Chapter 2- New Me

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   Irene's P.O.V
     Before I entered the village I did a transformation jutsu. Since I had a big amount of chakra, I would be able to have the transformation on for the whole day, with some left over. Instead of the dark brown hair, I now had ice blue hair. I wore a black shirt that showed my stomach, and brown, baggy pants.( Picture in the middle). In the lower pocket on my right side was where my leather pouch was for my weapons. I carried sebon, shuriken, and kunai. I also had a scythe,  which is my main weapon. I walked to the gates once I was ready. I heard snoring, so I assumed that they were asleep, like always. I slapped the back of both there heads, and they shot right up.
" We swear we were not asleep! Oh hello, why are you here? Also, why are your eyes bandaged?" They asked. I just " stared" at them for a minute.
" Um, I wish to speak to the Hokage, regarding wether I can stay here or not," I spoke softly. They nodded and Izumo escorted me to the building. We saw a Jonin, in a green spandex suit. Izumo asked him to take me to the Hokage's office for him. He nodded, grabbed my arm, and ran all the way to the office. When he let go I was a little wobbly and very dizzy. I fell to the floor trying not to throw up. Crazy over there knocked on the door and then barged in.
" LORD HOKAGE THERE IS SOMEONE HERE TO SEE YOU!!!!!" He yelled out. I winced and covered my ears, anime crying. ' My precious ears! ' I thought. The Hokage looked at me curiously. I sweatdropped, ' Is he just going to stare at me, or what? ' I thought.
  " What is your name child? " he suddenly asked making me jump. I thought for a minute.
  " Ren Hyuza, " I stated. He looked at me suspiciously. I kept a calm face on even though I was freaking out on the inside. He stared at me some more than finally decided to talk.
  " Welcome to Konoha, Mr. Ren, " he stated loudly with a kind smile.

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