Chapter 13: A strike back

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After they left the vision, Firefly had become unusually quiet, normally the fire demon was somewhat talkative as they returned to the fortress, Nerozika glanced back.

"Your thinking about her aren't you?" she asked.

Firefly glanced over and shrugged.

"How can I not when it turns out that I'm partially responsible for the way she turned out?" the fire demon asked.

"yes, you may of had a part in her turning into a demon, but her actions AS a demon are not your responsibility" replied Nerozika after a moment.

"Are you certain of that?" asked Firefly glancing uncertainly at her.

Nerozika sighed and said "Of my eon's of living here and all the thing's I've done-being an emotional support person for a fire demon that commands a portion of Hell was not one of them-yes I am certain of it-but shouldn't we focus on striking back now?" she asked

Firefly huffed and nodded.

"yeah we should-got a plan?" she asked

"Wasn't that your position?" asked Nerozika with a small smirk.

"Oh shut it, but ironically I got a plan-a rough one-but it's better then nothing" replied the fire demon crossing her arms.

"well it's a start" was all Nerozika replied with.

The plan was a three step plan.

They had discovered that a sizable base of operations had been constructed on the very outskirts of Firefly's territory-they decided to do something about that. 

Firstly two platoons of demons would perform a diversionary airstrike to lure out and destroy any airborne vehicles and any other vitally important defenses.

The next stage would be for the four Shadows and Akure to lead a division of demons using walkers and "tanks" as they'd started to be referred to, through three of the narrow canyons from behind the base and throw them off their feet further by bombarding the base with artillery strikes.

Lastly the demon sisters Axereia and Kisiragi would blow through the remainder of their defenses, since they had yet to see any real action since the start of the war, it was figured that they'd could use this to "stretch their legs" a little bit.

Firefly oddly decided that she would stay back a bit and not take a major roll in the fight, alongside Nerozika and the rest of the Hell-lords, her logic as to being "they expect me to attack-so let's throw a wrench in that plan eh?".

She figured that her logic wasn't that wrong either.

Firefly had known Axereia and Kisiragi for centuries and was very aware of their capabilites, Axereia was called the Queen of swords for a reason, despite her friendly and arguably "cute" personality, she was very much a demon who could cut your innards without a second thought, being able to manifest virtually any kind of weapon at will that she has "scanned" save for weapons beyond this realm of reality such as Nerozika's shield, and able to summon them seemingly out of nowhere without a second thought, not to mention most of her abilities were far above supernatural level thanks to her status as a Hell-lord.

Kisiragi on the other hand was probably one of the most skilled and experiences sorcerers firefly knew, her ability to drain and weaponize the very blood of her enemies was certainly a handy trait, her gift in magics and her ability to read virtually any language and even copy other's magic powers, sure she was a sorcerer at heart, but she was more then capable of handling herself in melee combat as she needed only a single cut or opening to drain one of their internal blood and turn it into a scythe to slice you in half with.

The base itself was fairly well defended, with large concrete walls and various types of beings stationed on the walls, with a large flat runway behind it.

Casually stepping towards the top of the hill that they had just climbed Axereia and Kisiragi reached the top of a mound and found themselves overlooking the base as Axereia whistled.

"it's a wonder they even got that thing built" she commented

"while certainly quick, it can't be fully operational unless our little time-turner friend sped up the time of the building process." said Kisragi with begrudging respect in her voice.

"aw..that's no fairrrrr" whined Axereia, to which Kisragi sighed.

"fair or not-it's gonna be fun here real soon" she said

"I knowwww-say when was our last real battle?" asked Axereia glancing at her sister.

"hmmm....i'd say about-4-500 years or so?" replied Kisriagi

"well-nothing like kicking off the dust and stretching our legs a little then-now we just wait for the diversion to fly on overhead and give us an opening" replied her sister.

Kisiragi nodded.

"Indeed, that should be any moment now..there they are" she said as a faint humming sound made itself known as several dozen aircraft flew over their heads, several smaller Drakon's were being escorted by several larger aircraft flew in a V formation, and it wasn't long before they tilted their noses downwards and begun to open fire on the various structures and aircraft that they could see, resulting in various explosions.

Soon enough a few aircraft took into the air to engage the demonic fighters, but most were swiftly shot down by the hail of energy rounds flying through the air.

"Good. their distracted now for phase 2" said Kisiragi.


Akure, Amerenx, Skia, Sombra and Scath made their way through a narrow canyon flanked by several tanks and walkers and several dozen groups of Hell-hounds and Hell-knights, and about a hundred imp's, as they reached a wider area of the canyon Akure glanced up and took in the sight before him.

"we're close now, be prepared to engage at a moments notice, expect resistance as soon as enter the area" said Akure as the demon-knight stepped over a walk-and waited for his tanks to line up as the last few demon-fighters finished their air-strikes and flew over head as Akure waved his arm forward and shouted "Fire now!".

A volley of concentrated Hell-energy orbs were launched into the air at breakneck speeds and flew in an arch slowly over the field before impacting into several buildings and promptly turning them into molten metal and shrapnel as some of the defenders began to turn around to face this new threat and in response, Akure stabbed his sword into the ground and after a few moments, a wave of violet and black energy shot out of the ground like a surge, vaporizing several infantry in an instant and causing a sizzling sound to be heard-before several vehicles seemed to freeze and then exploded into balls of fire.

The Four shadows then rushed forward as a few machine guns opened fire on them, but to no avail as the bullets were absorbed straight into their bodies and had no effect as they phase shifted forward using their shadow magic and appeared right on top of the defensive positions as their claws and tentacles opened open and glowed purple before firing beams into the ground vaporizing the defenses with ease.

A few human made mechs turned and fired cannon shells towards the shadow demons, in turn Amerenx merely shifted as the shells went straight through him and impacted the ground behind him as he sent a tentacle straight into it's cockpit and filed the spear-like tip with energy and caused a huge explosion, promptly destroying the mech instantly.

The rest of the four shadows finished off their own opponents as the main demonic infantry pushed forward and charged into battle.

As the defenders began to get overwhelmed from both sides Axeria and Kisiragi strolled side by side up towards the front entrance alongside the charging demonic forces.

A Bipedal mech opened fire on Axeria as the Hell-lord in question leaped high into the air before diving straight into the mech and smashed right through it without so much as a scratch as she tore the mech in half by the impact along before manifesting a pair of swords and within a second had stood up and already beheaded a pair of guardsmen as she twirled around and killed four more with breaking a stride as she threw her swords into the open engines of a human transport helicopter trying to take off causing it's engines to explode and crash back into the ground exploding again for good measure.

Leaping backwards she manifested a pair of large Desert Eagle pistols and landed on the shoulders of a guard before using him as a stance to take out a pair of enemy snipers as she gave a cheerful grin as she wrapped her legs around his neck and flipped backwards, slamming him into another soldier as she twirled her pistols around her fingers before catch them and firing a pair of rounds point blank into three soldiers.

Kisiragi fired a volley of blood-red spears that skewered several men, before she summoned a curved sword and sliced open the neck of another and then used some blood magic to drain his body of blood and reformed it into the shape of a scythe and hardened it and promptly sliced two more men in half.

After a few more moments of absolutely slaughtering the infantry stationed there, they finally took out the last few defenses as the commanders of the assault circled around each other and begun to discuss their next step.

"Most fun I've had all what's next? "asked Axeria.

"Next we should report our victory and our findings to Firefly and the rest of the Hell-lords" said Akure.

"Why not just burn this entire place down and everything in it?" asked Scath.

"Think Scath, this place may have valuable information we may need that'll help the war effort" said Sombra.

"hmph, very well" replied the Cranky demon.

"As a matter of fact-we may have something here" said Kisiragi as she turned around to face a Hellhound and a Hell-knight as the pair approached the group.

"Pardon the interruption Hell-lords and commanders, but we found something in the base-something of Hellish origin" reported the night.

"Made-by large claw, unsure what made it, but has to be demonic" said the Hell-hound-who knew they could actually speak as well.

"Take us there now" ordered Kisiragi simply yet left no room for discussion, as the Knight nodded and the two turned around and the group followed casting glances at each other.

They followed the two into a room as the knight said.

"it's just up here".

The group followed the knight until he stopped and pointed just ahead of him and stepped to the side.

After a few seconds there was silence, and the knight was tempted to ask if something was wrong, but Akure said quietly.

"we need to inform the rest of the Hell-lords that-we may have a traitor in our midst" he said as he looked and stepped forward a few feet.

The stone portal ahead of him wasn't going anywhere after all.

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