can't make it out alive. My Judgment of Light will judge you according to your acts. You will suffer for eternity here in the depths of darkness. Corrupt, Brutal, Greed and so be it, a rogue priest like you deserve to die(A/N: Yu-yu Hakusho Episode 84, Deirdre imitates Kurama's style and tone of voice when he's angry at Elder Toguro in the last scene of the episode).' Deirdre's words with a voice of hatred, anger, and cold-hearted like this...

(Ignore the quote)

As the light sword stabs all over Manfroy's body and it burst with blood that stains Deirdre.

The Crusaders Army was shivering in fear that Deirdre finishing Manfroy in a gruesome way. Sigurd, Julia, and Seliph saw her eyes it was in a killing intent full of hatred, and anger.

Lewyn explained to them about her. Revenge that why she fight Manfroy and killed him on her hands to avenge Hikaru. Deirdre cared for Hikaru a years. Sigurd asked Lewyn about this. Lewyn back at seventeen years ago. He heard a voice coming from Deirdre's bracelet of Naga, and he realizes that the real Deirdre was inside her bracelet crying, 'HIKARU, YOU HAVE TO ESCAPE NOW! MANFROY WILL CAST THE LOPTYR SPELL TO YOU, PLEASE! WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME! PLEASE, I BEG ON YOU TO LEAVE IN BELHALLA PLEASE!'

At that time the Edge of Insanity came, and she yelled, 'HIKARU! SNAP OUT OF IT! PLEASE STOP THIS MADNESS AT ONCE! I'M BEGGING ON YOU!'

Deirdre was in her tears when Hikaru died, Deirdre want to cry because she was powerless to save him.

Back to the present. Deirdre told Hikaru that she finally avenged his death. Seliph and Julia approach Deirdre and told her that they were scared. Deirdre apologizes to them, Sigurd, and the rest of the army.

Sigurd understands her, Deirdre hug Hikaru and Sigurd notice Deirdre that she loved Hikaru like a mother loving his son.

They seize Velthomer and they went to the Treasury Hall, Felipe told that it needs the circlet to open the hall until Deirdre gets her circlet by Julia and inserts the circlet and she opens it and then Deirdre gets tho last Holy Weapon, the Book of Naga, Deirdre wants to use it but the pass it to Julia. Julia asked her why did Deirdre give it to Julia because Deirdre wants to use it to end this war Deirdre told her that she will be proud of her mother and Hikaru decided to evolve it and return it to Julia. Sigurd reminds him of something and he told Hikaru that he wants him to summon all of the Holy Weapons and he did summon all of the holy weapons.

The Crusaders Army decided to march on the last frontier, the Belhalla. The Crusaders Army fights the 12 Demon General and Sigurd told Hikaru to go and they will take care of the rest of them Hikaru runs to the Castle and met Julius. And Naga fused himself to Hikaru.

Julius didn't wait a long time to fight the Vassal of Naga using his Loptyr tome and he can convert Loptyr spells into weapons just like Arvis's Valflame. And the battle between the Scion of Light and Scion of Darkness commence, the battle was pretty intense and they force themselves out of Belhalla and fight more intensely, ground shaking and explosives fights, and The Crusaders Army forced them to get out to their battlefield.

One hour later, Hikaru(Naga) successfully delivers a critical blow and he finishes him with all of his Holy Weapon along with the ghost of 12 Crusaders, and then Julius died but Loptyr is roaming.

Lewyn told that the war is not over, Loptyr was finally resurrected on its own. Until the Holy Weapons including the Crimson Blade and Binding Shield began to resonate and spin around. They are confused about what is happening.

Lewyn told Hikaru and Seliph about the Legend when the Holy Weapons of Jugdral come together the Loptyrian Palace will rise from the ground.

The Loptyrian Palace is said to be the palace where the Loptyrian Empire was firstly established in old age.

Until they began to release a light ray that points to the center. And a palace appeared at the center of Grannvale.

Hikaru(Naga) and his army decided to go to the palace to finish Loptyr once and for all. Ishtar woke up and she went to Hikaru, Hikaru told her that her sufferings are over now and Ishtar wants to apologize to all of The Crusaders Army, She begs Hikaru to execute him as her punishment. Hikaru didn't allow them to execute her, he told him why don't begin to join The Crusaders Army for the future years so she can atone for her sins from the past, then Ishtar accepts it.

They grabbed the Holy Weapons from the respected owners and went to the palace and fight Loptyr and the remaining Loptyr Sect.

Loptyr is now stronger and he overwhelmed the Crusaders Army. Until Hikaru's Crimson Blade and Binding Shield glow and the Book of Naga's power transfers to Hikaru.

Much shocked everyone. Julia realizes that they must entrust the power of the Holy Weapons to Hikaru(Naga). So the Crusader's heir decided to pass on their powers to Hikaru until Hikaru(Naga) is revitalized by the Crusaders' Power. Hikaru fights Loptyr until Hikaru is overwhelmed by the Dark Dragon. Hikaru used Sacred Light Force Slash to end this and then Loptyr was defeated and the palace collapsed and The Crusaders Army managed to escape.

But Hikaru(Naga) suffered fewer injuries and The Crusaders Army cheered for the victory.

Hikaru announced to his army that the war is over and they finally achieved peace and freedom after seventeen years of war, The Crusaders Army want to rebuild the new world and The Crusaders Army praised themselves saying, 'All hail the Vassal of Naga! All hail the Saviors of Jugdral! All hail The Crusaders Army!'

And then Lewyn told that the crusaders' heirs will be returning home to assume their rightful thrones.

The old ones like Sigurd, Quan, Eldigan, Lex, Edain, Brigid and the other royal ones are decided to entrust the future of the Jugdral to their children.

Hikaru told Seliph to stay in Belhalla for duty as the King of Grannvale and he asked Lana for their marriage and she accepted it, and Julia became the Princess of Grannvale.

Leif, Nanna, Finn, Altena, and Hannibal decided to return to Leonster along with his Thracian Companions and Thracian Army, Leif want to take the throne as a new king of unified Thracia.

Arion decided to become a leader of the Thracian Rangers.

Quan and Ethlyn decided to go to Alster to settle there and they give up their royal title.

Shannan decided to return to Isaach along with his army for the throne and he told Johalvier and Creidne to become the leaders of Isaachian Rangers Scáthach became the Shannan's assistant and Shannan married Patty.

Ayra and Chulainn decided to settle in Sophara.

Ares decided to return to Nordion along with his army for the throne as King of Agustria, and he decided to marry Lene and Lene agreed, and also he appointed Diarmuid as King's advisor and a leader of Agustrian Rangers.

Jamke decided to return to his homeland Verdane to take his father's throne as King of Verdane and marry a pegasus knight.

Eldigan and Grahnye decided to settle in Anphony and Eldigan give up on his royal title.

Lachesis and Beowulf decided to reside in Silvail.

Ced decided to return to Silesse and his army to take the throne as King and he wants to marry Linda she accepted it and he appointed Amid as leader of Silessian Rangers.

Lewyn decided to take Erinys on Sailane to settle in there.

Sigurd and Deirdre told Seliph, Julia, and Hikaru that they decided to live in Spirit Forest, they decided to build a house in the forest to settle there.

Alec, Naoise, and Arden decided to retire from their knighthood.

Midir and Edain decided to live in Evans at Verdane.

Dew and Brigid decided to settle in the village somewhere in Grannvale.

Azelle and Tailtiu decided to settle in a village somewhere in Grannvale too.

Lex decided to give up his royal title and live as a simple citizen.

Silvia and Claude decided to travel around Jugdral.

Johan takes Dozel to become a new lord of Dozel and he married Larcei and Johalvier congratulated him.

Tine wants to take the Friege as new lord.

Ishtar decided to become the leader of Grannvalean Ranger along with Eliu, Vampa, and Fetra to atone for her sins.

Febail decided to take Jungby as a new lord and he appointed Lester as his assistant.

Oifey decided to take Chalphy as the new lord.

Coipre decided to take Edda as the new lord.

Arthur decided to take the Velthomer as the new lord and he asked Fee to marry her and she accepted it.

And Finally, Hikaru decided to stay in Belhalla for aiding lord Seliph. The Crusaders Army was called Hikaru Saint Knight of Jugdral.

Even though it was emotional to go in their separate ways but they have to and then they bid their goodbyes to each other and they go to their separate ways after they promised Hikaru that they will meet him again. Leaving Hikaru, Seliph, Lana, and Julia in Belhalla.

Hikaru told Seliph that he want to leave in one day. Seliph, Julia, and Lana were sad that the words that he said in his army were a lie much emotional to Seliph. Hikaru encourages Seliph and Hikaru believe that he can do it without his godfather. Seliph promises to restore the Grannvale to make his godfather proud of him even Lana, and Julia too.

One day later, Hikaru bid goodbye to Seliph, Julia, and Lana, and the trio bid goodbye to him Hikaru told one more thing to apologize to his friends that he will never fulfill their promise to meet him again, but he told him to tell it when the time comes and he vanishes in a fashion way in front of Seliph, Julia, and Lana.

Seliph hopes that he won't disappoint his godfather if he failed and he will keep his memories within their hearts even for Lana and Julia and they will never forget him.

In the spirit world, Naga thanks him once again and they hope that they will see each other again. Hikaru apologized to Naga for the infidelity. Naga told him that she do it because for the sake of his mental and emotional health and she bid goodbye to him and they hope that they will be meet again someday.

Hikaru woke up back in the real world and he rose from the bed he was happy after the journey in Jugdral and now he had to do something in his world.

Months later Hikaru graduates middle school and now he's a high school student in the future his family congratulates them and his journey as a high school student will begin.

-End of OC Jugdralian History-


-OC Elibean History Part 1(The Blazing Sword)-

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