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*loud sirens could be heard as the league of villains base had been found by the top three hero's endeavor hawks and beast jeanist(yes he's still a top ten hero) and the three had just captured mister compress and spinner while while endeavor was currently having a fight with everyone's favorite blood loving psychopath himiko toga*
Toga: NO WAY IN HELL*was holding something wrapped in a blanket in one of her arms as she held a bloody knife in front of her*

Endeavor: I warned u*blasted a stream of fire at toga's leg causing severe burns causing her to fall*
Toga: AHHHHH*a baby could be heard crying which caused the number one hero to be shocked*
Endeavor:*thoughts*theres a baby here what are these villains up to?*looked towards himiko toga who was holding the blanket close whispering to it*
Toga: it's ok sweetie mommas not gonna let the bad man hurt u*in the blanket was a small child barely looking to be a year old with black hair with blonde streaks in it and had hetiorchromic eyes his left eye whiter then snow and his eye a dark sapphire*
Endeavor: what th-*was caught in a blast of blue flames from everyone's pyro dabi(most badass villain in my opinion) and endeavor turned towards him to see the pissed off dabi*

Dabi: KEEP AWAY FROM MY WIFE AND SON!!!!!!!(yes in this fanfic toga and dabi are married sue me)*was coated in blue flames and seething with anger as endeavor pointed his hand toward toga and the child*
Endeavor: if u move one inch I'll turn them both to ashes*dabi froze in place considering he knew that the number one hero was capable of doing this without a problem*good now hand yourself over or else*thoughts*and hat child will be coming with us*hawks arrest her!

Hawk: on it*got closer to toga*
Toga: I WONT LET YOU TAKE MY BABY*was crying something she rarely did she was shaking her left leg was to burned to move but she was determined to keep her child safe*
The baby:*crying his little heart out everything was loud and scary all that he knew is hat something bad was happening*

Hawks:*sighed*im sorry that I have to do this*walked forward and knocked toga out and grabbed the child carefully who was flailing to be back in either of his parents arms*
Dabi: TOGA!*ran over to her and held his unconscious wife keeping some flames ready*

Endeavor: this is your fate villains take em away*swat team officers came in and arrested toga and dabi taking them away*
Best jeanist: whos this?*pointing to the child hawks was carrying*
Endeavor: they said it was their child though I highly doubt that does it have a name
Hawks:*saw that the blanket had the babys name sowed on it*says romansu toga?

(Fun tip-romansu is Japanese for romance)

Endeavor: so it is their child well let's try finding an orphanage for him but be on guard he's the child of two villains we don't know how he'll react
Hawks: seems a bit extreme I mean this kid barely looks like he's a year old
Romansu(the baby);*crying just wanting his parents*
Best jeanist: I agree with you hawks but we have to take precautions just on the safe side though I do hope he will find a good home
Endeavor: a villains a villain the same goes for the child of a villain*began to walk away but stopped and turned his head*that boy for all we know may be the vengeance of all for one so keep an eye on him*turned his head back and began walking again til he was out of sight*

Hawks & best jeanist:*looked at the child who had calmed down*
Romansu:*sniffling trying to wipe the tears off his face with his tiny hands holding his blanket tightly as he could*
Hawks:*thoughts*poor kid just lost his parents and is gonna be put in a world where everyone knows who he is......
Best jeanist:*thoughts*the child of two villains will he seek vengeance against hero's or will he think he was abandoned?
*that night romansu was placed in a orphanage that accepted him but that doesn't mean other kids did*

=5 years later=

*three kids were beating up the poor romansu*
Romansu: STOP PLS IT HURTS STOP*was being hit by pipes and rocks*
Kid3;*threw a rock at romansu's right eye which made a nasty cut*HAHAH MAYBE HE'LL DRINK HIS OWN BLOOD LIKE HIS MOM!
Romansu:*holding the same blanket he had since he came to the orphanage scared out of his mind and thinking*why are they doing this mommy and daddy aren't bad people their just people why are they doing this to me why why WHY!!!*in that exact moment his quirk activated causing a storm of maroon(the color) red flames to burst from his body and right eye causing the three kids to be severely burned almost killing them as he clung to the blanket crying soon the flames died out but to everyone who saw this they thought the young boy had just killed three kids for no reason and began to swear at the young boy until a pro hero came and told them all to remain calm as paramedics came and a quirk doctor to but for romansu this was a realization that he was being bullied because of his parents being villains though to him they weren't and thought*they hate me outta anger and fear......*
*that day romansu soon began a path to becoming a hero to show that even though he is the child of two villains he can still be a hero to make sure children like him don't have to go through what he had because*

And that's the first chapter of flames always burn I hope you all enjoy this I've been planning to make this for awhile now so I hope you all can enjoy

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