The Battle of Starcourt

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Isabelle's POV:
The plan was being devised, Hopper, Murray, and Alexei would be closing the gate, with the help of Amber and Joyce. Steve, Robin, Erica, and Dustin would be setting up the radio. And I'd stay with the rest of the kids. Plus Jonathan and Nancy. We had to get El to Murray's house which was in Illinois. She'd be safe from the Mind Flayer and safe from Billy. I needed to stay, to free Billy. El hugged Hopper and then walked over to me.

"I'm staying." I said to her. She shook her head and said "no. You need to come with us. I want you to come with us. I want you with me." She grabbed my hand and said "please." Small tears welled up into her eyes and I cupped her cheek. "El, you need to be safe. You and Max. I'll be fine. I'm going to help Billy. I love him, El. I need him." I said to her. Max overheard and said "Isabelle, please come with us." "I have to save your brother." El sniffled and I said "don't cry. Mike will be there with you, Max will be there with you, they all will. Just let me stay behind, and when this is all over, you, Max, and I will have a girls night." She half smiled and said "promise?" "I promise." I replied. Max let El lean on her as the two of them walked away. Jonathan walked over and said "you be careful." I nodded and said "I will." "I don't know you that well but Will likes you a lot. So don't die." Jonathan said. I chuckled and said "I'll try not to." I sat down as everyone began to make their way to the car outside. Booming noises were heard and I watched Max look up.

"It's here." Will said. I looked up to see the Mind Flayer. "Everyone hide!" Mike said. I watched him, El and Max duck into a store and I quickly hid with Will. My back was pressed up against the car that El had turned over. Will sat next to me. The sound of the Mind Flayer's footsteps boomed throughout Starcourt. Will panted next to me, fear coursing through his veins. "It'll be ok." I whispered to him. He nodded and I looked at Lucas who was searching the area for Max. Jonathan held Nancy's hand and everyone in the room was tense. After a few minutes of the Mind Flayer circling around we ran outside. Nancy and Jonathan tried to get the car started but it wouldn't work. Then the sound of a car revving was heard. Billy. Jonathan struggled to get the car started while Nancy aimed a fun at Billy. "Don't." I said to her. She shook her head and said "I'll shoot if I have to." I stood in front of her and walked a few meters away. "Isabelle! Don't!" Will said. I stared Billy down, through his cracked windshield. I could feel him trying to resist the Mind Flayer's calling. He would never intentionally hurt the kids or me.

But he slammed his foot down on the gas and sped towards us. I stood my ground, not daring to move out of the way. "Isabelle, move!" Lucas yelled. I watched the Camaro accelerate and Billy had no emotion on his face. It's like he was blank. Lifeless. Empty.

Nancy shot at his windshield. "Stop!" I said as I turned around to look at her. She ducked and moved out of the way as Billy got closer. When I turned back around to look at Billy, Steve came crashing into his car. I stood frozen in place as Steve spun out and Billy went sliding across the parking lot. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I watched the group run back into the mall and Billy stumbled out of his car, wincing in pain.

Max, El and Mike ran by, going around towards the back of the mall. I ran towards Mike, El and Max, catching up with them. Max closed the gate that led to the back. Billy got to it before it closed all the way, pushing it open with all his might. "Go!" I said to the kids.

We were in this hallway that was a dead end and all the doors were locked. Footsteps bounced off the walls and Billy stormed down the hall, anger flowing through his veins.

Max said "Billy. It's me. Max. I'm your sister. Your name is Billy Hargrove." She continued to go on, trying to get Billy to remember who he was. He slapped her and knocked her down. Mike got in front of El and Billy easily eliminated him. El held her hand out in front of her and tried to use her powers but Billy stopped her. "Billy!" I said. He went to grab El again and I stepped in front of her. I used my powers on him, making him slowly realize what he was doing. Billy furrowed his eyebrows and I said "don't do this. Please. Take me instead of her." Billy looked at El who was clutching my arm in fear. "Isabelle." He said. I nodded and said "yes." He reached for my hand and then pulled it back really quick. "Billy." I said softly. He shook his head and I watched the evil snap back into his eyes. He lunged at El and I slapped him. "Leave her alone!" I said. Billy grabbed me by my shoulders and pinned me to the wall. My back hit the wall with a thud and El watched in shock. She used her powers on him, sending Billy flying across the room. I slid down the wall and Billy quickly bounced back. He grabbed El first, hitting her over the head. He knocked me down and grabbed my ankle, dragging me down the hall. He carried El over his shoulder and I watched her limp body sway as he drug the both of us back inside the mall.

Ok I know y'all are like wtf!! But I think imma split the battle of Starcourt into three parts so I can include Hopper, Alexei, Murray, Amber and Joyce closing the gate.

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