What's more natrual then a kegger?

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W- slight spice, if you are uncomfortable with it skip over it. It's nothing bad I promise

The group was getting everything ready, Pope had cups, Kie had chips and JJ and John B had the keg. Lyn and Eliza gathering up firewood to start a bonfire later that night, that was Eliza's favorite part of keggers. "Tally -ho." John B said as they picked it up. "Hey-up." Was JJ's response. Lyn giving them a odd look before looking at Eliza for a explanation. 'Don't look at me, you've known these dummies longer them me' she signed to him with a confused look on her face as well.

They were setting up, getting the nozzle attached to the key, pumping it up. John B was crouched down, mouth open. JJ sprayed it in his face making him jump back and wipe at it as Kie laughed soon the others following suit. JJ worked on filling red cups for those there.,which was their group. Soon more and more people started showing up. Lyn was sticking closer to their group, not wanting to be around a lot of people he didn't know, Eliza on the other hand was mingling and talking to any guy or girl that approached her. Eliza doing all of this with a dazzling smile and slightly flirty comments. Lyn was smiling at her some, amused by her charming Tourons into dinner dates even if they would never see her again but Lyn looked over at the beer and saw JJ staring at her. His blue eyes unreadable.

Pope walked over and sat by Lyn before following his gaze towards JJ. Lyn looking over at Pope now,  a happy looking in his brown eyes even if he never looked Pope directly in the eyes. "He's confused, he doesn't know what he wants," Pope told him making Lyn nod his head understandingly. 'Are you confused? I see you look at her like that sometimes but then others you look at her like a friend' Lyn asked him. Pope looked at him and sighed a bit. "I think I am, I don't know. Maybe I'll figure out one day, but until then I can only hope." He said making Lyn look at him a bit longingly, hoping that he was the reason Pope was confused.

Alright you can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's kina like a three layer burrito. There's us and our friends, the working-class derelicts from the Cut. Then, there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They're mostly from poncey-ass boarding schools, just rich trustafarian posers. Our natural eneimes. And then, there are the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Chum for the sharks.

Everyone was drinking and having fun. Eliza still talking with some others but once it was a group of guys surrounding her that's where JJ draws the line. While yes JJ was obviously drunk he walked over, drunk JJ equaled reckless and overly confident JJ. He gave the guys a highly sarcastic smile before picking Eliza up, one arm around his waist and the other under her one thigh to carry her. "Maverick put me down." She insisted with a small laugh. "No, you deserve better then some Touron idiots." He huffed but once far away enough he sat her down. Lyn giving her a suggestive look that made her blush and shake her head at the boy.

John B was talking to a girl when Kie walked over, looking towards where Sarah and Topper was. "What is she doing here?" Kie asked with a bitter voice.

That's Sarah Cameron. Kook princess. Kiara's best friend in the ninth grade, worst enemy in the tenth grade. I work on her dad's boats, so, you know, I see her around. Then that's Topper, her not so pleasant boyfriend. Topper actually thinks Pogues were bred to mow lawns.

Night has fallen, the moon reflecting off the water. Lyn looking out at the waves with a look of utter peace on his face, Pope looking over at Lyn and smiling softly at how he seemed to belong at the water, that the water was apart of him. The boy had his feet pulled to him as he sat in the sand, absent mindly drawing shapes in the sand around round him.

JJ whistled at John B to get his attention offering him a beer before he noticed Sarah and Topper walking by. "Oh, wait. Hey, hey. Hey, Sarah!" JJ called making the two stop. "Sarah can I intrest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage? " He asked, holding the cup out towards her. Eliza looked over once she learned Sarah Cameron was there, Eliza had brief encounters with her while hanging around Rafe. "No, thanks." She said with a small polite smile on her face. "Oh come on. Is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ asked. Sarah shook her head. "No. We were just leaving." She explained.
"Hey you know what, I'll take it. I'll-- Thank you, man. I appreciate it." Topper said reaching for it but JJ moved it to the side. Lyn looked over, he could sense the trouble that was about to come. The boy standing up and walking towards Pope, the two sharing a glance.

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you. But if you said pretty please then maybe but you didn't." JJ said with a small chuckle. "Oh, pretty please." Topper said sarcastically. But JJ doesn't know how to leave things alone offering it to Sarah again. Topper swatted it out of JJ's hand, beer flinging on him. That'd when Eliza started to get involved. No one, no one at all, disrespected or hurt JJ in any way, shape or form if she's around.

JJ pushed Topper which started the fight. John B separating the two. "You're so funny man." JJ snapped at Topper. Eliza getting to them, JJ took her to his side, hugging her tightly to him. JJ didn't want Eliza thinking she could fight him because as soon as Topper touched Eliza that would be it, JJ would be pissed. "Dirty pogues!" Topper shot back, he seemed to mainly gesture it to Eliza as he locked eyes with her the two never got along, which led to John B turning from stopping the fight to engaging in it with Topper, shoving him hard.

"John B. We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope tried to reason as Sarah tried to reason with Topper, trying to get his attention on her by repeating babe. Lyn was watching wide eyed, he didn't want his friends to get hurt. Topper not listening and walking straight at John B, punching him hard which sent him to the ground, into the water. Eliza thrashed in JJ's hold as anger burned in her. The crowd gasping. "Guys? Guys! Chill!" Sarah yelled as Topper kicked John B in the stomach who was trying to get back up. "Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper said standing over him before hitting him again across the face. "You fucking asshole!" Eliza hissed as she got free from JJ when Topper turned his back Eliza punched him hard in the jaw, a proud look crossing JJ's face and it was enough time for  John B  to get up, tackling Topper into the water.

The crowd starting starting to chant fight. John B's friends trying to get him to stop. After a bit more fighting Topper had John B face down in the water, not letting him come up for air. "Topper, stop! No!" Sarah yelled at him. "He's drowning him." Pope said fearfully. JJ clenched his jaw. Sarah screaming for Topper to stop. Eliza had started to hit Topper's back, the blows solid but it wouldn't shake the boy, he shoved her back harshly. Sending her to the ground in a splash of water. Lyn quickly moving to her wide. JJ looked over at Eliza and saw the slightest bit of fear in her eyes. That pissed him off knowing Topper was not only drowning his best friend but scared Eliza.

JJ moved into action, clicking the gun safety off before pressing it to Topper's head, the kook gasping some as his eyes widened with fear. Eliza and Lyn stopped moving as they looked at JJ. Lyn looked scared that the blonde pulled a gun on someone even though he understood why he did. "Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski." JJ's voice was harsh and cold a tone rarely heard from the jokester, the sound of his voice made Eliza freeze as she looked at her boy, the laughing boy who won he over. "Chill!" Pope yelled at him. "JJ, stop! Put the gun down." Sarah's fearful voice called. People starting to run since he had a gun. "Did you say something, princess?" JJ asked. The way he said princess to Sarah wasn't anything  like he said towards Eliza, he called Eliza that like princess was her name.
"We're good. We're good." Topper said as he raised his hands letting go of John B. "Put the gun down!" Sarah said more desperately this time. John B starting to get up. "Kie! Can you check your psycho friend, please?" Sarah yelled as the it. Eliza looked over at Sarah. "Shut up, bitch! Your asshole of ain't boyfriend started this shit!" She practically growled at Sarah, the Cameron girl looking at her with worry in her eyes. 

"Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ yelled, firing two shots into the air. "Are you a idiot!" Pope asked. "Stupid! Stupid!" Kie screamed at him. "Why would you do that?!" Pope asked, looking at him with disbelief. "It's not worth it!" Kie yelled. JJ shoved Pope back away from him. "I was saving his life, okay?!" His voice was still rough. John B passing out into the water. Lyn wasted no time to get to John B, flipping him over and dragging him out of the water. 

"Really Maverick, pulling a fucking gun!" Eliza demanded as she looked over at him. JJ's anger died some thinking she was siding with them and not him. "I have a pocket knife I could have pulled on that asshole, you could have given me a heads up."That made JJ relax, knowing she was still with him. She moved to hug him. His arms looping around her. Jj had noticed everyone looking at him with some form of fear in their eyes. "You're not scared?" He asked her. Eliza laughed softly. "Of you? Never." That made JJ relax more.

There's something about my father I haven't mentioned. The week before he went missing, he says to me, "Bird, i think I found something. Your uncle T's gonna come stay for a while. I might have to vanish for a bit." So, he talks about vanishing, and he vanishes. Everyone says he was lost at sea, but he's still out there. I know it.

Kie looked up at JJ with a nervous look in her eyes. "Be careful dude, I don't want you thrown in jail." She told him as she hugged him tightly. JJ seeming at peace with the world with her in his arms. His blue eyes looking at her with such a tenderness that made her chest hurt. Eliza didn't like what she saw pass between Kie and JJ, of course she wanted her best friends to be happy but...but it still hurt.

Eliza climbs up Rafe's trestle to his window, knocking softly. It took only a few seconds before she saw him looking out at her. "Eliza?" He questioned as he opened the door. "Umm..hi Rafe." She said with a now unsure look in her eyes. She was reconsidering this idea of going to him. "What's wrong beaitiful?" He asked gently as he helped her through the window. "It's just um..."
"JJ?" He asked, aware of her feelings for the blonde boy. Eliza felt embarrassed as she blushed and nodded her head.

Rafe pulled her into a hug. "It's okay. I'm here for you. I can distract you from him Princess, I can erase your pain and pull your mind away." He whispered gently to her as he gently tilted her chin up and pressed a kiss to her lips. Eliza took a sharp breath as she pulled away from him. "Rafe.." She whispered, her eyes held the look of 'We can't do this'. The boy looked at her with his intense eyes. "Give me a reason why we shouldn't do this." Rafe requested as his hand found its way to her waist, pulling her close to him.  "It's not far to you, Rafe. I'm in love with JJ." This was the first time Eliza spoke that out loud making it more real to her. But it was a love she was sure she could never have.

Rafe gave her his signature smile, it was so cute to see. "I know that, you don't think I see how you are with him but he's not in love with you like you are with him. Let me help you, I'll take your pain away. I'll make you feel as wonderful as you should feel, not second to someone who can't match your fire. I know I can't have your heart, but I'm okay with it because I have you even if it's in solitude only when doors are closed. Even if it's only brief stolen moments like this. I've had you once and that is fine to me." He whispered that against her lips, sending a shiver down Eliza's spin. Rafe smiled more when he noticed that so he kissed her again, this time the kiss was long and passionate as his hands squeezed her waist.

~ things are gonna get spicy but only a two out of five ghost peppers~

At the squeeze Eliza let out a soft moan, Rafe breaking the kiss to look at her. His grin now lopsided giving him a more boyish look. "S-sorry." Eliza stumbled over her words as her face was a dark red. "It's okay princess, it was cute." He reassured her as he peppered her face with kisses before moving down her jaw towards her neck. Her hands going up to his hair, head tilting back to give him more room. Eliza gave his hair a tug, hard enough to earn a small groan as his hold on her tightened.

"Come on princess."Rafe said with a grin as his lips left her neck, making her let out a soft noise of disapproval. He chuckled at that, taking her hands before walking backwards towards his bed, his eyes never leaving her face. Eliza's heart raced as she followed him, her stomach in knots but she felt guilty, she knew this was wrong that she wasn't in love with Rafe but he knew that. Once they reached the bed Rafe sat down, noticing Eliza's nervousness he pulled her down onto his lap, looking up at her. "You are safe with me Liza, I would never hurt you." He promised her, a promise she would never forget.

The way he was looking at her, the hurt in her chest, all the pain she's endured, everything around her drove her mind towards him. A solid form in her life that was a trashing sea, he was the lighthouse calling her back in, away from the jagged rocks. Rafe Cameron had her, he would always have her, keeping her safe and steady.

Eliza leaned down and connected their lips, her hands going to tangle in his hair. Her body relaxing into his. Rafe didn't hesitate to return her kiss with equal if not more passion and want then hers had. His hands going under her baggy shirt to run along the bare skin of her hips, the gentle touch of his fingertips made her shiver.

Rafe started to trail kisses down her neck and along her collarbone, gently nipping at the skin earning a soft whimper from Eliza, which didn't satisfy the boy as he bite down a bit harder this time getting the breathy moan he wanted. He gently moved her off his lap as he pushed her down onto the bed, his hands holding her wrists above her head.

Eliza wiggled a little in his hold but he just looked at her with half lidded eyes, his hair tussled from her fingers pulling at it. "Relax Princess, nothing is going to happen without your okay. I respect you too much for that." He told her as he leaned down and left open mouthed kisses along her neck, only stopping at a spot when she took a sharp breath. She could feel his smirk against her skin. His teeth brushed against her skin before he nipped and sucked at the spot. Eliza's breath catching in her throat. "R-Rafe...don't leave a m-mark." She managed out making him pull away. He wore a smirk as he looked at the purple clashing against her fair skin. "Oops." He hummed softly. Eliza looked at him stunned before laughing softly. "Oh well, I guess there's no reason to be careful now."

That's all Rafe needed before he shed his shirt and leaned down to kiss her again, this kiss was rough as he moved to where he was over her. Her legs going to wrap around his waist pulling his body flush with hers. Her hands going to his bare shoulders and back, knowing she was leaving marks of her own on the kook. Eliza gasping and whimpering his name softly and needingly. The noises she made only drove him mad and made his touches and movements rougher the before.

The room was warm to them now, despite the cool night air coming through his window. The two's bodies moving together in perfect sync, bruises, scratches and light bite marks littering their bodies. Neither caring at the moment how to hide them from the others.

That was the relationship between  our Pouge Princess and our Kook King, one of fire. It was dangerous and only a matter of time before someone got hurt.

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