Unveiled Feelings

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Chapter 12: Unveiled Feelings


Just as then Misaki understood why, the reason she kept on thinking about a certain brunette and why she always wants to be with him is that she felt it.

But I can't help
Falling in love with you

Misaki heard the phonograph and she noticed how the lyrics somehow relate to her, she would blush and cover her ears with her hand as she tried to concentrate on the poem she's reading; it was Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe.

Misaki sighed as the phonograph kept on playing, she had to stop reading and listened to the song.

She understood, she knew. Misaki knew she's starting to like that man. She has feelings for Toshiki Kai and she couldn't deny it.

But then, even if she likes Kai, does he even like her back? She doesn't know, and she wanted to ask him.

But would Kai even answer her?

Misaki only sighed, it was kind of sad to think about it. So Misaki only focused reading on her book again.

"It's either you listen to rock and roll or jazz, Kai." Naoki glared at the brunette as he slammed his hand on the table.

"What the hell does this have to do with anything? I'm only buying a record." Kai glared back.

The two of them kept on glaring at each other like two wild animals about to fight.

"Now, now, you two. It's not nice to fight over music genres!" Aichi said as he sweat dropped.

"Oh Mr. Classical Music, do not bother us!" Naoki told Aichi and Aichi got a little mad but he kept his cool.

"Showdown, Toshiki Kai! Let's make a band and see where does our music leads to!" Naoki challenged.

Kai crossed his arms and replied, "Why bother doing that? There is no reason you should be fighting over music genres, if I like jazz and you like rock and roll..."

"Wait a second here, Naoki-kun. Aren't you also a jazz fan?" Aichi interrupted.

Naoki clicked his tongue, "You got me."

"So your reason of fighting here is... none?" Aichi said.

"Well, Kai seem a little bit off today I thought I might try anger him a little." Replied Naoki as he shrugged his shoulder.

Aichi looked at Kai, Naoki was right about Kai since he seem to be spacing out too much today.

"Kai-kun, are you okay?" He asked.

Kai only nodded as he looked at the vinyl records again, picking on any music he can find.

"Nope, he's not." Aichi stated as he laughed nervously, then he looked back at Naoki.

"Naoki-kun, aren't you feeling a bit lonely? I mean, you're alone at this music shop." Aichi said.

Naoki shook his head, "No, I'm okay. I have my music and Shingo visits here sometimes, and also the boss."

"The boss?" Aichi wondered.

"Misaki Tokura, you know her right? I called her "The Boss" since we live on the same street, she's a little bossy towards the neighborhood." As Naoki said that, Kai suddenly looked at him.

"Oh... but she's nice, right?" Aichi said.

"I haven't seen her like that," Kai spoke and the two looked at him.

"Kai-kun, you suddenly talked about her." Aichi responded.

"Heh... I think I understand now." Naoki smirked. "You like-"

Kai interrupted as he blushed, "You don't understand!"

"Come on man, let's have a manly talk. You like Boss, don't you?"

Kai wanted to deny, but his friends can see it through his actions. And he can only agree, he felt a little ashamed for revealing his feelings.

"Yeah," was Kai's short reply.

"Bull's eye!" Naoki exclaimed and laughed, "I knew it!"

"Shut up, Ishida." Kai frowned.

Then, the door to the music shop opened. A costumer went inside the shop and they quickly recognized the person.

"Misaki-san!" Aichi greeted as he smiled at the lilac haired girl.

"Hey," Misaki greeted and smiled back at the blunette.

"Speaking of the boss..." Naoki mumbled and kept smirking.

Misaki glanced and saw Kai, who was staring at her with his mouth agape. She blushed when she saw him, and she approached him.

"Hey there, Kai..." Misaki greeted him.

Kai looked back at the record he's holding, and Misaki noticed this. "You're buying jazz?"

"Mm..." Kai replied.

"I- I was thinking of buying the same..." Misaki told him.

"Oh... you'll buy this Chet Baker, right?" Kai asked as he showed the vinyl record.

"I do," she replied.

Kai then gave the record to Misaki and sighed, "You buy it. It's yours."

"But Kai-"

"You were planning to buy this, so you should." Kai insisted.

Misaki somehow thought that she made Kai mad, and this made her feel a little bad. So she turned away and bought the vinyl record and she left.

With her actions, Aichi and Naoki gave a confused look at the brunette.

"What the heck was that?" Naoki asked.

"Kai-kun, what did you do?!"

Kai looked down and he breathed, he kept silent as he walked out of the shop.


Kai was confused, why did Misaki suddenly act like that? What did he even do? He asked himself as he walked, trying to find her.

When Kai found Misaki at the park, she was looking down and staring at the ground.

"Tokura..." Kai called her.

Misaki glanced at him, "Kai."

"What happened earlier?" He asked.

Misaki shook her head, "No... nothing's wrong."

"Don't say that, Tokura. There's something wrong, isn't it?"

Misaki bit her lip.

"Damn, why does everyone I know have a problem?" Kai complained and he groaned. "Just tell me what is it."

"I...I just can't, Kai."

"Is it too hard to tell me?"

Misaki gave a nod as an answer.


"Kai, if I tell you this..." Misaki looked at him, teary eyed. "Will you hate me?"

Kai shook his head, "No."

"Are you sure, Kai? Because, you will hate me."

Kai got annoyed, he wanted this conversation to be straight forward. "Just tell me, okay?"

Misaki stood from the bench and held his hands, she looked at Kai straight to his eyes.

"Kai... I... Do you like me?"

Kai got surprised, they both stared at each other for a while. He held Misaki's hand back and he leaned close to her face.

"If I say I do, what would you do, Tokura?" He whispered.


"Listen, you asked me. And I would answer you, yes I do." Kai told her.

Misaki blushed even more and she was about to look down when Kai touched her chin and brought her face to him.

"Tokura, I like you okay? And what about you?"

Misaki gulped, "I do too..."

Kai then smirked and he let go, he pats Misaki's head and chuckled. "Then that's it, we both like each other."

Misaki looked away from Kai, her face still red and she touched Kai's hand from her head. "So we're... a couple now..."

"I guess so," Kai said. "Anyways, when are we going to your parents? Introduce me to them."

"O-of course, but... not now okay?"


The two of them looked at each other again and they smiled, it was another one of those unexpected days, isn't it?




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