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Rhaenyra Targeryan as heir, Alicent Hightower as Queen, and me as a free Lady with her title to do as she sees fit so that her trapped sister can live through her.

It all felt like a blurr, and suddenly, Aegon was here.

"Anne?" The voice of Rhaenyra snapped me from my daze as I sat beside my pregnant sister. It seemed like two years had passed by so quickly, and I was in the Queens inner circle.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Just a bit tired, is all," I lied as Rhaenyra continued to stare at me, and the ladies exchanged looks amongst themselves.

"Lady Anne has been helping me with Aegon. He is a fussy one," My sister excused, and they immediately replied with bullshit answers as if she could not see them judging me. Probably thinking I was tired because I spent my nights in pleasure houses, or being used as Prince Daemons personal fuck toy.

I knew the rumors.

And I hadn't seen Daemon in years.

Also, I had only been to a pleasure house once and I was wildly uncomfortable. I just thought that sex is so intimate that I would not want others viewing me as I was in passion with the one I loved.

"Thinking of having any of your own, Lady Anne?"

"I would like a girl," I stated, "boys are so rowdy and girls mature much faster."

"Would you not want a boy to continue the Hightower line?"

"Any man worthy of my daughters should take the name, if I decree so," I proclaimed, and they all withheld looks of horror as Alicent rubbed her swollen tummy. Rhaenyra smiled softly, staring at me with a look I could not quite make out.

"Lady Anne, I would like you to escort me as I walk the grounds," Rhaenyra, ever the savior, told me and I happily got up to join her.

"Goodbye, ladies. Have a wonderful afternoon. . .cunts," I whispered to her and she giggled as we hurried outside, the sun hitting me and I had to squint to adjust to the light.

"Thank you, Rhae. I do not know what I would do without you."

"Probably end up raising the babes for yourself. The amount of times I have seen you putting Aegon to rest or calming him down more than Alicent is astounding," It was true. Besides the wet maids, Alicent kept me around to basically raise him. I did not mind much, at first, because he is my nephew and I adore him. But it seemed more like she did not even want to spend a moment with her own child.

"I do not blame her. Children are the most needy creatures to ever exist-"

"But Alicent birthed Aegon. You did not. You cannot take on this responsibility just because Alicent made you free," Rhaenyra told me.

"I owe her my life, Rhae. No ties to any idiotic-"

"I wonder, Princess. . .was your second name day as grand as this?" Speaking of idiotic men, Jason Lannister spoke up as we passed him.


I thank Aemma everyday that I am not his wife.

"I honestly don't recall and neither will Aegon," She replied.

"Lord Jason Lannister," He introduced himself, acting as if I was not present.

"I gathered that from all the lions," She expressed, the gold being as obvious as ever.

And the ego.

"I don't believe we've been properly introduced," Jason snapped his fingers, summoning a boy with a bottle of wine.

"Your twin serves on my fathers council," She recalls as he passes the golden goblet over to her.

"Tyland is. . .frightfully dull, gods love him. The finest honeyed wine you'll ever taste. Made in Lanisport, of course."

"Of course," She gives him a smile.

"I will head off for a ride. Do join me afterwards, my Princess," I gave Jason a curt nod before walking towards my horse Echo. She's been with me for four years, one of the finest horses to ever be. She was calm but her black fur and mane push away the dull men of court.

"Hello, darling. Let's go for a ride, yeah?" I said softly as I mounted her, using a small step stool to get properly situated.

I loved taking Echo and just riding. There was no destination, just the soft beating oif her hooves and the views that I am happy to see. I always made sure to have fruit in the pouch in case I stayed out for too long, and was always glad to share with Echo.

The cool morning wind in my face as it blew my hair back made me smile, completely unaware of the storm occurring back at Aegons second name day.

I knew the rumors that Aegon would be named heir now that the King has a first born son. But I see it in Viserys that he truly wishes for Rhaenyra to be his true heir. That she is Aemma and him combined- part of the woman he once loved with all his heart. He wishes nothing for the best for her but tries to balance that and my sister.

It should have never happened.

"Princess, slow down!"

Before I could even turn my head, the white hair had already whipped past me and startled Echo.

"Rhaenyra!" With Sir Criston chasing after her, it only furthered my worry as I whipped the reins and Echo took off after them. I saw him grab her own reins to force her stop, and started to come to a stop.

"Rhaenyra! What's the matter? You were practically flying," I asked, jumping off of Echo and walking towards her. She turned to me with misty eyes and anger took over,

"Who hurt you? Was it Jason? I swear upon the Gods I will-"

"No, it was. . .it was not Jason Lannister," She stopped me as I looked up at her and grabbed her hands in mine.

"Apparently he has been sent marriage proposals for my hand, but I do not wish to be married. I do not wish to end up like my mother," I knew she did not know how sex was or how a babe came about, but what she did know was that marriage equaled babies.

"Rhae," I said, my voice soft, "you are a strong woman. Yes, the way Aemma had passed was a tragedy and it should have never happened, but. . .you are the heir to the Iron Throne. You have a say in this, and if not, then make it so."


"Make it be for love," I emphasized and she stared down at me, her mind traveling to who knows where but she nodded in the end.

"Come on, let's take a walk."

It had gotten so dark that I had begun to fall asleep by the campfire we had made. The cool night air mixed with the warm flames made for such a nice end to an eventful day.

"Will the Lady Anne ever marry?" Sir Criston asked, seeming to think that I was fully asleep as my head lay in her lap.

"I do not know, I'm afraid. I do wish for her to be happy," Rhaenyra said as her hands combed through my hair.

"We should start heading back, Princess-"

Then, a rustling sounded from the many bushes around us. I woke myself up, in case it was an attacker and lifted myself from her lap.

"What is that?" I whispered as Sir Criston got up and approached the rustling bush.

I jumped when we heard a squeal and Sir Criston was knocked down, and Rhaenyra got up. Unfortunately for me since I was still drowsy and sitting, the boar headed straight for me. My adrenaline shot up as I had to grab its horns, trying to shove it off of me.


But who came to my rescue was not Sir Criston, but Rhaenyra. She yelled as she repeatedly stabbed it in the stomach, killing it but not stopping as the blood spilled onto her face and neck and hair. Tears ran down her cheeks as I sat there, completely baffled by her rage.

"Rhaenyra! Rhaenyra, it's okay," I forced the knife from her hand before she jumped onto me, her face in my neck as she sobbed. She finally let out all the emotions she held back for the sake of her father and even Alicent.

"Let it out, Rhae. It's okay."

"Get the horses," I mouthed to him and he was off, and the faintest whisper sounded in my ear.

"I wish I could just marry you, and be done with all this bother," I did not think she meant anything by it and continued to soothe her, not caring about the blood on my neck and dress.

Only her.

Rhaenyra, at this point, does know that she has feelings for Anne but her father trying to get her married off made her upset.

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