Chapter 5

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~Blu’s P.O.V~

I gave a soft huff as I flew through the air. My wings were beginning to get tired… again. I rumbled, pulling into a glide and trying to take my mind off the spreading pain. Of course, as soon as I did that my mind wandered back to the previous night. I felt myself blush slightly before I shook my head. Sure, it had been wonderful and amazing and I can’t believe I hadn’t done it sooner, but the last thing I needed at the moment was a distraction.

There was one thing that confused me a little though. During that time Tyron was acting very… strange. I mean, I didn’t realise it at first but thinking back to it he had been a little… different somehow. It might have just been a ‘heat of the moment’ kinda thing, so I didn’t think I needed to worry.

“Hey Blu!” Tyron’s voice echoed through the sky.

I smiled at him and pulled myself into a hover and waiting for him to catch up. He stopped beside me and smiled in return. For a moment I just studied him. He didn’t seem at all different in any way. He had the same smile, the same look, if a little more relaxed, and the same eyes as when I had met him. Mentally I nodded my head. Definitely a ‘spur of the moment’ kind of change.

“Time to switch shifts,” he said.

I let out a sigh of relief, before replying, the words just slipping out, “Oh. Ok honey.”

He chuckled, “Calling me honey now Blu?”

I blushed furiously and opened my mouth to respond but stopped when he leant forward and nuzzled me with a light rumble.

“Aw, you're so sweet,” he said “Has anyone ever told you that you look cuter when you blush.”

Of course, this just made my blush even greater. He laughed, gently teasing me.

“Go on, you look exhausted,” he said a little more seriously, “You need a rest.”

I nodded my head in agreement, “I’ll go see how Tabitha and Harry are doing.”

I turned around and began my descent when his voice followed me, “See you later… honey.”

I felt my cheeks warm up and I nodded in response before flying down toward the ground. Tabitha was walking toward the edge of a large group of people, Harry running around her with a number of his friends, playing what looked to be a game of tag. She saw me coming down and waved me over. I landed a couple of metres away, well clear of any of any stragglers, and made my way over to her.

“Hey Blu,” she said, “How are you doing? How’s your leg?”

It took a moment for me to realise what she was referring too, “Yea, I'm fine. I clipped my leg on the mountain outcrop last night.”

“Oh, really? Ouch.”

I nodded, silently hoping she would believe me. The real cause wasn’t something I was quite willing to share just yet. At least not with her. She was still only fifteen.

“Well, I hope it gets better soon,” she sighed, “Who knows when those Garagoons would show up?

I grinned at the nickname, “Yes, ‘Garagoons’ wouldn’t be very welcome at the moment.”

We laughed together as we continued walking. We continued talking about anything that came to mind, simply enjoying each other’s company. As the hours passed by we fell into a comfortable silence, the sounds of plodding feet echoing through the mountains around us. She suddenly turned to me, a small frown on her face.

“Hey,” she said, “I’ve been wanting to ask you something.”

I tilted my head at her.

“You know how the soul that turned you to a dragon was a dragon princess right?”

I nodded hesitantly, “Yeah…”

“So… you two kind off share a body, right? Like she’s in your head?”

“Kind of, I guess.”

“Well, if you two are basically the same, and she was supposedly the princess of this abandoned kingdom, wouldn’t that make you it’s heir?”

I thought for a moment, “I… I don’t know.”

It was true. It hadn’t really crossed my mind before. Sure, I guess the dragon this body originally belonged to was royalty… but did that mean I was royalty as well? I didn’t really feel that royal, I mean, I felt about as far from royalty as I could get at the moment.

“That would be pretty cool,” Tabitha continued, “Having a brother that is the supposed ruler of a secret kingdom.”

“Yea, momma is gonna be so cool.” Harry smiled.

“That kid is cute,” a voice suddenly spoke in my head.

I let out a startled yelp, causing the people around me to step back in surprise. Even Tabitha looked at me a little funny.

“Blu? What’s wrong,” she asked.

I shook my head, ignoring her for a moment, and mentally said, “Hannah?”

“Yes?” I felt the princess almost giggle inside my mind.

“What… you can suddenly talk now? As in actually speak?”

“Well, yes. Lets just say that what you did last night with Theno has awakened us.”


“Oh sorry, I meant Tyron. I keep forgetting that he is in a similar situation to me.”

“Blu!” Tabitha yelled gaining my attention, “What’s wrong?”

I blinked in surprise, “It’s Hannah… she’s talking to me.”

Tabitha’s eyes widened.

“Tell her I said hi,” I heard Hannah say as she retreated back into the corners of my mind.

“She says ‘hi’.”

“Oh,” my sister said, seeming a little startled herself, “Umm… can I say hi back?”

I shook my head, “She’s gone now I think. But I'll tell her you said hello.”

~Tyron’s P.O.V~

I yawned as I glided through the air. It had been a long day and the sun was slowly beginning to set in the horizon. It meant that in an hour or so we would be stopping to make camp and rest, something I was looking forward to. I just hope we wouldn’t have to stay outside and could find a reasonable cave. That was the problem with being a dragon, it was always difficult to find something big enough to house two dragons.

“Oh quit complaining,” I heard a voice say in my head, causing me to falter in midair and let out a growl of surprise, “Being a dragon is awesome!”

I snarled slightly, “Who said that?”

“Me, in your head, you turd.” came the reply.

Again I growled and pulled myself into a hover looking around, “Get out of my head.”

“Get out of my body,” snorted whoever was talking to me.

“What do you mean!? This is my body, now go away!” I mentally roared, thinking that it might be whatever evil thing had tried to take over me last time.

“No, this is my body. You just happened to inhabit it after stepping on my amulet. Sadly,” came the sigh.

I frowned, unsure of what to say to that, “Who… who are you?”

“Theno, you know, the one your mate told you about. Well really our mate considering the fact he is part of her as well.”

I only blinked in surprise, “Oh. How come you haven’t spoken before.”

“Took a while to wake up. Your little romp last night seemed to reactivate us… or me at least. Don’t know about Hannah.”

“Great,” I let out a sigh, “Another voice in my head.”

“You know, it didn’t seem like you have had a lot of experience in mating before, have you?”

“Shut up!” I growled, suddenly very embarrassed.

I heard him chuckle, “Relax kid, I was in the same boat you are. Everyone was at some point of their life.”

“Can you seriously just shut your mouth,” I snarled.

“I would, but currently you are controlling my mouth.”

“Um…Tyron? Is everything alright?” I heard Blu’s voice sound from below.

I looked down at him and smiled in what I hoped was a reassuring manner, “Yep, all fine! Just… thinking about something.”

I quickly flapped my wings and continued forward, grumbling slightly under my breath. There was a chuckle from inside my head again as the person, Theno, continued to talk to me.

“Oh come on Tyron, relax. Just having a little fun. It’s insanely boring in here, just watching everything you are doing with no control over myself,” he said.

I snorted, “So you are the dragon that decided to trap his body and spirit in an amulet, and simply posses the first person that happened across it.”

“Pretty much,” he said, “Though I didn’t do it randomly. You just seemed like the right person for the job.”

“The job?”

“Yes, the job. Keeping my mate safe while she rebuilds our home. I mean, it’s only her that could really do it, considering she’s the only remaining royal dragon alive. That I know of anyway.”

I frowned, “So… she, I mean Blu, he’s royalty now?”

“Pretty much. By blood anyway. Not in mind. At least not yet. I’m sure Hannah will kick him into line though. She was always a bit like that.”

I let out a breath, struggling to comprehend everything he was saying. I guess it kinda made sense, but it was a little hard to believe. But it proved everything about Blu’s dream, and that we were going in the right direction. As usual though, there was a part of me that distrusted it all. I didn’t doubt the fact that the dragon that had taken over me was another being entirely, and I was pretty sure that the voice inside my head was telling the truth about him being the original host of this body… but what would happen to me if he tried to take it back?

“I wouldn’t worry too much about that, Tyron my friend,” Theno said, “It’s not like I can do much to you from here.”

“You say that now, but you’ll probably get stronger right?”

There was a sigh, “You know… you can trust me. I’m kinda like your parents in the earing, but I can’t get out of it at will like they can.”

“If given the opportunity, would you take your body back?” I asked rather seriously.

‘It depends on the consequences,” was his honest reply, and that was all I could ask from him I guess, “Stop being so suspicious Tyron. I know you’re struggling with things. I do have access to most of your memories from here as well, and I know what’s happening with you. Just trust me. I’ll be like your… mental guardian.”

This time I smiled, “Alright. I suppose I don’t really have a choice in the matter, so I’m gonna trust you, at least for now.”

“Good. Now if you don’t mind me, I’m going to fade for a little while. It’s actually quite exhausting keeping this presence up.”

I felt him fade to the back of my mind and frowned slightly. This was going to be interesting indeed. First my parents, than that strange and evil presence that I had felt before, and now this. My head was becoming a full on party for all sorts of mental spirits. I wondered if Blu was having a similar crisis to me.

I looked back at the blue dragon and saw him talking with his sister as they walked along. It didn’t look like it. Shrugging I turned my attention forward and continued to fly. The final hour of sunlight disappeared and Aaron called for a rest. Tomorrow we would reach Lysia, the place where all this had begun. I couldn’t help but wonder what had become of the town.

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