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Amber's POV:
6 months ago
Going to boarding school in Russia was weird. It was so much different than back home. But there was something that kept me going. A curly haired boy named Alexei. Anytime I told him about America, his eyes would light up and he'd make me tell him stories for hours. "расскажи мне другую историю."

Tell me another story. Alexei said, sitting next to me.

"что бы вы хотели услышать?"

What would you like to hear? I asked.

"что нибудь."

Anything. He replied.

I sighed and began to think of something to tell him. He adjusted his glasses on his face, patiently waiting for the next story. Then it popped into my head. I could tell him about Hawkins.



Alexei furrowed his eyebrows and went to open his mouth but I stopped him, telling him about Hawkins. I told him about the lake, I told him about my best friend Isabelle. I even told him about the town asshole Billy Hargrove and how Isabelle was in love with him but he never noticed her. Once I finished telling him about Hawkins, I told him that I needed to finish my schoolwork. He agreed to help me with it and I got it done quicker then I would if I did it alone. Then the phone rang. Alexei walked over to answer it, putting the phone up to his ear. I watched his face change expression as he conversed with the person on the phone. His eyes widened as the voice talked. I couldn't hear what they were saying since he never let me listen. I always thought it was weird that every time the phone rang, he never let me listen. He'd always tell me it was dangerous for me to listen.

"я улучшу это. не беспокойся."

I will perfect it. Don't worry.

He looked at me with a nervous expression, clutching the phone.

"нет. нет. почти готово."

No. No. It's almost done.

A shudder left his lips and he nodded as the voice spoke again, they couldn't see him but I think it was his way of calming himself down. "Alexei." I said as I began to walk over. He shook his head and pushed me away. The sound of a phone slamming on the receiver came from the phone. Alexei moved it from his ear and set the phone down. "Alexei?" I asked. He turned away from me and began to pace, slightly pulling at his hair. I grabbed him and stopped him.

"с тобой все в порядке?"

Are you ok?

Alexei nodded and told me not to worry about it. He told me that he had to go away. And begged me not to be mad.

"куда ты направляешься?"

Where are you going? I said.

"я не могу тебе сказать. пожалуйста не злись."

I can't tell you. Please don't be mad.

"я не буду злиться. пожалуйста просто скажи мне."

I won't be mad. Please just tell me.

Alexei looked down and shook his head, his lip quivering. A single tear fell from his eye and he sniffled.

"мне больно что я не могу тебе сказать. я не хочу лгать. но я должен защищать тебя."

It hurts me that I can't tell you. I don't want to lie. But I have to protect you.

Alexei was crying now. I hadn't even noticed that I was crying until a tear rolled down my cheek.

"я должен идти. Подожди меня?"

I have to go. Wait for me? Alexei asked while chuckling.

I nodded while tears streamed down my cheeks.

"конечно я буду ждать тебя."

"Of course I'll wait for you."

Alexei half smiled and wiped my tears.

"не плачь. ты слишком хорош чтобы плакать."

Don't cry. You're too pretty to cry.

I immediately hugged him, crying into his chest. Alexei held me tightly and kissed the top of my head. "Please don't go. Please don't go." I mumbled into his chest.

"я люблю тебя янтарь."

I love you, Amber. Alexei said, making me look up at him.

"я тоже тебя люблю."

I love you too. I replied.

I clung to Alexei and he pulled away from me, pushing me off. I sobbed and he half smiled at me. He motioned for me to smile. And I nodded, pulling the best smile I could. Alexei walked to the door and turned the knob, turning around to look at me. His eyes were filled with tears and I blew him a kiss. He caught it and opened the door, walking out of my life. I heard him sob on the other side and his footsteps move away from the door. That's when I broke down. Now I had to figure out how I'd get through the next six months without him.

Here's the update. kw-2187 I hope it was decent.

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