Chapter 4

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The date went really well with Y/N and Peyton getting to know each other quite a bit, telling stories and talking about the goals they wanted to achieve in WWE. It was difficult more often than not, but Y/N was very stubborn once he set his mind on something. Not many people could cut through the mix like that and Peyton admired that a lot. She knew she and Billie had a lot of chances,  doing their absolute best for victories and getting the support of the fans. Who knew what exactly was in store for the two?
Nonetheless, around 5 pm Y/N and Peyton packed everything up and threw their trash away. They've been spending time with each other very early on in the day, but everything must come to an end sooner or later.

Peyton:" Thank you again for inviting me out, Y/N. I had a great time with you."

Y/N:" The pleasure is mine, Peyton. I'm glad you actually showed up and didn't ditch me."

Peyton:" Now who could do that to someone like you?"

Y/N:" You'd be surprised. It happened more often than expected."

That upset Peyton a little as she thought Y/N was too good to be ditched or anything. He took good care of her all day, made her laugh and feel comfortable and he was overall great company. But they put those thoughts aside for now and made their way back to the hotel to relax. Even just taking that stroll was fun enough though as they joked around, when Y/N swung himself around a street light for example. Honestly, the gentleman in him was pushed back a bit and his adventurous side came through a bit more. Peyton watched with an amused smile, shaking her head at those antics.

Peyton:" You really are full of surprises."

Y/N:" That's just scratching the very surface of it. Hang around me for a while and you will see more of what I have to offer."

Peyton:" I'm definitly staying around somehow. You need to be kept in check one way or another."

Now that made Y/N laugh because he heard similar things before from other people, but he realized Peyton was quite serious about it. Apparently she cared more than he first expected, so to minimize her worries, he returned to her side and they could continue walking back.

Only a few minutes later, the two reached the hotel and their floor as well, greeting a few other superstars on the way. Yeah, they earned a few questioning glances from a few people, but they just shrugged those off for now as Peyton smiled when reaching her room door.

Peyton:" Today was a great day, Y/N."

Y/N:" I can only agree, Peyton. I enjoyed my time with you."

Peyton:" Hopefully we can do that again some time?"

Y/N:" Definitly. There's no way this was a one time thing, you know? I really would like to go out with you again."

Peyton:" That's great to hear. I thought my humor would've scared you away haha."

Y/N:" Not at all. Quite the opposite actually. I like your jokes and the stories you told me."

Peyton:" I'm glad. Thank you so much."

Embracing in a hug, there was something going on for sure. Peyton had more than just a great time with Y/N, so knowing that more dates were on the horizon set off fireworks inside the australian. Y/N felt similarly, hoping there wasn't any trouble brewing up any time soon. He dealt with jealous exes before, so that wouldn't be much of a problem,  but he'd rather stay out of trouble for a good while.

Y/N:" Have a nice evening, Peyton. Sleep well and dream of something nice."

Peyton:" Oh, I will haha. But you enjoy yourself as well, Y/N. I will see you soon."

Y/N:" You can count on that."

Sharing another laugh with each other, the two soon separated, but not without Peyton working some of her magic again.

Truth be told, the two flirted subtle throughout the day, but mostly played it off as harmless fun. It was only a matter of time though until things would turn serious, but after Y/N was out of sight, Peyton exhaled in relief and entered her room. She was so glad that everything went well and that there was a chance for more dates in the coming future.

Peyton:" This man is really something different."

???:" Ha! I told you!"

Now, who was that replying to Peyton so easily? None other than her best friend, Billie Kay.

Peyton:" What are you doing in here?"

Billie:" I wanted to check in on you, but you were gone for so long."

Peyton:" Well, my picnic with Y/N has taken up a lot of my time today."

Billie:" I understand that much. Did he at least treat you right?"

Peyton:" Oh, everything was perfect. He made us something to eat, we shared jokes and stories and overall enjoyed the scenery. And just as I said goodbye, he confirmed that there were opportunities for more dates!"

That kicked the excitement through the roof as Billie and Peyton bounced around excitedly as if they were back in highschool or something.

Billie:" Oh my gosh! Y/N wants to see you again!"

Peyton:" I know! This is incredible!"

Billie:" Trust me, he's sooo into you. I can feel it."

Peyton:" Now don't shoot too quick. We barely know each other enough for that kind of judgement."

Billie:" Believe me, Peyton. Y/N wouldn't have offered another date, if he didn't like you. I know how people like him work."

Peyton:" Fair point. What do you think he might come up with next?"

Billie:" No clue, but it will surely be good. Just let him surprise you."

Nodding, Peyton smiled and took a seat on the couch, so she and Billie could keep talking. Meanwhile Y/N was in his room, whistling as he prepared himself a drink. He was excited for seeing Peyton again as well, but he also had to think about the business side of things and what WWE had in store for him next.

Y/N:" They're going to see what kind of advocate I really am."

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