Chapter-1-Who are You?

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Soaring across the Hellish landscape, she spotted demons of numerous sizes and numbers across the land they were her minions and you guess that you could say her "followers" per se.

Ever since she officially became the new Hell-lord of her portion of the ninth plain of Hell, all those under her control gained her symbol, a demonic phoenix spreading its wings. Which spreads fire over the land around it.

The symbol became engraved, most commonly, on a minion’s forehead, chest,  back, or palms.

She wasn't certain of this figure’ss appearance but she imagined that a random ass humanoid in the middle of fucking Hell couldn't be too hard to tell apart from the actual demons right?.

After a few moments of soaring across the landscape, she spotted a lone figure sitting on a large boulder, gazing out across the land as if it belonged to him even though no one probably knew his first name.

Diving down towards him at a high speedm=, she spread out her wings and flapped down onto the ground with a ring of fire appearing briefly around her.

She liked to show off and make an entrance to new people.

The figure appeared unimpressed as he said, "Well well the unworthy leader finally appears."

Firefly tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, "Unworthy"?  

"Yes what of it?..anyway I am here with a message," he stated.

She narrowed her eyes and said, "Speak, and I am the Hell-lord here it's only decent you show some respect." 

He waved aside that comment as if she wasn't even worth his time.

"My name is Zeronix and I am here to liberate his land!" He said proudly.

This made Frost chuckle which seemingly annoyed this "Zeronix".

"Liberate this land? This land has never been more peaceful!" Replied Firefly.

"Pffttt nonsense!" He said his voice filled with ignorance.

"Are you commenting on the scuffles here? That's normal and this is a Hell-realm. What else you expect there to be other than war? Sunshine and rainbows?" She replied with narrowed eyes.

"You are nothing but a weak leader who gained the throne by merely your little ice friend’s actions and not your own!" He said fully avoiding her question 

"So what of it?" She replied

"I am here to take your throne and bring this realm to a proper and strong rule!" He stated

"And how do you expect to do that? It's just you and I have enough power to destroy entire realms as well as an army..and What do you have?" She asked somewhat challenging/taunting him.

"I am a time-turner I am entitled to whatever I desire!" He said

*"a timeturner...where did I hear about them again?"*.

"I can control the very essence of time and no I'm not alone-!" He stopped and gestured behind him.

Firefly glanced behind him to see that he indeed wasn't alone.

He seemingly had gathered a massive army from various points in time. She spotted humans with swords, bows, more advanced human weapons such as..rifles she thought they called them.

Human-made wagons and more metal weapons "tanks" she believed the humans called them.

In the air flew various types of balloons and human-made aircraft.

"Hmm....guess you are indeed not alone," she mused 

"Now run back and prepare your little army-" he said smugly.

Firefly responded instead by attempting to decapitate him in a blur of movement. 

Except, as she swung, her entire body and the air itself began to feel heavier and heavier until she found herself stuck.

She then shot back and was standing normally again.

The time-turner smirked smugly.

"I control time itself. There is no way you can beat me!" He said before turning around and vanishing.

Firefly gritted her teeth and sheathed her sword. She turned around to look upon the land that she called home. She glanced back at the rocks where he had come from and "his army" was nowhere to be seen.

"If you want war we'll give you war," she thought and teleported back to her fortress.

Appearing back in her throne room she quickly thought. 

*"Now What was let's see what happens next"* she thought as she turned around to see a familiar shadow forming.

Azhecke appeared and sighed folding his arms and saying, "Well....things just got interesting." 

"Tell me about it..he's some time-turner who thinks he's entitled to this here land," she said

Azheckes eyes turned an uncharacteristic purple which Firefly realized to be a mixture of anger and disgust as he said.

"Ah I see..fucking time-turners" he mused

"What exactly is a time-turner?" Asked Firefly

"A time-turner is a being of untold rarity. Only one is born every century. Due to the power but also personality that they possess, they also are hated by even the endless themselves," Azhecke explained 

"And they control do they all act like that guy?" She asked him

The abyss shook his head.

"No but most do have a degree of similarity to him, but I'm not sure how he would've gathered that army of his without the endless stopping him." He replied

Firefly tilted her head and asked.

"What exactly are the endless?" 

"Beings that are above even the gods...or What gods remain they retain control and govern what the gods do, however. Most are incompetent as can be. They don't care for virtually anything and due to time-turners coming along and fucking up entire timelines just because they can often pisses them off" he said

"...are there beings above even the endless?" Asked Firefly.

"I think there could be..but they are shrouded so deeply in mystery that most of the knowledge about them is merely speculation...their names and even personalities are little known. Some even say they are the very fabric of the universe that created us," he said.

"Well, this just got deep," finished Firefly after a moment.

Azhecke merely replied with a chuckle.

"Now you asked about Frost’s status yes--now what?" He said annoyed as a knock sounded at the entrance to the throne room.

Firefly turned as she asked, "Who is it!?"

"Hell-lord we got three unknown demons on the edge of the borders to your territory they claim to be exiles and are seeking to speak with you!" Replied a voice of one of her messenger imps.

This however caught her attention.

"Could this be a trap?" She said half ways to herself.

"You never know with a time-turner however it would be best to check them out..they could be useful allies if they prove to be what they say they are" responded Azhecke

Firefly considered this and nodded.

"Well...we've already got a homicidal time-turner on our hand so what’s the worst that could happen?" 

Azhecke laughed before vanishing again.

A few moments later, she landed on the border, catching a ride in one of the many, many unstable portals that loved to appear within the Hell-plain, and for once she was lucky and managed to get at least semi-close to the border.

After turning a corner she immediately spotted the four visitors.

They weren't that hard to miss.

They stood roughly eleven feet tall. Easily far taller then she was and each had dark black and smooth skin that looked more like armor than anything else.

On their shoulders, sat spikes along with their massive claws and large teeth and each had four red eyes that looked like they belonged on a machine.

The one in the center with a slightly different head design spotted her and said quietly.

"Are you Firefly the new Hell-lord?" It asked his voice the one of a male. 

Firefly looked up at the four and said while trying to not be too blunt, "Yes, I am. My messengers reported your presence on my borders. What business you have here?" 

"We are here with a request, we wish to join your forces," said the leader.

Firefly was taken very much off guard. Demons rarely ever left their territory or level to join another and these three demons must have been from another plain of Hell.

"You seek to join my armies? First off who are you and which plain do you hail from?" She asked crossing her arms.

The leader knelt and the other three quickly followed suit.

"We are from the sixth plane of Hell. We are called the four shadows but my specific name is Amerenx and these are my comrades Skiá, Sombra, and Scáth..we are infiltration demons and were once the Hell-lord hand" he explained as he gestured to the other three who nodded when he mentioned their names.

They looked similar enough, but Firefly had enough perception to tell key differences between the four.

Amerenx had larger and more intimidating horns probably due to his leadership status.

Skiá had larger shoulder spikes and a more armored face that was longer and more angeled then the rest.

Sombra looked as if he was made up of nothing but shadow and armor which made him slightly look like Akure in a sense.

Scáth had an outright savage appearance dreads on his helmet-like head large oversized claws and tall and a lanky physical build.

Firefly imagined that he was the "wildcard" of the four.

They stood up as Amerex pleaded, We would be grateful and in your debt, if you would accept us.”

Firefly considered it. They could prove to be quite useful.

But she asked the one main question that she had to retain.

"Why did you come here?" She asked

"Our king or rather "Hell-lord" betrayed us. We were made to look like fools and our honor was ruined. We seek redemption." Stated Skiá from behind Amerenx.

"We served faithfully by his side for centuries, slaying all those who dared oppose his rule swiftly and without mercy..and look where that got us. He cast us out like mere imps stating that he "had no use for secretive assassin's" anymore" snarled Amerenx in anger.

Firefly narrowed her eyes and considered it.

On one end, it could be a trick they did just state that they are assassin's and it could've been a trick to get close to her and within her circle of trust before attempting to assassinate her with ease.

One the other end, however, they could be truthful and if that was the case, she could very much have use for their skills...

She decided to take the risk and said, "I accept your offer but so much as attempt to kill me or any of my higher-ups you will be executed...if you’re lucky"  

This seemingly caused a pleasing glow to form in the eyes of the four demons who seemed to of smiled as well as Amerenx stated, "Thank you Hell-lord..we are in your debt." He knelt in respect alongside the rest of the four shadows.

Firefly considered their capabilities. They were from the sixth plain and each plain had a main "theme" to it the ninth plain's theme was "middle ages" And "Medieval ages" thus why most of the minions were designed like human knights.

The sixth plain's main theme was "biomechanics" and most if not all demons appeared to be a mixture of flesh and metal and most could change into another form. She wondered if these four could do so.

Firefly smiled and bowed in response, "Of course. We welcome all help we can get."

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