Chapter 3- Ninja

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I let out a small sigh of relief. Then the Hokage stated speaking again.
" I will need some basic information of course and your reason for wanting to stay in the village, if that is ok with you," he asked. I nodded.
" I am 12 years old and my birthdate is December 18, 1992. I'm not allergic to anything. My blood type is F+ which is rare type. As you can see I am blind but I would like to become a ninja here in the village. I've had some ninja training already before I got blind. So will you let become a ninja of the village?" I asked hopefully. He thought for a bit then nodded his head. I jumped for joy and yelled " YAHOO!!!!" (Think of Blackstar). The Hokage just chuckled.
" Since we don't have anymore space in the other classrooms we will have to put you in the graduating class. Is that alright with you?" He asked. I nodded with no hesitation. I really didn't have a problem with that, it would show the Head of the Hyuuga clan that a blind person can become a ninja. I smirked at the thought of his surprised face. Lord Hokage led me down to the classroom, where I could here the teacher yelling at Naruto. ' Maybe I can be friends with him since I wasn't allowed to when I lived with the Hyuuga's,' I thought. I just realized that the Hokage already left and everyone was staring at me. ( Irene sensed them, that's how she realized that Lord Hokahe was gone and so on).
" Hello, my name is Iruka. You can all me Iruka- sensei. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" He asked. I nodded then faced the class....... and Naruto. I took a deep breathe.
" Hello My name is Ren Hyuza. I am 12 years old and I'm also blind. However, I would like it if you treat me the same as any other person. That is all," I said and bowed.
" Alright well, why don't you sit next to Hinata," Iruka-sensei said and led me to her. Ironically, I actually liked Hinata so I was fine with it. Then class begun, I can't wait for the adventures waiting for me.

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