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"Hoonie, what flower is that?"

The red haired pointed at a patch of bushes and flowers near his house. He never pays attention to it, but now that the flower bloomed and he had a flower encyclopedia beside him, why not?

"That's probably a tube rose." Was the blond answer, after eyeing it for a while.

"Rose? It doesn't look like one" The boy seemed to mull over the flower with a crinkled forehead.

"There's probably thousands variant of roses out there. I only know a handful of it."

The smaller boy laughed at the boy's expression and drag his tiger to the front door of the latter's house.

They entered the empty house and climb up the stairs to found a door with a tiger sticker on the front of it. Now, whose room could it be, I wonder?

"And this is the one and only, my room."

The first thing that caught Jihoon's eyes when they step into the room were not the dance poster, but the huge intimidsting tiger poster and an adorable plushie of the same thing. Both were same, but very different.

Soonyoung told him to sit down and so he did, as the dancer did the same.

Now, something else caught his eyes. It was a lovely flower sitting on top of the desk, but it's quite mushed together.

"What's that on your desk?"

The tiger boy smiled as he picked up the delicate flower like it's made out of glass.

"It's pressed flowers. This is the one you gave me on my birthday. It didn't came out that good since it's my first time doing it."

True to his words, the red flower looks a bit discolored from when it's still fresh, but nevertheless still look good for a flower that has been plucked off its stem months ago.

The product maybe a bit clumsy, it's the thought that counts the most.

There seemed to be a bubbling feeling inside of the blond haired boy's stomach. He couldn't explain it better now, but he can compare it to the excitement of receiving his very own keyboard when he's thirteen.

"You could've just thrown it away…" was his thoughts after admiring the pressed red carnation closely within his grasp.

"But even so, I felt bad that you had to waste all of the beautiful fresh flower to me. I read it somewhere that pressed flowers could live longer than a year if you do it right, so I tried it."

While the red haired scratched his neck in embarrassment for rambling on, Jihoon gave him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.

The most beautiful person holding the beautiful flower with the most breathtaking smile ever.

Soonyoung regret the fact that he couldn't save the moment eternally other than with his memory.

It was a beautiful memory that he'll keep remembering for the future.




|Happy Birthday to Our Prince Hoshi! My cutie tiger hamzzi boyy #HORANGHAEDAY

| I read that pressed flowers can be preserved till five to seven years before it fades, but it varies depending on the flower. Easiest way to make pressed flower is to sandwich it between a paper towel and put it inside a thick book and let it dry for some weeks. Other faster methods include microwaving the flower in paper towel for some time or ironing them.

|That moment when you realized you never actually listen Hurricane in its full-length, only snippets of its chorus and the song are never released…. Ugh why do you do this Pledis? All we want is the studio version of solo songs and unreleased things, is it that hard? Like, where's Sukyo? Where's Fly? Where's the well deserved Purple Rose? Omg WHERE IS Night and Rain korean version? Or Wonwoo's solo? TT TT

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