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"You mentioned something with the avatar, he's not dead?" Katara asked as she was in her normal fire nation clothes as they walked outside to get to the next hall.

"No," Zuko said flatly.

"Do I get to meet him?" She smiled excitedly. She always wanted to know more about the avatar.


Kataras smile dropped.

"Wait... he's a prisoner isn't he? Please tell me you don't hurt him," Katara stopped immediately in her tracks and Zuko turned to her.

"No..." he sighed crossing his arms.

"Do you regret ever capturing him?" She narrowed her eyes.

"No," Zuko challenged her as he had a stern expression.

"Is that all you fucking say?! No!" Katara snapped.

"Show some empathy so I know I'm not marrying a monster!" She cried out and Zuko pursed his lips.

"The wedding wasn't my choice either, so maybe you are," Zuko crossed his arms and Katara frowned.

"Then why am I here?" She hissed.

"My father knows it... that I don't enjoy it," Zuko sighed shaking his head.

"At least as fire lord I could do something for my country," he turned and walked away.

"What does that even mean?" Katara gripped his shoulder and turned him back to her.

"None of your business, I don't even know you, I'm not telling you anything," Zuko snarled back at her.

"Careful, you know I'm such a monster with such a temper," he huffed with steam coming from his nose backing away. Kataras eyes widen.

"You disgust me," she spat.

"Understatement," Zuko glared.

"Excuse me?" Katara growled.

"Look there's not much insults that can be still thrown at me and hurt," he sighed blowing hair out of his face.

"Oh your so cool cause you have no feelings, knock off the damn tough act," Katara twitched in anger.

"What you want me to cry? I haven't cried in a long time princess, good luck," Zuko waved her off and she snarled at him and used the fountain near by to freeze his feet to the ground.

"What the fu-" "you don't get to tear me from my home and just leave me alone in some strange place! Your people-your nation has taken everything from me! Don't prove me right!" Katara hit his shoulder with tears in her eyes.

"I agree,"

She looked up at him with wide eyes as he held no emotion.

"Something happened... your not always like this... your to young to know trauma to have nothing in your soul," Katara shook her head and Zuko bit his lip but let a smirk pass his pale lips.

"You seem smart enough to figure it out, your never to young for trauma," Zuko hummed a little and Katara saw the ice melt from his feet and zukos feet steaming a little.

"Is that how you got that scar?" She asked bluntly and she swore she could hear his breath stop.

"Yea..." he whispered as his heart beat hard against his chest. For everyone the scar was normal, it was his identity, no one remembers him without it... But Kataras new, She never had a face for the prince, but his face was different than she probably imagined.

The scar of the banished prince. It was his eternal curse every time he looked in the mirror.

"I-it was just a training accident," he rasped and let out a deep breath.

"Looks like it hurt," Katara gulped walking next to him and Zuko couldn't stand still anymore so he walked as well.

"It did," he didn't look at her.

"Prince Zuko your father requires you immediately," a guard ran over to them and Zuko sighed running his fingers up into his hair to put it up and out of his face. He grabbed the crown from his pocket and placed it on top as he slid the needle through.

He left with the guard and Katara was left alone, knowing what she was told by the prince. She was right, Zuko was once a happy child, maybe it was his mothers.. occasion.. was what made him so miserable, or what happened with the scar, the training accident, maybe his uncle. Or all.

She sighed crossing her arms but Zuko stopped at the end of the hall looking back at her.

"You coming?" He asked and she looked at him confused.

"Your dad just wants you," she walked over slowly.

"Your going to be the next firelady, you have to learn some time," Zuko put a hand on her shoulder to guide her with him as they followed the guard.

"Are you sure about this?" She hissed to him as she let him keep his hand on her.

"Nope," he shrugged and Katara saw a large door as the guard stood on the side and some servants held more formal armor as they slip it over zukos head and tied it around his chest along on his waist.

The two walked in and Katara felt overwhelmed by the generals and commanders at a table as the fire lord was in his throne with Azula on his left side.

"Prince Zuko, you bring your... bride to be?" Ozai questioned and Zuko frowned.

"Katara should know more about our nation," Zuko spoke up as Katara stood there still.

"Not this time Prince Zuko, send her out," Ozai waved them off and Katara felt her heart speed up as Zuko didn't move. Was he going to disobey his father?

"That's not necessary,"

Well shit. He is.

"Zuko what are you doing? It's fine, I'll leave," Katara hissed.

Zuko looked at her for a moment seeing the worry in her eyes as the royal family anger management, especially all three in one room with generals.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," Katara held her hands together and bowed as she backed out of the room awkwardly and Zuko walked forward to his seat on his fathers right side.

The doors closed behind her and Katara pursed her lips backing away from the door and looked at the guards next to the door.

"Assholes," she scoffed at them flipping her hair over her shoulder but glanced at the door. Katara smirked and pressed her ear against it as the guards ignored her.

"Fire lord Ozai that little weasel you have as our next queen isn't fire nation blood," a general snarled harshly on the other side of the door.

"The fire nation has no more threats to fear, it's time we expand our nation in the correct way," Zuko spoke up and her eyes widen.

"Prince Zuko id advise you to shut your mouth boy," Ozai growled at his son.

"I know the blood of our next fire lady will not be pure fire nation but she's royalty," Ozai sighed annoyed as Katara glared.

"And if the first born is a water bender? Then what?" Another voice popped in.

"That won't happen," Ozai replied.

"But a water bender as the next hire of prince zukos ruling? Will we remove the birth rights?"

"You leave an unborn child out of your threats!" Zuko roared and she could hear the fire flare up as well.

She gasped covering her mouth backing away from the door as there was yelling now between all the men. She and Zuko have to get married... more than likely have to have a child for the throne after Zuko- hopefully not for a long time- but still... and it still upsetted Zuko...

Tears weld up in her eyes as she shook her head backing away. Katara let the thoughts overwhelm her for many reason as she thought about her life, her future, she was going to loose it all to become a stupid fire nation queen or fire lady. She just wanted to go home.

Katara ran down the halls away and found herself in the garden seeing the baby turtle ducks and birds in the trees.  She tried to blink away the tears as she hated crying so much, she felt so weak.

She hated how she didn't even get a voice.

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