Hurricane Aggie

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Tw: abuse

They say there are going to come out to check out my "living situation". They actually thought I was gonna be happy to hear that. And that's where this story starts. My dad missing, my uncle MIA, and the bride of Frankenstein threatening foster care. But then I caught a break.

John B was standing in the small building at the dock, looking at the weather broad cast on the news. "If hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island on the Outerbanks of North Carolina.." The report said. John B looked up at the screen. "Hold shit." He muttered as he shared a glance with those around him.

Hurricane Agatha, coming in the same day DCS was supposed to do my assessment.

John B walked out of the building, pulling out his phone as he dialed the number for DCS. "Yeah, uh...I think we're probably gonna have to reschedule." He told the woman on the phone as the hurricane sirens blared it's warning of the approaching storm.

John B, Eliza and Pope ran through the pouring rain, the rain so heavy it hung like a mist making everything have a almost dreamy haze to it. "It's a double overhead out there, bro." John B yelled to be heard over the storm. Eliza was a pretty good surfer, she was touched that John B invited her out there with them even if they have only known each other for a little more then a month.  "Double overhead?" Pope repeated as the got to the top of the sand dune, looking out at the raging wages past the beach closed sign. "Those aren't surfable waves, bro." Pope told John B after watching the water. John B just laughed before clapping his friend on the shoulder. "Says who?" Eliza  asked as her and John B  ran towards the water. John B couldn't help but smile at her words, while they may not have had Pouges where she came from she definitely had the heart of one, by the way Pope was looking at her John B was assuming in more ways then one. John B surfing and whipping out on the waves. Once he got back on his board he looked out into the water, seeing a boat being tossed around by the waves. "What the hell.." He said in a stunned voice. Eliza had caught a wave, almost making it back but she wiped out, hitting her shoulder harshly on a rock, leaving a scratch mark like road rash.

With the storm raging on the island lost power, even the guiding light of the lighthouse now failed to shine through the darkness.

The storm was over, John B sleeping peacefully in his bed, the chicken clucking and crowing outside but that's not what woke him. A drip of water kept hitting his face steadily from a leak in the roof. He sighed softly as he sat up, unlocking his phone before letting out another sigh. "No service?" He stood up, walking towards the light switch, flickering it a few times but nothing happened. "No power. Great." He said with disapproval on his voice. He walked into the living room, JJ sleeping on the pull out couch, Eliza asleep by him, curled into a ball. John B saw the angry red mark on her shoulder and frowned. As John  B passed he hit JJ in the bottom of his foot. "Yo, JJ, you been outside?" He asked as the blonde barely lifted his head. "I have polio, bro. I can't walk." Was JJ's sleep filled response before he laid his head back down. At the sound of their voices Eliza lifted her head and let out a small hum before realization hit her. "Shit! I have to get home before my parents wake up!" She jumped up, making JJ groan in annoyance as his arms were flung away from her. John B smiled and laughed the smallest as she dashed out the door. "Bye boys!" She called after her.

John B kept walking, pushing the screen door open to see what damage was done on the place. The distant rumble of thunder still heard. John B yawned as he ran a hand through his hair. "Oh man.,that's no good." He said as he looked at the uprooted tree. Limbs covering the boat, hammock on the ground. "Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ asked finally waking up and coming outside. "Yeah, she did." John B replied to his friend. John B was working on cleaning off the boat as JJ walked over. "So whatcha thinking?" He asked. John B had lifted himself up and was sitting on the side of the boat. "I'm thinking that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crab."
"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ asked, looking up at his friend, squinting against the sunlight. "Nah, they're not getting on a ferry. Come on, think about it. It's God telling us to fish."

Eliza made it home, she kept crouched low as she pushed her bed room window open, cringing at the small creaking sound it made. The girl grabbed the edge of the frame and lifted herself up, freezing when she saw her dad sitting on her bed, waiting for her. She tried to lower herself down without being seen. "Stop right there, do you think I'm stupid?" He asked as his head tilted towards the window, his brown eyes boring into her own. "No, sir, of course not." Her voice trembled lightly as she pulled herself in, her legs swinging the window sill so she was now in her room.

Joseph, Eliza's father, stood up and walked towards her. The smaller girl already tense but that only built up as she saw the beer bottle that was sitting by her bed. "You stupid bitch, running around with those lowlife boys" He spat at her. Eliza shrinking under his look. "They are not lowlifes, they are my friends. Plus you fail to see we are just like them, we are pouges." Her voice may have trembled but she would stand up for them any chance she got. She didn't realize he hit her till she hit the floor, her cheek stinging and tears pricked her eyes. "You bastard." She said, her voice soft and broken with a small sob, the small sob turned into a cry as he kicked her in the ribcage.

Joseph grabbed her by her hair and lifted her to where he could look in her eyes. "Don't you ever talk back to me, you understand?" He asked her. A bruise already forming on her cheek. She felt a tear slide down her face but she made no move to respond. "I said do you understand!?" This time he yelled at her, making her flinch and nod her head. "Y-yes." She hated how her voice cracked making her sound weak. Joseph seemed satisfied with the answer so he left go, Eliza stumbling back. "We are nothing like those damn boys, we are respectable and if you could stop slutting around maybe you can find yourself a nice rich boy to marry. Make yourself useful to this family for once in your life." He said as  he gave her one last disgusted look before walking out the door, slamming it  behind him. 

Eliza was angry and frustrated, she's never slept with any of them and him to apply otherwise got under her skin. If her own father could think that, then what would others think? She shook that off, she didn't give a damn what others thought about her. She waited for a few moments before she opened the door partly to see her dad was no longer in sight. She changed into a bathing suit, put on jeans and grabbed a sweatshirt she had stolen from JJ. Once dressed she slipped out her door quietly and moved into the room by hers.

Thomas, her seven year old brother, looked up at her. His  blue eyes slightly wide but be relaxed once he saw who was in his doorway. "Hey Tommy," She whispered as she pushed the door closed. "Ready to go?" Instead of answering Tommy just stared at her, at her cheek. Her hand went up to cover it. "I'm alright Tommy, just a little surfing accident. I went out last night. So Jared's house today?" She brushed off what had happened between her and their dad, not wanting to worry him. "Yeah." Tommy finally said as he stood up from his bed. Tommy would go over to several of his friends houses staying out until it was late or Eliza went to get him.

Eliza smiled at him and opened his bedroom window before she hopped out. Once she saw Tommy's feet come over the side, she started to help lower him down to the ground before taking his hand and walking with him towards Jared's house.

John B and JJ were on the boad, moving slowly along as the checked out the damage of everything. Dolphins following behind them but neither boy noticed. "Uh..good morning!" They greeted others as they passed the boat. "Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink. He doesn't have insurance." JJ said. "Yeah." Was John B's response as he steered the boat. "Hey miss Amy! You guys get through it?" John B called to as woman who was cleaning off on of the floating docks. She waved to the boys. "Still here."

"She totally looked at me." JJ said after they passed a bit. "I saw it." John B said amused at his friend. "Dude look at this place." John B said as they got to a part of the deck that was more broken. JJ let out a whistle. "Agatha what did you do?"
"She is a crazy lady." John B said as they looked at it. "Hard core dude. Hurricane surge. We'll be cleaning this all summer." JJ said with a shake of his head. "That is my nightmare." John B said as they got to the deck where Lyn was waiting for them. The boy was fidgeting with the edge of his shirt as he had nothing else to do at the moment. "Lyn, get your ass in." JJ said jokingly as they got beside them.

Lyn smiled a bit but rolled his eyes. 'Calm down, blondie' He signed at him. JJ sorta understood sign but he only got the calm part, he knew the second word was probably down but other then that he was clueless. Lyn got into the boat and leaned against the side as he looked out at the water. Just relaxing and appreciating the calm after the storm, while it was messy it still had something to it because after so much destruction, life prevailed.

Eliza was waiting at a dock a few houses down from where she actually lived, which meant none of the Pouges knew where she lived or how she lived. JJ gave the other two a confused look once he saw her in a sweatshirt and jeans. The girl gave them a bright smile as they reached her. "First of all why the hell are you wearing a hoodie, second is that mine?" JJ asked as he looked up at her, offering her his hand to get into the boat. 'One because I can do whatever I want and two yes this is yours." JJ's eyes flickered over her. She looked pretty and comfy in his hoodie and a small part of him, a part that even JJ doesn't realize, liked how she looked in his hoodie specifically. "Do you want another one or two?" JJ asked her. John B laughed softly at the question bit Lyn was grinning widely, hoping this meant that Eliza's feelings were returned.

Eliza rolled her eyes at that. "Silly boy, this isn't my only hoodie of yours." She told him. JJ looked confused but amazed as he looked at her. "You have some of my clothes? Like my hoodies and  shirts and shit?" Something inside him was a bit warm, like knowing she had those made him feel closer to her. "Yeah, they are comforting." She said now avoiding eye contact with the slightly older male. Now that made JJ feel a hint of pride, he was able to comfort her even if he wants with her. She glanced towards Lyn, he was one of the only ones who knew she had feelings for JJ even if she figured she was kind of obvious in it but yet no one else seemed to figure it out. 'Was it him again?' Lyn asked her. Eliza knew what he meant so he gave him a small nod. Lyn frowned at that, when him and Eliza would talk in sign he rarely looked her in the eye but this time he did and what he saw was haunting.

Her smile was so bright yet her eyes showed a diffrent story, Lyn wondered how many times the brightness of her smile was mistaken for her eyes. "Okay! Let's go get Pope and Kie." Eliza said enthusiastically,  changing the whole subject. John B gave her a nod as he started driving that direction.

They got to the dock,  Lyn looking over to see Pope and his dad were cleaning. Lyn waved a bit in a semi-formal greeting as they got closer. Pope giving him a small wave and a half smile. When it came to Lyn and Eliza, Pope was helpless and confused. He wasn't good at understanding feelings or seeing when someone is Intrested in him.  "Well, look who we have here." John B said in a ridiculous voice. Pope looking up at them.  A sigh that read 'Bring it on Aggie you bitch' coming into view. The sign made Eliza crack a smile. She figured it was Hayward that made that and not Pope.

John B put his hand on his shoulder, cupping it and acting like he was talking into a CB. "We have a safety meeting. Attendance is mandatory." He said, finishing it off with a mimicked static sound, Lyn couldn't help but smile at bit as he looked down at the bottom of the boat, the Pouges where his exception to not liking being around most people. "I can't my pops has me on lock down." Pope said as he looked at the two. "Come on man." JJ said before repeating the static sound, hand to his shoulder. "You're dad's a pussy. Over." Eliza gasped a small laugh, hitting JJ's shoulder. Mr. Heyward was walking over with a broom in hand. "Oh, I heard that, you little bastard." Eliza looked over at Heyward with a smile. "Sorry about him, Mr. H he's a idiot." She apologized with a small laugh as JJ did a fake gasp and pulled her closer to him. "I'm not a idiot Elizabeth Nina Rooney." JJ whispered to her, making her stiffen slightly at her full name being used.

John B looked over at the older man. "We need your son." He said. "Yeah, and island rules. Day after hurricanes a free day," JJ said, his hands spread to the side. "Who the hell made that up?" Heyward said as he looked at JJ. Lyn was doing his best not to laugh at some the others have been serious this whole time, but he was definitely grinning. "Uh...Pentagon,  I think." Eliza said with a thoughtful expression on her face. "We have security clearance. I have a card." JJ said as he reached into his pocket, Lyn swore sometimes it seemed JJ and Eliza shared one mind. Heyward was staring at them with disbelief on his face. "Do you think I'm stupid?"
"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow." Pope said looking at his dad. "No, no. He'll no. You doing it right now." His dad said. Lyn finally turning his eyes up to look at Pope, a soft look on his face.
"Get in the boat." John B whispered looking at him. "Make a run for it, bro. Make a run for it," JJ encouraged as Pope dropped the hose and ran for the boat, his hold on Eliza loosening. "Boy, if you get in that boat-" Heyward started but Pope had jumped in, Lyn giving people a small clap. 'Good job Biscuit Theif' Lyn told Pope making him smile, giving him a joking bow.  "How does that feel?" JJ said with a grin as Pope hit the metal of the window that was in front of the steering wheel. "Go, go, go." He said in a rushed whisper. "Bring your ass back up here." Pope turned around to look at his dad as John B waved. "I promise I'll do it tomorrow, dad."
"Whoo!" JJ whooped with triumph, swinging the rope for docking above his head like a lasso. "When you get home you gonna clean shrimp, you gonna clean fish, you'll clean your dirty ass room!" Heyward teller after his son. "We'll bring him back in one piece. I promise ." John B promised. "And I don't like your friends!" Heyward called. "We love and appreciate you Mr. Heyward!" Eliza shouted back as she waved enthusiastically.

Lyn looked at his four friends currently in the boat, his life would have been so diffrent if he didn't have them and he was greatful for every moment that he had with them. While Lyn may not tell them, he loved them so much, they were a part of his family. And he was part of their's.

Pope was sitting on the bow of the boat, Lyn lounged back with his eyes closed soaking in the sun as his hand dragged in the water, Eliza was leaning beside where JJ was sitting  on the side of the boat  as they got to the dock where Kie was. "Oh, top o' the morning to ya." JJ greeted in a terrible Irish accent. Eliza visibly cringing, making Lyn chuckle at her. "Good morning boys, Liz." Kie said with a smile as she got to the end of the dock. "Morning." John B greeted. 'Morning turtle' Lyn greeted, turtle was one of the Nicknames he gave her. Pope noticed the cooler she had. "Whatcha got? You got some juice boxes?" He asked her. "Oh you know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks." She hummed. As they got there JJ offered his hand to help her into the boat. "How about my kind of juice box?"
"Yeah." She said in a light voice as she climbed in, Eliza moving towards the girl happily.  "Brace for impact." John B said in a deeper voice then natural. As she sat down they opened up the cooler, passing out the bottles of beer. "Salud." Kie said as they clicked glasses. "Skoal." JJ said  before they all took a sip of the beer, minus John B who was still steering the boat. Lyn drank sparingly unlike the others, he was more like Pope. Like Eliza was most alike to JJ.

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