Prologue: Right From the Very Beginning

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In beautiful sunrise of the residential area, somewhere in Tokyo. In this beautiful house.

A boy is sleeping in his comfortable bed, was none other than Hikaru Sugiura.

Until the alarm clock rang and he woke up and stretch his arms.

"Mmmnggghh!" He groaned and he get the alarm clock and turn it off and he saw the clock, it was 5:30 A.M.

He gets out of the bed, brushes his teeth, takes a bath in his bathroom, dresses in his school uniform, and gets his backpack he keeps the Fire Emblem books that he all read on the shelf and he left in the room and went downstairs and he saw his adopted sister Akira who is cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning Kaa-san." He greeted.

"Good Morning Hi-chan." Sofy greeted him.

And he sits on the chair and took a deep breath.

'This is yet a quite tough situation. Even I traveled to different worlds for wars. But I have to finish my studies.' Hikaru thought.

Then his other sisters came downstairs, wearing their school uniforms.

"Good Morning Elen nee-chan, Mila nee-chan, Sofy nee-chan, Sasha nee-chan, Liza nee-chan, Olga nee-chan, Tina nee-chan, Lim nee-chan, Regin nee-chan." He greeted.

"Good morning Hikaru-kun, Sofy nee-chan." The sisters greeted with a smile.

And Hikaru just smiles back at them.

"And the breakfast ready." Sofy places the food on the table.

"I will help you Sofy nee-chan." Hikaru stood up from the chair and helped Sofy.

"Me too." Regin also went to the two and help place their breakfast on the table and the rest of the sisters.

40 minutes later. Sugiura's siblings went to their school, Takagi High School. Where all his sisters are popular even the boys are crazy for them as they are beautiful as for him...

They glare at Hikaru but he ignores it with the help of his sister Sofy as she put her hand on his shoulder also the girls are jealous.

"Don't worry about them, Hikaru-kun," Mila whispered.

"Just Ignore them okay," Tina whispered.

"We will be here for you," Liza whispered.

'Oh great, I'm not a little kid anymore. Back when I was fifteen years old, I was bullied for 2 years straight, but I was in Adventure in Archanea, I overcome those odds and make me strong since then thanks to my friends.' Hikaru thought about it before his adventure in Archanea 'Who knows. I will enjoy it.'

He smiled and confidently walk along with his sisters inside the school. In a locker room to change footwear.

And they went to their classroom.

Both of the siblings are second-year high school students.

Hikaru, Elen, Tina, and Sofy are in 2-A.

Meanwhile, Mila, Liza, Olga, Sasha, Lim, and Regin are in 2-B.

Then the class begins

Many hours later it's lunch break time. The teacher dismissed them and was in the cafeteria where all the siblings are at one table, eating their lunch.

"Say Hikaru-kun, do you have work in a coffee shop?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, I have to work because our money is short now you know," Hikaru said, and yet after he traveled to Fódlan, he decided to have a part-time job at the coffee shop.

"Yes you're right, but you are still young to have work," Tina said.

"I know you can do it, Hikaru-kun." Olga holding his hand.

"Thank you, Olga-nee chan, and also for you sisters, thank you for your encouragement," Hikaru said with a smile.

"We will support you," Lim said.

And he nodded to the sisters. But he felt something wrong with him, he tilts his head down and his face turns sad.

'I remember back then, in Archanea...'Hikaru, stand up and be brave against your enemies and we will support you in this time, just like you supporting me in war.' This is the word that Marth inspires me to become a brave person in this dire time. And I will keep it that word as long I live here. But I missed my old companions now, I want to go back to visit them. But we are in a different now, I have no choice but to keep these memories. Thank you, my friends.'

Then he smiled and he was really happy and inspired to give the courage to stand up for himself.

"Hikaru-kun why are you smiling? Is this something wrong?" Lim asked and he was snapped and he look at the sisters worrying.

"Oh sorry sis, I was in a memory lane. Believe me." Hikaru said with a smile.

"Okay, just tell us if you have a problem, Hikaru, we're here for you." Sofy held his hand causing the boys to glare at him in jealousy, and the girls felt jealous too.

Hikaru just chuckled and embarrassingly scratch his head.

They continue eating until the bell rings for the next period of class.

After School, Hikaru left the school to go to the coffee and tea shop and help his boss and his employees.

An old man with a white beard and bald hair helped Hikaru with his task of delivering coffee to the customers.

"Hikaru get the espresso to that man beside you." The old man called.

"Okay," Hikaru said and he bring the coffee to the customer, and he was pleased when he tasted the coffee.

After his work, 5:00 P.M, the old man paid 1500 Yen for his hardworking performance and bid goodbye to his boss, and return to his home.

"Tadaimasu." Hikaru greeted.

"Okaerinasai." His mother and sisters greeted him.

A few hours later, The sibling began to eat their dinner.

"So you've earned 1500 Yen right?" Akira asked.

"Yeah, not bad at all." Hikaru replied after swallowing chewed food, "I have to earn more for our home resources."

Then Hikaru continues eating and a few minutes later they were done Hikaru washed all the dishes, while his sisters take a bath. After he washed the dishes

Until he heard the news...

"Attention! We interrupt this broadcast for breaking news, a mass murder case explodes in major cities in Tokyo. There are reports that the victims died of slash wounds, gunshot wounds, and several injuries. The police investigation is still ongoing yet and advises the people to be more careful and keep safe." After he heard it, Hikaru felt a familiar presence somewhere in the house.

"Wait, that presence..." Hikaru shut down the tv and search for a strong presence somewhere inside his house...until he was present in his bedroom.

"In my bedroom?" And Hikaru enters his bedroom and locks it.

"Hello, anyone in there?" Hikaru asked nowhere.

Until green light appears in front of him and it shines brightly, covering his eyes when the light died until a figure appeared and Hikaru returns his sight until he was a shock

It was Naga...

"Gods! Naga is that you?!" Hikaru said disbelief voiced.

"Of course, it is, Hikaru." Naga said with a smile, "How was your day, Hikaru?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Hikaru answered, "But I'm feeling missing about something, Naga. I miss my old companions on every continent, it feels sad you know."

"Your old companions miss you too," Naga said and Hikaru was in disbelief at her words, "They want you to visit their place."

"Really?! Wow! Anyway, Naga, What brings you here in my world?" Hikaru wants to know the intentions of the Ruler of The Dragons coming into his world.

"As you can see. There are many incidents that killings in major cities in Tokyo. There are no manmade killings. Also, they have magic." Naga said with a stern voice.

"No way." Hikaru was shocked, "Is there anything that we can do to stop them?"

"Yes, it is. From this day your adventure will begin. I will bestow you a new weapon." White wavy energy gathers around to form a ball and a small burst of energy reveals a gun.

(Not that black, white one.)

And Hikaru grabs it.

"This is Breidablik," Naga said.

"Breidablik?" Hikaru wonders.

"Breidablik is a handgun that can summon the heroes into the battle, also it comes from the Heroes Card. And also it can fire an energy blast directly to your enemies." The Heroes cards appeared between Hikaru and Naga.

"This card contains your friends that you travel with, they have different colors according to where they came from Red for Archanea and Valentia, Yellow for Jugdral, Violet for Elibe and Magvel, Green for Tellius, Blue for Ylisse, Black for Nohr, White for Hoshido, and Brown for Fódlan," Naga said as the card began to multiply from one and another.

Hikaru heard the voice of his old allies calling on his name. Hikaru was overjoyed and mix with tears.

"No way," Hikaru muttered.

As the voices go, it forms into his 11 attachable deck boxes in a belt, from left to right 2 red, 2 yellow, 3 violets, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 black and white, and 1 brown.

"Wow! That means I can summon my old companions here in this world?!" Hikaru asked Naga having hope for the answers.

"Yes. Your companion misses you so much and in your battles or for your fun, but be careful how to use it." Naga said.

"Okay, I will give it a try. May I?" Hikaru wants to try and Naga agreed.

And he picks the first red deck box containing the cards from Archanea.
and Take a browse of the cards.

"Wow!" He search every card until he found something that he would like. The card that he picked was...

"Nyna. I remember Nyna that she was heartbroken due to his loveless marriage with Hardin and she can't find Camus who is Zeke now in Valentia he's with Tatiana now. I hope that she is okay." Hikaru said.

"You can summon it. Hikaru. First, you must insert the cards on the Breidablik on the slot above the barrel, and shoot it." Naga instructed him.

Here it is, Hikaru insert the card and on his gun and he heard a stand-by loop sound.

"That's a stand-by loop. Here it goes." Then Hikaru fires it. He's lucky because the sound of gunfire is a 'pew' sound which his family is not to be alarmed about.

A ball of red energy unleashed on it stops at a short distance and it glows brighter not sensitive to his eyes until he saw a woman in an elaborate dress revealing Nyna.

And Nyna was confused about where she was.

"Where am I?" Nina wondered.

"In my world Nyna," Hikaru replied.

'That voice. No way! It can't be...' Nyna was surprised about that voice where I came from and when she turned around slowly and he saw Hikaru and Naga on his side.

"Hello Nyna it's been a long time." Hikaru just smiled at his old companion.

Then Nyna was about to cry as she gasped, no...tears of joy that she brings to see his old friend no a special friend.

"Hikaru!" Nyna ran into Hikaru and hug him and Hikaru embrace her back.

"Nyna you've been surprised don't you?" Hikaru asked.

"I miss you so much, Hikaru. You've grown so much." Nyna replied and she noticed that he has grown up.

"I miss you too my old friend," Hikaru said and they let go and Nyna was surprised to see Naga again.

"Naga!" Nyna was surprised and she kneeled in front of her, "It's an honor to see you again but what are you doing here in Hikaru's world?"

"As you can see. Hikaru will face a new enemy here in this world. That's why I'm here in this world to guide him and watch over him." Naga replied to the former queen of Archanea and she turn to Hikaru, "Hikaru by the way, you can return the heroes into cards by saying 'Return'. Do you have the Crimson Blade and the Binding Shield that I gave you?"

And he summons his Crimson Blade and the Binding Shield into thin air.

"I got it, Naga," Hikaru said.

Until Nyna is engulfed in a white aura until is gone in a moment. Hikaru notices it too.

"What is this?" Nyna wonders.

"Through the power of his Breidablik, the heroes that you summon for the first time grant the knowledge of this modern world," Naga said.

"Wait so that means, my old friends knew everything in this world when I summon here?" Hikaru was elated.

"Of course, Hikaru why don't you summon it to gain more experience with your old companions yours. They wish to discover many things in your world. But you know what to do." Naga assured.

"Yes, Naga," Hikaru said.

Then Nyna notice a gold light on her arm and it revealed a gold cuff bracelet with a red gem intact above and a white light engulf Nyna when the light died, Nyna is now wearing modern world casual clothing. Blue shirt, blue skirt, and white shoes.

"What is this?" Nyna exclaimed about what happened in her clothes.

"Hikaru, that gold cuff bracelet that Nyna wore had the power to change forms, the civilian form and hero form. Nyna is now in civilian form."

"I see, so they need a gold cuff bracelet to maintain the civilian form," Hikaru told.

"Exactly," Naga said.

"Wow, so this is what the women wear modern clothes. It is so comfortable and it feels light." Nyna commented.

Until someone knocked on the door and they notice, Hikaru feared that might be his secret had gone blown.

"Hikaru. Hikaru. Are you here? Who are you talking to?" It sounds like

"Can I?" Hikaru asked Naga and she agreed Nyna was confused and he unlock the door and open it and Akira and his sisters wearing their sleep ware.

"Naga!" The Hikaru's adopted mother and sisters were surprised by Naga.

"And who is that girl?" Sofy points at Nyna as she stands up.

"Her name is Nyna, she is the former princess of Archanea." Hikaru introduced her.

"It was an honor to meet you princess Nyna. Hikaru told me about you I'm sorry about your experience." Akira said.

"And now I will no longer in here. Hikaru your journey begins here. I hope you are ready and goodbye and it's nice to see you Hikaru's family." Then Naga disappear.

After that, they introduced them to Nyna and she found Hikaru had a family and they are girls and she was so happy.

"It's nice to meet you all. I heard about Hikaru's traumatic experience when he was a young boy." Nyna said.

"Yeah, I decided to take care of him after he almost died in an accident and love him like a son and a member of the family." Akira said, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes." Nyna said.

"Come on, I will prepare a dinner for you," Akira said and Sugiura's siblings and Nyna went to the kitchen.

And So Hikaru accepts Naga's mission to protect the world from the enemies. And Hikaru's adventure begins.


-To be continued-

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