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WHEN MORNING CAME, Robin was the first to wake.

It took her a few seconds to realize she slept on the floor and a girl was in her bed. Not just any girl— Nancy Wheeler, of all people, who decided to fall asleep in her bed the night before.

Robin ran a hand through her disheveled hair and stood up, the blanket falling off of her pajama-clad body. She cut her eyes to the sleeping girl and inched closer to the bed, raising a hand to shake her shoulder. She noticed how peaceful-looking Nancy seemed, with her long lashes brushing her cheeks and her body at ease. How could someone look so pretty when sleeping?

She instantly shook her head of the thoughts and gently shook Nancy's shoulder. "Wheeler. Wheeler, wake up."

Nancy softly groaned, lifting a fist to rub her eye. She sat up and pushed off the covers, blinking and looking around to see where she was. When she realized she wasn't in her own bed, a gasp flew from her lips.

"Where the hell am I?"

"Where does it look like you are?" Robin asked back in exasperation. "You're in my room. In my bed. Bed stealer."

"How— "

"You fell asleep last night while I was on my mom's computer," Robin explained, cutting her off. "I knew I should've just taken you home. I had to sleep on the floor."

"Sorry," Nancy mumbled, sliding out of the bed, still clad in her clothes she wore the day before. Robin stared at her. First she looked pretty sleeping, and now she looked pretty even when she had just rolled out of bed, literally. Could the girl ever look unattractive?

Nancy's tired voice snapped Robin out of her daze. "I'm gonna get going, gotta get back home to change before school. I'll do the rest of the project and type it up at home, so we're done now. We can go back to being strangers, yeah?"

Robin was silent, unaware of what to say. She knew this was how it was supposed to be. Before then she had never even thought about the Wheeler girl, so what did it matter now that they weren't going to speak again? They only interacted because of the project. Robin should've been ecstatic that she didn't have to be around Nancy anymore. She should've been jumping in joy, but she wasn't. Instead she felt disappointed.

"Robin? Did you hear me?" Nancy snapped her fingers in front of Robin's face obnoxiously.

Robin blinked, realizing she hadn't replied yet. "Oh. Yeah. Okay."

Nancy gave her an odd look before brushing past her and leaving the bedroom, and suddenly the air around Robin felt cold. She looked back to her unmade bed and sighed, trudging over to her closet to pick out clothes for the day.

"YOU'RE KIDDING," STEVE guffawed as he turned onto another street, his eyes flicking up at the rearview mirror to check how his hair looked for the fiftieth time. "She slept in your bed?"

Robin allowed her head to fall back against the seat's headrest. "Yes! I went back to my room and saw her there, hogging my bed, sleeping. I had to sleep on the damn floor, and let me tell you, carpet isn't as comfortable as you would think it'd be."

"Wow," Steve smirked. "Nancy used to sleep in my bed as well, but we usually slept together, and we didn't do much sleeping..."

"Gross, Steve! Shut up," Robin whacked the back of his head. "Nobody needs to know that."

"Ow," he pouted, rubbing his head gently. "Careful with the hair."

Robin rolled her eyes. The boy was always so concerned about his hair. "Whatever. I'm glad it's all over now. I won't have to see her or talk to her again. We'll go back to being strangers, not even acknowledging each other. She's Nancy Wheeler and girls like me don't hang out with girls like Nancy Wheeler. How crazy would that be?"

She was rambling now, and Steve's eyes flew to her every once and a while as she babbled on and on about Nancy, not even realizing how much she was talking about a girl she supposedly hated. This was how she used to talk about Vicki, and speaking of Vicki, he hadn't heard her mention the girl much anymore. It was like she had completely forgotten about her.

"She's just so prissy, y'know?" Robin crossed her arms and sighed. "Prisses are the worst. Look at me, I'm so pretty and perfect and get whatever I want. Please. So annoying."

Steve raised his eyebrows at her, nodding along to what she was saying. "Uh-huh. Seems like you really despise her."

"I do," Robin confirmed. "I really do."

A smirk tickled Steve's lips but he suppressed it and pulled into their school's parking lot, driving around until he found a good parking spot. He had a feeling that his best friend was starting to develop a crush on Nancy, she just hadn't realized it yet. Whenever she liked a girl she would rant about them all day long, talking his ear off about how pretty they were and how much she hated them for the way they made her feel. Now, Robin hadn't said anything about liking Nancy, but Steve could feel it in his bones that she didn't hate her. Not really.

After he parked, Robin hopped out of his truck and Steve followed suit. The two entered the school together as they did everyday and they parted ways for classes, leaving Robin on her own to go to her locker before the first bell rang.

As soon as she opened her locker, a small slip of paper fell out of it. Confused, she bent down and picked it up, unfolding it and reading its contents.

meet me behind the bleachers after school?

— v.

Vicki. Robin's lips curled into a grin as joy filled her. Vicki wanted to meet her behind the bleachers after school, the girl she'd been crushing on for ages. It was like a dream come true.

She tucked the slip of paper in her pocket and collected her things for class, a huge smile on her face. And for the rest of the day, she didn't think once about Nancy Wheeler.

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