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'To me, you're a tree in a deep forest. Where inside, you breathe a huge thankfulness for everything.

P.s. Meet me at the entrance after school


Now standing on his tippy toes, were Jihoon trying to find his tiger. His vertically-challenged height wasn't helping at all, so he just switched his weight from his heel to the toes to the rhythm while waiting.

Luckily, the other isn't hard to spot, since the outstanding leopard print beret he had outdo the other students nearby.

The red-haired face lights up upon seeing the other boy, and sprint to him immediately.

"Let's go!"

The blond boy smile a little at the enthusiasm. Truth to be told, he felt the same way since yesterday. Right when the dancer comment that this will be their very first 'date'.

Not much words were exchanged, and even if there are, it died down as fast as it come up.

Pouting, the tiger boy sneakily slipped his hand into the other's small ones. The composer didn't pry his hand away, but it resulted in both of them with their cheeks coloured like cherry blossoms in the spring.

It wasn't their first time holding hands, and yet why does it felt just like the first time?

And so they walk side by side down the quite busy road, hand in hand.

Jihoon then stopped a few moments in front of a cafe that had a cute board shaped like a diamond that said 'Carat Cafe' before entering it together.

After ordering some drinks and maybe a little snack, they sat down on the table next to the glass window where you could see the outside world.

"What should we talk about?"

It was Soonyoung who started it, since he couldn't really stand the lingering awkwardness. Don't get him wrong, he liked the other boy unconditionally, but it's just how the way he's wired to fight awkwardness the best he could.

"Hmm… anything."

The way he pouted his lips cutely didn't slip away from the beret boy's small eyes. He didn't comment at it, but made sure to make a mental note of it. Instead, he thought of another thing that was bothering him.

"Why do you use 'w' in the notes?"

At that time, the waitress arrived with their order. The dancer whispered a little thank you for the girl as the smaller boy waited for her to walk away.

"How do you think that its me when my name doesn't have any 'w' in it?"

He then proceed to take a sip out of his americano, but not quite peacefully after the tiger boy answered.

"Just my hunch."

"You send the notes based on your gut feelings alone?"

The Sagittarius mouth and eyes were wide open, quite flustered at the truth behind it. He may or may not have choked a bit on his drink, but it wouldn't be a nice thing to imagine.

"Well, I got it right didn't I? Sorta?"

The answer he got were judging stare and silence.

"But if Mingyu actually listen to me properly, I would've got it right"

Out of nervousness, the red haired boy scratch the back of his neck while leaning down to drink from his caramel macchiato.

"Yeah, whatever."

Truth to be told, they could've just texted and this whole thing wouldn't be that awkward. But Jihoon likes it this way more, since it was real. Technology could connect the far away, but it could also distanced the closest to you.

"But seriously, what does it mean?"

Trying to bring back the topic and keep the atmosphere going were Soonyoung current mission, because his curiosity weren't satiated.

"It came from the name I used when composing songs, Woozi"

The other picks up the spoon and started tasting the generous amount of strawberry shortcake slice.

"Does it perhaps meant 'Our Jihoonie'?"

This time, the answer he received were pausing hand and averted glance from the speechless fairy. A sly smirk planted on the hamster boy face, as he cutely said;

"Woozi-yah~ My cute Jihoonie, Woozi"

He had wished he could perpetuate this moment of Jihoon getting red and flustered by his teasing, but the thought was replaced by the blond boy stepping on his foot.




|12월 26일 : 크리스마스 로즈 (Christmas Rose) - 추억 (memory)

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