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Isabelle's POV:
The sound of knocking woke me up. My eyes shot open and I realized Billy had wrapped his arms around me last night. I was on his chest and I mentally cursed my father for knocking on the door. An annoyed groan left Billy's lips and my father said "Isabelle! I'm off to work. Come see me off." "Coming, dad. Just give me a second. I need to get dressed." I replied. I sat up and said "shit, shit, shit." Billy looked at me and said "didn't think you cursed. It's hot." I shook my head at him and said "hide. I have to go get my dad to leave." Billy nodded and stood up, stretching. His back popped as he did so and I caught myself staring at his body. I grabbed a cute shirt out of my closet and my bra, quickly putting it on. I pulled on some shorts and said "stay here. And hide." Billy nodded again and I walked downstairs. "I'm off to the office. Have any plans today?" Dad asked. "Going to the mall." "With anyone special?" "This guy I know." "Do I know this boy?" He said. "I don't know. Maybe. But it's a date and I can't be late." I said. My dad nodded and kissed my cheek, telling me goodbye. When I went back into my bedroom, Billy was changing. He had jeans on and no shirt. "I'm gonna go put some makeup on. I'll be back. My mom should be gone so you can wait in the living room." "Ok." I went to walk out of the room and Billy said "Isabelle?" I turned around and said "yeah?" "Thanks for letting me crash here. Usually I crash in my car." "You're welcome. And anytime you need somewhere to stay. You can stay here." Billy nodded with a half smile and I went to the bathroom, doing my makeup. Once I was finished Billy and I got into his car and headed to Starcourt. "Have you been here?" I asked as we walked through the doors. Billy shook his head and said "I've been working." "Well, I'm taking you to scoops ahoy. My friend works there and we can get a discount on ice cream." I said. Billy nodded and I grabbed his hand, pulling him through the food court. I saw the looks from my peers as they looked at me with Billy. Carol rolled her eyes and scoffed as the two of us walked by. We weaved through the crowd of people coming off the escalator and we reached the food court. Billy and I stopped and he looked around at all the different restaurants. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said "it seems like they have everything." Butterflies arose in my stomach as Billy's arms rested around me. "Come on." We walked up to the counter and there was a line. A group of little girls walked away from the counter with ice cream in their hands. Robin stood at the counter and said "hey Isabelle." "Hey." She looked between Billy and I with a smirk on her face. "Well, I'd take care of you but it's time for my break. Dingus!" Robin said. Steve came out of the back and rolled his eyes when he saw Billy.

"Harrington, didn't know you worked here." Billy said. Steve sighed deeply and said "yes. I work here." "I'm glad you got the job, Steve." I said to him. He smiled at me and said "thanks. What flavor would you like?" "Can I have mint chocolate chip?" Billy asked. Steve shot him a glare and I said "you're going to say it's plain but I'll just have vanilla. With sprinkles." Steve shook his head at me and said "that is plain but it's cute." I smiled at him and Steve smiled back. Billy noticed and cleared his throat. Steve scooped Billy's ice cream and handed it to him. Steve scooped mine and put sprinkles on it. "And since you know Robin and I, it's on the house." "Thanks, Steve." I replied. Billy and I sat at a table and ate our ice cream. Once we were finished we went up the escalator. Not realizing, I put my arm around Billy's waist. He winced and I immediately looked up. He tried to play it off and I said "did he hit you there?" "Yeah." Billy mumbled. I gently wrapped my other arm around his waist, without hurting him and I hugged him. "What're you doing?" He said. "Giving you a hug. A hug always makes me feel better. So, now I'm making you feel better." Billy chuckled and once we got to the top of the escalator, I let go of him. We went to different stores and I got a brand new outfit which Billy thought it was weird cause it was multi colored. We finished around 4:00 in the afternoon and headed back to his car. "You know, Starcourt was better than I thought it'd be." Billy said. "Yeah?" I replied. He nodded and the two of us got into his car. He sped out of the parking lot and he began to drive me back to my house. He was going super fast. He passed cars that were going too slow and he even sped past Hopper, who I thought would pull us over for sure. He didn't. Billy got a red light and slammed on the brakes. I exhaled and said "wow." Billy smirked and leaned over. "You scared of how fast we go?" Normally if I was in a car going that fast, I'd be terrified. But in this moment, for some reason, I wanted to go fast. I wanted the rush, I wanted to be reckless. "No." Billy leaned closer and our faces were inches away from one another. "You want me to go fast?" His voice was deeper than before. I moved closer to him. "I want you to go super fast." Billy pulled away and began revving his engine. As soon as the light turned green we took off. He laughed as the speedometer passed 60, then 70, then 80. We sped through Hawkins, not caring about anything, just the speed. We made it to my neighborhood and he came to a screeching stop in front of my house, tire marks would sure be left in the street. I laughed as I got out of the car, holding my bag of clothes. I unlocked my front door and Billy followed me in the house. "Want anything to eat?" I said to him. He shook his head and I said "do you have to work tomorrow?" "Yeah. But I have my normal shift which is good." I nodded and sat on the kitchen counter. Billy stepped closer to me and his fingers brushed against the hem of my shorts. "You know why I never hit on you in school?" He asked. "Why?" "Cause I knew. I knew the type of girl you were. You were prettier than all the other girls. And you weren't like Carol or Tina. I knew you weren't just going to put out and I knew I have that vibe. I knew that you knew of my reputation. And I figured I'd just scare you away. Like I did with some of the other girls." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why are you telling me all of this?" Billy took a step closer to me, looking into my eyes. "Cause I like you, Kline." Billy cupped my cheek and immediately fear washed over my body for some reason. My heart began to beat faster and Billy pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He gently pushed my legs apart with his other hand as he deepened the kiss. The sound of keys jingling made me pull away. Billy kissed my neck and I saw my father's silhouette outside the front door. "Shit. It's my dad, Billy." He continued to kiss my neck and as much as I was enjoying it, my dad would lose his mind if he saw his daughter in the kitchen with Billy Hargrove. "Billy, you gotta go. My dad's here." I said. Billy made me look at him and said "give me a kiss." "I can't. My dad's here." "Then I'm not leaving. And maybe it's time for me to meet the mayor!" Billy's voice got louder with each word and I kissed him quickly. He smirked against my lips and I pulled away. I pushed on his chest and said "go out the back." He chuckled and said "come by the pool tomorrow at closing." "At night?" I asked. "Yeah. Meet me at the pool." The front door opened and my dad said "Isabelle, I'm home." "Billy go. I'll see you tomorrow. Go." I began pushing him towards the back door and he walked extra slow. "Billy." I groaned. He laughed and I covered his mouth. "It's not funny." I said in a hushed tone. I unlocked the back door and pushed him outside. "Isabelle?" "Leave." I said to Billy. He kissed my lips again and I kissed him back, getting too caught up into the kiss. "Isabelle, you home?" That snapped me back into reality and he said "I'm leaving. Meet me tomorrow." "I will." He smirked and I closed the backdoor, locking it behind me. I pressed my back against the door and sighed. "Isabelle, there you are." "Sorry, dad. I was sitting on the back porch." I replied. I heard Billy's car start up and my dad said "who's blue Camaro is that out front?" Loud rock music erupted into the air and I heard him speed off. I shrugged and said "don't know." My dad nodded and said "well I got home early and figured you'd want to go out to dinner tonight." "Sure. That'd be fun." I replied, finally being able to relax since Billy left.

This chapter was super long and I hope you guys are ok with that. And hopefully this isn't moving too fast. If it is for your liking I'm sorry ahhh

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