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WHEN THE CLOCK struck eight, Robin was more than happy to be going home for the day.

She smelled like chocolate and she was sure she'd somehow gotten ice cream in her hair. She'd been working at Scoops Ahoy for three months now, yet she still hadn't quite gotten the hang of it, even though it was just scooping ice cream out of its containers and plopping it in a cone.

Nancy had been working in her notebook the entire time, and Robin hadn't even seen her take a bathroom break. She couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the girl's head. Did she really hate her that much? Why did she hate her when she hadn't even done anything to her? Robin had never even spoken to the girl, yet Nancy treated her like some alien that conquered her planet. She wondered if that was how she treated everybody. She had heard that Nancy was cold with a heart of ice, but she didn't really believe it at first. Now, however, it seemed like the truth..

"What're you doing tonight?" Robin abruptly asked Steve as they hung their aprons up on their rack. She wanted a way to get out of hanging out with Nancy, even if it was only for the project.

Steve laughed nervously, and Robin raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Oh, uh, nothing much. Just hanging with some guy from school."

Robin grinned teasingly. "Okay, now I have to know. What's his name? Do I know him?"

"Calm down, Buckley, god," he muttered, his gaze flittering around, as if afraid someone was listening in on their conversation even though they were the only people in the shop, aside from Nancy of course, but she definitely wasn't paying them any attention.

"Okay, okay," Robin said with her hands raised in mock-surrender. "Seriously though, who is it?"

Steve muttered something under his breath that Robin couldn't hear. She pinched his arm and he yelped. "Ow! Fine, I'm hanging out with..." he lowered his voice, "Eddie."

Robin's eyes widened. "Eddie? As in Eddie Munson?"

"Yeah, but it's not a big deal!" He claimed hurriedly. "I know he's kinda...odd and annoying, but he isn't that bad. He invited me over to this RV he lives in."

"To do what? Get high? Snort cocaine?"

"No! Of course not," Steve promised. "Look, just forget it."

"Wait," Robin sighed, not wanting to upset him. "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was making fun of you. I'm sure Eddie is a good guy. Just...don't do anything stupid, alright?"

"Me? Do anything stupid? You're funny, Buckley," he snorted, earning a punch in the shoulder from the tall girl. "Anyway, you better get going before Nancy falls asleep."

"Huh?" Robin whipped around, her eyes landing on a sleepy Nancy who could barely keep her eyes open. She cursed under her breath. "Great."

Steve patted her shoulder sympathetically. "It's okay. She's usually not as harsh when she's sleepy."

"Ugh," Robin groaned, stepping out from behind the counter. "I'll see you tomorrow, Steve."

He waved at her as she went over to shake the sleeping girl awake, who's head was now on the table, her curly hair acting as a curtain around her head. Robin gently shook her shoulder, hesitant to touch her. "Hey. Wheeler. It's time to go."

The girl in question groaned against the table, lifting her head up reluctantly and brushing a few curls out of her pale face. "Finally," she croaked out.

Robin sent her an eye roll before heading to the door, not even checking to see if Nancy was following her. She just wanted to go home and be alone. Maybe Nancy was too tired to do anything more on the project and Robin could just drop her off at home. She could only hope.

"So, what's your address?" Robin asked as they exited the mall together.

Nancy looked at her in confusion. "You're taking me home?"

Robin bit her lip. "Uh, yeah. You're pretty tired, so..."

"I am not," Nancy lied, straightening her posture and widening her eyes. "I'm wide awake, see? Now, take me to yours so we can finish the project. I've already done section one and two on paper, but we have to transfer them to a computer. You do have a computer, right?"

Robin sighed, raking her fingers through her hair. "Yes, I have a computer. It's my mom's though, so I'll have to ask if I can use it."

"Great." Nancy got into the car and Robin followed suit. So much for going home alone.

"Mom?" Robin called into the seemingly vacant house as she stepped inside. All the lights were off and her mother didn't answer her, meaning the woman was somewhere doing god knows what and she had the house to herself for the night.

Nancy stepped into the house behind her, taking a look around the place as Robin flicked on the light. It wasn't a huge house, but it was average, and it looked home-y, with pale blue walls and furniture taking up each room.

"Nice place," she commented, following Robin down the hall since it was only a one story house.

"Thanks," Robin replied, pushing open a door to reveal what Nancy believed was her room. The room also had pale blue walls, a bed, a dresser and a desk to work at. It wasn't much different from her room at home.

Robin abruptly turned around to face her. "Uh, do you want a drink or something? Food?"

"No thanks," Nancy murmured, welcoming herself to Robin's bed, feeling the mattress sink beneath her as she sat down. "Let's just get the project done. Where's your mom's computer?"

"In her room," Robin answered. "Hand me what you have written down and I'll go type it in."

Nancy dug around in her bag and pulled out her notebook, handing it to Robin. The taller girl accepted it, giving Nancy a warning look. "Don't touch anything."

Nancy held up her hands in surrender. "I don't want any of your stuff."

Robin rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, figuring the faster she typed everything, the faster Nancy would be out of her house.

It took her promptly thirty minutes to type out everything into her mom's computer, and by the time she was finished her fingers were cramping. She let out a sigh of relief as she turned off the computer, making sure to save everything before leaving the room.

She was exhausted and the only thing she wanted to do was sleep. She pushed open the door to her room and stopped in her tracks when finding a curly-haired girl fast asleep in her bed.

Of course. Of fucking course she falls asleep, Robin thought to herself, shaking her head in annoyance. She should've just taken the girl home to begin with.

She could just wake her up and kick her out of the house. That was probably what she was meant to do. But for some reason, as she gazed at the sleeping girl, she didn't have the strength to wake her.

So, she went to the living room to grab a pillow and blanket and entered her room again, setting the items on the carpeted floor.

This was where she'd be sleeping tonight, with Nancy Wheeler in her bed.

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