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The next morning Taehyung stayed in one spot since the moment he woke up he knew damn well he would be hurled over a toilet if he moved even a muscle. That night before he started to drink he put a timer to remind himself to wake up for Jungkook's arrival.

Though once Jimin and Misun noticed Taehyung was up, they bombarded him with questions. "Did he really slap you? God Taehyung I will fuck him up if he laid a hand on you." Jimin's anger rushed through him as his fists balled up. Taehyung only sighed, closing his eyes.

"Taehyung, we're serious about this." Misun shook Taehyung lightly who groaned. "Don't shake me or I'll puke on you, literally," Taehyung warned. Misun and Jimin both moved away a bit before nagging Taehyung again. "Did he slap you? Or was that just your drunk talking huh?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung gulped before nodding. "Drunk talking. I was mad at him okay? Jungkook would never hit me, I promise." Taehyung snuggled closer to his pillow that he was using and both Misun and Jimin breathed out. "I was seriously about to knock his teeth in Taehyung, don't tell me that shit when it's not true." Jimin removed himself from the bed.

Taehyung gulped again and nodded as he closed his eyes and tried to get a little more sleep in. Did he just lie? He lied about Jungkook slapping him for what? To keep the boy safe? Well- okay Jungkook did apologize and hadn't touched Taehyung like so since the first time. He was mad and tipsy, it happens. Or as Taehyung tells himself.

"I hear that roaring engine already." Jimin sighed and looked at the time before scoffing. "It's only eight fifty-seven." Jimin looked at Taehyung who was already getting off the bed and downing the water by his bedside. The only reason they were all up so early was because of Taehyung's stupid alarm that woke them all up.

"Is that what the alarm was? Is he your parent now Taehyung? Telling you what time you gotta be home?" Jimin was obviously annoyed by Jungkook and almost done right fed up with Jungkook controlling his best friend who acting with his decisions. "Just stop Jimin alright? I'll text you later." Taehyung grabbed his things.

"Yeah, If he allows you," Jimin mumbled under his breath and Taehyung decided to ignore that as he walked out of the room with a pounding headache and a need to throw up. Though was able to handle himself as he walked out of the house and towards Jungkook who was waiting for Taehyung.

Taehyung gulped when noticing that Jungkook still had his helmet on. Guessing he was probably not getting the helmet, Taehyung got onto the motorcycle and wrapped his arms around Jungkook who hadn't even looked at Taehyung or spoke to the male which may have frightened Taehyung.

Though the real fright was when they arrived back at the apartment building, Jungkook practically dragging Taehyung into the apartment by the arm. "It hurts, Jungkook stop," Taehyung whispered to Jungkook who pushed Taehyung into the apartment and shut the door before tossing his helmet aside. "You think you're so sneaky Taehyung?" Jungkook spat.

Taehyung backed up until he was against the couch and gulped at the sight of Jungkook. He had never seen Jungkook so angry. "Wh-What do you mean?" Taehyung asked with a shaky voice, rubbing his forearm that Jungkook had a bruising grip on. "Playing dumb now huh? The fucking party Taehyung. What did I tell you? I told you to stay at Jimin's and instead you leave to go party. And to do what huh? Cheat on me? Did you go cheat on me Taehyung? Is that what you did?" Jungkook grabbed onto Taehyung's forearms.

Taehyung had tears threatening to fall as he shook his head, trying to grab onto Jungkook who would push Taehyung's hands away. "Don't fucking touch me you slut." Jungkook pushed Taehyung back who held onto the couch and began to cry, shaking his head. "I swear Jungkook! I swear I didn't cheat! I promise you!" Taehyung stepped towards Jungkook.

"Then why didn't you listen to me? Are you that hard headed? All I want is for you to be safe Taehyung, That's all I fucking want and you go and disobey me each fucking time." Jungkook raised his voice, Taehyung continuing to shake his head. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll listen-" Taehyung's head turned to the right once the hand came in contact with his flesh, the sound of the slap echoing in his own ears. This time it was harder than the last.

That caught Jungkook off guard as well. The boy stilled and looked at his hand before looking at Taehyung's red marked cheek. "Fuck- dammit." Jungkook stepped towards Taehyung who was harshly biting on his lip and letting tears fall from his eyes. Jungkook was quick to cup Taehyung's face and plant a kiss on the red cheek, shaking his head while his eyes prickled with tears.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung I swear to god I wasn't thinking straight! You just- You lied to me! You disobeyed me. I gave you one simple rule and you failed to follow that. I worry okay? I don't- I don't want to lose you. Please, please Taehyung I'm so fucking sorry." Jungkook caressed Taehyung's cheek and wiped away the tears before bringing Taehyung into a hug. "Please Taehyung, don't leave me," Jungkook mumbled into the boy's shoulder.

Taehyung shook a bit in Jungkook's hold before he slowly started to nod, his eyes closing as he let a few tears fall, sniffling into Jungkook's shoulder. "I won't ever leave you Jungkook, okay? I'm so sorry for lying and worrying you. I won't go to another party ever okay? No more drinking, I promise." Taehyung gulped as Jungkook pulled away and cupped Taehyung's face again.

"Promise?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded, leaning up to kiss at Jungkook's lips. "I promise you Jungkook." And with that, Taehyung was yet again lying to himself. The smack was accidental, that he didn't mean it. That it was his fault, that Jungkook was just short tempered and it sometimes caused breakouts like this. It was okay, that he was okay.

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