Harrys jealousy

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"Who is that, over at the Gryffindor table?" I ask Cho.
"We that looks like Ginny, why?" She explains.
"I-I will be right back." I explain. I March myself over to the Gryffindor table.
" Wait! Harry are you ok?" Cho yells over but I ignore her. I have to get to Ginny. I mean we just kissed! What was she thinking?! Wait, what was I thinking? I kissed Cho first. I am the bad guy. I am so mad at myself. I can't believe I did that to her. Maybe I should try to talk to her and she would understand. But I don't know of she would even want to see me. I hate myself. You know what your brave Harry. You can do this. I March myself over there and she looks at me with a death face. I feel that this is a sign but I start talking anyway. But that was stupid.
"Ginny I need to talk to you." I state.
"Oh well you didn't need to talk to me five minutes ago when you were snogging with Cho."
"Ginny that's why I need to talk to you."
"No I don't want to hear it!" She yells. She runs out of the great hall throwing her books on the table.
"No Ginny you just have to listen to me!" I yell. She just keeps running until I finally catch up with her.

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