New Jobs and New Friendships

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Isabelle's POV:
My new job was something to get used to. I had just dropped Maci off at school and headed back to my house for a nap. It had been raining all morning. It was a spring shower. Billy practically lived at my house. He was at mine more than he was at his own. "Are you not working today?" I asked him. Billy shook his head and said "no. It's my day off. And I figured I could tag around with you all day." "My day will be boring. As a matter of fact I was going to take a nap." Billy shrugged and said "I'll take a nap with you. And your day could never be boring." Billy wrapped his arms around me as the both of us looked out at the rain. I traced circles into his hands that rested on my stomach. I then looked up at him. He furrowed his eyebrows and I said "you're so pretty." Billy sniggered and said "pretty? I think you bumped your head, Kline." I rolled my eyes and said "it's not my fault you were born a pretty boy, Hargrove." Billy kissed my cheek and I smiled really big. I led him to my bed and said "I actually want to nap. I've got time until I have to go and get Maci. I'm also getting El and Will." Billy nodded and said "we'll nap and we'll get the kids." He emphasized on the 'we' part of his sentence. I nodded and laid down, my eyes going back to the rain pouring down in Hawkins. The warmth from Billy's body and the sound of the rain was enough to lull me to sleep.


"I'm driving. It's my car." I told Billy. He shook his head and said "I'll drive. You just look pretty in the passenger seat." I looked down to hide my blush and I said "now, my car isn't a race car like yours. She's a cruiser." I patted the hood of my Mercedes. Billy rolled his eyes and said "I don't have a race car." "I know. It's just funny calling it that." The two of us got in my car and headed to the high school. I watched El kiss Mike goodbye as she walked over to the car. Will walked alongside her and Maci followed behind. The three kids got in the car and Maci said "is this your boyfriend?" Billy turned around to look at her and said "I'm Billy." She smiled at him and Will said "hi, Isabelle." I smiled really big at him and said "hi, Will." "I really like your dress, Jane." I told El. I needed to get in the habit of calling her Jane around other people. She would forever be El to me. El looked at me with a blush. "Thank you." Billy started the car and we had to drop off El and Will first. Maci and El talked excitedly about their project in class they'd be doing. Will looked out the window, seeming to get lost in the rainy afternoon. "We could've gave Max a ride. Where was she?" I said the kids. El looked at me and said "she takes the bus usually." I frowned at that and Billy said "tell her I'll give her a ride from now on." El nodded and Maci said "you guys know Max?" "She's my sister." Billy replied. Maci nodded and said "oh. I didn't know that." As we reached the Byer's house, Will quickly got out, keeping the door open for El. "Bye!" El said as she got out, rushing to the door. Will was now covered in water and I said "bye, Will. Go inside and dry off." He nodded and said "bye, Isabelle." He half smiled and followed after his sister. Billy then proceeded to drive to Maci's. When we got there Billy's eyes widened at the house. The three of us rushed inside and Maci said "Isabelle, I'm sure this job is kind of lame. Having to hang around with a high schooler. My mom isn't around and I do appreciate having another girl around. I love my mom and I love Swan. But, having another girl around is really fun." I smiled and said "well, I'm friends with some of the other kids but I'm always glad to have someone new to talk to. You're really cool, Maci." "So are you. I might go upstairs and get started on some homework. My mom will be home in an hour. She told me today. You guys could go now if you want to." "We might stay until the rain lets up a little bit." I replied. Maci nodded and then went upstairs. Billy walked into the kitchen, his eyes going all around the large house. He looked at me and said "they're loaded!" I shushed him, covering his mouth. "Yes. They are." I removed my hand from his mouth and he shook his head. "Do you think we could have a house like this?" Billy walked around the kitchen, looking at me. I shrugged and said "yeah. Maybe." "One day, we should have something like this. Something like your dad's." I nodded in agreement and the back door opened and closed. Swan walked into the kitchen and said "I see you're still here." I sighed, hating the hostility this kid gave me. "Hey." I said. Swan looked Billy up and down and said "is this your boyfriend?" "I am." Billy said. Swan looked at me and then looked at Billy. "I thought you were with Steve." "And what gave you that idea?" I asked curiously. Swan gestured to me and said "you have the look. Anyway, it was nice to meet you." Swan then left the room and Billy scoffed. "Who shoved a stick up his ass?" He gestured to the boy walked away who had a mullet like Billy's but it was more straight than curly. I shrugged and said "I don't know. I think he thinks I'm a replacement." "A replacement for what?" "I guess the relationship he has with Maci." "That's fucking stupid." I hit Billy's arm lightly and shook my head. "We can go if you want." Billy nodded and said "yeah. Let's go."


"I really appreciate you guys doing this." Natalia said. Amber and I had gotten some groceries for her and Maci. I shook my head and said "it's no problem." Amber however didn't answer and was just staring at the older woman. I furrowed my eyebrows and didn't say anything. Once we were finished, Natalia sent us on our way. I quirked an eyebrow at my best friend and said "why're you acting all weird around Maci's mom?" She shrugged and said "no reason." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." We drove to my house and the two of us hung out for a couple of hours. Things in Hawkins had calmed down, were kind of going back to normal. Or so we thought. "Hey next time you go to do anything for Natalia, can I come with you?" Amber asked me. I shrugged and said "sure. Is there any particular reason why?" "No reason. Other than the fact that I'm really bored and spring break is coming up and I'll have nothing better to do than help a badass lady with whatever she needs." I chuckled softly and said "ok. I know we have to run around town tomorrow. She wants me to go to the general store and stuff like that. She needs some stuff for work or something. I have to do all of that and then grab Maci from school and stuff." Amber nodded and said "cool. I'll be there to help you. It'll get done a lot quicker. And Natalia doesn't mind me being around does she?" "No. I think she likes you. She's dying to meet Billy. I keep telling her he does in fact work. And that one day she will. But, I think she likes that Maci is hanging out with some females since she's with Swan all the time." Amber smiles and said "yeah. Well, I'll meet you here after you take Maci?" "Sure." My best friend then left my house and I went to help my mother with dinner.

The end sucksss and I'm just building up some stuff before Stranger Things 4 officially starts. I wish so bad that they would've given Billy a full redemption for season 4. I feel like he might've been protective over Max or maybe even apologized to Steve? Like they could've done so much and Dacre is so amazing it's a shame.

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