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Disclaimer; I do not own anything, all rights belongs to their owners!


In the decade of 1960's, four people met by fate.

On summer time, the time where people would go outside and have fun; some would take trips to some places.

"Good day, ma'am and sir! Are you looking for some flowers?" A young man spoke excitingly as he looked at the couple in front of his flower shop.

"Yes, what can you suggest us?" His costumer asked.

"For a lovely couple like you two, I'd like to suggest these marigolds." The young man showed the marigold flowers to the couples, they were enthralled by it and so they bought it.

"Thank you for purchasing!"

"Aichi, lend me a hand here."

The young man whose name was Aichi looked at the brunette that was carrying two baskets full of flowers.

"Sure, Kai-kun!" Aichi went to Kai and took the other basket, they both arranged them on the front of the shop.

"And there!" Aichi smiled, "Summer can be a bit hard for planting flowers but I am glad there are many kinds of flowers to plant this season."

"Yeah, it's quite hard. Remember when summer went last year and almost all of your flowers wilted on your garden?" Kai said.

Aichi awkwardly laughed as he remembered, "At least now I'm cautious." He replied and he went to turn on the small radio.

"You really like that song, huh..." Kai spoke as he sat outside the shop and listened to the song.

"Yeah." Aichi nodded and looked at the flowers as he hummed along.

"I hope to sell more flowers by this month." He said to himself.

As Aichi was looking at the flowers, he glanced and saw that there are now costumers.


'Summer... I hope this season will be memorable for me.'

"Kourin, take care okay?"

"Of course, Suiko. I'll take care of myself." Kourin smiled at her sister as she took her luggage.

"Kourin, send us letters, okay? And don't forget about the flower shop I was talking about! It has many flowers!" Her younger sister, Rekka told her.

Kourin nodded. "I'll see you again."

"Be careful."

"Bye, bye!"

Kourin went out of her house and waited for the bus. As the bus arrived, she went and sat.

Kourin looked at the bus's window and looked at the summer sky.

'This should be a good memory for when I come back.'

"Misaki, today is summer, aren't you going to the beach?"

"No, being in the library gives me more space for myself, Akari." Misaki looked at her friend.

"Oh come on! Just a little step outside with you will be happier, and you can even meet some new people!" Akari grinned at the librarian.

"No thanks," Misaki replied. "I like having friends but right now, I need some alone time."

"Please, Misaki? Just a day or two on the beach or maybe the famous flower shop just downtown?"

Misaki sighed in defeat and put her book down, "All right. I'm going with you." She smiled.

'Well, summer won't hurt... right?'


A/N: Hello guys! Welcome to my new CFV fanfic! It's an AU once again! Actually, this one is made after I listened to some songs that has 60's vibes (like The Young Veins. A band from 2009 but has the style of The Beatles and The Beach Boys. They give the 60's vibes on their songs) Then, after I listened to them I also listened to The Beatles and had this weird yet fun idea running inside my head. And this was the result. I hope you all like my new story and let's all have a good day/night!


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