The key to disaster

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The group of six was making their way to the coast guard. John B walking  up first through a crowd of people. "Excuse me." He said loudly trying to be heard over all the voices. "Excuse me. Hey, man, we--we found a boat. You''re gonna want to hear this." He was being ignored and he was going to do his best to be heard. "Hey! Calm down." The coast guard said rather harshly to John B before turning back to the woman he was arguing with. Eliza was near the front, her eyes narrowing But before she could say anything, Pope covered her mouth and passed her towards JJ though he looked like he wanted to keep her by him. Lyn casting them a glance. The Pouges soon giving up and leaving.

Eliza turned to walk away with a small huff, JJ chuckling as he followed her. She couldn't help but think if she was there with Rafe Cameron then that wouldn't have happened, people also put rich people's needs before others. She met Rafe a month before Kie and the Pouges, he was a close friend of hers.

"Well, that went well. So, what's the plan?" Pope asked once they were outside where it was quieter. Lyn was leaning on the railing beside Pope. 'We could wait around till someone talks to us' Lyn suggested. Eliza giving him a look that said he was crazy. 'Wait around? If I stick around and he talks to me like that again, I'll kill someone." Eliza spoke and signed at the same time. Pope honestly agreed with Lyn some, he thought that was the most reasonable approach but since when was this group reasonable? That's right never.

Kie pacing slightly, thinking as she chewed on her lip. JJ standing by John B with his elbow on his shoulder. JJ's other arm around Eliza, smiling at what she said. "I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat." John B said with a flash of the key as JJ reached over taking it. "No no no. We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone." Pope tried to reason with his friends. Lyn nodding his head in agreement, Lyn and Pope usally agreed when they weren't annoying each other.

"I'm in. Since I'm in, Goose is in, ain't that right?" JJ said simply as he threw the key to Kie who caught it, his ocean blue eyes going to Eliza who smiled up at him which meant she agreed. "Come on. I'll be lookout." Kie said with a sweet smile and playful voice as they started walking towards the Twinkie. As John B walked past Pope he patted his shoulder. Lyn looking at the brown haired boy in a stunned look, he didn't think this was the  best idea but once John B has his mind set its hard to change it. "Finder's fee. Just sayin'." John B said under his breath. He then turned around to face Pope and Lyn as he kept walking. "And, hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice." Pope shook his head, running his hand along his neck. "Man." He groaned. "Come on, bubba." John B called. Pope following the group after sharing a look with Lyn. Lyn sighed and followed after them, wondering what he has gotten himself into.

The group was on the boat, heading towards where the motel was located. Eliza was laughing with Kie, but her laughter died when she looked back and saw the motel. "Damn," She whispered softly with wide eyes.  JJ giving a soft whistle. "I thought the Château looked bad." He commented, as he stood up, grabbing the rope. "This place is a shitshow." John B said, looking at the debris scattered all around the once nice lawn. Lyn nods his head in agreement as he looked at it with a somber gaze, he couldn't belive what has become of the once nice place. "Motel or meth lab?" Kiara mumbled under her breath. "You be the judge." Pope finished for her. Eliza smiling once again, it was rare to hear such a thing from Pope. Pope's eyes flickered to the girl and he smiled a bit to see that he made her smile. "Doesn't look like the type of place somebody with a Grady-White would stays." John B said as he maneuvered the boat closer. "No. Looks like the type of place someone with a Grady-White would get killed." Eliza said, voicing the thoughts of not only Pope but Lyn too, the boy eyeing it almost suspiciously the closer they got. Maybe the lawn wasn't nice before, maybe this was a place where you go when you have no other choice, to do sketchy buisness.

"Alright here we go." Pope said as they reached the shoar. "This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue coming  in for landing." JJ said, muffins his voice as if he was speaking through a air plane announcement speaker, jumping off the boat to tie it off. "We good?" John B asked as the blonde looped the rope around. "Yeah, we good." JJ confirmed. JJ reached his hand back into the boat, helping Eliza out. These two stuck together, if one was going to do something dumb then they both were.

"Alright here goes nothing." John B said as he grabbed his pack back about to get off the boat. "Hey." Pope said making John B stop and look at him. "Yeah?"
"Don't let them do anything stupid." Pope said, pointing at JJ and Eliza  with narrowed eyes. Lyn smiling and laughing softly as he shook his head, that was a useless request. "Oh we will." JJ said as John B looked over at him. John B then looked back at Pope. "I'm not making any promises."
"Yeah, I know." Pope said with a slight sigh. Deep down Pope knew that was a dumb thing to ask, if JJ was going to do something stupid, which happened a lot, there was no stopping him and Eliza would be right there supporting him. Kiara was looking at John B. "Uh, be careful." She said as she held the key out for him, John B taking it from her hands. "I mean it." She added. A faint smile crossing John B's face, Lyn glanced between the two, curious about what was happening there. "Yeah." John B said with a light chuckle as he climbed out of the boat. JJ watching them suspiciously, the look making Eliza turn away before anyone could see the pain. John B hit his shoulder lightly. "Let's go." JJ stood up and followed after him. "Why are all these mattresses  out here?" John B said as he looked at the ground. "After a hurricane, they ditch em cause they're moldy." JJ responded in a slightly bored voice. Eliza trudging after them.

JJ, Eliza and John B where up on the walk way leading towards the rooms, JJ grabbing his shoulders. "Just be so careful, John B." He said softly, reaching up and caressing John B's face. John B pushing him away.  "God, you're so weird." Eliza smiled a half hearted smile. "Yeah he's a dumbass too." She teased but for once her teasing fell on deaf ears, JJ more intrested in what's going on between John B and his precious Kie.
"What the heck was that about?" JJ asked. John B looked over at him. "I don't know.  Maybe she wants us to be careful." He said with a shrug, trying to brush it all off.  "Since she's heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been, like, "Oh! Be so careful, John B." " JJ said as he squeezed John B's shoulders. "Get off." He tried to shake the blonde off him, moving more in front of him. ""Oh, just give me that John D already." When are you gonna swoop in on that, man" JJ asked, John B looking at him with a annoyed look. Now Eliza looked disgusted to hear that, Kie being her best friend after all. "Bro, you know the rules. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking. Besides, you're the one who's always hitting on her." He said.
"Of course I'm hitting on her. She's a super-hot, rich,hippie chicken who's slumming it with us. Why? I can't figure it out either, but who cares, bro? I know that doors locked because I've tried it. Have you?" JJ asked him. 'Yeah if the doors so locked why haven't you moved on Mave?' Eliza wondered to herself. "You need help. Not like as little bit of help, you need as lot of help. Because it's like every girl who just has as heartbeat, you're like...."Uhh!"" John B mocked with his arms forward. "What? It's not a big deal." JJ said.

Eliza fell back, even back tracking some so she didn't have to listen to JJ talk about girls. John B noticed that the girl was away from them so he looked at JJ. "What about Eliza?" John B asked his friend. JJ looked over at him bewildered before looking back at the girl, who's head was currently hung low as she walked. "What about her? She's my best friend," JJ said as he turned his look back towards John B who chuckled. "Yeah sure. I see how the two of you act, she chooses you over everyone and she always will."
"It's what friends do, plus Pope likes her." JJ said with a shrug, he really was oblivious to how the girl felt. John B rolled his dark eyes but let it go, knowing there was no getting him to understand,

"Is this us? Twenty-nine." John B said pointing towards the doors. "This is it." He said looking over at JJ who's finally reached his side. "Okay." JJ said with a small nod. John B motioned Eliza forward so she moved towards their sides, nestled between the two of them. The blonde boy knocking on the door. "Housekeeping." He said in a high-pitched voice. Eliza snorting a laugh. "That was attractive." JJ teased her as he knocked again before knowing on the window as John B went to the door. For making that little comment Eliza swatted the back of JJ's head, JJ catching her hand and pulling her to his side.
"Should we try it out?" John B  asked, holding the key ready. "Yeah." JJ nods as he moved back towards John B. "No power. No security cameras. No one's gonna know." JJ told him. John B unlocking the door.

JJ didn't even realize that he moved between Eliza and the door, just in case there was trouble, just in case there was danger but John B noticed that JJ would rather get hurt then see Eliza hurt. Eliza noticed it too.

They pushed the door open, JJ being the first one to walk in. "Huh, okay." John B almost sounded disappointed in finding the normal looking motel room. Eliza following in after, sticking her head in before she actually walked in. "Check the bag. See if there's a name on there somewhere." He said as he closed the door leaving the room in darkness, the two boys using their flashlights to see and search the room. "Got a jacket. No name on the jacket. It's a nice jacket, though." JJ said looking into the tag. "Denim slids. Definitely over fifty. He's got New Balances." John B reported his findings. Eliza giggled as she looked around, her eyes going over sticky notes and trying to find any clue. In Eliza's mind she was Sherlock fucking Holmes.

JJ walked over to the nightstand by the table, leaning down to look at the paper that was on it. "Yo, dude, come here. Maybe this is where they were fishing." John B walked over. "Let me see." He looked down at the paper,  JJ typing a spot sith his finger. "No, that's off the continental shelf. That's Big Swell. Nobody fishes there." John B said as he looked over at his friend. "Okay." JJ said with a small nod. Eliza looked over at them before she laid down, looking under the bed. JJ walked over and grabbed her leg, giving her a pull and making her laugh. She stood up and started to follow JJ around to look, she was unsure where else to cover.

John B looked back at the nightstand, noticing a small note by the phone '61666' written on it. "Coffee?" JJ said in a posh voice as they started looking again. "Yeah." John B nod. "Standard. Tissues for when you get lonely..Ohh." JJ said as he got into the bathroom area. "For when you get lonely?"Eliza said with a giggle. JJ nods "Yeah, for when you get lonely," He grinned at her. "Did you find anything?" John B asked hopefully.  "A really awesome Dopp kit you won't let me steal." JJ answered as he moved things around. "Yeah, cause we're not stealing shit." John B said at the exact moment JJ slipped something into his pocket, Eliza smirked as she nudged him. JJ gave her such a sweet smile that she couldn't help but laugh and lean into his side. John B crouched down to open the cabinet doors, revealing a safe. He started to put in  numbers. "One, one, one." He started with the first number.

"Biggest pet peeve?" Kie asked, her, Lyn and Pope still on the boat. "Yeah." Pope nodded. "Easy. Giving one percent to the environment." She said holding up one finger. "What's wrong with that?"
"We only have one Earth, Pope. We should be giving it one hundred percent, bare minimum." She said with surety in her voice. "Right. That's not fiscally sound." Pope said. "Neither is destroying the only planet we have to live on." Kie countered. Lyn was smiling as he looked between them. "Favorite treat?" Kie asked looking at Lyn. "Honey biscuits." Lyn and Pope both said. A soft pink on lyn's face that Pope answered correctly for him.
The sheriff station car pulling up to the motel. "Hey, hey, cops." Ly  signed taking notice, his eyes widening slightly. "Shit." Kie said as they started to stand up. "Call them." Pope said nervously. "I can't. Towers are down."
"If I lose my Merit Scholarship, I'm gonna kill someone." Pope said as they got off the boat, moving slowly and low to the ground to get to the motel. Lyn glancing towards Kie before he started to follow Pope. "Maybe they're not going up there. Maybe--maybe they're just looking for a room." He said hopefully as they watched the two cops. "They're pointing up there. They're going up." Kie said.

"One, one, one, two." John B said aloud as he tried to get into the safe. The safe beeping it's reject to the wrong code. "Punching shit at random. That will....definitely work." Eliza said coming back into the room with JJ behind her . Jj walked back to the stand to take another look at that paper, giving John B a idea. "Wait a second, wait a second. Here." John B said as he stood up, grabbing the small paper. JJ still looking at the map. "I don't know. I don't know about the second one. These coordinates, they...Wait. My cousin said you could catch swordfish here." JJ kept talking not realizing that John B had walked away from him. "Six, one, six, six, six." John B muttered as he typed that in. "Nah, that wouldn't make sense. Uh, what about a surf spot? That could possibly be it." JJ asked, pulling Eliza into his ideas of trying to figure this out. The lock of the safe clicked, showing it was the correct code.  John B opening the safe. "Holy shit." He said with a smile as he saw these stacks of cash in the safe. He grabbed a stack. "Uh..JJ?" He said in a somewhat even voice. "Hm?" He hummed looking over towards John B. "You're gonna want to see this." John B said waving him over with the hand that held the money. Eliza looked back at him. "Oh my God! What the fuck?!" She exclaimed in a stunned surprise.

Shoup and Plumb had started up the stairs, Kie, Lyn and Pope running to the window where the room was. "Okay, do something. Do something." Kie said as she reached the side first. "Stand back." Pope said as he picked up a rock. Kie moving to behind him. "Okay. You got it." She said. Pope threw the rock but it barely made it to the window. Lyn trying not to laugh as he looked fondly at the boy he had fallen in love with. "Didn't you ever play baseball? Dude." Kie asked looking at him with disbelief before she started to look for another rock. "I was on the math team." Pope whispered back as he moved to help her look. That made Lyn smile even more then before, his brown eyes bright.

"Dude, dude, dude!" JJ said excitedly as he moved back from the safe, John B standing by the door. "You grabbed the gun." John  B said in a plain tone. "This is a SIG Sauer." Eliza was looking at JJ with eyes, that could only be described as love filled. She adored the way he got excited over something simple.
"Put the gun back, JJ!" John B tried to grab it from him but JJ pulled it back out of his reach. "This is a fucking spendy gatt, man. Just...Bam! Bam!" JJ said with excitement in his voice. JJ was moving in a small circle pretending like he was shooting at something, John B grabbing the gun to make him stop. "We are not stealing anything." He said sternly. Eliza was giggling as she watched him. JJ was like a child, a moment where he wasn't guarded in any form and was just happy and existing beautifully and fully.

"A mathlete?" Kie asked as she looked back at him, looking disappointed. "You know what?" Pope said almost bitterly. Kie throwing the rock at the window, it hit making a soft but noticeable ding sound. Lyn watching before his eyes started scanning the ground for another rock to throw.

"Just take  a pic of me. Right here." JJ said as he thought of what pose to do. "You, you want me to take a picture of you?" John B sounded like he was done with JJ and the fact he didn't think things through. "Yeah, dude, like..." JJ posed looking towards John B. "You want to make our own incriminating evidence? Is that what you're talking about?" Eliza asked him with a adoring smile as she looked at him. JJ looked over at her and shrugged slightly like it was still as good idea.

Lyn had thrown another pebble this one catching their attention. "Wait, what was that?" John B said as he moved towards the window. "What?" JJ lowered the gun, watching John B looked out the window, he took a step towards Eliza, getting ready for anything. Pope, Lyn and Kie were pointing towards the room. "Cops, cops! Cops." They said in quiet voices. "Shit." John B muttered as he jumped over the bed, JJ watching oblivious to what was happening. "What is it?" He asked, John B now looking out the window by the door. Eliza's wide brown eyes tracking John B's movements. "Cops." He answered, the three moving back as Shoup knocked on the door. "Kildare County Sheriff's Department!" Shoup called.  Eliza looked towards JJ, a scared look in her eyes that JJ hated.

Kie, Lyn and Pope ran to the boat, jumping in. "Should we peel?" She asked him. Pope kneeling down on the bow of the boat. "You never leave a Pouge behind." Pope said looking back at her. Lyn nodding his head. Lyn didn't want to have  to Eliza behind, he cared deeply for the girl who was almost sister to him.

Shoup unlocked the door to the motel room but luckily the boys and girl were no where to  be seen.

"No seriously, should we peel?" Kie asked him again. "Maybe." Was Pope's answer this time as he turned his attention back to the motel. Lyn narrowing his eyes but he understood. He was pleading for them to show up.

JJ and John B where outside the window, standing on a small ledge either side. Eliza between JJ and the wall. "What are you guys doing?" Pope whispered when he saw them. "Oh. My God." Kie groaned as she ran her hands over her face. Lyn smiled as Eliza waved at them and sent them a kiss, he ignored the way Pope seemed to softly blush. John B held a finger to his lips and JJ just sent them a smile, waving a hand at them. They were waiting for them to leave. Shoup opening the safe and looking through handing Plumb the eenvelope with the picture in it before handing her one of the stacks of money and taking one for himself. JJ looked over at John B, both looking confused . "What the f--"JJ whispered. "Do you belive--" He started but the gun fell out of JJ's pocket, landing on the ledge before falling off into a dumpster, making a loud clattering sound. Both boys pressing themselves to the wall as Shoup opened the blindes, JJ squishing Eliza. Kie and Pope moving quickly to look like they were just sitting there talking.

"Dumbass, back up at least a half a inch."Eliza hissed, her face getting dangerously red at how lose they were. JJ waited a few moments, now looking down at her before cracking a grin and moving a bit away from her.

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