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New Orleans, Algiers

"Sorry, I pulled you away from your date." Enzo said.

"It was not a date. It was just a drink." Caroline replied putting the disposable medical gloves on. "Who is he?"

"Don't know yet. Well, we know that he is a wolf from the Bayou. And that his heart was extracted. Only witches of the highest order can do that and the Originals." Enzo replied.

"What is a wolf doing in Algiers?" Caroline crouched down. She took the heart and put it in the bag to be taken to the Council for forensic examination.

"I think he was planted here. Someone is messing with us." Enzo said.

"I think he knew something - this is connected to Hayley Marshall for sure." Caroline said.

"Whoever did this is pinning it on the Mikaelsons." Enzo said.

"Don't you think it is a bit too obvious?"

"That's the thing - it could be and then again not."

"This case - this investigation is like a conundrum." Caroline concluded.

"You're right there." Enzo's phone buzzed and he was now notified that Camille had picked up Finn and Freya Mikaelson for questioning.


In Mexico


"Oh, thank God!!!" Elena hugged her brother, squeezing him hard.

Elijah and Gaspar looked at the siblings curling up happy smiles. The rescue mission went according to plan.

"I can give you some of my blood if you want. The wound will heal quicker." Elijah said to Gaspar, as the bite on his arm seemed still preatty sore.

"I am not going to refuse it. The wolf's bane is stinging like hell." the vampire said.

"Here you are" Elijah poured some of his blood in the the bottle he always had with him, and passed it to Gaspar.

"Everything ok?" Elena turned to the Original seeing that Gaspar's face was lathered in blood.

"Yes. He needs a good clean up. If you're ready, we should go." Elijah said.

"We are so ready." Elena said. Jeremy agreed wholeheartedly.

"Here is a drink" Elijah through a blood bottle to Jeremy.

"I am not a vampire." Jeremy said.

"I know. But you should have a sip. They sedatives they gave you messed up with your insides. You're bleeding internally." Elijah said.

"How d'you - know?" Elena was puzzled.

"As an Original, I can hear his blood not pumping right." Elijah replied.

"He is an Original? An Old One?" Jeremy couldn't believe it.

"Yes. I will explain." Elena said. "Come on, let's go."

As they got into the car, Jeremy took a swag, making a face at the taste of the Original's blood.

"We will get pizza and burittos - you must be hungry." Elena said.

"I am starving - yeah - enchiladas, too." Jeremy said.

"I will make tortillas and everything - I'm so happy I got you back." Elena hugged her brother again.

"Who were these goons? What did they want from you?" Jeremy wanted to know.

Elena swallowed hard and then started explaining.

In New Orleans

Klaus waited in the entrance Hall of the Witch's Council Building anxiously. No one was giving him any news on Freya or Finn, who were brought in for questioning.

"Camille?" he stood up as the blonde Agent came out of the elevator.

"This is a joke, right," he started as she came up to him,"my siblings had nothing to do with that murder."

"Calm down." Camille urged the Original hybrid not keep his agitated emotions in check.

"Where is Elijah? I can't get hold of him."

"He is out of the country. Seriously, you need to calm down. Freya's alibi checks out. But Finn's -not."

"What? You're telling me that he - killed the wolf?"

"We don't know that just yet. He said that he went to meet Sage - at 'Papa Tunde's - the murder occured exactly at the time he was between his house and the bar. The LaRue's are going to put him into a hypnotic state to see if he is telling the truth." Camille said.

"I can't believe this is happening - my family has been nothing but cooperative and we agreed to a peaceful life - now we start murdering wolves - Hayley was one of us - she was going to marry Elijah. We are the victims here! And you treat us as prime suspects!" Klaus was raging.

"Is everything ok here?" Caroline appeared from the side corridor with Freya.

"Klaus," Freya went to her brother, taking him by the arm, "come on, ler's go home."

"You're kidding me, right? I am not moving from this spot till they release Finn." Klaus was having none of it.

"I know this is hard for you to process," Caroline now stepped in, "if he is not guilty, the hypnosis will show it."

"Come on, brother. Let them do their job." Freya said.

Klaus' blood was boiling, anger making the veins on his face pop out, but the way Caroline looked back at him, eyes full of disappointment he complied with his sister and exited the building.

"I apologize for my brother" Freya said to Caroline and Camille.

"This is not easy for him." Camille said. "I will let you know how things went. Please make sure he doesn't do something stupid. His emotions can get the better of him."

"Yeah - talk later." Freya said and left.

Caroline, who stood silent for a moment, not knowing if she should go after the Original or not, turned to Camille. "You've been friends for a long time?"

"Yes - and we got history - I mean- Klaus and I"

"Oh, right - so - he's got a temper?!" Caroline remarked.

"He went through a rough few years - I'm sorry- it's personal."

"We are in a middle of a murder investigation - nothing is personal if you're close to suspects." Caroline said.

"But - he is not a suspect." Camille pointed out.

"No - but maybe there is someone out there trying to frame them - him in particular, I think. Maybe his whole family." Caroline said.

Camille inhaled deeply,"Uhm - yeah - well, he dated Aurora DeMartel" Camille said.

"Right - meaning?" Caroline looked curiouly at her fellow Angent.

Camille now told Caroline about Klaus and his first love, Aurora De Martel.

In Mexico City
Elena's House, Coyoacan

Elijah finished his conversation with Sabine, the witch that was appointed to work with the Mexican Witch's Council.

He drew a long deep breath as she had informed him that Finn was brought in for questioning.

"Are you ok?" Elena came up to him seeing he was deep in thought.

"Yes." the Original replied shortly.

"Anything new - I mean about the investigation?"

"No. Uhm - you will probably hear it anyway - there's been another murder."

"What? Who?" Elena shook her head slightly at the news.

"A wolf from the Bayou." Elijah replied, omitting that his brother was arrested.

"What is going on? Why are the wolves being killed?"

"He must have known something and was going to talk." Elijah said.

"I'm so sorry for him and his family." Elena said.

"He might have been involved. Hey - you needn't worry about this."

"How can I not. It's connected to my dad - me- Jeremy. The nightmare doesn't end here. You got go, right?"

"As a matter of fact I was assigned to investigate the connection to the artefacts and the kidnappers, here in Mexico." Elijah said.

"Oh, right - good." Elena welcomed his stay.

"If it is all right with you, I will stay here till I organize a watch. You are both still in danger."

"I think of leaving in a few days. We'll be fine in New Orleans, surely. Although - with this new murder" Elena inhaled sharply, a strange shiver passing through her.

"Hey," Elijah stepped over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders, "I will not let anything happen to you. Or your brother."

"I - thank you - for everything. Especially for saving Jeremy."

"You're welcome. But there was not need to thank me. I was doing my job."

"It was more than a job - you're going to be in trouble for using magic." Elena pointed out.

"I will get off with a warning. You don't have to worry."

"I just - I don't know why - but - feel like I owe more than just a thank you."

"As I said - I was just doing my job." Elijah reassured her that this was not anything he wouldn't do if someone else was in the same predicament.

"Uhm - I want to apologize for using you as a boyfriend - and kissing you - I mean - I just didn't think. I was so scared - and sorry for not telling you about going to Mexico."

"No worries. About the kiss- I mean. But you should have told me about the trip." Elijah looked at her in a sweet gentle manner, his heart burning inside with guilt. Guilt that the kiss evoked feelings he shouldn't have.

In New Orleans, Vincent Griffith met up with Davina Claire, a rogue witch as himself.

"What'y got?" Vincent asked.

"I saw Hayley with Damon Salvatore at this party in Baton Rouge. They looked very cozy to me."


"Hey - things are going to be fine" Hayley said. "We're so close to getting everything."

"That's all I heard. I went back into the house." Davina said.

"Why didn't you go the Council and told them about this?" Vincent wondered.

"Because I don't want to die." Davina replied.

"You know who is behind all this?" the Treme witch concluded.

_to be continued

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