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"No way in hell Taehyung." Taehyung's mother turned to Taehyung who was following the female up the stairs. "Well technically I'm eighteen and can do whatever I want." Taehyung stopped in his tracks. It's been a full week since Taehyung decided he wanted to move in with Jungkook though when he found the courage to tell his parents, his dad walked out due to him needing to be at work and his mother-

"And as long as I'm still alive you will listen to me. You haven't even dated him for a year Taehyung. You're crazy if you think I'm allowing this!" She snapped at her son who scoffed and shook his head. "I'm eighteen, I'm an adult. I'll do whatever I please!" Taehyung raised his voice which caused his mother to be rather shocked as her son walked right passed her and slammed his door when entering his room.

She only looked at the door before shaking her head, walking back down the stairs to grab her phone. As for Taehyung, he mumbled to himself as he kicked the basket full of clothes on the floor before falling onto his bed with a groan before he grabbed out his phone and began to text Jungkook.

In which ended up in a call. "I think we're waiting until my dad gets back from work but I'm eighteen. Like it or not, I'm moving in with you." Taehyung rambled on while Jungkook had his phone on his shoulder while his head tilted to hold it close, the boy drying his hands from washing the dishes.

"I would rather have your parents blessing first." Jungkook spoke after Taehyung finished rambling on, Taehyung groaning yet again. "My mom thinks this is a big mistake. She'll probably call Jimin and Misun." Taehyung mumbled the last part in which Jungkook asked for Taehyung to repeat and he did.

"I don't see where Jimin and Misun fits into this." Jungkook clicked his tongue while leaning on the counter and holding onto the phone. "Big decisions like this my mom always calls Jimin and his parents and same goes for Misun. Just like if they make big decisions then they would call my parents and I." Taehyung explained to Jungkook who was rather annoyed on the other side of the call.

"Okay but you're a big boy. You don't need everyone else making decisions for you. Either you want to move in or not." Taehyung could tell the tone in Jungkook's voice was not good. "Why are you snapping at me? I'm just telling you-" Taehyung was interrupted as Jungkook groaned out loud into the phone.

"For god sakes Taehyung I'm not snapping at you! Now I'm snapping at you! I just don't fucking see where Jimin and Misun's opinion comes into this, they have no fucking say in your decision. All I care about is yours and your parents decisions alright?!" Jungkook raised his voice, getting sick of Taehyung always fighting with him as he breathed out and rubbed his temple with his free hand.

Taehyung had Jungkook on speaker as he rubbed his face and shook his head. "Alright, okay. I'll get their approval." Is all Taehyung said before Jungkook was hanging up. Never able to actually handle himself whenever Taehyung got him mad. Sometimes he could but other times he just couldn't hack it with Taehyung.

Taehyung sat on the couch as his dad walked into the house to greet his wife with a kiss on the lips, Taehyung breathing in and out as he sunk into the couch. After whispering to each other, the two adults walked into the room with Taehyung who was looking at his lap. His father sat across from Taehyung and so did his mother, his father first to speak.

"Go on, tell us why you're suddenly making this decision." His father's tone was demanding yet calm? Or maybe it wasn't and Taehyung just didn't know his father all that well. "I'm old enough to make decisions for myself." Is all Taehyung said and his father shook his head. "No no boy, tell me why you are deciding you want to move out so suddenly. I know you're eighteen, I know you're an adult, I know this. You don't think I don't?"

Taehyung gulped and began to speak but his father stopped him once again. "Look at us when you speak, you know this Taehyung." The father spoke to Taehyung who snarled and looked up at his parents. "Why not? I love Jungkook and he loves me. I'm eventually going to move in with him and so why not now? I'm not dating him just to pass time or have fun. I'm dating him because I see something in him, in us, in our future. I'm moving out because I love him and I can't see a day without Jungkook, okay?"

Taehyung's father only looked at Taehyung who looked back down at his lap and played with his fingers. Before his mother could speak, his father grabbed onto her hand and rubbed it before looking at Taehyung, clearing his throat as Taehyung peeked to look at his father. "Okay. You can move out." Taehyung's father spoke while standing up.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he stood up while his mother's mouth dropped. "What!" She stood up as Taehyung was already bringing his father into a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Taehyung kissed his father's cheek as he ran upstairs like some middle schooler and was calling Jungkook in no time.

"What was that?!" The mother asked while the father looked up the stairs. "I said he can move out. Not that he has my blessing. If Taehyung wants to act like a grown up now then I'll treat him like one." Taehyung's father turned to his wife who raised an eyebrow. "Promise you, everything will work out in the end, alright?" He kissed her forehead as she sighed and hugged her husband. "I hope you're right on this." She mumbled, a frown on her face from the thought of her boy leaving her.

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