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THE NEXT DAY, Robin was excited to see Nancy at school. The thought of seeing her blue eyes and freckles caused a feeling of happiness to spark through her body. It was how she felt every time she had a crush, but this time it felt more profound, like it was more than just a silly little crush. She found herself wanting to see Nancy's smile and hear her talk about whatever came to mind, because truthfully she didn't care what Nancy talked about as long as she got to listen.

Robin was too far gone, she knew that. But she couldn't help it. She couldn't help the way her heart leapt in her chest whenever she caught sight of Nancy. She was just a girl with a crush on her friend, a friend that just so happened to be an extremely pretty and intelligent girl.

As she laced up her sneakers, the smell of her mother's cigarette smoke filled the air in the living room. Her nose crinkled in disgust, pushing herself off the couch and reaching for her bookbag hanging on the rack on the wall. She peeked out the window and saw Steve waiting for her in his truck, so without as much as a quick bye she left the house and let the door fall shut behind her.

There was a little more pep in her step as she descended down the porch and across the lawn. She was happy— happy that she got to see Steve and happy that she was going to see Nancy, the two people that were most important in her life at the moment. As she hopped into Steve's truck, he immediately took notice to the way she was practically glowing with happiness.

"Hey, Buckley," Steve greeted, his eyebrows raised with a grin playing on his lips. "What's got you so happy?"

Robin rolled her eyes playfully as she buckled up. "Can't I just be happy for no reason?"

"Well you can, but for you? There's gotta be a reason. So spill."

Robin debated on telling him about her crush on Nancy. Steve used to date her, and although it was a long time ago it was still in the best friend rule book that you weren't supposed to date your friends' exes. She was sure Steve was well over Nancy, but she was still afraid he was going to be upset.

Steve was her best friend and they told each other everything, so she knew she had to tell him. He'd already been so supportive with the fact she liked girls, so telling him about Nancy shouldn't have been hard.

"I like someone," she confessed, anxiety bubbling in the pit of her stomach. "I like this someone a lot but I don't know how you're going to react when I tell you who it is."

Steve didn't waste any time. "It's Nancy, isn't it?"

Her eyes widened as she gawked at him. "How— how did you know?!"

Steve chuckled. "C'mon, Rob, it's obvious. I mean, the way you look at her like she's the prettiest thing you've ever seen? It's clear as day that you like her."

Robin should've known. Steve was smart, ( sometimes ) of course he would figure it out. The fact that he knew all along caused a weight to be lifted off her shoulders, and she let out a sigh of relief.

"You're not mad or upset?" She asked, just to make sure. "I know she's your ex and all, I mean it's not like her and I are gonna date so if you don't want me to like her just say so— "

"Rob," Steve said, planting a hand on her shoulder as he looked her in the eye. "I have no problem with you liking Nancy. I'm over her, I've been over her. In fact...I kind of like someone myself."

Eddie. A smile spread across Robin's face; she was giddy in her seat, but she tried to conceal the fact that she knew who it was. "Who? Tell me now."

Steve glanced down at his lap and Robin could see a faint blush rise to his cheeks. "Okay, but don't you dare make fun of me— "

"Steve, I would never make fun of you." She paused. "Well, I would, and I do, but I would never make fun of someone you like."

He seemed to melt with relief at the sound of that. "I think...I think I like Eddie."

Robin gasped and threw a hand over her heart, acting shocked. "Oh my god! That's crazy! Steve Harrington having a crush on Eddie Munson? Is the world ending or some shit?"

Steve playfully punched her shoulder, rolling his eyes. "You're so fucking annoying."

"But you love me."

"Doesn't make you less annoying."

Robin laughed, throwing her head back against the seat. "Asshole. Seriously though, I'm happy for you. Are you gonna tell Eddie how you feel?"

Steve sighed. "I don't know, I doubt it. I don't even know if he likes me back. We've hung out and stuff, but he's— he's just so perfect, y'know? I mean, I never saw myself being into guys, but he's just so pretty and his eyes— fuck, his eyes, man. God."

Robin smiled warmly. "That's exactly how I feel about Nancy."

Steve turned his head to look at her. "We're fucking insane, aren't we?"

"Would it be us if we weren't?"

Steve snorted and started the car, driving off down the road. As Robin leaned her head back and listened to the soft music spewing from the car radio, her mind filled with thoughts of Nancy and how she couldn't wait to see her.

a/n - sorry this update's a little late, ive been watching horror movies all day lol

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