Chapter 7- Test

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  " Alright, since we have all introduced ourselves, I will explain the test. The test is to find out what the purpose of the test is. So keep that in mind. All you have to do is sit there," Mikasa-sensei said. We did as we were told and sat there. Mikasa - sensei disappeared, I knew because I could hear her jumping. A few minutes pasted and I heard a rustle in a nearby bush. It looks like nobody else heard it which made me suspicious. I stood up.
" Hey, where do you think you're going. We are supposed to sit here, just take a break while you can ya stuck up," Kiki said snobbishly. I ignored her and went to the bush.
" Are you going to stay in that bush any longer Mikasa-sensei?" I asked. I heard another rustle.
" Well you're no fun. You could have at least waited until I attacked," she whispered that last part.
" The test is about testing are senses right? You're trying to see if we could rely on our other senses other than sight. Am I right? " I asked quietly. She grunted yes.
" Well it seems that Ren passed the test. Can everyone else make it to?" She asked mysteriously, and disappeared again. I walked away seeing as I already pasted the test. I decided that I would train with my scythe. I went to trading ground 13, no one but me and the Hokage know about it. An incident happened here before anyone could use it so he didn't tell anyone it was already a training ground. I just happened to stumble across a sign he must have forgotten to take down. First, I had a clone set up logs. Weirdly, the clones can see. Whenever I release them I always get my sight for a split second. Although, it's really nothing to hope about. I stated attacking the logs and cutting them to pieces. After about two hours of training I went back to the training grounds my team was at.
" Hey Ren! It looks like we all passed!" Nanami said excitedly but still quiet. I gave her a small smile and nodded.
" All right team! Let's get some celebratory food!" Kiki yelled. Everyone but me laughed, I didn't really show emotions unless I was around Neji-nii. The only exception was when I smiled at Nanami so I didn't seem rude. ' I wonder what we are going to eat. I want something sweet,' I thought.

Hello my lovely pandas! Sorry I haven't updated lately I just forgot about. Well, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, goodbye my young pandas.🐼🐼🐼

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