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  *Thalia POV*

  As we look around and all I can do is look down at the ground disgusted. The fake plaster on the floor is horrible. It's peeling up and it's purple and white checkered. The walls are faded gray or white and they have weird black marks on them like someone was bleeding.

Black gloop is oozing from one of the vents and the same gloop leads into a spare part room. And in this room, the trail stops.

Then if that's not bad enough all of the doors look exactly the same, ugly forest green and dirty golden handles. Ew.

Then in the main part, there are yellow tables that are surprisingly clean, can't say the same for the kitchen. The stage is light brown wood and purple curtains. Five animatronics stand against the wall seemingly powered down.

  The sister room is the same except the curtains are blue.

"This room is less creepy to me for some reason. Like someone I will love is waiting for me, watching me carefully, keeping me safe." I hear Will mutter. Strange lad.

  Then the napping room is the same as everything else in the halls but the walls are covered in glow-in-the-dark stars and lots and lots of blankets and pillows.

  The adult room has an "Adult Lemonade Stand", a bar and couches. Comfy, I guess.

  The place is extremely creepy, maybe they should have listened to m-

  "Hello?" A boy, says behind us. His voice cracking, his voice is kind of... distorted?

Will looks up, and his pupils dilate, oh geez.

  "Who are you?" Charles asks Dakota shakes behind him as Will walks up behind Charles, eyeing the newcomer suspiciously.

  "My name, my name is... erm..." He looks up as if thinking really hard about this question. He fiddles his thumbs. He looks unnaturally white. "My name is Nico. Yeah, Nico."

  "Okay Nico," I say walking up to him, getting extremely in his face. "What's wrong with your face?"

  Nico puts a hand his face. Now that I think about it his face looks as though it belongs to an animatronic.

  "This is a mask, that I will not take off thank you." He says putting up his hands to protect himself face from my hands. "I'm just here to clean the..." He looks around. "Ki... Kitchen. I'm cleaning the kitchen."

  I give the boy a raised eyebrow. "I'll handle him." Wills say stepping forwards. Nico looks at Will and his pupils dilate. Good lord, we're gonna have some crush action.

  Will takes Nico's hand, and they walk to the sister locations kitchen.

I follow them closely so I can just barely make out their conversion.

  "You weird you know that right?" Will asks as he pushes him against a wall. Nico gulps. "What are you? Who are you? And what in the gods names are you doing here?"

  "J-Janitor. Listen I'm sorry... erm... Blondie. But I'm just here to clean. So if you need me. Find the nearest kitchen. He wriggles from Will's grasp. "See ya 'round."

(A/N Nico internally: Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, CRAAAAAP.)

  And just like that, he leaves. This boy makes me more and more confused by the second. Apparently, judging by Wills expression, he agrees with me.

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