Application Form For Contest #5 (CLOSED)

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Hi everyone!

Before you keep reading I would like to say that though it seems like a lot, really, what you're reading is going to be the admin work that I will be doing. All you need to do is submit the entries and then you're done until it's time to collect prizes and read reviews.

As you know, the last two contests have been short contests, the ones before them being just, well, normal.

But, this one, is going to be a rather long contest.

The total span of the contest will be one month. Yes, you read correctly. Starting today with applications, judging will end at the end of January. Call it a beginning of the year celebration LOL

The participant limit is 10 people, which will result in 40 entries, which is why the limit is so low, as that is gonna be a lot of judging. However, I usually accept up to two more participants in case someone backs out, so apply anyways and I'll let you know if you've been accepted.

So, if you've gotten this far, I'm sure you're wondering what in the world I am planning that will take this long.

Well, each of the participants will be making four covers - this idea is not entirely original fyi, but idk who I'm giving credits to, so-

Anyways, back to the main point. Each participant will be designing four covers. One for each season - spring, summer, fall, winter.

You will have about two weeks to do so though, so though it's a lot, there's also a lot of time available before the deadline hits.

Before I continue, here is the timeframe. January 1st to 6th is open to applications. Entries are due between the 1st and 16th. Judging will commence between January 16th and 30th with results coming out around the 31st.

If you change your username, let me know asap.

You do not have to have participated in the previous contest to participate in this one and you can participate in this contest even if you participated in the previous one.

Feel free to ask questions, I don't mind at all!

The entries are due by January 16th - late submissions will not be excepted, unless they are distinctly different from the current entries, as cheating is not tolerated.

If the header says closed, it means the contest has finished.
If the header says open, it means that participants are still being accepted.

If the header says full, the contest is full but spots can sometimes open up so you may as well apply anyway.

Please add this contest to your private and public reading list (private so you get notifications, public so more people will see it), and give a shout-out on your message board (make sure to press announce to followers). Additionally, please follow me (I will also follow you) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Okay, so, back to the usual order of information 😂

The theme of this contest will be covers - season themed (must have a seasonally fitting quote), but the genre is your choice. Must have someone on it, but they do not need to be a proper face claim or edited in - what you do regarding the addition of a person is up to you! The person can be from art or an actual photo - really doesn't matter anything and everything is allowed.

You will have two weeks (or more - refer to timeline) to create four covers. Each cover must be for a different season - spring, summer, fall, winter. Each season must have its own individual cover. Each cover will then need a 'book' name with it, which could be something as simple as Snowflakes, as long as it's fitting for season. Each cover will then need a quote with it that is fitting for the season. For example, one of my favorite quotes, that would be fitting for spring, is "spring is the time of year when there is summer in the sun and winter in the shade."

Your entries will not be judged as a whole. Each individual entry will be placed into one of the four segments - spring summer fall winter. Therefore all summer entries from everyone will be judged and then the winner in that section is, well, the winner. Then we go on to winter, all entries are judged, and the winner is the winner, etc

There will still be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and special mention, in each seasonal section, but only one person can hold each spot, so you will not be sharing, for example, second place with other people. Each ranking has one person.

Here are the requirements; outside of this basic info do what you please to create what you see as fitting ✨

1. Your username.
2. Use any colour scheme.
3. Shaping should be cover.
4. Season themed.
5: Genre is your choice.
6: Quote that is fitting.
7: Face claim necessary (but doesn't have to be a specific person).
8: Book name.

Participants form;

Mode of submission (email or graphics shop):
Tag five people who you think may be interested:

I hope you are all doing great!!

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