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The next day

New Orleans

"I dated your sister once" Stefan said to Freya Mikaelson.

"What wolf got its claws into you?" Freya applied an oinment on the wound that made the vampire hiss a bit as it stung hellishly.

"I wish I saw which one it was." Stefan replied.

"What were you doing in the Holt cemetery anyway? It's no place for vampires there"

"Clues." Stefan said. "I need to know who murdered my brother"

"You're not an Agent - let them do their job." the Mikaelson  witch said.

"Agents- seriously? They will investigate and investigate and closed the case. They won't solve anything." Stefan huffed with contempt.

"No faith in Agents of the Witch's Council?!" Freya remarked.

"Not so much." Stefan stood up. "How about a drink - as a thank you for saving me from that damned wolf."

"Uhm - some other time. My girfriend is waiting for me. I am late as it is." Freya said.

"Oh- right. See you around." Strfan picked his jacket and left the witch's apartment.

French Quarter
Witch's Council Offices

"What have we got?" Enzo slumped down on the chair.

"Dead ends." Carolone replied tossing the latest report on the desk. "The voodoo witch, Jane-Anne was kill last night."

"What?" Enzo jumped from his chair and swished over to Caroline's desk, taking the report.

"They eliminated her." Caroline said.

"She was our link - and the only witch whose family could identify the dark magic used at the cabin." Enzo slammed the report on the desk frustrated.

"She had a sister. But no one knows where she is. The Coven excommunicated her." Caroline said.

"We got to find her." Enzo ssid with resolve.

"That's going to be impossible, cuz she probably lives off the grid." Caroline said.

"Don't we make the impossible possible. Come on, Gorgeous. I will get East Coast Shadows on it, and you the West Coast." Enzo got his phone out and dialled a number.

In Mexico City

Elena's house in Coyoacan, Mexico

"I am a doppelganger? Are you sure? Uhm - there was another person looking exactly like me?Elena couldn't comprehend what Elijah had just disclosed to her.

"Yes. Though - the files say that every one of them had different temperament. I guess every soul is unique after all." Elijah said.

"Right. So - but - I don't understand what it means. This friend of yours - Gaspar,  he said that they will probably use my blood to start another species?"

"Yes. And you are the only one that could handle the artefacts."

"OMG - that's why my dad used me to bring those to him." Elena realized what she had done.

"He must have sold them - or he was threatened to get them... we still don't know to whom." Elijah said.

"And you are 100% sure that Jeremy is here and not in Louisiana anymore?"

"I've known Gaspar for a long time. He's been an undercover Agent for the Witches since -well, way before Spanish came over here."

"I just don't get - why did they bring him here?"

"You know nothing of your family's history?" Elijah wondered.

"No. I know that we are vampires, who came over to Louisiana via Virginia. My parents divorced when I was little. My mother took off and never called - nothing. I don't know her at all. She died, in a fire. That's what my dad told me. She was a  junkie. And my aunt and uncle died in a  car crash. I told you that already."

"For some reason or the other your father hid the truth from you. I completely understand his motives. He wanted a normal life for you." Elijah said.

"A normail life - seriously? And then had me smuggle ancient artefacts for - what?"

"Money - power." Elijah said.

"We got enough money. He was a top surgeon."

"More money. Or he was promised something glorious. I don't know. In all of my existence, I met people, creatures from all walks of life. You'd be stunned what they would do for money and power."

"Glorious?" Elena couldn't comprehend what that glorious thing could be. What was worth dying for.

"There is something I need to know" Elijah fumbled with his phone, having just read a text he'd received.


"Did you handle an artefact in the last 24 hours?" Elijah asked.

"I didn't." Elena shot out. Her heart quivered as it was a blatant lie, but she kept her cool. "Why are you asking me that?"

"I've just received a message that they caught a girl trying to smuggle a labret - aztec eagle head." Elijah said. "Only a Petrova can handle a dark object to activate its magic."

"I - had an aztec labret - eagle head you said?" Elena felt her mouth go dry.

"You did?" Elijah looked at her quizzically.

"Yes - I drew it. It was for the mural I was working on." Elena went to chest of drawers, pulling out the drawings she had done, as well as the polaroids of the mural.

"Damn" Elijah muttered seeing the drawings.

"What is it?" Elena huffed concerned.

"It is the artefact they've just confiscated from a girl at the Louis Armstrong Airport." Elijah replied.

Elena inhaled silently, mastering a calm, she was not even aware she possessed.

"Ok - and - what now? Why are you worried? It's good that they took it, right?"

"Yes and no." Elijah replied. "They will be alerted about our actions."

"OMG - this puts Jeremy in danger- OMG! They said no Agents!" Elena suddenly got vividly upset.

"Give me some of your blood." Elijah turned to Elena.

"My blood? What are you going to do?"

"I will try to do a locator spell." the Original explained.

"But you're not a witch - how can you do a licator spell?!" Elena was baffled.

"I am an Original vampire. My mother was a witch. I - have the witch aspect in me." Elijah explained.

"An Original? But that's a myth?!" Elena couldn't believe what she'd juat heard.

"A myth is standung in front of you. Come on, we  have no time to waste." Elijah reached out to the doppelganger, who put her hand out to him. "Sit at the table."

Aa he looked for a knife in the kitchen, he texted Gaspar to come to the house.

Ever since the moment she had met him in the Bayou, in the cabin, everything about him, his aura, was different. Now she understood why she the blood in her bubbled when she was close to him.


Years ago
New Orleans

'The origin of the Old Ones, and subsequently the vampire race as a whole, remains a mystery. It is known that the Old Ones are the first vampires, as well as the most feared and powerful of all in existence. They were never human and have existed long before the pyramids were built, over 5000 years ago. It is unknown when and how the Old Ones came to be. Some called them the Originals. Nothing is certain. All may just be a myth.'

Elena closed the diary written by Gilbert, Count of Montpensier, her ancestor.

"Elena? Do you have a photo of your brother?"

"Yes." Elena went to the chest of drawers, finding another polaroid, with her and Jeremy.

She stood still for a moment, staring at the picture, her eyes watering again. Memories of them having fun at the festival just a year before came rushing back.

"We had the best time." Elena muttered handing the polaroid to the Original.

"We will save him. I promise you that. Now, could you please cut into your finger. A few drops on his image is sufficient." Elijah said.

"Ha? Yeah - ok" Elena took the knife and pierced her finger.

What followed would stay with her for a long time.

Channelling the witch aspect made Elijah change his visage completely.  dark red veins popped up throughout his entire face. His eyes turned suddenly from an earthy brown shadow to a dark amber, just to change within seconds into the deepest red.

Elijah whispered words Elena didn't understand.

She had never seen a spell being done.  Her friend Bonnie was a witch, but she still hadn't finished her schooling and was not allowed to practice.

It was mystical and spooky somewhat, she thought, a shiver passing right through her as Elijah touched the blood on the polaroid.

Seeing Elijah's head jerk aside, her own breathing became fast, trying hard to steady herself.

Theb, his eyes closed and he stilled, moving the hand from the photo.

"Elijah" Elena slipped softly.

Taking a deep breath, Elijah said that he knew where Jeremy was.

"So, what happens now? Why didn't you do this spell already in New Orleans?" Elena wondered.

"I am not allowed to use magic. Even this will have consequences. I'm sorry, but I need to ring Gaspar. He should have been here already." Elijah stood up, dialling his friend's number.

In New Orleans

"So, you are telling me that Hayley wanted to get her wolf pack to step out of the shadows and rule the city?" Camille asked.

"Yes. That's what the Shadows are saying." Vincent replied.

"We are talking about rumors here, right?! We all know that Shadows or snitches come up with half-truths."

"Well, there is a truth there even if it is maybe half." Vincent pointed out.

"Your logic is something I really miss. How are things anyway?" Camille inquired.

"Things could always be better." Vincent raised an eyebrow poignantly, hiding his pain of a failed marriage.

"You can go and visit her." Camille referred to his wife Eve who was imprisoned after she was found guilty of sacrifical magic.

"She doesn't want to see me. She is divorcing me." Vincent said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Camille commiserated.

"It was expected. Eve doesn't forgive a betrayal."

"You had to turn her in. What she was doung was absolutely crazy." Camille said.

"Yeah. Anyway - if I hear anything, I will let you know." Vincent was cutting the subject of his ex off.

"Thank you."

"Be careful." Vincent stood up, giving Camille a meaningful look.

Camille nodded appreciatively. The rogue Treme witch knew more than he was giving out, but Camille didn't want to press him, as she knew he would shut down and as Caroline said, there would be another dead end.

Elsewhere, French Quarter

Celeste sat down with her trusted witches from three different Covens, among them a new addition Abby Bennett.

"Mikaelson has used his magic." Lenore said.

"Yes - I felt it." Celeste said.

"You made him an Agent again - but using witchcraft was not agreed." Sabine said.

"I am sure he used it for the right reasons." Celeste stood in defence of Elijah.

"The enemy, whoever is out there will now know that the Original dark magic is still alive." Abby Bennett said.

"As I said, it will be dealt with." Celeste said. "Since Mexican witchers are involves, this isn't a local matter anymore, one of should go to Mexico City and talk to the Council there."

"I am willing to go." Sabine volunteered.

Everyone present agreed that she should be the envoy.

Later that night

New Orleans,

"So, how are you finding New Orleans?" Klaus said.

"Fine. Except for the non-cooperative nature of its inhabitants - really fine. The food, the drink - exceptional. Night life, too. Love the whe artisric, jazz vibe." Caroline replied.

"I never thought that you could be an Agent" Klaus said sincerely.

"If you knew my mom and dad - it wouldn't surprise you."

"I suppose they were fierce, too."

"Especially my mom." Caroline said, sadness lacing her voice.

"She passed, I persume."

"Yes - two years ago. Miss her so much." Caroline took a sip of the Bourbon. "Do you play pool?"


"Come on - and can you grab a couple of beers" Caroline stood up.

"Yes, Ma'am." Klaus saluted like an army person.

Caroline rolled her eyes a little, taking her jacket off and went to the available pool table.

Not far from them, she saw Stefan Salvatore.

Swiping her phone open, she sent a message to Enzo. 'Stefan Salvatore in town. Rousseau's. Pick him up for questioning, asap."

"Here, luv," Klaus passed a bottle of beer to the blonde,"so - do you want to make this interesting?"


"If I win - I get to spend an entire day with you."

"Right - ok. If I win - you enter the lip sync battle here." Caroline remembered the big poster at the bar entrance.

"You must be kidding me?"

"Nope. You should know that I am really good at this." Caroline chuckled.

"I am not bad either. Ok. Challenge accepted."

In Mexico City

Elijah went through the the rescue plan with Gaspar.

"This is like the old days - even though the circumstances are shit - I'm glad that you are back." Gaspar said.

"Happy ever after seems not something that is meant for me." Elijah said.

"It is - one day - you will get the happiness you seek, mi amigo."

Strangely, Gaspar glanced at Elena, which didn't go unoticed.

"Her brother is the only family she's got left." Elijah said as if he needed to clarify why he was going on the rescue mission.

"And for this noble heart of yours, you will be awarded this happy ever after." Gaspar tapped Elijah on the shoulder.

"I'm ready" Elena said putting her jacket on.

"You're not coming" Elijah turned to her.

"Are you going to stop me?"

"Uhm - please understand - this is not like a movie thing. You have no training. I can't take any chances - these guys are first class criminals. You could get hurt."

"I know it's dangerous - but - I will go crazy if I stay here. Let me go with you. I will stay in the car. I promise." Elena's soft brown eyes pleaded.

Though he knew better, he couldn't refuse her.

"All right. But you will stay in the car. Promise - and just so you know I take prom8srs serioulsy."

"Yeah- ok - scouts honor" Elena said.

Elijah inhaled silently, hoping he was not going to regret this.

I had a dream I got everything I wanted

Not what you think

_to be continued


Thank you for reading.
I appreciate it.

p.s. this song just inspires me to write this, so there is going to be different remixes of this song by Billie E.

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