Wango Tango

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Isabelle's POV:
I sat in my father's office as he talked to a man who looked like he used to be in the military. I sighed and said "can I go?" "Not yet. I'm almost finished." My dad said. I rolled my eyes and the man talked about the mall. And something about some properties. "Those properties will be open soon." The man left and I said "so why did I have to come with you today?" "I wanted to talk to you about the 4th. What should I do for the town on the 4th?" He asked. "A fair." He wrote my idea down and said "that's a great idea. It'll help me get re elected." The sound of a car revving it's engine erupted from outside. My dad looked out the window and said "that damn blue Camaro." "It's blue?" I said. He nodded and said "I hate that car." I walked over to the window and watched Billy step out of it. "Can I go now?" My dad motioned for me to go and I walked out the door. Billy walked into town hall right as I was coming out of my dad's office. "How'd you know I was here?" I asked. "Your mother told me you were here." "So you met my mother?" I said. "Yeah. She's nice." "She didn't say anything to you did she?" "Like what?" Billy questioned. "Like, 'oh you have a mullet.'" He laughed and said "no. She didn't say anything thing like that. She said that I was very respectful." I cringed and said "Jesus." Billy said "wanna go for a ride? I gotta pick up Max from the arcade." "Sure. My dad was boring me anyway." We walked outside and Billy looked me up and down. "I like your outfit." He leaned against the wall and pulled me closer to him by the belt loops on my shorts. "So do you only like it when I wear shorts?" I asked innocently.

Billy leaned closer to me and said "I like when you wear anything." "Especially your clothes right?" Billy smirked and said "of course." I pushed on his chest and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards his car. The two of us got in the car and began driving down the street. Wango Tango blasted from the stereo and we began to accelerate. Billy looked over at me, drumming his hands against the steering wheel. I watched him bop his head to the song as he looked back at the road.

My baby she can scream and shout
My baby she can move it out
My baby she can take a chance
My baby got a brand new dance

We pulled up to the arcade and Billy honked the horn, not removing his hand until Max came outside. "I'm coming!" Max said. Billy rolled down my window and said "hurry up!" Max huffed at him and quickly kissed a boy goodbye. Billy groaned dramatically and Max walked over to the car. Billy let her get into the backseat and he turned to look at her. "What?" Max said. "Isabelle, meet my little sister, Max." I looked at the red headed girl and said "hi." "Hi." Max replied. Billy lit up a cigarette and Max said "so is she your girlfriend?" Billy inhaled on the cancer stick and didn't answer. She then looked at me. "Are you his girlfriend? Cause he went to your house the other night." Billy choked when she said that and he looked at Max in the rear view mirror. "Does it matter?" "Yeah. Every girl that's in the car with you, never stays around. I was just curious." Max said. I cleared my throat and looked the opposite direction. Billy scoffed and said "Max, nobody asked you to open up your mouth." "Billy, be nice." I said. Billy turned back around to look at Max and said "you want an answer?" Max raised her eyebrows and said "yes. That's why I'm asking you the question." Billy looked at me and then looked back at Max. "Yeah. She's my girlfriend." I blushed a little and turned away from the two of them so they couldn't see. "Holy shit, that's amazing." Max said. Billy chuckled and Max said "she's the prettiest girl you've ever been with." I looked at Max and said "thank you." Billy turned back around to start driving and we began driving again. Billy sped down the road, replaying Wango Tango as we drove back to his house. There was one other car on the side of the road. Billy smirked and got in the other lane. "What're you doing?" Max asked. "What does it look like, Max? I'm playing chicken cause I have nothing better to do." I slightly began to get nervous. Max did the same and she said "Billy, stop." Billy went even faster as she said that. I looked at him and said "Billy, get on the other side of the road." "Maybe, I'll get bonus points if I hit them." He said as we began to get closer. Max grabbed Billy's arm and said "stop. You're scaring me." Billy yanked his arm away from her and she sat back against the seat. The car honked it's horn at Billy who laughed. I closed my eyes and Max gasped. I opened my eyes to see the car swerving into the other lane. "Whoo! That was a close one!" Billy yelled. Max shuddered and I turned to look at her. "Are you ok?" I said to her. Max quickly looked at Billy and then looked back at me. "Yeah. I'm ok." We arrived at their house which was a lot smaller than mine. I let Max out of the back and I watched as her skateboard shake in her hand as she held it. Billy must've noticed it too cause he got out of the car and said "Max." She turned around, fear in her eyes. He walked over to her and went to open his mouth but then closed it. He furrowed his eyebrows as if he was trying to come up with words to say. He scratched the back of his head and said "sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to." Max stared at him in shock and I got out of the car. "I-it's ok." Max mumbled. Billy saw how her shaking subsided and he sighed. "I get crazy sometimes and I'm sorry." Billy turned around to go shut the door on his car and Max grabbed his arm. He turned around really quick and she jumped a little. Billy frowned as she did that and Max dropped her board onto the ground. She wrapped her arms around Billy and hugged him. He stood there, staring down at her. "Thanks for apologizing, Billy." Billy patted her back awkwardly and said "you're welcome." He didn't hug her back. He then removed her from his body. Max picked up her skateboard and gave him a smile. Billy nodded to her and Max went into the house. He closed the door on the car and grabbed my hand, leading me into his house. We walked in and there was a red headed woman standing in the kitchen. Billy sighed deeply as he looked at her. Max sat down in the living room and Billy tried to walk past the kitchen but the woman stopped him. "Billy." She said. He looked at her and she said "who's your guest?" "Isabelle. My girlfriend." Heavy footsteps entered the room and Billy's grip on my hand got tighter. "What's this?" The man said as he stepped into the room. I instantly knew who it was. Billy's dad. "Billy's girlfriend. Isabelle." Max said as she stood up, walking into the kitchen. Billy's dad looked at me and said "so you're the girl he drove home the other night?" "Yes." I said. He held his hand out and said "I'm Neil." I shook his hand and said "hello." He let go of my hand and Billy stared at the ground, not looking up at all. "Will she be staying for dinner?" Neil asked. Billy shook his head and said "no. I'm taking her home in an hour." "That's too bad. I'm Susan." The red headed woman said. I nodded to her and said "hi." "You're welcome anytime." She said. Neil walked into the kitchen where Susan stood and Max quickly went to her bedroom, taking her board with her. Billy held my hand tightly and said "can we go?" Neil nodded and said "go." You didn't have to tell Billy twice, he walked into the back of the house, where his bedroom was. He closed the door and I said "you ok?" He let go of my hand and I winced. Billy looked at my hand and said "I'm sorry." He brought my hand up to his lips, kissing it. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." I cupped his cheek and said "I know you didn't." He leaned into my touch and held my hand against his cheek. The two of us sat down on his bed. "I didn't know he was home." "It's ok. And you don't have to spend the night here if you don't want to." I said. Billy looked at me and said "I can stay at your place?" "Of course." "I have to work tomorrow." I nodded and said "that's fine. And maybe you could meet my dad? If you're not too busy." He chuckled and said "yeah. I'll meet him." I smiled and he leaned in to kiss me. I pressed my lips against his and he moved my to my jaw, kissing my neck. I tilted my head so he had more access and slowly laid me down onto his bed. Billy's hand slowly went under my shirt, getting closer to my chest. Max burst into the room and the two of us quickly sat up. I fixed my shirt and Max said "he left." "He did?" Billy said. Max nodded and said "yeah. Mom's still here though." Billy stood up and said "we're leaving anyway. I have to take her home." "It was nice to meet you Isabelle." Max said. "Nice to meet you too." I replied. Billy grabbed his work clothes and left the room and I followed, Max closing the bedroom door behind us.

Here's the update! Next chapter will be a little bit different. Just warning y'all up front

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