Gone by sunrise

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"Just sit still, you have a damn concussion," Katara punched zukos arm as he fell on the bed with a whine. She grabbed his jaw to stare at his eyes and tsked annoyed seeing one of his pupils were more dilated than the other.

Jet sat on the ground as he yelled with his mouth muffled still.

"Your on my shit list, don't move and shut up, I'm working," Katara spat as she splashed Jet in the face with water before bending more to zukos temples to heal him first.

"Does he know about Azulas plans?" She sighed kneeling behind him as she moved the water in little circles.

"Mmhm, then there was a knife, it is probably still behind you, then we fought and I found these old silks that use to be my grandfathers so I tied him up and then I wanted some tea," Zuko closed his eyes as his words slurred together a little but snapped his eyes open when she grabbed his head to hold him up.

"Do not go to sleep," she glared annoyed.

"Mmmm I won't," he rubbed his cheek in pain.

"So you decided to beat the shit out of each other instead of one, you getting help, or two, getting the guards," Katara scowled at Zuko as she finished healing his concussion and went to heal his jaw next.

"Doesn't hurt that much, and technically it's self defense," Zuko lolled his head to the side resting his head on her shoulder as he still felt dizzy.

Jet tried talking but it was muffled still as he tried pulling away from his restraints.

"You started it and I kicked your earth kingdom ass," Zuko barked over at him but Katara pulled him back to lean against her so he didn't fall.

Jet yelled again.

"Stop it or someone is going to head both your sorry asses then we're all going to get executed," Katara splashed at Jet again to get him to shut up.

"But I told you to leave in the first place so serves you right to get knocked on your ass," she glared pushing Zuko off but kept her eyes on the intruder.

"What else hurts? Your jaw was damn near broken so that's gonna be sore for a bit," she still fumed checking his eyes again.

"Headache?" She asked again.

"Little, nothing feels broken just bruised," Zuko huffed as he stood up and stretched his arms up and went to inspect his face. The bruise was barely there so no evidence of any fights to anyone else.

"So what do we do with him?" Katara stood next to Jet who was pouting.

Zuko poured himself a cup of tea and Katara a cup while he thought about what to do.

"Tea?" He offered his cup to her.

"Zuko this is serious," she frowned.

"I know," he sipped the cup anyways. Hid the dislike for the tea she made and drank more to hide it.

"Could drop him off in the middle of the city and leave him," Zuko offered to them.

"Doesn't mean he won't come back," Katara rolled her eyes grabbing the second cup of tea. Her eyes widen at the taste of the tea she made and hid the disgust.

"Drop him off in azulas room," Zuko raised a brow.

She thought about it sipping the tea but shook her head.

"Your such a dick, spirits sake," Katara growled looking at Jet getting angry.

She walked over to pull the cloth down from his mouth to hang around his neck, she stayed knelt next to him unamused.

"HEL-" Jet was cut off by a sharpe slap.

"Shut up," Katara grabbed his chin harshly.

"You're pissing me off, we are busting our asses to keep you alive, if Ozai finds out we're even helping you in the slightest we are all in trouble, what can't you get through your thick dumb brain," she hissed glaring darkly.

"You won't kill me," Jet growled. He was about to spit at Katara but Zuko poured his tea on top of jets head to stop him.

"Dude you are pushing it, it's not on the table," Zuko towered over him as Katara stood back up.

"Kat," Zuko pulled her back a little and they turned their backs on Jet .

"I know a guy that can take care of him," he whispered.

"Hit man or?" She looked up at him wide eyes.

"Jong jong, you met him yesterday, he was a general back when my grandfather was fire lord," Zuko crossed his arms shrugging.

"He'll get him off fire nation land, but as a friend it won't be a comfortable trip," he shrugged.

"How do we get him out of here? He won't last the night, someone's going to see or hear, we're going to get caught," Katara ran her hands through her hair stressfully.

"I'll take care of it, he'll be gone by sunrise I promise," Zuko grinned a little.

"What do I need to do?" She asked glancing back at the hostage.

"I'll need new servant clothes for him, and to make sure Azula and mai are not in sight," he put a hand on her shoulder with a soft squeeze. Katara gulped a little as she flushed softly looking up at him.

"Im on it," she smiled touching his hand gently.

"Yo Love birds do i get a say in this?" Jet groaned.

"No," they both said.

"You should've gotten me, I was next door," Katara huffed a little as she was making her bed while Zuko folded the blankets for her.

"I had it handled and wanted to blow off a little steam," Zuko shrugged.

"That's not the point and you know it," she frowned adjusting her pillows.

"Is something bothering you kat?" He looked at her concerned.

"Last time you were alone with Jet I found you the next morning soaking in a pool of your blood, yes it's bothering me," Katara spun around to him. She felt frustrated but it was fear trickling in her chest at the thought of seeing him like that.

"There wasn't much time, he snuck up on me and I tried talking to him at first," Zuko tried to reason.

"Yea haven't we all tried talking to him," She sighed.

They were quiet as Zuko let her take her time to speak next, she obviously had more on her mind. He didn't know it would upset her this much. Frankly he needed it more to have a reason to get his frustration out but Katara didn't see it that way.

"I'm not going to put you in danger if I can avoid it, I wouldn't do that to you kat," he let out a breath turning from her. Kataras head snapped up.

"That shouldn't matter," she barked.

"It does matter," Zuko frowned.

"How do you get to make speeches about your own death and then say I have to stay out of any sight of harm, I'm not fragile and I can take a punch," Katara clenched her fists tightly.

"I'm not calling you fragile, but you are valuable, your still someone i care about and I'd never let my friends get hurt if I can help it," Zuko looked at her knitting his brows together.

"Your such a hypocrite," she glared.

"So what if I am? I didn't need the help, Jet isn't that big of a threat," he scoffed.

"That's not the point!" Katara raised her voice.

"What is the point then?!" Zuko snapped.

"The point is your not alone anymore! You have me, I have your back, I'm here now so you don't need to be going lone wolf bat anymore! I am your partner and you need to start treating me like it!" She didn't back down as she stormed close to him.

"Do you not trust me or something? After everything?" She hissed harshly only a foot from his face now.

Zuko grabbed the sides of her arms and pushed her to the wall as his hands gripped her tightly. Kataras eyes widen as his head was down a little staring into her.

"Do you really think I don't trust you?" He rasped in a low tone.

"Do you?"

Zuko kept his face neutral as he held his tongue. He trusted Katara more than anyone else in this nation, in the world. It's not that he didn't trust her, he would hate himself if something happened to her. To someone he loves...

His hands slid from her upper arm to her wrist, asking to hold her hands, he touched her palms softly and raised her hands to his chest. He brought her right hand up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles.

"More than anyone Katara," he whispered against her skin.

Her heart thudded loudly in her ears as she stared at him shocked, still leaning against the wall, she gripped his hand back causing zukos breathing to stop for a moment. They stared at each other finally calming down as Katara nodded softly, almost embarrassed at her rage.

"He's gone by sun rise?" She whispered looking down.

"He's gone by sunrise," he nodded tucking some of her hair around her ear and patted the top of her head before leaving her room.

Katara gulped softly covering her mouth as she went back to her bed and sat with her face in her hands. His touch felt so intimate, like they were more, he was gentle to brush his fingers against her. Has he always been like that? Was she really figuring it all out now?
She felt like she's relearning everything she's known about Zuko. It was so odd but she wanted more..

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