Spring 1986

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Isabelle's POV:
I gasped softly as I woke up from a nightmare. I looked around and saw that I was in my bedroom. I sighed and seemed to curl up into a ball. I'd been having these awful nightmares. It didn't make sense to me. I saw that the sun was starting to come up. I went to take a shower and get ready for the day. I kind of wanted to get a job but my parents didn't need me to work and I definitely would've gotten a job at the mall but it closed down because of the events of last summer. Billy worked as a mechanic at the local garage. It also gave him time to work on his own car. His iconic blue Camaro was almost finished. He'd been working on it himself for a while. Max helped him occasionally. The two of them had gotten close, getting rid of their differences. Billy's dad had moved away and now it was Max, Billy and Max's mom. Billy would never accept Max's mom as his own mother but he did care for her because she was the mother of Max. They'd moved into a trailer and were basically on the outskirts of Hawkins. While I was still sitting the large house my father had. I heard my mother getting things ready downstairs. My brother and sister would be coming home for spring break. The both of them had been away at college. I wondered how much they knew about my powers. My powers seemed to be stronger than ever. I could feel everyone's pain, anger, happiness. It was definitely something I needed to get used to and was trying to get the hang of. Hopper and Joyce had moved in together and now Will, Jonathan and El were siblings. El went by Jane when she was at school and stuff but she was El to all of us. I headed downstairs and my father was at the dining room table reading the newspaper. The sound of a loud car entered the air. "Isabelle, tell that boy to shut that car off." My mom said. I opened the door and saw Billy's Camaro in the driveway. "Oh my god, you fixed it!" I squealed. Max hopped out of the front seat and said "I helped him finish it. Finally." My boyfriend stepped out of his car, seeming to shine in the Hawkins spring sunlight. Max rushed over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged the red head and Billy walked over to me. "Hi, babe." He said. I smiled and pulled away from Max. "Hi, Billy." Billy grabbed me by the belt loop of my jeans, pulling me to him. I giggled and he kissed my lips. The kiss was passionate and I reached up to cup his cheek. "Billy, don't devour her face." Max said. I slowly pushed Billy off of me and he continued to kiss me. I laughed against his lips and said "Billy." "I'm hungry, Billy." Max retorted. Billy pulled away while still holding me. My hand went to his curls and Billy said "you know where the door is." Max shook her head and said "I'm not going in Isabelle's house by myself. Even though her parents know me." "They love you, Max. Now come on." I led the siblings into my house and my mother looked up. "Billy Hargrove, what did I tell you when you got that car fixed?" Mom said. Billy chuckled and said "not to rev it in your driveway." "But you did it anyway." "Sorry, Mrs. Kline. I just fixed her up and she's purring like a kitten." Billy smirked. My mother said "mmm-hmm. I'm sure she is. And I assume the two of you will be joining us for breakfast." Max nodded sheepishly and said "if you don't mind." "No. We don't mind at all." My father sighed deeply and Max said "hey, Mr. Kline." Dad looked over the top of the newspaper and said "hello, Max. Hello, Billy." "Isabelle's brother and sister will be arriving soon. It's been some time since they both have been away at college." Billy looked at me and said "you never mentioned your siblings." "That's because they were both away, Billy. I haven't seen them in a while." I replied. My mom was setting the table as we all decided on where we would sit. Just as Max sat down the front door opened. My brother stood there. "Izzy." Jason said. I smiled really big and rushed over to my brother, giving him a hug. "Jason, it's so good to see you." Jason kissed my cheek and said "how've you been?" "Good. A lot of stuff happened last summer and I was able to get through it But, I do have someone to introduce you to." Billy walked over and Jason's eyes bulged out of his head. "Jason, this my boyfriend Billy." "I remember you. I think you were just moving in when I was heading out for my second year of college." Jason said. Billy nodded and said "sounds about right. It's nice to meet you." Jason shook his hand and said "so, I see you're in shape. Did you play any sports?" I rolled my eyes at the mention of sports. "I played basketball a little bit. Nothing too serious. But, I work out a lot and I was a lifeguard for a while." "I played football in high school and I do in college but hilariously I'm a film major." Jason said. Billy chuckled and said "no shit." "Oh yeah. It's like people look at me and think 'he's got a sports scholarship.' It's actually the opposite. I'm a film major who plays sports." "I almost played football but decided on basketball and played baseball for a bit." I groaned and my sister walked in the door. I squealed and rushed over to her. Jackie caught me as I jumped into her arms. "My baby sister!" She yelled. I squeezed her and said "I missed you." "I missed you too. Oh my gosh, you're gorgeous." She set me down and I giddily pulled her over to meet Billy. "Billy, this is Jackie. Jackie, this is my boyfriend Billy." Jackie quirked an eyebrow and said "the bad boy?" "Jacqueline." Dad said. Jackie looked at him and said "what? I remember him. In school he was a menace." Jackie and Steve were in the same year. I remember her having a crush on Steve but he was too smitten over Nancy Wheeler. Billy chuckled and said "I remember you. A cheerleader, right? Popular? Hung out with Steve?" Jackie nodded and said "yes. Steve and I used to be close." Max stood up and approached us. "Oh my god, you're Billy's sister. You're grown up!" Jackie said. Jason looked the red head up and down and said "oh, I remember you! The little skateboarder!" Max nodded and said "yeah. I'm Max." Jackie smiled and said "hi. I'm Jackie. That idiot over there is Jason." Jason waved and said "it's nice to meet you." My dad stood up and hugged his son while my mom kissed her daughter. We all sat down at the table and started to eat breakfast.


"Amber just come with me." "Ugh, why?" "It's a job interview. For me. Billy can't come with and I'm meeting with Ms. St Valerian." Amber's mouth dropped and said "the really rich lady?! Who got a divorce?!" "Yeah. She's offered for me to babysit her daughter sometimes when she's at work." "How old's her daughter?" Amber asked me. "I think she's in eighth grade or a freshman in high school. Either way, it's a job and I'm going to see how it'll be" Amber nodded and said "fine. I'll come with you." Amber and I drove to the large house. Amber and Alexei ended up breaking up since he went back to Russia. It was much too hard for the two of them to try and keep a relationship. But, she still kept in contact with him and they occasionally wrote each other. When we arrived at the house Amber's eyes widened. "Wow." The two of us stepped out of my car and walked up to the house. I knocked on the door and Natalia answered the door. "Isabelle, hello. And..." "This is my friend Amber. I know you expected Billy but he had to work. I brought my best friend instead." Natalia nodded at me and said "that's fine." Her house was very modern for the 80s. "Maci! Come down and meet Isabelle!" Natalia then walked to the kitchen. Her daughter came down the stairs and said "hi." "Hi, I'm Isabelle." Maci half smiled at me and said "I'm Maci. Between me and you, I don't think I need a babysitter but if my mom thinks so, it's going to happen. But one good thing will come out of this." "And what's that?" "I'll have some older friends like Dustin Henderson." I laughed softly and said "yeah. That'll be cool. I'll be sure to tell Dustin." "Are you friends with Dustin too?" Maci asked. I shrugged and said "yeah. A little." We walked to the dinner table and saw that Natalia had everything set up. "Isabelle, before we get started on our meal, I'd like to tell you what exactly the job would entail. And introduce you to Swan." Swan stood up and said "hello." "Hi." I nodded at her. Maci sighed softly and Natalia said "I work a lot. I'm barely home. Maci is usually here by herself or is with Swan. Swan is the boy next door who is always over here. Maci and Swan have been friends for a long time even though he's a couple of years older than her. You would take Maci to school and bring her home. You could stay here with her up until I get home or an hour before I get home. Swan will make his way over at some point." Swan glared at me and I furrowed my eyebrows. "It's nothing too crazy. I'll pay you for it and just want Maci to have someone looking out for her. Especially with the way things are in Hawkins. The last couple of years have been, quite dangerous." My mind flashed back to last year, almost watching my boyfriend die in front of me. I took a shaky breath and said "yes. Hawkins hasn't exactly been super safe. But, I'm sure I can do this job to your liking. It's honestly what I was looking for. Something simple and not too stressful." Natalia nodded and said "that's good. Amber, tell me about yourself." Amber choked on her water and said "uh, I got out of a relationship a few months back. So I've been focusing on myself. I work as a lifeguard during the summer and work in the library during the rest of the year. Isabelle is my best friend and we've known each other for a long time." Natalia smiled and said "that's nice. Spring break is coming up. I'll be working extensively. I expect you to be with Maci for some of the days. I do understand you're young and have a boyfriend, the both of you probably want to have a spring break too. But I might need you on some days." I nodded and said "that's totally fine. I can work it into my schedule. I don't have anything special going on or anything." Natalia seemed pleased with that answer.


My first day of work wasn't anything extreme. I drove to Hawkins High School, dropping her off. Maci looked at me and said "you know, I could have Swan be with me during the day and say you were there." "No, let's not do that this early. We can do that if I needed it. As of right now, I don't have anything going on. You're not a bother to me, Maci." Maci nodded and said "I'll see you later then." She got out of the car and said "Jane, wait up!" El turned around and smiled at her. I was so glad El was making friends and such. Will noticed me and waved. I waved back and said "hi, Will!" El turned around at the sound of my voice. She waved happily and I waved back. "Byerssss." Eddie Munson said. Will smiled and said "hey, Eddie." Lorraine Espinosa ruffled Will's hair and he was quick to bat her hand away. She laughed and I pulled out of the school, going home. Jackie came outside and said "let's go get some movies. I wanna go to the video store." "Ok. Are you looking for anything in particular?" "I don't know. I just know mom and dad don't have much here. We should get some Disney movies." I nodded in agreement and said "ugh, yes!" The both of us giggled. Jackie and I got into her car and went towards the video store. It was pretty bare since nobody was there. Everyone was in school or at work. "Hello." Steve greeted. He didn't even look up from the magazine he was reading. "Steve." I said. His eyes flickered upwards and he said "Isabelle!" He moved from behind the counter to give me a hug. It had been a while since I saw Steve. I'd been spending the majority of my time with Billy. I pulled away from him and Steve's eyes went to my sister. Jackie looked at the boy with the luscious hair in shock. "Jackie?" Steve asked. Jackie smiled and said "hey, Steve." "It's been a while, hasn't it?" "Yeah. It has. I didn't expect to see you here. I figured you'd be away in college." Steve shrugged and said "dad doesn't wanna pay for it so I'm stuck here. How's college been? Are you, uh still singing and stuff?" Jackie nodded and said "yeah. I do musical theater." "That's awesome! That's so cool. Uh, well we don't get any new movies till Friday but I'm glad to make some suggestions." Steve offered. Jackie shook her head and said "we're getting some Disney movies." Jackie walked over to the section and grabbed a few. Steve made eye contact with me and said "you didn't tell me she was back." "I didn't know she wanted to come here." Jackie came back with the movies and Steve rung her up. "M-Maybe we could hang out sometime. While you're here." Steve said. Jackie smiled and said "maybe. See you later, Steve." "S-See you." Jackie and I walked out of the store, the both of us giggling.

Here's the update!! Stranger Things 4 is here and I hope everyone is happy I've continued this book!!

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