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Cameron's POV

Leaving Amanda is so much more fucking harder than I've ever thought, I supposed I can endure the pain, but as the fucking distance grows, a part of me fucking dissolves. Being without her is like being trapped in a fucking deep black hole, fucking hopeless and helpless. It's fucking torturous.

My plan was just to fucking made her fall for me and as I was in the middle of doing my plans, I've learned that I was making myself too. I didn't want to, I fucking never want to, but I fucking did and a way to bring my life back is fucking nowhere in my sight because she's my life.

My thoughts became jumbled as I got irrational, surely because of the alcohol that was flowing through my fucking veins.

I prop up my elbows against the uncomforting mattress and I could barely set my vision straight.

How could I've fucking done this? How did it fucking happened so fast? Yes, I was fucking besotted by the liquors in me, but deep down, I felt that I shouldn't have fucking done it. I knew that leaving her will fill me with damn regrets, but I already did, my fucking dumbself already did.

She's a beautiful girl with a soothing smile and tantalizing brown eyes that doesn't deserve to be filled with despondent tears in any fucking moment. I never thought that I would fall for her and she gave me the love and attention I never fucking deserved. My life was perfectly fine, until I made her my ravishing and worthful mistake. She's my entire world, and without her, I'm basically nothing, but a worthless bastard who doesn't give any flying fucks about himself.

I could't lose anything after going my entire life without something to treasure, but my family. My annoyance increased as I became more fucking desperate for Amanda and in that moment, I realized that without something worth my living, I would do anything, arbitrarily anything to keep her forever. She's the most important and the best part of me.

"Done!" The blonde girl with swollen lips looks up and winks from between my legs. They're all a distraction, except for her.

With that, I pull my pants back up and leave the cash on the mattress for the payment of the girl I used as my distraction by having her to give me a physical pleasure that was nothing against the amount of it Amanda can give me. An Image of Amy that she's about to hit her full and soft lips against mine starts flashing in my mind, and I couldn't fucking get more blue. This is fucking my breaking point, I'm tearing myself apart and killing myself just by leaving my whole life behind.

I clearoff of the room leaving the unknown girl and the cash she deserves. I sit down om one of the stools of the bar and order a countless shots of vodka for I realize that the amount of alcohol roaming in me wasn't good enough yet to forget everything I should've forgotten earlier.

"Cameron, babe?" I look behind me, only to found out that it is someone I've been craving for, the girl who made me go hell bizzare.

I never had the fucking chance to fought for her against her obnoxious mother, and it was a very wrong and selfish of myself. I should had fought for her, for us! I was too fucking terrified to not be able to accept by her parents, when I wasn't supposed to.

She wraps her warm and comforting arms around my cold self, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." She says, countless time, which is something that shouldn't escape her mouth.

"I should have stand for you right after you even enter my home," She manage to whisper between every sobs. "I'm sorry baby."

I want to hug her, I want her to feel my touch, but I fucking can't. I feel like I'm fucking glued, unable to say nor do anything to comfort my girl when she need it the most.

She pull away from the hug, and it makes me crave and long for her contact even more. How could I've done a bunch of fucked up things to her?

I grab ahold of her hair and smashed my swollen lips against her. I asked for an entrance by forcing my lips to enter his sweet mouth, I always awfully anker.

We soon break the kiss and walk out of the beer house. I let her in the backseat and so did myself, I shut the car door close. I push her against the backseat of my jeep and desperately remove her jacket, fucking shirt, and her lacey sexy bra, exposing her gorgeous body and it's only mine, only mine.


Amanda's POV

Cameron nuzzles his head in my neck, sucking every inch of it and I know it will soon leave a hickey, but I could careless about it right now. His lips travels down my chest, belly, and afterwards he pulls off of my tight jeans and whispers, "You should've just worn a dress or a skirt."

He sucks some parts of my breasts as he sends bunch of shivers through me, allowing it to control me.

His soft lips brush against mine once more, and runs his toungue around the corner of my mouth before closing his lips around mine. I can smell the hint of alcohol breaking out of his mouth. His hand travels down my breasts gently giving each a massage, then afterwards his hand runs down my waist and thighs. His other hand is placed against my heated back, closing the small gap between us and my body touching his appareled body. His lips are attatched against mine, as every inch of me wants to pull off his shirt of his body. The soft and gentle way he kisses feels so much better than a usual heat of fire.

My hands travels up to his back. "You'll be forever mine." As the words escaped his mouth, I moan responding to his words that send massive pleasure and affection through me.

I gasp as he rubs gently over the thin material of my panties. The pressure he usually apply increases, which makes me arch my back off of the leather seat of his car. My imagination go bizzare with the different things he can do to me.

He pulls off of my panties, and for a minute he stares at me as he runs his toungue on the rim of his mouth. He then slides his finger down my opening absorbing the dampness, and then brings his finger on the corner of his lips and afterwards suck it as he closes his eyes.

"You taste so good, Amanda."

He abruptly slides back his finger down my opening once more and moving it in and out, the sweats escaping off our body makes it even much more pleasurable.

"Fuck you're so fucking dainty." Cameron's voice are husky due of the lack of air and it made him even more seductive. I can feel his finger curling inside me, hitting the most sensitive part of me.

I suddenly feel my muscles tighten, and my upper thighs begin to quiver. Every ounce of sexual energy roams in me, from my body starting at my toes and fingertips and working its way in until it pulses from my opening.

My breathing gets irregular, I can't focus on anything, and I lose myself. My whole body stops moving and I just want to clench up and enjoy the explosion that's erupting throughout my entire body. It feels overwhelming but so awesome at the same time. It's like melting and exploding at the same time. I don't have any control and it's maybe the only time in my life when I'm not worried about anything but this moment. Then all of a sudden, there are waves of pleasure going through my whole body. It's so intense that all my muscles just want to stop working.

I end up collapsing on the backseat of the car, and Cameron starts to dress me, for he knows that I'm too weak to function, I feel like I'm a noodle who just got out of the boiling water.

I've never felt like this before, he's the only person I know who can make me feel so great.

Cameron grab the blanket from the passenger seat and cover me with it, I'm too weak for my muscles decided to stop working.


The sun beaming through the blinds wokes me up, and just I found out that I'm in a bed, but not the bed I usually sleep in.

I stand on myself, and walk out of the room looking for someone whose familiar to me.

A sudden click of the door hums, making me to turn my head. Cameron is standing in the doorway, sweat covering his body.

My lips tugs into a smirk as the words blurts out, "Where did you go mister?"

Cameron plop himself on the couch and run his arms across his damp forehead, "Went for a jog,"

"Have you eaten?" He asks, as he walks to the counter and lands the paper bags full of groceries.

"I'm so fetish." I laugh at my own word, and an another laughter chimes in making an attractive sound.

"Really? We could do it later." Cameron winks at me, sending chills down my spine slowly turning every fiber of me soft.

I shake my head due of how juvenile we act this morning. I've never feel so free in my entire life, at this moment I feel like I can do anything, I want, wish, hope to and it's definitely the one if the best feelings I've ever felt.

I grab the ingredients I need for pancakes, I all of a sudden crave for it and fortunately Cameron bought some ingredients for it, and to be honest he bought a lot from the groceries.

I'm in the middle of flipping the pancakes against the pan, when he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as he plants small kisses on my neck and shoulder.

"Merry Christmas Babe," Cam whispers and I greeted him back, saying, "Merry Christmas, Love."
His hand brush against my intense cheeks, and for a moment we lock our eyes to each other before hitting our lips against each other.

I got intoxicated by the moment, and I nearly forgotten about the pancakes which turned out to be a toasted, dark and bitter pancakes.

I throw away the pancakes and rinse the pan in the sink. In the corner of my eye I can see Cameron smiling while leaning against the counter, And I surely know that he's smiling due of how panicked fueled me up a few minutes ago.

I and Cameron end up eating Cocoa Puffs, which I don't find bad at all.
"By the way, I already brought your obnoxious mom's mini van at the parking lot."

"Nice, thanks babe." I response, not knowing what to response due I'm lost to the food. Though, I can never been so thankful in my entire life for just doing things that he shouldn't do in the first place.

A knock coming from the door stopped us from our actions, Cam stands up before checking who are outside the room through the peep hole.

Soon enough, two gorgeous brunette girls enters the room. I smiled at them, they must be related to Cameron, I can tell it by their looks.

The one who looks a older greets Cameron with, "Merry Christmas Honey." I'm assuming it's her mom, while the other girl is staring at me with a grin across her face which I really find so kind of her.

"Oh so this is Amanda?" The girl who I think his mom asks Cameron as she glance at me. "Yes Mom," I stand up from the stool and walk closer to them when I finally confirmed myself that it is her mom, but the other girl is I assume his sister, they look a lot like.

"Amanda, this is my mom, Gina, and my sister, Sierra," Cameron says as he points his index finger to each, "and mom, Sierra this is Amanda."

I serve them a smile and say, "It's a pleasure to meet you both, and have a jolly holidays!" I greeted trying to hide the sorrows that has been swirling around me since, I realized that I was supposed to spend this time with my love ones, but my family is barely by my side.

They both hug me tightly, and greeted me back.


A few hours passed by and I feel like I know every fact of them now that we had a chat for several hours until one of us felt the hunger, which is Cameron who surprisingly joined the conversation with laughter and euphoria.

I walk in to the room I slept in, and dress myself with the jeans and tshirt I worn last night until Cameron barges in the door and plops himself on the mattress and I grab the chance to ask him, "Where are we eating anyway?"

"At Spiral. Don't ask me why." He commands, and so I did comply avoiding an arguement this Christmas day. But, deep down inside of me starts to go frantic for I realized that I have no appropriate clothes for the fancy restaurant we're heading.

When Cameron realized that I was getting heated up, he breaks in a laughter and tells me, "Stop getting nervous, I bought you some clothes." He points the paper bags that holds countless of new clothes which I really need at the moment since I think I'm not welcome at my home anymore, He spends so much money just for me and it's not okay at all.

"This is all too much, Cam." I complain and he responds with, "Shh, just wear it."

Cameron bought me several clothes that gives me countless of options to wear, but the nude strappy dress that goes down to the middle of my thigh he got me, strikes me right to the bottom of my heart, so I grab it, and I got surprised just thinking about that Cameron bought this for me. He usually doesn't agree about me wearing this kind of clothes.

"You're just wearing it because it's Christmas." Cameron strictly ruled, and I agree with it, It's better than having an arguement with him though.

"Where are you going?" Cam asks before I even cleared myself off of the room to dress myself.

"Changing?" I answer confused, "No, just change here." He commands, and I sigh in response. It doesn't bother me anymore at all, probably because he has seen every tiny part of my body.

I change myself with the dress that Cameron got me and examine myself on the full length mirror of the room, my eyes can't even look at myself, not even a glance. It's a transformation I've never had. This dress shows my curves, and gives me maximum cleavage.

"Now, wear the coat I got you, before I even change my mind." Cam chuckles, which makes me too. I did what he says and top the dress with the pale blue coat he got me, he's pretty good at picking clothes for me. I look someone who I never thought that would be me.

I rest myself against him on the bed, and kiss his lips for countless times, and between the kisses a whisper of 'I love you's' exists.

Just then I realized that I need to give Cameron his time to get ready, so I walk out of the room, leaving Cameron to change his appearance.

I badly want to see him pull his shirt over his head, revealing his muscular body that every girls has been dying for. For just picturing him in my mind seductively, brought my bottom lip between my upper and lower teeth.

Sierra's presence rolls in, barging in my breakthrough, saying, "Come here, let me fix your hair and face." She chuckles, and so I did in response. I owe Sierra a massive thank you for offering to do my hair and makeup.

My hair and makeup is nothing compared to Sierra, mainly because I have nothing on and she commanded me to sit on one of the stools and brings out his curling iron and makeup bag.

As Sierra is in the middle of doing my makeup, she blurts out, "You do realized that you have hickeys all over your shoulder, don't you?" She breaks in laughter, and I put the palms of my hands onto the said part that is covered with hickeys. I've forgotten about those, mainly because I am lost in the euphoric moments.

"Don't worry, let's just cover it with concealer." Sierra says, and with that she dabs a heavy layer of concealer on it.

Soon enough, the word "Done." Finally came out of Sierra's mouth, and She opens one of his compact mirror revealing a part of myself who I barely know, I study my face for a good couple minute, and I couldn't be more surprised by my looks today.

Sierra's eyes lands on my feet, and afterwards rush into Gina and Sierra's shared room.

I get emotional, just when I found out that this family has done things for me too much, they give me the happiness my parents wasn't able to give me due of their lack of company. All my life, I was alone, either with a babysitter or at a relative's home because they're always busy doing their works that they have forgotten me already. I know it's for my own good, but I wish they can give me the attention I needed.

Cameron walks out of the room at the same time as Gina, and Cam's jaw dropped when I finally get to block his sight.

"Wow, you look perfect." Gina compliments and I smile in response, while Cam is still staring at me. I wave my hand infront of him trying to jolt him back to reality.

Sierra grins and hands me the gray thigh high boots, "I bet we have the same sizes." I land my feet onto the sole of the boots, and surprisingly, it fits me.

Cameron blinks for a couple of times, trying to bring himself to reality and it made me giggle, I know he's not pretending nor playing though.

The other girls in the room chimes in chorus with an, "Aww,"


Thank you guys for being so patience, and sorry for making you guys wait for the longest time. I've just been so busy lately.

Much love! ❤️

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