the start of a new adventure

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Now Pope was behind the  wheel, Lyn looking out over the water, unknowing to him that Pope's eyes would go to him on occasion. Lyn had something serene about him, a peace that wasn't like any other. "Let me know you a little party trick." JJ said as he moved to the front of the boat, walking passed Kie and Eliza, everyone knew what JJ was going to try expect for their newest girl. He looked back. "Hey, Pope. Can you got a little faster?" He asked the boy. John B started moving back towards the back of the boat. "Oh God here we go. I'm moving." Lyn let out a soft chuckle as John B moved back the boy was clearly amused but he moved to, knowing to well what was about to happen,

"Doesn't work. We've tried this like 6,000 times." Pope said with a small shake of his head. "Tried what?" Eliza asked with a confused, lopsided smile on her face. "I got this. It's gonna work! You'll see Princess." JJ reassured him as Pope pushed the lever up, the boat starting to move faster, JJ gave Eliza a smile before turning to face ahead again. JJ held up the bottle as he faced the wind, mouth open. Beer was going everywhere but his mouth it seemed. "You're getting beer in my hair!" Kie complained with a laugh. "Oh, my God. All right. All right!" Pope said also he raised his hand to block the beer from his face. Eliza let out a surprise laugh as some of the beer hit her. "You are insane Mave!" She told him with a smile on her face. It was even getting on John B who was sitting all the way in the back. "All right, you're done." John B said as he started to stand up. "All right, stop!"Pope sounded also little more annoyed then before. Lyn looked over at Pope, hes never heard him sound so annoyed and frustrated but it was honestly a bit amusing to the younger boy.

The motor rattled and also grinding sound was heard as the boat hit something, flinging all of the forward. Lyn hit his head against the railing, a hot pain flaring as he was sure it broke skin. JJ flipping off of the boat at the suddenness of the hit. They all let out a scream at the jolt. "Jesus, Pope!"Kie said as she pushed her hair back and out of her face. Pope and John B groaning. John B was on the floor of the boat now. Eliza was sprawled out as she let out a pain filled whimper, with what happened earlier that day this didn't help. But all her pain was forgotten when she realized JJ was thrown from the boat. She quickly moved towards the edge, despite how her head spun. "JJ?" She called out in worry. Lyn noted that was the first time she's called him JJ since giving him the nickname Maverick, she only used it when she was serious.

JJ finally coming to the surface with a groan. Eliza breathing out a sigh of relief when she saw her best friend. "You okay, JJ?" John B asked him. "I think my heels touched the back of my head." His voice was raspy, Eliza laughed softly at that. "Kie, you okay?" John B asked, he has yet to move from the floor. "I'm all right." She told him, hair in her face. "Lyn, you good?" Eliza asked as she looked towards him, noticing a bit of blood at his hairline but he gave her a thumbs up. JJ was swimming back towards the boat. "Pope, what did you do?" He asked. "Sandbar. The channel changed." Pope explained. "No shit." Eliza simply response as she looked back towards him. "Ugh, this is probably gonna mess this whole place up." John B groaned. Kie stretching out any aches she still had. "Hey, I saved the beer, though." JJ told them, his voice now holding a slight laugh to it. Pope was climbing onto the front of the boat. "Congrats, Maverick." Eliza said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes but he just flashed her a cheeky smile and gave her a quick wink. But JJ failed to notice the blush that spread across her face.

"Guys....I think there's a boat down there."Pope said as he stared into the water. "Shut up. What?" John B said in a slightly dismissive manner, the tone you use when you're sure a friend is trying to trick you. Lyn's eyebrows connected in confusion as he moved towards the edge to look down into the water, to see what Pope was seeing. "No way." Kie said. JJ was still in the water, looking up at them. "No, no, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there. For real." He said now pointing. John B, Eliza and Kie got up, moving to stand by Pope. " this." John B started in disbelief as he looked down there. "It's a boat!" Pope's voice was a bit higher now, almost excited by the find. "Holy shit, he's right. Let's go." Kie said as she moved towards the middle of the boat, taking off her Jean shorts that covered her bikini bottoms. John B already starting to take off his shirt.  Eliza watched them nervously, even Lyn was taking off his shirt to jump in the water. "You think there's a dead body down there?" Pope asked as John B jumped into the water. "Princess get out of those clothes and get your ass in here before I come and get you!" JJ called to her. Eliza knew she could do it herself or he really would come up there and take the sweatshirt off her personally so Eliza started to strip out of her clothes into the black bikini she wore. 

JJ was already swimming towards the wreck. "Whoo!" Kie yelled as she jumped into the water. Eliza soon followed her before anyone could see the bruising on her ribs. "Guys, wait up!" Pope called as he started to take off his shirt and hat. "Get your ass in here, Pope!" JJ called him. "Come on!" John B called as Pope jumped into the water. The group trying to swim down to take a look at the boat.

As they broke the surface they all gasped for air, Eliza and Lyn sharing a stunned look. Lyn's eyes went wide as the salt water had washed away the makeup Eliza used to cover the bruise. "You guys saw that?" JJ asked as he shook the water from his face and hair. "Yeah." Pope said with a nod. All agreeing. The group letting out a small laugh. "That's a Grady-White. A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy." JJ said as they swam back to their boat. Lyn was smiling and swam forward some, letting Eliza sort of hide behind him. "Okay!" Pope called as they all pulled themselves into the boat, minus Eliza who was staying in the water currently. "That's a primo rig." JJ said. "Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge. Maybe it hit the jetty or something." John B said, catching everyone's attention. "There was a boat?" Eliza asked stunned, she didn't see it. Kie looked at him with disbelief on her face. "You surfed the surge?" She asked, hoping she heard him wrong, then she realized what Eliza said. "You both did?" She gestured towards John B and Eliza, Lyn smiled some at Eliza going out with them even if it worried him to death thinking about it. "Yeah." John B said with a nod as JJ let out as laugh. "That's my boy. Pogue style." He said as he high fived John B. JJ then turned towards the water. "And my girl, you badass." He was grinning till he saw the bruises and her scratched up shoulder.

JJ offered her his hand, thinking it was for a high five she foolishly grabbed it but he pulled her up and out of the water. The others looked over and noticed how banged up she was. "Who did this?"JJ asked in a low voice, he moved close to her, his hand still loose in hers. Eliza looked up at him and shook her head. "No one, it's from the surge. I wiped out." She told him as she gave his hand a squeeze. JJ wasn't a idiot he knew what it looked like to get hit so hard if bruised but since the others were around he would let it go. He just gave her a curt nod, Eliza giving him a smile as she pulled his hoodie back on, JJ would definitely be questioning her on that later. Lyn was gazing at her sadly, he was the only one there that knew the truth of what those were from but JJ was piecing it together.

Pope stood up, moving towards the other three boys, bringing some much needed subject change. "Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?" He asked them. Lyn never even paused to think about that, this boat belonged to someone and that usally meant something bad happened to the person driving it. He shook his head no. "No, but we're about to find out." John B said as he opened the hatch where the anchor was. JJ looking down into the water. "Dude, it's too deep." He said almost disappointedly. Kie looked over at Pope a look of disbelief and disappointment on  her face, hoping that the boys wouldn't do this, that they wouldn't do something stupid. "Really Eliza, you're going to allow this?" Kie whispered to her. Eliza looked at her best female friend. "I surfed the surge. I don't trust my judgement." She said with a sweet smile.

"Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ." John B said with a slight groan as he lifted the anchor out of the holding area, letting it clatter onto the deck of the boat. "Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front." JJ told him. "That's fine, Eliza can do it. She cares about me." John B said as he stood up, picking the anchor up with him. Lyn was looking at him in disbelief, like he was a idiot for even considering this possibility for a moment. "John B." Kie said in a soft voice making him look at her. "What?" He asked with a small chuckle. Pope looked at his  friend. "Diver down, fool." He said. John B giving a small sigh. "Diver down." He repeated. "Yeah he is." JJ said as he pushed John B in to the water. When JohnB hit the water, Eliza hit JJ. "What the hell Maverick?" She scolded him gently.

JJ turned to face her. "You always call me Maverick, I know you told me it's from Top gun but does Maverick have a best friend?" He asked her, wanting to give her a nickname other then the one the Kooks gave her even if it was fitting. Eliza nods her head. "He's was Goose."
"Okay then you'll be my Goose."JJ grinned before turning back towards the water. Eliza pink and Lyn smiling goofily.

Those in the boat staring into the water, waiting to see him come back to the surface. "Should we go get him?" Pope asked, Kie looking over at him. Just then John B came to the surface, pushing his hair out of his eyes as he coughed. "Oh my God. That took forever!" Kei complained with worry in her voice, Lyn letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Any dead bodies?" Pope asked him. "Looting potential?" JJ added. "No, no." John B answered to both questions. He lifted his hand to show a key. "I found this motel key." He told them as JJ worked on pulling up the anchor. "Uh..a key?" Eliza did her best to keep the disappointment from her voice. "Yes, a key, Eliza."
"Great! We salvaged a motel key." JJ said sarcastically. John B pulling himself out of the water. "Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard. Maybe we'll get a finder's fee." Kie told them, brightening a few moods. "Yeah, and not work all summer. Thanks, Agatha, ya batch." JJ said as they started their way back to the shore. That simple comment made Eliza smile as she back against the side of the boat, JJ's arm going around her shoulder.

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