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The calls of motherhood.

It was supposed to be a joyful time when a Queen births a child, the tourney going on outside being an indication of that. But the way her screams ripped through the halls of the castle and into my ears. As a woman meant to marry, it terrified me to my very core. Yes, I wanted children and I knew that it was my duty as a woman, but to know the pain and fear that she must be in made me want to run for my life.

“My Queen, the Lady Anne Hightower, as you requested,” I curtsied before her, not wishing to look into her eyes and see unbearable pain as she grunted.

“Anne, come here, please,” As calm a voice as ever, even in such circumstances, beckoned me to her bedside and she patted the bed to which I should sit.

“No, My Queen, I-”

“Please do not argue with me while I am in labour,” I said nothing more and sat down, finally looking at her. She was tired, and sweat coated her face and body as she worked to get this babe out.

“You wanted to see me?” I questioned and she grabbed my hand with a loving grin upon her face.

“My dearest Anne, you have been like a daughter to me ever since I knew your mother. She was gracious and kind, and I do hope that you are healing after her tragedy. I have only one thing to ask of you,” I adored Aemma. She is kind and loving, and even when my mother passed, she sent letters to check on my family and I as we worked through our grief.

“Anything, Aemma,” I nodded, and her face had a grim look upon it as she shooed away the staff that was attending to her.

“Do not marry Jason Lannister.”

My smile dropped.


I wasn’t sure I heard her correctly. 

“I see how you are when people ask about the engagement. You are unhappy and no woman should be miserable when talking about getting married.”

“But my father-”

“Forget your father. Because at the end of the day, I am Queen and he is my subject,” It was true. Even though as Queen she had hardly any say, she could still command her subjects.

“My family will be ruined if I do not marry him,” I wanted to throw that damn ugly ring but if I ruined us, I would never forgive myself.

“Marry Daemon. I know what occurred between the two of you and the way he looks at you-”

“He already has a wife. I. . .I told him that we cannot be, for he has already claimed that he would marry me,” I admitted and she doubled over in pain, breathing in and out quickly as she squeezed my hand.

“He doesn't love Lady Rhea, and she has proven that their match is not good. I can convince Viserys to set aside Daemon's marriage, as Lady Rhea has not given him an heir. You are both passionate people who will surely have many children, and this argument will convince-” She groaned yet again, trying to calm her aches and pain.

“Call them back in, you must not be left unattended,” I pleaded.

“N–not yet. Not until you promise me that you will renounce your engagement to Jason Lannister and allow yourself some happiness,” She was truly a great woman and an even better Queen, and because I knew she would have my back, I agreed.

“Yes. I will renounce the engagement and marry Daemon. Please come back in! She is in pain!” I called out to them and her staff quickly ushered themselves back in, attending to her and wiping the sweat from her face with a damp cloth.

“You may go, and get rid of that ugly ring while you’re at it,” She whispered to me and I nodded with a small smile before curtsying and exiting the room. 

I have wanted this since I was young. I wanted to be the wife of Daemon Targeryan, and I wanted to bear his children. So why was I so nervous?


That’s why.

My fathers voice shook me from my thoughts as he approached me and I backed away. He noticed my panic and stopped himself in his steps.

“What did Queen Aemma want?” He asked, his hands behind his back as my hands played with the ring.

“She. . .She wants me to end my engagement to Jason Lannster,” I admitted, the gold ring on my finger feeling more and more tainted by the second.

“What?” His voice was angry.

“She wants me to marry Daemon since he is the one who-”

“No! This is what I forbade!” His loud voice barked at me and I flinched, feeling so small in his presence.

“She is your Queen. What she says will happen, and his marriage to Lady Rhea Royce will be dismissed,” But I talked back. I didn’t want Jason and if I had Aemma to back me, then I could know my worth.

That I wasn't wrong in wanting a happy life.

"He is the Prince. Why are you so against such a match?" I asked, genuinely curious as to why a father would not want his daughter to marry a Prince.

To be set for life.

"He only wants you to get at me. You know he has despised me for years," He hissed, pointing at me like I was a child in need of scolding.

"He loves me!"

"And you are a fool for believing that," But before he could insult me further, a guard rushed from the room and her screams were even more pain filled and urgent.

"What's wrong?!" I shouted, stopping the guard in his tracks.

"We need King Viserys. Something is wrong."

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