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Monday started off just great, slightly different than in the first year. I was stretching in my bed contemplating if I should go to the introductory classes or not. In the first year the first class of every course started off with the professors saying what their expectations were and how would the whole semester be like. I was over excited and to be frank, scared shitless, so obviously I was almost 20 minutes early, even for the introductory classes, but now that I knew who will our teachers be and I had some pretty good friends from my year, I really had no intention of going.


In the first ten minutes I actually thought of turning up, but I just felt so lazy, I'd rather watch a movie than go to art history or crap like that. I never liked theory anyway, that's not why I came here, so leaving out one day can do no harm to me or the professor who has no idea who I am anyway.


Glen was still sleeping, so I decided to go down and get breakfast alone, then maybe bring up some things for her too. It was around 11 AM when I messaged Muti if he will go today, to which he said yes, so I asked him to take notes of whatever fuckery the professors will say. He laughed at my laziness but agreed anyway, so at least I got that off of my chest while I did my coffee.


I bought up two cups, Glen was still sleeping so I sighed irritatedly and after putting down the cups I jumped on her and blew in her ear. She cussed at me like some kind of sailor, even the sailors don't cuss like this when you wake up Glen from her beauty sleep. She of course was quick to accept the coffee I made her, just the way she liked it, full black like her soul with one little spoon of sugar, meanwhile mine looked like a unicorn crapped on it. Heavy cream, lots of sugar, cocoa syrup on top and caramel. I sat down on her chair, that was the closest, and told her I have no intention of going to any of my classes today so we should do something fun.


“Define fun.” she said looking at me like I just murdered her whole family.

“If this is still about Hoseok-”

“Of course it's about him.” she murmured taking a sip of her coffee.

“That was like days ago, can't you just drop it? Even I already let go, why can't you?”

“Because you would have had the fuck of your life by now.”


I rolled my eyes glancing out the window. Right, that end of the party wasn't something I was expecting either, but the truth was, Glen didn't know every detail of it.


We walked back to the girl’s dorm, and I did my best to keep a conversation going with my still tipsy mind. It was going pretty well, even unusually well, since he was social I didn't have to make too much effort. At least until we arrived at the entrance. I knew this was my chance, I either fuck it up real bad and let him go back to his dorm or fuck him up real good. All I needed was a little courage, I made the promise to myself to be much more involved and maybe even get laid this year properly, but when I looked up in his hazel eyes I suddenly felt my confidence go down to zero. He was handsome, known by everyone, and kind. It gave off major fuckboi vibes, but he wasn't one, I just knew it. In my first year I have met more than one fuckboi, and if he was one, he would already have made a move on me by now, but he didn't.


I could feel major tension in the air, I was probably the only one who could sense it though, since he was standing comfortably in front of me, hands in his pocket.


“So do you wan-”

“What's your name? I never asked you.” I must have looked slightly taken aback by this but he was just smiling softly at me.

“Jo Lee.”

“Jung Hoseok.” we shook hands, which made my brows go up higher. “It was fun to talk with you. I know what you want, but I can't. Not yet anyway. And you don't exactly seem the person to do these types of things either. One night stands, I mean.”


Shiver ran down my spine while all I could do was blink and stare at him. He knew all along what was my goal for the night, but kept talking with me, being kind and ever flirting a little? Isn't this a cruel thing to do? To just lead on someone that something might happen when you already know that there's not a chance?


“I'm sorry. Was I wrong?” he looked worried again, but this time it made me scoff.

“No, I'm not the type. But if you knew then why didn't you just tell me to fuck off?” my reaction was a little aggressive, considering that he was nothing but kind to me, but this time the smile disappeared from his face.

“Would that make you feel better? Me telling you to try and suck another guy off?” I bit my lip hard, heart pounding in my chest.

“I knew you're out of my league, didn't had to rub it in my face.”

“I'm sorry you think of me like this. No way I'm out of your league, it's-” he took a deep breath then continued “Look Jo, you're actually really pretty. And I would love to take you out for a coffee.”

“Thanks for helping me find my way back.” I mumbled, already feeling too tired to have this discussion with him.


He asked for my phone, so he could still give me his number. I was practically half dead at that point, the sun was already up in the sky, blinding both of us with its light, but I felt exhausted and sick to the stomach. I just did what he asked me then said goodbye, not even bothering to look back. The next day I still felt hungover and tired, couldn't believe what just happened yesterday, but the phone number was the proof that indeed, everything happened as I remembered. Glen was pissed off at me for not asking him to fuck, but I didn't tell her the whole story. I just said I was too scared to ask, because honestly it wasn't that big of a deal. He was hot, and hella complicated for some reason, but right now all I needed was a good fuck. I was sure anyway that he already forgot about everything, still, for some fucked up reason I didn't delete his number. The fucker actually put his name like Hobi💘💕💓 with hearts and all. Every time I went to delete it, my finger just went to cancel, so after some time I just gave up and let his number be untouched.


“So? Want to do something?” I asked again, avoiding any conversation about Hoseok.

“Sadly I have classes that I can't miss today, but we can watch a movie tonight with pizza.”

“Glen, we don't have money for pizza.”

“But we are making the pizza, honey!” I cringed at the thought of us making pizza again. War flashbacks came back from the time we tried to make one last year, ending in the janitor almost kicking us out from the dorm because the kitchen almost caught on fire.

“You sure that's a good idea?”

“We have everything under control.” she winked at me with newfound energy.

“Sure Glen, whatever you say. I'm going to get some papers done, and if I finish by afternoon I might go to class.”

“You should. At least to the practical ones.”


I shrugged my shoulders, not really wanting to go. In fact I really had to do some faculty related paperwork that I couldn't do until now because of one simple fact, I was procrastinating. Sadly I still finished pretty early, but I refused to go to classes, I just wanted to rebel a little bit, it was boring on the first day anyway so I went back to our room and started to draw something. For some reason I did a quick sketch of a park, but as it turns out, it wasn't that quick. I finished it almost three hours later, and by finished I meant only the park. There was still plenty of space to fill up, but I put it aside feeling hungry and a little tired from the concentration. I checked my phone, only a text from mom and a call from my brother so I talked with them while going to drawing class.


It was around 4 PM when I arrived, just in time to have a good seat at the back of the class. The place was like a normal classroom, only the space was much bigger at the front, near the chalkboard where the office was. I noticed Muti, L and Naya next to each other, a little bit further in the back. L made a gesture to come next to them, so I got my small purse and made a run for it, exactly when the door opened. I sat down and realized that I was so fucking behind I couldn't see anything properly because of my classmates. A young man walked in and I instantly choked on air. He wore a navy blue suit with white button ups and a bunch of accessories with it. I wasn't sure from this distance but it looked like he wore a few earrings too. The only normal thing about him was his dark brown hair, otherwise he looked exactly like a supermodel that walked out of the newest Vogue, and the limited edition one. I could recognize expensive shit from miles away, especially after being friends with Glen for so long. That suit was Dior and that shirt must be Tommy Hilfiger, but then again, from this distance I wasn't sure.


“Hello.” his voice was deeper than the Mariana Trench “My name is Kim Taehyung, but you can call me Mr. Kim for now. I will be teaching you drawing this year, because Mrs. Quarina is in delegation. Now, today we won't do much, I just want everyone to get a paper and pen and to answer some questions.”


We looked at each other with L, she seemed suspicious while I was simply bedazzled by him.


“Haha, don't worry I just want to get to know you guys better. Ready?” after everyone was ready he continued with the most innocent grin I have ever seen “What's your name? Why did you choose art major? Who is your favorite artist and why? If we are talking about art, what are your strong and weak points? After you guys finished answering you can just leave the paper on the office and you may leave. Take your time.”


Obviously L next to me was already scribbling down fast her answer, meanwhile I forgot everything besides my name. But after looking at Mr. Kim for a little bit far too long I wasn't sure about that either. How was it possible that God created such a human being? Was this even possible? He had the features, in fact everything about him, scream man , but his smile and laughter was so childlike it made me blush like a high schooler. We accidentally made eye contact, which left me looking at my empty piece of paper frantically thinking of some answers. These were supposed to be easy ones for fuck's sake, it was about myself!


With a heavy sigh I started to write, just wanted to get out fast because I was ready to lose my mind. No way in hell I will have a crush on a fucking professor, that is supposed to teach me and grade me.


Walking to the office I looked down then put down the paper on the other's. I said goodbye almost inaudibly then quickly walked out of the classroom. When I was outside I took a deep breath, thank Lord I had to walk almost fifteen minutes until our dorm, at least I could clear my head, and also my nostrils. He smelled like a fucking flower garden and I was losing it. I had to text Glen.


itch we have a problem ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
16:45 PM

Yea I think so too wtf. I'm in class and the prof is already giving out what we have to learn. ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ

16:46 PM

Wait. In the end did you go to class or not?

16:46 PM

HOHOHOHO I did my friend. Yes i did indeeed أ‿أ
16:48 PM

Something interesting happened?(≖ᴗ≖✿)

16:49 PM

ur PROFESSOR wears dior, hilfiger, and is apparently a flower BECAUSE HE SMELLS LIKE ONE. Did I mention he's around 26? AND A SEXGOD?
16:50 PM

I see. New prof? Until when?

16:55 PM

ll year baby (ಥ﹏ಥ)
16:56 PM

Perfect then we have time (◕‿◕✿)

16:58 PM

or what??
17:00 PM


17:03 PM


With a sigh I put away my phone on the bed and searched for my towel ready to take a shower and wash away all my sinful thoughts. I shouldn't have said anything, now Glen is ready to go back in action after the failure that was Hoseok, even though it wasn't that big of a failure. I just thought about why the hell he invited me for a coffee right at that moment after that awkward conversation and suddenly I felt glad that he is a dance major. The chances of us meeting were pretty slim, maybe when I go to a party, but I was sure he wouldn't talk to me, even if he recognized me. I wasn't sure why I felt so damn angry about him whenever he popped up in my head. It might have been because of the rejection, or because it seemed like he was easily reading me. How did he know anyway that I didn't usually go for one night stands? Tch, annoying little dance major acting like he knows everything.

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