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a/n: well, just want to let you know_ this is a slow burn.
_buckle up_twists and turns will come on the way.

Thanks for reading.


De Martel Plantation

"So - you will get all dark objects? Aurora said to Lucien.

"Of course. Do you doubt my abilities and power of persuasion?" Lucien smiled smug.

"Tell me you killed the trio in the Bayou?" Aurora chuckled inquisitively.

"No. Do you think that I am that stupid."

"You're not that clever either." Aurora shot back.

"How's that?"

"I know that you got Jeremy Gilbert. And that you're blackmailing his sister" Aurora raised her eyebrow poignantly.

By the way Lucien's face went grim, she knew he was not pleased that she was in the know.

"You've always underestimated me. You don't have to worry - your secret dealings are safe with me. But I don't get why you're using Elena Gilbert. This will draw the Agents of the Witch's Council."

"They are a bunch of imbecils. By the time the find anything out, she will have smuggled the dark objects and spells over from Mexico." Lucien said.

"Why her? Couldn't you get someone with a less of a high-profile?"

"Well, she is the only one that can touch the artefacts. You see they are spelled to a Petrova witch." Lucien explained.

"She is a Petrova?" Aurora was surprised to hear it.

"Yes. Now, if you'd excuse me I have to go and see the captive." Lucien said and walked out of the drawing room.
French Quarter
Bonnie's Diner

"Me? Never." Enzo said. "You're my pal. Bff - whatever you want to call it. How long have we been doing this - eight years - feels like hundred."

"More like a thousand. Ok, pal. We got to undo those dead ends we keep stumbling on. Someone must have seen something. It's impossible that no one mixes with the wolves - only those two."

"Three." Enzo corrected her.

"Yes. But - Hayley and Damon must have had a relationship." Caroline said.

"Right - and if they did - would someone killed them just for that? The species don't mix voluntarily - it's not that it's forbidden or something. After all, Hayley was to be engaged to Elijah Mikaelson. He is a vampire."

"Exactly. Maybe they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. It could be as simple as that."

"You don't really believe this, do you?" Enzo looked at his partner quizzically.

"Of course not. We got to dig deeper."

"The history of each of their families?"


"Mikaelson was an Agent. Did you know that?" Enzo said.

"No. It was not in the file." Caroline replied.

"Camille said that it was all undercover work."

"He must have had a different identity." Enzo wondered.

At the same time in the Witch's Council, Elijah sat down with Celeste, one of the witch's high ranking elder.

"Do you want to go by another name like you did before?"

"No. Unless you specifically ask, I don't need to be undercover either." Elijah said.

"It is required. You were in a relationship with one of the victims. The only reason you are given this post is because your knowledge, your expertise, investigating skills are unique." Celeste said.

"Thank you."

"You will work closely with Agents, Forbes and St.John. I know that you are not used to team work - but this time - you will have to learn to do so."

"It's absolutely fine." Elijah said.

"Magic is forever evolving. Here, in this case, everything is clouded. There is only thing we have, and it's - Mexico. Everything points to Mexico." Celeste said.

"Darkness is taking over day in, day out." Elijah remarked.

"It has always been so. You know it well. To keep the balance, it's the hardest work. You lost your mother fighting to keep it."

"So, you think this is about someone trying to overturn it. Gain power?!"

"It's always about power - with humans, it's gaining power through money - and more money. Money rules their world. Our world is ruled by another one - the power of magic. To destroy a species, or subdue it." Celeste said.

Though she was known to   hide her feelings so masterfully, Elijah could see a serious flicker of worry in her eyes.

"I will find the killers - and whoever stands behind them." Elijah bowed a little as a token of respect to the witch elder.

"I know you will. But be careful. You are an Original, but not completely invulnerable." Celeste passed on the badge and the gun.

Elijah took it, and exited the office.

Louis Armstrong Airport, NOLA

Elena boarded the plane for Mexico City, her emotions jumping up and down, pain, sadness, worry, anxiety, fear.

As she found her seat she put her speaker phones on. Music could always help her relax and focus. The song that came up her playlist reflected so much.

I tried to scream
But my head was underwater
They called me weak
Like I'm not just somebody's daughter


I had a dream
I got everything I wanted
But when I wake up, I see
You with me

And you say, "As long as I'm here
No one can hurt you"

She thought of Elijah. There was this guy that appeared like out of nowhere, and within a few hours she had told her whole life story, freely. Deep down in her heart she trusted him and that he would help her, but another voice within her told her to go without letting him know like she promised she would.

The call she received after he'd made her overturn the decision to call him.

"Your boyfriend is friends with Agent Camille O'Connell! And we said NO AGENTS! You don't love your brother or rather your cousin that much, do you? I think I will kill him." Luciens voice still was so shrill, making her feel sick inside.

"I do, I do," Elena muttered, "I will do anything for you, Jeremy. Anything."

Meanwhile, in French Quarter, Elijah was introduced to Caroline and Enzo.

But there was no time to exchange much of the data as Davina came in with new intel that Elena left for Mexico City.

"She's left already?!" Caroline was surprised.

"Well, she's not a suspect." Enzo said.

"She said she would be going to finish the art work she was commissioned to do." Elijah said.

"I totally get her wanting to leave." Caroline said. "Everything here probably reminds her of her dad."

"Why are you still tagging her?" Elijah wondered.

"Elena is not an ordinary vampire" Enzo said, now showing Elijah what they had found out about her.

Elijah opened it and read.

The Petrova family bloodline originally comes from Bulgaria before ultimately ending up in the USA. The Petrova Family has been linked to both the Salvatore and Bennett family since 1st Century BCE, also known as the Biblical Times.

Like the Salvatore family, the Petrova family is also known for having a bloodline of doppelgaengers known as the Petrova Doppelgängers, starting from their earliest known ancestor, Allana, the world's first immortal woman.

When Allana became truly immortal, nature had to find a balance, and thus, created mortal versions of herself, known as "doppelgängers, shadow selves or mortal shadow selves", would appear century after century throughout time. Tatia is the first doppelgänger of the Petrova bloodline while Katherine is the second and Elena is the third and final doppelgänger.

"A doppelganger?" Elijah uttered.

"And connected to Salvatore. She dated a Salvatore. Stefan. And his brother was killed. All this points to something big. Mystically big." Caroline said.

"You are right there." Elijah returned the file to Enzo. "I will be going to Mexico to follow up on this if you don't mind."

"No. You have special authority." Enzo remarked, a tad bit miffed.

"Don't mind him. We will dig here. There must be more to Hayley Marshall, too." Caroline looked at Elijah, who just nodded.

She could not read his rea l emotional reaction, as he was an Original, always able to keep his emotions clouded.

An hour later, Elijah was on the airport.
Now that he had found out that she was a doppelganger, he knew she was in more danger than he first thought. He knew of their existance, but he never knew what their existance was about.

He now tried to call Elena again, but there was no answer.

"Damn, Elena, answer the phone." his heart quivered with worry.

That evening

In New New Orleans

French Quarter, The Rousseau's

"Drinking alone?" Klaus said as he sat down at the bar two seats away from Caroline.

"No. My partner is on the phone outside." Caroline replied.

"I see one Bourbon glass."

"He is a beer guy. Bottle." Caroline said and went on to read something on her phone as she took a sip of the drink.

"You know, I checked with Camille - I am not a suspect- and you actually can talk to me. Unless you don't won't to for some unexplained reason." Klaus said.

"I cannot get distracted while I'm on a case. And this case is a huge one." Caroline put her phone down, looking at Klaus.

"I am a distraction. Right. Good to know."

"Look- Paris was - vacation. I forget about the world."

"So, I was a vacation notch." Klaus said.

The way Caroline's eyes turned amber, Klaus knew that he stepped over the line. He quickly apologized.

"I apologize again. I'm not that person - I don't know what came over me."

"Ok - apology accepted." Caroline finished her drink and stood up as she saw Enzo at the door giving her a sign that they  got to go.

Klaus shot up himself, gently putting his hand on Caroline's,"Please, before you leave- can I say this - I looked for you everywhere. Those few days I spent with you in Paris were the most amazing days - can we have dinner? Whenever you want - you know where to find me." 

Caroline gulped silently, then nodded."I'll call you."

In Mexico City

Elijah loved Coyoacan, its rural and quiet atmosphere, its plazas and narrow streets.

He had spent most of the 1920s there. The artistic vanguardism was part of the attraction that drew him there. Elijah was a scholar, but, his inner soul was very artistic.

This place brought many memories back. Pleasant ones.

But now, he had to concentrate on the task at hand.

Find out why Elena had left so abruptly, without notifying him, even though she promised she would.

He knocked at the door, but there was no answer.

"She is probably with her friends at the Cafeleeria, with her artist friends" the neigbour who just got out of the neighbouring house, said.

"Thank you" Elijah said and made his way to the Cafe.

And there she was, with her sketchbook, deeply involved in her work.

He stood watching her for a minute or two, before he approached her table, wishing her a good evening softy.

Elena looked up, her heart skipping a beat.

"May I sit down?" Elijah stepped closer.

"Yeah" Elena gulped, removing her bag to free the seat. "How did you know - a stupid question actually"

"Elena, things are serious.  I will not beat around the bush - why are you here?"

"I'm wrapping things up here. For one day - my life - I was commissioned to do a Mural. I have to finish it. And I need to pack up my things." Elena replied.

"Your brother is here?" Elijah said.

Elena nodded, her eyes glistening with worry.

"Right." Elijah took his phone out and dialled a number, standing up. As the call was picked up, Elijah walked away to have more privacy.

Elena inhaled deeply, putting her sketchbook and her pencils in the bag.

Go to Cafeeleria and leave the artefact to a man, who will be there at 11. p.m. He will have a Quetzalcoatl tattooed on the back of his hand.

As the man walked inside the Cafe, Elena shot up and followed him in. 

Paying for her drink, she put a small box on the counter next to the guy, glancing at him.

There were no words exchanged. The man took the box, slipping it into his suit pocket. Taking a swag of the beer he was served, he went through to the back door of the Cafe.

Elena stood at the bar counter like she was dazed. What has she done? How could she trust these goons?

"Ah, you're in here." Elijah said.

"What?" Elena turned around startled a bit.

"There's been developments. Shall we go - I need to talk to you"

"Ok - yeah" Elena nodded and both of them left the Cafe.

_to be continued

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