The Kline's

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Billy's POV:
I had to be to work earlier than usual and saw that Isabelle was asleep next to me. I was careful not to wake her up. I removed her from my body and began getting dressed. I heard her parents leaving for the day and I leaned down, kissing her forehead. She stirred slowly and said "you're leaving?" "I told you I had an early shift." I said. Isabelle looked up at me and I sat down. She wrapped her arms around me and said "I don't want you to go." "The early shift works so I can meet your parents. I get off at like 2:00." Isabelle kissed my cheek and said "I'll see you later then." I played with the ends of her hair and said "I think your parents left." "Go ahead and use the front door." She said. I stood up and went to walk out when she said "Billy?" I turned to look at her and she said "have a good day." I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. I left her bedroom and began making my way to my car.


Isabelle's POV:
I drove to the town hall where lots of people were. They were all standing outside wanting to get to my father. I walked in and headed to his office. I opened the door and he said "Isabelle." "Hi, dad." I said. He hugged me and said "you came to visit?" I shook my head and said "I came to ask you something. I've already asked mom but I need to ask you." My father furrowed his eyebrows and I said "my boyfriend, Billy, wants to come over for dinner tonight. He'd like to meet the two of you." A sigh left my father's lips and he said "Billy. Billy who?" "Hargrove." "He doesn't drive that stupid Camaro does he?" I bit my lip and he turned away from me. "So that's where you've been spending your time? With him?" "How do you even know him?" "I met his father. Billy was with him. His father told me what kind of person he is. I don't think he's the right person for you." He replied as he sat down in his chair. I rolled my eyes and said "you're always like this. Be home at a reasonable time cause he's coming over for dinner." I left his office, slamming the door and driving home.


I dressed nicely as did my mother who cooked something she doesn't usually cook. Which is fine but I guess she wanted to impress Billy. My father had come home at a good time and was upstairs getting ready. The door bell rung and I said "I'll get it." I walked to the door and Billy stood outside of it. "Hey." He said. I cupped his cheeks, kissing his lips. He kissed me back, his hands going to my waist. I pulled away and he smirked. "What was that for?" He asked. "I missed you. And my dad upset me earlier." Billy had flowers in his hand and said "they're for your mom." "She'll love them." I said. I led him into the house and Billy held my hand as we walked into the dining room. "Mom?" I said. My mother turned around and her eyes went on Billy. She looked him up and down I said "this is Billy. Billy this is my mom." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Kline." My mom walked over and said "please, call me Winnie." Billy handed her the flowers and said "these are for you." My mom smiled and took them from him. Billy and I sat down. "I hope dinner is ready." My father's voice entered the room. My mom began to serve plates and Billy stood up. "So you're the boy my daughter's with." "I believe we met once before." Billy said. "We did, didn't we?" Billy smirked and said "well there's no need for me to introduce myself then?" My dad didn't say anything, he just walked to his seat and sat down. My mother sat down as well. "So, Billy, do you have a job?" Now he was being questioned my by father. "I work at the pool. I'm a lifeguard." My mom smiled and said "that's interesting. Where did the two of you meet?" "We went to school together but we didn't start talking till Billy got a job at the pool. I was always going with Robin and it just sort of happened." I said. I looked over at my father, who was staring Billy down. Billy was smooth and could charm my mom but I don't know about my dad. Dinner went smoother than I expected it to be. I had walked Billy out and began to help my mom clean up. "I don't want you seeing him." I looked at my dad and said "what?" "I don't want you seeing him. He's trouble." I scoffed and said "once again, everything has to be your way." "Larry, let her be with Billy. She's happy." My mom said. "No. I'm not going to let her be with a boy who causes trouble." "You don't know him. You don't." I said. "I don't need to. He's not your type. Just drop the relationship. Or I'm going to force you to." My mom didn't say anything. She turned away and I desperately wanted her to help me. But I knew she was slightly afraid of my father. I knew Billy hadn't left yet. The sound of his car starting up wasn't heard. I quickly wiped a tear from my eye and said "dad, I don't ask much of you. I never have. And I always seem to disappoint you." My father frowned and said "I just don't want you to be with him." "Who do you want me to be with? Jonathan Byers? Steve Harrington?" My father was silent, not saying anything. I shook my head and said "I'm leaving." "Where are you going?" "Anywhere." I said. I began to walk away and my dad said "if you walk out that door, you're grounded." I rolled my eyes and said "so scary." "Isabelle! Do not walk out that door!" My mom flinched at him yelling and I grabbed the doorknob. I saw that Billy was still parked outside. I opened the door and my dad grabbed my arm. "Let go." I said. He went to pull me away from the door but I resisted. "You're not leaving." I tried to get my arm free and my father tightened his grip. "Dad, stop." I looked out to Billy's car. Now he was getting out. "Dad, let go." "Why? So you can run?" I shook my head. Now I was afraid of what was going to happen. Billy stomped his way over to the door and I said "dad, please." He scoffed and Billy said "let her go or it's your funeral." "Billy, don't." I quickly said. My father scoffed and my mother said "Larry, let it go. It's fine." My father pulled me inside and tried to close the door. Billy stopped the front door from closing and made his way in. "Billy." I said. My father noticed Billy's size and how angry he was. "You lay a hand on me and I'll have you arrested." "By who? Hopper?" Billy said. "Larry! Let her go!" My mom yelled. My dad let go of my arm. I quickly moved away from him and hid behind Billy, who was staring my father down. "You'll get what's coming to you." Thats when my father snapped. He punched Billy in the jaw and my mother and I both gasped. "Larry!" My mom said as she went to slap him. Billy got my dad in the face. Billy laughed as I pulled on his arm and my dad clutched his face. "Larry, you idiot!" My mom yelled. "Billy, come on." I said. Billy went closer to my dad who backed away from him. I got in front of Billy and pushed on his chest. My mother looked at me and said "Isabelle, go." I cupped Billy's cheeks and said "let's go." His eyes went back to my dad and he went to go forward and I said "hey. Let's go. To your house." Billy nodded and turned around, walking to the door. I looked at my parents and my mom said "I'll take care of this. Just go." I ran out of the house, following Billy. The drive to Billy's was silent until Billy said something. "You think he'll let me not see you?" I scoffed and said "he's got no balls, Billy. And I hope he calls Hopper. My friend is close with him and he won't arrest you. Hopper doesn't like my dad. Nobody does." Billy nodded and we pulled up at his house. "No parents?" I said. He nodded and I said "good." We walked in the house to see Max and Lucas on the couch. "H-hey, Billy." Max said. Billy nodded and said "hey, Max. Hey, Lucas." "Hey?" Lucas said. Billy and I went to his room and I noticed his jaw was bruising. I grabbed him and the two of us went to the kitchen. I grabbed some ice and set it on his bruise. He winced and I said "sorry." He nodded and Max said "what happened?" I removed the ice and Lucas said "that's a nasty bruise. Did you get in another fight with Steve?" "Harrington? No. It was Isabelle's dad." Billy replied. Max's eyes widened and she said "wait. He fought your dad?" "He did. But my dad's an asshole who deserved that." I said. Lucas shook his head and said "that's crazy." Billy put the ice back on his bruise and I said "I know." Max looked at Billy and said "did you get him good?" Billy nodded and said "I got him right in the face." Lucas chuckled and said "that's awesome." "So you spending the night?" Billy asked Lucas. He nodded and said "as long as it's cool with you." "It's cool." Billy said. He went to his room and I said "I'll see you guys." I walked into Billy's room and closed the door. "You ok?" He asked me. "I'm fine. How about you?" "I'm good. I just want to make sure you're ok. I mean, I punched your dad." "So?" I said. "He didn't like me." "So?" "Isabelle he's going to ban me from seeing you. And I don't know if I'll be able to deal with that. I don't want you to have to choose. Cause I love you." I stared at him in shock and Billy cleared his throat and I said "you love me?" "Y-yeah. I know it's kinda early but I do." "Don't go soft on me, Billy." I said. Billy rolled his eyes and said "fuck you." I laughed and Billy said "your dad hates me." I cupped his cheeks and said "I love you and only you, Billy." He removed his hands off my face and held them in his. "Are you sure? Nobody else seems to think I'm lovable." "You are. Because I love you." Billy hugged me and held me tightly, like this was the last time he'd ever hug me. "I love you, Billy." I whispered. Billy squeezed me and said "I love you too, Isabelle."

Here's the update! The end is sappy but it's kinda cool????

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