In Bad Days You Are There

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Chapter 7: In Bad Days You Are There


"Aichi! Wake up! Aichi!"

Aichi slowly opened his eyes and looked around, he saw that Emi has been calling him. She was beside him and her arms crossed as she pouted.

"Seriously Aichi, just because we came home you're gonna start acting lazy again!" Emi scolded.

"Sorry Emi... also, good morning..." Aichi gave an apologetic smile and he stood from the bed.

"Anyways, breakfast is ready. Last night you came home and you were weird, did something happen?" Emi asked.

Aichi shook his head, "Nothing. I just had some time with Kourin-san and I took her home, I still can't believe she's the mayor's relative."

"Wait what? She's the mayor's?!" Emi looked at her brother in shock.

"Eh? Ah, yes. You didn't notice by her surname?"

"I did! But I thought they just have the same last name..."

Aichi laughed nervously and he smiled, Emi then went out of the room. Aichi looked back at the window and he smiled to himself, it was another one of those days.

Kai was outside the flower shop that hasn't opened yet, he just shrugged his shoulders and walked around. He thought he should go to the park to have some peace of mind, and when he reached the park, he found Misaki sitting at the bench.

"Hey, Tokura..." Kai greeted and sat next to her.

He was about to speak again but he saw Misaki sobbing, he shut his mouth.

"Hey..." Misaki wiped her tears away and looked at Kai. "Sorry, it's very early and I'm already crying."

"..." Kai wanted to ask why she's crying, but he knows that there are people who would rather not talk about it.

"You're... not gonna ask why I'm like this, huh." Misaki said.

"I'd rather not, maybe it's too much for you to tell."

"It's okay, I really wanted to let this all out."

Kai blinked, he gave a sigh and looked at Misaki. "Alright... Just... you can say it."

Misaki breathed, putting her hand on her chest area before she spoke.

"After my parents went to a trip, they were  about to go home but they had a crash. Right now they're on a critical condition, and..." Misaki started to cry again, she thoughtlessly went close to Kai and embraced him as she sobbed.

Normally, Kai would react and push someone away. Yet this is a serious thing, so he let Misaki. Kai puts his hand on Misaki's back and pats her, he soothes her.

"I'm sorry," Kai whispered. "I know I shouldn't have..."

"No... I really... really just have to tell it..." Misaki sobbed, "Oh god..."

They stayed like that for a while, until Misaki's uncle Shin arrived.


Misaki let go from Kai and looked at Shin.


Shin gave a smile and glanced at Kai, "Are you Misaki's friend?"

Kai only nodded as an answer, and Misaki stood from her seat and went to Shin.

"Let's go home now Misaki..." Shin said and he looked back at Kai. "Thank you for taking care of my niece."

"It's no problem."

Shin smiled and he walked away with Misaki, Kai only watched them.

"Take care of yourself, Tokura..." Kai muttered and he sighed as he looked up to the tree.

"Welcome to the shop!" Aichi greeted the costumers.

Aichi looked around and he saw Kai outside the shop, he watched as Kai went inside the shop and was frowning.

"Kai-kun, are you okay?" Aichi asked in concern.

Kai only kept quiet, and he looked back at Aichi.


"Aichi, how do I... make someone... feel better?" Kai asked.

Aichi raised an eyebrow before he gave a smile and took a single flower from a bouquet and gave it to Kai.

"Make someone feel better by giving flowers, if not then make them happy by doing happy things!" Aichi said happily.

Kai then stared at the flower, he thought of Misaki again and he couldn't help but to smile too.

"Thank you, Aichi."

"You're welcome, Kai-kun! Oh, and that costs 1 yen."

"Damn." The two laughed and Kai went out again.

Kai went back to the park, still holding the flower; he didn't see Misaki, and he thought of where he could find her. And he remembered the library, so he went there.

When Kai went inside the library, he saw Misaki reading a book, she still looked down.

"H-hey..." Kai called onto her.

Misaki glanced, she saw Kai staring at her, and he have a lilac flower on his hand.

"Kai, what are you doing here?"

Kai approached her, he shyly handed the flower to Misaki and spoke. "For you... I hope this made you feel better."

"K-Kai..." As Misaki took the flower, she started to blush. She looked back at Kai and she felt like crying again, she had to stop and Kai noticed this.

"H-hey, don't cry." Kai gave her his handkerchief and Misaki took it.

"Sorry, it's just that no one does this to me often. I'm just grateful for being your friend, Kai." Misaki stated and giggled.

Kai thought that Misaki's laugh was quite cute, he blushed and looked away. "I-I see..."

Misaki saw his reaction and laughed again, Kai sighed and looked back at Misaki. "Anyways, I hope you're better. And I hope your parents will be okay too."

"Yeah, thank you Kai."

"No problem."

Kai then smiled, "Anyways, you want to go on the beach trip with my friends?"

"Um... I'll think about it." Misaki answered.

Kai sighed, "You have to, okay? I'll wait." He looked at Misaki's book and spoke. "You read Shakespeare?"

Misaki nodded and let Kai see the pages, "Romeo and Juliet."

"Tragic story of two lovers..." Kai said, "Nice."

"How many books do you read?" Misaki asked.

"Just a bunch, one book per day. How about you?"

"..." Misaki pointed at the books piled beside her.

"Well that's a lot." Kai chuckled and he stared at Misaki as she reads.

He felt his heart racing fast, and he knew why. Somehow he fell for her, and he can only agree.



A/N: More KaiSaki for y'all! ;)

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