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Zuko was quiet for most of the day and even slept in his own room as Katara kept Suki in hers.

In the morning Zuko was already gone in the morning when she tried to see him. For confessing and him saying he loves her... was he avoiding her?

"Azula have you seen Zuko?" Katara walked over to the princess in the halls.

"No why?" She raised a brow.

"Just can't find him," Katara sighed moving past her not noticing the flower behind azulas back.

Azula looked down at the flower as she swallowed a lump in her throat. She sighed shaking her head and burned the flower throwing it over her shoulder so it turned into ashes before it touched the ground.

Katara turned the corner seeing a room with open doors and had a few candles lighting the room a little. She's seen the room before and it's usually always closed but the door was wide open and a few flowers were placed outside it and some plates of small foods or desserts.

She walked over curiously but a servant stopped her.

"I'm sorry my lady but your not allowed in there today," the girl said quietly in a whisper.

"What? What's in there?" Katara looked over her shoulder curiously and saw a young servant set another flower at the open doors and bowed his head down before leaving.

"Prince zukos been in there all morning, we're not to disturb the royal family, I'm sorry but including you," the young woman hushed her wide eyes.

"Why?" She still didn't understand.

"It's the day of lady ursa's passing, only the fire lord, prince and princess are allowed in there, mustn't disturb their prayers," the servant released her grasp on Katara and backed off a little.

"I understand, thank you for telling me," Katara gulped sadly a little as she was left to the halls as the servant walked away.

She walked over slowly and looked in the dim lit room seeing Zuko kneeling in front of a low table, his back was to her so she couldn't see what he was in front of.

"You can come in," she heard from inside. Zuko didn't move but she walked in the dark room.

"I didn't bring a gift," Katara walked up next to him.

She saw the portrait of a beautiful woman with flowers surrounding every surface of the table and candles moving up and down at a steady pace.

"I didn't either," Zuko had his hands clasped in front of him with his forehead pressed against his thumbs.

She recognized it when he prayed on their wedding day, mumbled another language in a low tone and eyes closed.

"You okay?" Katara asked.

"Yea I'll be done in a little," Zuko peaked at her with a smile.

She knelt down with him and put her hands together and lowered her head to copy him again.

"Take your time," she whispered. Zuko smiled sadly and mumbled again in the unrecognizable language as she listened and put in her own prayer for her mother in law.

"It's a prayer the sun warriors had for their loved ones, for the spirit world to guide their souls to somewhere with peace, somewhere maybe they'll see their own loved ones again that passed before them," Zuko explained in a low tone as he stared at the picture of his mother.

"I hope she sees my grandparents again, she was taken from them to marry my father, I hope she's with her family," he smiled a little adjusting the flower next to the portrait.

"How come Azula isn't here?" Katara asked.

"Her relationship with our mother was different than mine, they weren't so close... but Azula looks just like her now that she's older," Zuko leaned back on his heels as he inhaled a deep breath while the flames rose with him.

"Alright let's go, it's to depressing in here," he huffed standing up and offered a hand to Katara.

"I want to go for a hike, join me kat?" Zuko smiled down at her.

"A hike? We never go on hikes," Katara blushed taking his hand and he helped her to her feet.

"It's a beautiful day, I don't want to be pent up in this old palace," Zuko purred a little.

"I feel like we need to get out, to many eyes on us here and to many ears listening," he held her hand gently as they walked out of the memorial.

"It is a nice day, I could use some fresh air," Katara brought his hand up and placed a gentle kiss on his hand.

"It has been stressful lately, getting out sounds really wonderful, being just us for a little," she hummed happily as Zuko smiled down at her softly.

"I like it better when it's just us together," he kissed her head pulling her to his side to drop his arm around her shoulders.

"There's this cherry blossom trail we should go, it's almost noon," Zuko mumbled against her hair and she giggled holding the hand that was dangling off her shoulders.

"Show me the fire nation, prince Zuko as my personal escort," Katara laughed a little leaning towards him.

"An escort? You know what a personal escort is?" He snorted blushing a little.

"Someone that shows another person around?" She was confused looking at him.

"Mm yes let's go with that," zuko pursed his lips to hide his sarcasm.

Kataras breath was taken away as she and Zuko walked to the hiking trails outside the capital where they could walk freely, Katara could see the blossoms falling through the trees that where hit by the sun and the breeze drifted them away. Petals making it almost impossible to see the dirt of the trails.

"Spring is the best time to come," Zuko had his arm for her to hold onto as they walked together.

"I use to think cherry blossoms where super rare or almost a myth, but my dad talked about them a little before he left for the war," Katara was fascinated by the light pink flowers above as she just spoke whatever was going through her mind.

Zuko just listened and didn't take his eyes off her. Katara just kept talking as she looked at the scenery around them, a smile was plastered on her face, like the weight of the war was lifted off her shoulders, breathing with ease again.

And Zuko was just happy to be with her and to hear whatever her heart desires. She had no idea tomorrow she'll meet with Aang, that Suki will be getting her out of the palace.

He had no idea if he'd get to say good bye before they're separated.

He had no idea how long it would be till he'd see her smile.

But it was clear to Aang and Suki that they'd immediately go to the air temple to meet with the others and to go back to the northern tribe. That's where he'd see her again. Agni.. he was not looking forward to the cold.


He was snapped out of his thoughts hearing his name and saw Katara looked concerned.

"Yea?" He blinked confused.

"I asked you if there was other trails close by, you okay?" Katara stopped and looked at him worried.

"I'm okay, just enjoying nature," Zuko smiled awkwardly.

"You've been weird since smeller bee and long shot escaped, and I know the black sun is soon, what's in that brain of yours fire boy?" Katara poked his forehead as Zuko stuck out his tongue.

"I've been over the escape and I don't have to worry about the eclipse for a little longer, I'm okay, I promise," Zuko raised a brow at her with a smirk.

"Your lying cause You act over confident twhen you lie, what's going on Zuko?" She saw right through him.

"I..." Zuko gulped a little. "I had a terror last night, it just got to realistic for me," he looked down in defeat.

"It was my mother," he sighed a little running a hand through his hair.

"She'd be proud of how far you came," Katara pursed her lips.

"I don't remember her voice, it's been seven years and I forgot her voice," Zuko crossed his arms uncomfortable because it was the truth. He forgot her voice and it scared him that he'd forget her face.

"That's why I was praying all of this morning too, I just.. I miss her more sometimes than other times, and it being the anniversary, I guess I've been in a troubled mood," he couldn't look at her, he didn't want pity, he didn't even like talking about it so openly but if he didn't say what he wanted to today who knows when he would.

He could die tomorrow in his fathers hands.

Would his father carry his body if he died? Would he hold his corpse like a child, like he use to hold his son when he was only two feet tall?

Would he walk over his corpse and tell a servant to get rid of him?

He felt sick at the idea.

Would Zuko even grieve if he killed his father tomorrow? Or would it be the same.

No.. he would scream at his fathers body, even if it was lifeless. He would scream at him asking why he had to be cruel. He would scream asking why he hated his first born son so much. Why did he see him as weakness and shame? Knowing the corpse of the fire lord would give him just as much of an answer as his living father would.

He was embarrassed for how long he begged for his fathers love.

Soft lips were pressed against his scarred cheekbone, under his eye as a kind hand caressed the side of his face.

"You think to much," Katara whispered as she wrapped her arm around his chest and stroked the side of his face gently.

"What?" He breathed confused. He was surprised by the touch, he wanted to pull away for a moment but he remembered. It was Katara. Katara was someone that's never hurt him, never hit him, she cares. He didn't have to worry about her touching him.

"What?" Katara noticed his hesitation and confusion.

"Can we just stay here forever? I like it," Zuko pressed his forehead against hers as she held onto him wide eyes.

"Yea, we can stay here," Katara wrapped both her arms around his chest as his hands held the base of her head, rubbing small circles behind her ears.

It was quiet as they stayed like that, Katara leaned forward to rest her head against the crook of his neck as they were silent. Zuko watched the wind blow the trees and flower petals as he held Katara against him.

"Thank you," he whispered with his chin on top of her hair.

"For what?" Katara closed her eyes comfortably against him.

"For everything," Zuko smiled.

He loved her to much to risk her future.

He loved her to much to tell her they didn't have time for next week. Tomorrow the world changed for the better or worse. He knew not everyone could be saved.

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