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*Foxenia POV*

  "Where the hell are you Marizel?" I ask my self-walking from area to area.

  "Foxy?" I hear Enico ask.

  "Yep, have you seen-"

  "No, I was coming to look too."

  "Maybe we can team up?" I ask hopefully.

  "Sure." He says, "But don't go around telling people we're dating I'm gay and I have had to explain that to Rafty more times than you'd think."

  "Don't worry won't, your not my type."

  The conversion falls into a comfortable silence and we start checking the bathrooms.

  "Maybe the basement underneath the main area? She likes it under there for some odd reason."

"I don't think so. She ran the opposite direction of Percy so she'd be in... the napping area." I conclude.

"I guess we'll check the basement in there then."

"How many basements does this place have?!" I shout after Enico.

"More than you'd be comfortable with!"

I cringe but continue to follow him non the less.


Once in the napping areas basement we hear crying.

"Marizel?" Nico asks coming up behind the same figure.

He touches their shoulder and they jerk up, It's Marizel alright but her face is covered in black tears.

"Mari..." Enico says bending down to her, showing real genuine affection says, "Baby what happened?"

Marizel rubs her eyes saying, "S-She killed Octavian and said s-she's c-come after you-" She hiccups, "-next."

Enicos eyes widen, so the rumors were true, Bianca is back and Sobbing Octavian is dead.

*Clarnndo POV*

"Frank hurry up! We don't want Bianca to get to TyUnit before we do. One that'd be bad and two Percy would tear us apart if he found out we got his adopted brother killed."

Frank hurried up once I say this and we continue down through the sister basement.

He likes it down there and in the vents but neither of us can fit in the vents, Frank can't because he was thrown in the janitors closet and because we need Annabeth, she is the best gent navigator.

"Up there," Frank says pointing. Up ahead I see a boy around eight playing a video game, Secret Circus Zoey Minigame by the looks of it. Gods I hate that game, Zoey didn't make it but I hate the ending with a passion.

"Hey, TyUnit!" Frank calls over. "Enico needs you!"

TyUnit is kinda chubby, his skin looks like a metallic yellow, his eyes are big and brown and his brown hair is in dreads. On his chest is a large back screen that shows what he is saying due to having no mouth and has a tool belt around his waist at all times.

When he doesn't move I know something is wrong. I take out a large sharp piece of metal and edge forward.

When I tap his shoulder the game that was playing its self-falls from his hands and the jump scare that I hate at the end of the game sounds and echoes through the basement. TyUnit falls backward, a giant dent is in his chest and you can barely make out the last words typed out, those being, "Run if you find me. She's close." And there is a small time stamp under it, from the looks of it, it says  June 3, 2017/07:30 PM.

I look at the clock on the wall which reads "07:40". We were ten minutes late.

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