32. The Masquerade

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Target: 105 votes

"It happens", the doctor said placing the scan reports on the table aside while elena and Rohan listened to him keenly. "Sometimes when a patient recovers from such a tragic accident, they do imagine things that are way too far from reality", he added. "So Dr. Johar, do you mean to say that whatever sona told me today was nothing but her imagination?", Elena asked confused but he laughed aloud. "Any doubt?", he asked as she scrunched her brows in confusion. "But how is that even possible?", she asked doubtedly.

"Why not Miss! Can you believe that there was one similar patient of mine who said that she was the reincarnation of Monalisa? She used to imagine herself as monalisa and stand in street corner asking every passersby to paint a picture of herself", he said laughing while Elena and Rohan looked at each other confusedly. "And then there was one patient of mine who said that he was Bahubali in his previous birth", he laughed again. "Oh! Wait... What?!!", Elena asked shocked. "But Bahubali was a fictional character!", Rohan interrupted.

"Exactly! That patient met with an accident when he returned home after watching Bahubali movie. So that effect caused him to imagine himself as Bahubali! And by chance the name of the nurse who looked after him was Devasena and then the rest is history", the doctor said smiling. "Thank god! He didn't watch TOH before getting into the accident", Rohan chuckled whispering in elena's ears but stopped receiving a death glare from her. "So it's scientifically possible that sona is saying all these out of her imagination, right?", Elena asked. "Very much!", the doctor replied confidently.

"So what should we do now Doctor? Sona was never like this previously. In the past whenever I used to say something about these paranormal things she used to laugh it off. But now hearing such things from her spooked me a lot!", Elena said worriedly. "Hmm.. I can understand", he said thinking over something. "For now all we can do is only one thing", he said and pointed at elena gesturing her to come closer while she looked at him wide eyed. "Oh hello!", Rohan shouted coming in between them and giving him a death glare. "Arey! Not that! You both come here", he said and both neared him bending down towards the table hesitantly with Rohan being still conscious.

"Whenever Ms. Bose talks about such things, agree to her without any protest. Don't deny or argue with her on this matter", he whispered. "But for how long Doctor?", Elena asked worried. "It may take a week, a month, a year or even a decade. No one knows!", he replied as they both huffed in dismay moving back. "I hope she gets well soon", Elena said to herself sadly. "Hopefully she will", Dr. Johar replied smiling. "Till then, if you have any problem contact me", he added grinning and forwarded his business card to her. But before elena could get it, Rohan snatched the card from his hand making him frown. "Sure Dr. Joker! Oops.. Dr. Johar!", Rohan said smirking while he flared his nostrils in anger.

"Ma'am, is he really a psychiatrist?", Rohan asked Elena as they stepped out of Dr. Johar's cabin. "That's what is written in his card, right? Show me!", she said trying to look into the card that Rohan got.. oops.. 'snatched' from Dr. Johan. "I will see it by myself", he replied fuming and kept the card inside his pocket not allowing her to look into it, murmuring something under his breath. "Aren't you behaving a little weird nowadays Rohan?", Elena asked him doubtedly and hearing her he gulped down. "No... No not at all! I'm perfectly fine Ma'am", he stuttered giving her a nervous smile. "I hope so!", Elena said looking at him doubtedly and walked past him leaving him sigh in relief.


Sonakshi was sleeping peacefully when she felt someone caressing her hair. The touch was so soft and delicate making her feel ecstatic. She felt herself drowning into the land of euphoria as every cell of her body responded to that well known touch. "Ms. Bose", she heard a familiar voice in her deep slumber but didn't respond anything. "Ms. Bose", she heard again and getting her senses, she opened her eyes slowly. But what she saw then made her shocked. "Dev!", she gasped unable to believe her eyes. It was Dev, her Dev, infront of her eyes, looking at her with his ever charming smile, making her heart flutter. "Did you miss me?", he asked as her eyes pooled up with tears. Unable to hold it anymore, she quickly engulfed him in a bone crushing hug, with her broken hand still being a barrier.

It took a minute for him to understand what really happened, but when he did, he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and pulled her closer to himself as she hid herself in his hold. "Where did you go? How can you leave me Dev? I missed you so much. You don't know what happened.. they.. they.. ", her voice choked in, as an unknown fear engulfed her. "Shh.. Relax Sonakshi . I am here right? Now everything will be fine", he said caressing her back trying to calm her down. "Dev please.. Never leave me alone", she pleaded and he felt his shirt getting dampened. He quickly pulled her out of the hug and held her face inbetween his palms, wiping away the tears from the corner of her eyes. "I will never leave you Sonakshi.. not again. I promise", he said kissing her forehead and she closed her eyes letting a lone tear roll down her cheek with her lips curving up into a smile.

Sonakshi shot her eyes open and looked around startled only to find the room empty. "Dev!", she called him out but still there was no response. "Where did you go?", she asked again but the room was filled with nothing but an eerie silence. And it took a minute for her to realize that she had been dreaming all the while. Neither did Dev come back nor did he make any promise to her. She touched her forehead reminiscing the feel of his lips there. It felt so real that she couldn't even believe that she was dreaming all the while. Closing her eyes she leaned back on the bedrest as the moments of past flashed before her eyes.


Sonakshi was talking through the phone, walking by the corridor but suddenly halted in her steps. "I will call you back later", she said disconnecting the call and moved a few steps back. Turning towards her left, she looked up and what she saw then made her rooted at the place. She gulped down seeing Dev who was in his glorious form wearing his vest and pants only, all immersed in doing pushups, completely unaware of the fact that his boss was gawking at him shamelessly. Completing what he was doing, he stood up removing the towel, patting his face and arms gently with it. All lost in him, her gaze travelled from his huge biceps to his well chiseled body. She very well knew that she was getting attracted towards him a lot nowadays but that was different.

Now, this kind of physical attraction was all new to her. She herself knew she never looked at some other man the way she was looking at Dev. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but still everything felt so right at the moment. Sensing someone's strong gaze, Dev looked up and was surprised to see Sonakshi standing rooted in her spot, and staring at him wide eyed. "Ms. Bose", he called her who was still looking at him like a lost puppy. Getting what was happening to her, he smirked inwardly and walked towards her, stopping a few feet away from her. "Ms. Bose", he called this time a little louder breaking her reverie. "What happened Ms. Bose?", he asked acting innocent. And suddenly something striked her mind making her alarmed. Getting her senses back, she mentally facepalmed herself for letting her mind do insane things.

"Ms. Bose what happened to you? Why were you looking at me like that?", he asked with a small smile lingering on his lips and she gulped down nervously. "Like..whaaat?", she stammered and he smirked inching towards her. Her eyes widened sensing him dangerously close to her and he bent down towards her ear. "Like you are going to eat me up", he whispered in her ears and her breath hitched understanding that he caught her. "Ugh? Move back!", she fumbled moving aside and his smirk grew wider. "Okay!", he said walking back and she sighed in relief which didn't go unnoticed by him.

"So, why were you looking at me like that?", he asked again and understanding that he won't leave this topic, she thought of covering it up. "Umm.. I was not looking at you. I was.. I was looking at that!", she pointed towards the thumbells lying on the ground. "Oh! Haven't you ever seen that?", he asked. "Who said so? When I was in Delhi I used to exercise everyday. It's just that I don't practice now", she lied. "Oh really!", he sounded doubtful. "Haa! You don't believe me, do you? Well let me prove it", she said determined and walked towards him. Bending down, she tried to lift it off the ground but it doesn't even budge a little, much to her shock. She looked up at Dev, who was already smirking at her and smiled at him meekly.

Not ready to give up, she tried, tried and tried but it doesn't even move an inch much to her worries. "What? You did your black magic again it seems! It's not even moving an inch!", she said annoyed. Smirking, Dev bent down and took the thumbell in his hand easily much to her surprise. "This is how you should lift it", he said moving his arm up and down with the thumbell in his hand, making his biceps bulgier every time he did so. And throughout the time, all sonakshi did was to stare at him shamelessly, yet again! "Done?", he asked smirking seeing her all lost in him again but she quickly composed herself back. "What done?", she asked stammering looking down as he tried to suppress his laughter looking at her fully flushed face.

"What's happening?", they both heard elena and turned around to see her along with Rohan. "Nothing much. Your best friend is so weak to even lift this one", Dev chuckled pointing at the thumbell. Elena looked at Sonakshi who gave her a sad pout and then back at Dev. "Oh hello! Who do you think my Sona is? She is the strongest of all. Look at her biceps", she said grabbing Sonakshi's hand and folding it up, pointing towards the bulge on her upper arm. But seeing them, Dev burst into laughter much to their shock. "Oh god! That's not her muscle that's called as bone", he said in between his laughs while Sonakshi gave elena a death glare.

"Is it so? Then listen. Now I bet you to beat sonakshi", she said while sonakshi looked at her shocked. "In arm wrestling", she completed and before sonakshi could resist, she dragged her towards the table and made her sit on the chair beside. "Oh really! Then okay! Lets see", Dev said placing his one arm on the table and smirked at Sonakshi. "What are you doing elena?", Sonakshi whispered angrily. "Sona, I know your potential. Come on you can do it!", Elena said excitedly while sonakshi murmured something under her breath. "Okay Ms. Bose. Now listen to the rules. You can do anything and everything to defeat me but at the end what matters is who is the winner", Dev said to which Sonakshi stared at him in horror. "Come on Ma'am you can do it!", Rohan too joined elena making sonakshi sigh in dismay.

Hesitantly, Sonakshi nodded her head and placed her elbow over the table. "Are you ready Ms. Bose?", Dev asked to which sonakshi let out a deep breathe and nodded at him. "Then lets begin", Elena said jumping excitedly standing on one side while Rohan stood on the other. All of a sudden Dev held her hand making sonakshi startled. "What happened? We need to play right?", he said smiling mischievously looking at Sonakshi's shocked face. "Hmm.. Yeah", she stammered as his grip on her hand tightened. "Concentrate Ms. Bose", he said smirking seeing Sonakshi all lost in her thoughts. "Come on Sona! You can do it", Elena jumped excitedly making sonakshi sigh in dismay.

Giving up, she too held his palm and tried to push his hand down, but it didn't even move a bit. She looked at Dev who was already smirking at her and flared her nostrils. "I will win!", she murmured to herself determined and started pushing his hand down with all her strength and was surprised to see her efforts paying off. Smiling she looked at Dev who was already staring at her with a mischievous smile and then at elena and Rohan. "Yes, yes sona!", Elena jumped excitedly. "Come on Ma'am", Rohan shouted on the other side. Smiling one sidedly, she then looked at Dev but what he did then made her shocked.

He winked!

Shocked by his action, Sonakshi let her hand loose and taking it as a chance, Dev pushed her hand down, winning the game. "Oh my god! Sona what yaar!", Elena sighed in dismay while Rohan's reaction was also not that different. Getting her senses back, sonakshi gawked at Dev who was already smirking at her. "This is cheating!", she shouted standing up. "Why? What did I do?", Dev asked innocently. "What? What did he do sona?", Elena too joined. "He.. He..", Sonakshi stammered looking at him. "Yeah tell me Ms. Bose what did I do?", he asked with a smirk which didn't go unnoticed by her. Giving up, she stomped her foot angrily and walked out of there leaving a confused elena and Rohan behind.

Suddenly she felt a tug on her hand and stopped sensing who it was. "Leave my hand Mr. Dixit", she said without turning back and Dev pulled her hand making her face him but she looked away. He held her hand and looked at her palm that was in dark red. "What happened to your hand?", he asked her shocked. "Nothing", she replied trying to pull it back but he was strong enough. "Ms. Bose, why are you so irresponsible?", he asked annoyed and pulled her towards the nearby chair, making her sit there. "Wait. Don't go anywhere. I will come back", he said strictly and walked inside the house, leaving her sulk.

He soon returned back with an ice bag and sat beside her, taking her hand in his. "What do you think you are doing Mr. Dixit?", She asked annoyed trying to pull her hand away but couldn't. "Sshh.. I know what I am doing", he said forcefully grabbing her hand and pressing the ice cubes on her palm. "Mr. Dixit, be careful", she hissed as the cold ice cubes contacted her warm skin. "It's you who was not careful. See what happened to your hand. This ice will help your hand to heal quicker", he said blowing air on her reddened palm. "What's the use in helping to heal, if the person who did hurt the same!", she murmured audible enough to him making him stop his actions. "Did I hold your hand so tightly?", he asked her to which she nodded at him in a yes. "Sorry", he replied apologitically with a sad pout.

"Sorry not accepted", she said pulling her hand out of his hold making him frown. "Why?", he asked her worried. "Because you cheated", she replied flaring her nostrils in anger and turning aside but he smirked. "How?", he asked smiling mischievously. "You.. You..", she was about to say but stopped in the mid, embarrassed. "I.. I..?", he teased her raising his brows. "You winked at me!", she finally said. "So what?", he asked her casually while she stared at him agape. "How can you do that?", she finally managed to ask. "What's wrong in that? If anyone winks at me, I won't say anything", he said. "What! Is it that simple?", she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. There is nothing wrong. Even you can wink at me, I won't mind. Come on", he said smiling but she narrowed her eyes at him doubtedly. "What happened Ms. Bose? Don't you know how to wink also? So bad!", he sounded pitiful. "No.. No.. I know how to wink", she was quick to reply. "Then show me", he said with a wide grin. "Umm..", she seemed hesitant. "What? Come on. Show me your talent", he tried to instigate her. "Umm.. Actually, I don't know how to wink", she accepted with a sad pout while he gawked at her in disbelief. "The great Ms. Sonakshi Bose who knows to crack any million dollar deal within minutes, don't know how to wink! I just can't believe it", he exclaimed.

"Because no one taught me how to do that!", she said with a sad pout. "That's something very serious!", he replied sounding disappointed. "It's okay. I will teach you", he said excitedly and she nodded at him. "It's very simple. Keep both your eyes wide open and click only one eye close for a second like this", he did once and asked her to repeat. "Wait lemme do", she said and opened both her eyes widely. But when she tried to close only one eye, both closed much to her disappointment. "What's this! Okay try again", he tried to cheer her up but nothing worked as she repeated the same thing again and again. "I don't think I can ever be able to do it", Sonakshi said with a sad pout and walked inside the house while Dev shook his head sighing tiredly, looking at her retreating figure.

**End of flashback**

Suddenly Sonakshi felt someone's hand over her forehead. Guessing who it might be, her lips curved up and she shot her eyes open. But soon her smile faded as she saw the person infront of her. "Mr. Sharma?", she whispered more of a question as he retrieved his hand back. "Yeah.. Ms. Bose I'm sorry if I disturbed your sleep. I was just about to check your temperature. It was high last night", he said. "No, it's okay. I was not asleep", she gave him a tight lipped smile. "Last night? Were you here at the hospital last night?", she asked surprised as his words started to sink in her mind. "Not here. But I was waiting outside. Elena was besides you the whole night. We were worried so much since you didn't get your consciousness back for the past two days. But thank god atleast you are awake now", he sighed smiling.

"Two days?! Am I here in the hospital for the past two days?", she asked more of a shock as she couldn't remember anything after the accident. "Yeah. It's been two days since you met with that accident. It was a major one Ms. Bose. I swear, I was shook seeing you hit by a car", he said nervously. "Were you there when I met with the accident?", she asked him surprised. "Yes! I saw you crossing the road absentmindedly without noticing a car coming towards you at high speed. And before I could understand anything, it hit you right there and I was shocked to see you in a pool of blood. So without wasting any more minute, I took you to the hospital", he explained while Sonakshi stared at him blankly.

"Wasn't there anyone with me when I was hit by the car?", she asked remembering the moment she saw Dev looking at her, just before she met with the accident. Till this minute, she thought that it was Dev who admitted her in the hospital, but now hearing a totally different story, confused her more. Because she knew that whatever might have happened, Dev wouldn't leave her alone when she was struggling for her life. "I don't think so", he replied thinking for a while but she was all lost in her thoughts. "Sona, what are you doing?", they heard elena who was entering the room along with Rohan. "Sona you should thank Mr. Sharma for helping you. But instead you are asking him these many questions, so bad!", Elena said annoyed.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. Thanks Mr. Sharma", she added while Adithya gave her a tight lipped smile. "It's okay Ms. Bose. You don't have to thank me. It was elena and rohan who took care of you all the while", he said and before elena could interrupt, he continued. "Sorry I am getting late. I have an important meeting to attend. I need to leave now. Take care Ms. Bose", he said hurriedly and rushed out as Sonakshi gave him a warm smile. "He is so sweet, right?", Elena said smiling dreamily looking at his retreating figure. "No!", Rohan replied furrowing his brows at her. "Shut up! He is really a good person. You know what sona, Adithya was here for the past two days. He stayed awake for the whole night and see now he is going for his work. Such a dedicated person!", she said smiling. "Ma'am even I stayed awake the whole night", Rohan interrupted with a sad pout. "Yeah, I very well saw that. Sleepy head!", Elena said annoyed and looked at sonakshi who was all lost in her thoughts.

"Sona, did you even listen to what I said?", Elena asked. "Elena, when will I get discharged?", Sonakshi was quick to ask. "Why?", she asked doubtedly. "I need to find Dev", Sonakshi replied worriedly while Elena looked at her in disbelief. "Are you even serious sona?", she let out a long breath and continued. "It's just been two days and look at you. You broke your hand and leg as well. It might take atleast a month for you to recover", Elena tried to sound calm. "But elena", before she could say anything elena stopped her. "You are not going anywhere right now. That's it! You can do it, whatever it might be, after you got recovered completely. Until then, we will try to find him", she lied trying to convince her and looked at Rohan gesturing him to say yes. "Yeah.. Yeah Ma'am. We will find Mr. Dixit", he said and Sonakshi sighed in relief and smiled at them.


It's been more than a month and finally it was the day of Sonakshi's discharge. Thoroughout all these days, Elena took a good care of her and whenever Sonakshi asked about Dev, she along with Rohan covered it up with something or the other. Though both felt bad to lie to Sonakshi, they had no other option. All that they thought was everything sonakshi blabbered was nothing but the after effect of her traumatic accident. So listening to Dr. Johan's words, they kept nodding to whatever Sonakshi said, and kept lining up with a pile of lies to convince her. While this happened on one side, Adithya visited Sonakshi atleast once in a day, inspite of his busy schedule, not just as a business partner but also as a good friend.

"And at the moment I heard the name 'Sonakshi', I thought that I will get an arrogant, bossy woman in her late 50's as my business partner because your name is that old", Adithya said chuckling while elena too joined him, leaving Sonakshi fume to herself. Sonakshi was back to her home after a month and everyone were chatting along with each other. Much to their surprise, Adithya wasn't that introvert as they thought, not even that rude and strong headed! "But Mr. Sharma when you got to see ma'am you would've got surprised right? I mean she achieved so much at a very young age", Rohan interrupted supporting Sonakshi while she gave him a proud smile.

"Not really. I was almost right. She was even more arrogant and bossy than what I thought. That's why I asked her to do the presentation on our very first meeting", he added as Sonakshi reminisced their first meeting. She could still remember how shocked everyone looked when Adithya asked her to do the presentation. "Oh that's so mean!", she replied faking anger while elena and Adithya chuckled at her annoyed face. It's just been a month and surprisingly Adithya got well along with everyone including elena and Rohan too that their talks became even more comfortable. While elena still had a secret admiration on him, Rohan couldn't help but feel something burning inside him everytime he saw Adithya!

"Okay fine it's enough I guess. I don't want to die in Ms. Bose's hands now", he raised his hands in surrender while Elena chuckled but stopped receiving a death glare from sonakshi. "And yeah tomorrow, everyone be ready. You all are going somewhere with me", he said excitedly. "Where?", Elena was curious. "Party!", he replied quickly. "With this broken leg?", Sonakshi pointed at her leg that was still at its healing stage. "Umm.. I can understand. I so wish to pospond my birthday but sadly I can't", he said. "Oh its your birthday tomorrow!", Elena sounded surprised. "Unfortunately yes!", he replied with a tight lipped smile. "OMG! I'm so excited", she squealed while Rohan rolled his eyes off her and Adithya looked at her quizzically.

"She always gets excited just by hearing the word 'party'", Sonakshi tried to cover it up for her and he looked convinced. "Okay everyone be ready tomorrow. I will send you the venue details soon", he said and bidding adieu to everyone, he left the place. "What should I gift him?", Elena asked thinking. "I can suggest something ma'am", Rohan interrupted. "It will be the best gift", he added and she gestured him to go ahead. "Your absence!", he replied and walked out of the room, leaving Elena gawk at him open mouthedly. "Idiot!", she stomped her foot angrily and walked out leaving Sonakshi all lost in her thoughts. "Why am I getting a feeling that something big is about to happen?", Sonakshi thought to herself confused, looking out at the star studded sky through the window.


"How can I leave you here alone sona?", Elena whined as sonakshi asked her to enjoy the party. She still had her leg plastered and forget dancing, she couldn't even walk properly. Thus she thought of sitting at one corner of the hall, enjoying looking at everyone and asked Elena to join the dance floor but she was in no mood to leave her alone. Even Adithya was busy with his other guests that he couldn't be with Sonakshi. "Rohan take her with you. I am very much fine here. You both go and enjoy", Sonakshi said more of an order, and Rohan agreed to her obediently, dragging elena from there along with him! Sighing, she took her glass of juice and sipped a little but stopped hearing a very known voice, "Dance?". Her heart skipped a beat and she looked up to find a man standing infront of her and stretching his hand out, with a small smile playing on his lips and his face covered with a mask, revealing nothing but his captivating golden orbs.

Who is that person asking Sonakshi for dance? 🤔

Precap : Confrontation!

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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