36. You are Mine!

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Thank you all for your votes and comments.

And this chapter is dedicated to Anushah_01 for guessing all the pictures in previous chapter correctly 👏👏

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 110 votes

"Come in!", Adithya said as he heard someone knocking his cabin door. All immersed he was in his work to even look up at who was there at his door step. "It seems like Mr. Business partner is too busy to even spare a look at me. So bad!", he heard a familiar voice and looked up only to be surprised seeing sonakshi standing infront of him. "Ms. Bose! What are you doing here?", he asked seeing her all of a sudden. "Is this how you welcome your guest?", she asked pouting sadly, stepping inside the room and he rushed towards her. "I mean, who asked you to come here? You still need rest", he said trying to support her as she walked in with the help of her crutch. "I can very well walk", she said without stopping for him and got seated as he pulled out the chair for her.

"So? Don't tell me that you came here to show your walking skills", he said sitting opposite to her. "What if I say yes? By the way, you didn't seem to have time to even glance a look at me", she said looking at the heap of files placed on his table. "What to do! When Ms. Business partner is bedridden I have to double your work, isn't it?", he asked sighing. "Ugh! So you are indirectly saying that I am responsible for flooding you with all these works. So mean!", she said in disbelief. "That wasn't indirect though", he said smiling as she gawked at him in disbelief.

"Okay! Jokes apart what is the need for you to come here with this broken leg?", he asked as she scrunched her brows at him. "Firstly stop criticizing me and my leg. We both are fine. And secondly, I am here for my unfinished work", she said as he looked at her quizzically. "Which unfinished work are you talking about?", he asked sounding confused. "Umm.. Our project! What else?", she asked. "Okay! But you don't need to worry about that. I am here to take care of it. You need rest right now", he said concerned. "I am getting bored being at home all day!", she said sadly. "Seriously? It's just been two days since you are discharged from hospital. And you are getting bored already", he said in disbelief.

"Oh wait! Where did you disappear from the party last night? You didn't even tell me before leaving", he said sounding disappointed. "Umm.. I got some immediate work so I was in need to go", she said trying to cover it up but he didn't look convinced. "What work did you get at the middle of the night?", he asked her doubtedly. "I was tired", she was quick to reply. "First you said that you had some work. Now you are saying that you were tired. First decide which excuse you wanna make", he said disappointedly.

"I was tired as I was in need of sleep. So I left the party to sleep on time and that was the work I was talking about. Okay?", she blabbered as he looked at her suspiciously. And before he could ask something his phone started ringing breaking their conversation. "Fine. Don't think that you've escaped. I will be back within 10 minutes to shoot my questions at you. Till that wait here", he said walking out of the room making her sigh in relief. "Uff! He should be a CBI officer instead. No wonder he is Dev's friend. Such a difficult man to handle!", she murmured to herself tiredly and looked outside the window. Amidst the lazy winds there was a colourful kite flying high in the sky, moving back and forth making her go back in memory lane.


It was one bright sunny evening when Sonakshi was leisurely standing at her window side and glancing at the plain sky. Evenings in Jharkhand were not always this bright since she arrived there. It always used to be cloudy or foggy unlike that day. It seemed like even the clouds were tired in pouring the rain and thus paved way for the sun to shine brightly. It was then something caught her attention. There were two kites flying to and fro, up high in the sky. But suddenly, one of the two kites started falling down from the air and when she looked down at the strings attached to it, she was more than surprised to see a group of kids in her garden area hooting and playing surrounding someone well known, who was holding the thread of the kite, Dev!

Confused, she walked down to the garden area and saw the kids around Dev jumping excitedly and teasing someone nearer, Rohan! Rohan was holding an empty string probably the one which must have been tied to the kite that fell down a while ago. And Dev holding the other kite which was still flying high, with a huge grin on his face. Rohan seemed to be visibly upset seeing the annoying kids teasing and laughing at him while all Dev did was to enjoy looking at them pulling Rohan's leg. Confused by the happenings, Sonakshi decided to break the ice. "What's happening here?", she asked and the kids who were shouting happily till then, totally unaware of her presence, went all silence, hearing her.

Dev who heard her, turned around and saw Sonakshi standing with her arms crossed across her chest, giving him a death glare. And that was enough for the kids to go all nervous. "Devil aunty!", someone whispered among them which unluckily didn't go unheard by Sonakshi making her eyes widen. "Aunty! How dare you call me aunty?", she shouted angrily making them shiver in fear. And within a split of second, everyone ran away from there leaving sonakshi fume more. Seeing her going all angry, unable to control himself, Dev started laughing clutching his stomach making her jaw drop down. "Mr. Dixit! Are you laughing at me?", she asked him in disbelief as he tried hard to control his laughter. "Any doubts?", he asked giggling making her fume more.

"Relax Ms. Bose. They were calling you as 'Devil' but instead you were getting angry at them for calling you as 'Aunty'. Seriously?", he asked chuckling. "For girls, the word 'Devil' and 'Aunty' mean the same! You never know Mr. Dixit!", she said flaring her nostrils angrily. "Is it? By the way they didn't lie though", he said controlling his giggles. "What?", she asked gawking at him. "Yeah! If you keep on scaring those innocent kids they will call you as such only. Show some love Ms. Bose", he said and she gave him a staunch look. "To them", he completed with a sly smile as she looked at him doubtedly. "Innocent kids? Just before two days they broke the window glass with their stupid ball, then they broke Rohan's glasses with the same ball yesterday and now they are troubling him. My poor P. A!", she said fuming and Rohan took out his broke glasses examining if there was atleast a millimeter without the crack. But to his bad luck, the entire glass looked as if it was crushed under a road roller.

"They weren't troubling him. They were celebrating their victory", Dev explained. "Victory?", Sonakshi asked confused. "Yeah! Me and Rohan were having a kite fight and those kids were supporting me. And finally I won, so they were teasing Rohan for that. Nothing serious", he said as sonakshi looked at him surprised. "What's kite fight by the way?", she asked innocently and he gave her a disbelieving look. "You don't know!", he asked and she shook her head in a no. "Fine. Listen. We both should fly one kite each and the one who keeps his kite fly in the sky till the end and cuts the string of other wins. Did you get it now?", he asked and she nodded her head listening to him curiously.

"So, let's have a match, okay?", he asked and she stared at him wide eyed. "What? Now don't tell me that you don't even know how to fly a kite", he said and she gave him a sly smile. "Seriously? Then what were doing in your childhood?", he asked ik disbelief but before she could say he interrupted. "Except studying", he added and she thought for a while. "Nothing! I used to study all time", she admitted proudly and he facepalmed himself. "Eating, sleeping.. Do you know any of those?", he asked. "Ofcourse! I used to eat while studying and sleep.. Umm.. I used to waste my time in sleeping for 3-4 hours a day!", she said sounding sad while he gawked at her.

"Waste your time? Seriously! We are poles apart. I can sleep for even 24 hours straight", he said proudly. "Umm.. You are lucky. And here I am, who can't even sleep without waking up in the middle of those 3-4 hours", she said reminiscing her nightmares. It's true that they have reduced with time but only on proper medication which forced her to sleep and that was totally against the natural one. Sensing her getting lost in her thoughts, Dev decided to change the topic. "It's okay. I can teach you how to fly a kite", he said breaking her reverie and she looked at him surprised. "Really?", she asked and he shook his head in a yes making her lips curve up.

"Rohan, go, get ready with your kite. Your boss is gonna beat you now", he said and gave the thread of his kite to her. "Hold it tight Ms. Bose. Pull it and leave it whenever needed", he said doing the same. "OMG! It keeps on flying", she said unable to control it. "That's what a kite does", he said while she gave him a sad pout. "I am not asking you to fly a flight. It's just a kite Ms. Bose", he said holding the string from both the sides, coming behind her. "It's not that easy", she said trying to pull it against the wind. "It's easy. Look!", he said pulling the string a little. "Even these kites are like us Ms. Bose. They need some pull to move forward against the wind properly, like how we need a pull to keep us moving forward in life, in a proper pace", he said letting in fly high.

Her grin grew wider as she kept looking at the kite that was flying high in the sky. It was all new to her. Not even cracking million dollar deals gave her such happiness like flying this simple kite did. Not only because that she did it now but also because she never did it before. As a kid, she used to stand by her window side and stare at the kids playing on the road every other day. She wished to play with them but then something in her will stop her, something in her will pull her back. No, it was not her fear but just a feeling of inferiority. She had everything but not something which every other kid had, the love of her parents. She used to be a loner, not because she chose to be one but she was forced to be one.

She hardly used to talk with her fellow class mates. Ofcourse elena was an exception. Even now she sometimes wondered how elena could bear her. She wasn't that intolerable but still she used to become moody not some times but most of the times. And during those times elena used to do something stupid to make her smile which though worked some times, flopped most of the times. But here, this man, whom she met a few days back only was capable of tolerating her every high and low. He always troubled her but never complained about her. Whenever she used to get lost in her own misery, he became her saviour and help her get out of it. Even now, she knew teaching her to fly a kite was just an excuse.

So much lost she was in her thoughts that she failed to notice Dev who was all involved in the game. "Ms. Bose come on now cut his thread. We are close", he said holding her hand and pulled the thread as it cut Rohan's thread making his kite fall down. Seeing his kite falling down, Rohan huffed in dismay facepalming himself for losing yet again. This broke Sonakshi's reverie and she immediately looked at Dev's hand over hers. "Yes, we won!", she heard him saying excitedly and looked back at his smiling face. Dev who was grinning widely looked at sonakshi who was already staring at him. And it was then they both realized how close they were.

She was still in between his arms with his hands holding hers and their faces just an inch apart. Her freely falling tresses were hitting his face, touching his skin like a magic. From her big coal dark eyes and her pointed nose to her thin soft lips, everything made him go crazy. She looked so flawless, just like the morning dawn, nothing more, nothing less. Her scent was so captivating that if he can, he would stand there for all his life holding her in his arms, staring at her all the while. And she could feel herself blushing with his intense gaze, for she don't know why. She could sense her heart thumping aloud in her chest as his hold on her tightened. It felt as if he had captured her in her place not letting her move a little. Neither she could move, nor did she wanted to.

Rohan who was all lost in his misery looking at his broken kite till then, looked up and what he saw then made his jaw hit the ground. Dev was standing, holding Sonakshi so close to himself, in between his arms while his boss, Sonakshi Bose seemed to be all lost in Dev forgetting the fact that they were standing in the middle of the garden, infront of her innocent P. A! Rohan quickly turned around and shut his eyes in horror. But all that was flashing infront of his eyes were, the images of Dev and Sonakshi standing in a not so compromising position making him gulp down nervously.

"Mr. Dixit", Sonakshi who was staring at Dev all the while whispered without moving her gaze even a little. "Hmm", he hummed as with his gaze fixed on her. "Your eyes", she paused staring into his eyes that held an unknown intensity. Everytime she looked at them, they told her something, something which she had never seen in anyone before. "They say something", she completed and sensed his grip on her go tighter. "What?", he asked more of a whisper to which she parted her lips to say something but stopped. "I don't know", she replied and sensed a disappointing look in his eyes.

"Ouch!", Sonakshi suddenly shrieked aloud making Dev shocked. She quickly turned around and saw her finger bleeding profusely. "How did this happen?", Dev asked shocked looking at the deep cut in her finger. She looked at the detached string of the kite that had cut her finger and hissed in pain. He immediately pulled the string down and held her hand, blowing air on it. "Can't you be a little careful? Look what you did to yourself!", he shouted at her making her startled. "Mr. Dixit why are you shouting at me? You are talking as if I intentionally made this thread to cut my hand", she whined but he didn't seem to listen to her. "Rohan! What are you doing there? Go and get the medicines", he shouted again seeing Rohan standing still making Sonakshi shocked. And it was then Rohan realized what was happening and rushed inside the house to get the first aid kit.

"It's okay. It didn't pain much", Sonakshi said as Dev kept examining her wound. It was a deep cut but not a larger one for him to worry this much, she thought. "You are so irresponsible Ms. Bose! Where did you keep your eyes?", he asked her annoyed. "On you", she thought and he raised his brows at her asking as if he heard her. "What?", she asked him who was smirking at her. "Even if it is so, it's your fault. You should have looked at the kite instead of looking at me", he said and her eyes widened in shock. "What? When did I say that I was looking at you?", she asked stuttering to which he smiled at her one sidedly. "What if I told you that I can read your mind?", he asked smirking and she stared at him in shock. "It's not funny Mr. Dixit", she said looking everywhere but him and he shook in head. "Leave it. You should've been more careful", he said and she huffed in dismay.

"Fine. If you are worried that much then do your magic and make this wound disappear", she said chuckling. "If I can, I would've done it long back", he whispered to himself which didn't go unnoticed by her. "Did you say something Mr. Dixit?", she asked him doubtedly but he shook his head in a no. "Let's continue", she stood up excitedly. "Continue what?", he asked her confused. "Kite fight!", she said smiling. "No more kites!", he said strictly while she looked at him in disbelief and he called a servant. "Please take all these kites and throw them away. I don't want to see any fo these things in this house hereafter", he said and saw Sonakshi looking at him surprised. "What are you doing?", she asked in confused. "I am doing what's good. That's it", he said and walked in leaving a confused sonakshi behind.

**End of flashback**

A small smile appeared on her lips as Sonakshi kept staring at the kite flying in the sky. "You surely are a mystery Mr. Dixit", she murmured to herself and the door clicked open all of a sudden breaking her reverie. She looked back thinking it was Adithya but was surprised seeing the person at the door step, Dev! Dev, who looked equally shocked seeing Sonakshi stood still in his place. "Mr. Dixit, I thought of meeting you. Good that you came here only", she said smiling and he furrowed his brows at her. "Why?", he asked confusedly as she stood up, taking her crutch and walked towards him. "I need to tell you something", she said and before she could finish, he interrupted her. "I guess we talked enough last night", he said looking everywhere but her.

"Hold on Mr. Dixit. I didn't complete", she said and smiled making him even more confused. "Last night, you said whatever you wanted to. But I didn't", she said and he was about to say something but she interrupted. "Let me complete Mr. Dixit", she said and he huffed in annoyance. "I don't want to listen to any of your stupid stories Ms. Bose", he said frustratedly. "But I did right?", she said and he furrowed his brows at her. "I did listen to your stupid Stories last night Mr. Dixit. So now its your turn", she said smiling. "What do you mean?", he asked sounding annoyed but instead she smiled.

"Someone who couldn't even see a little cut on my finger in the past, didn't even care to ask about my broken leg now. Someone who couldn't even see me in a little pain in the past, is now himself becoming the reason of my pain! Isn't it strange?", she asked and he rolled his eyes off her. "What do you want Ms. Bose?", he asked annoyed. "I want answers", she said and he looked at her quizzically. "Firstly, what was the need of Dr. Dev Dixit to hide his identity and disguise himself as a mere worker?", she asked and he looked away from her. "What was the need to play with my mind and heart.. feelings and emotions? Why?", she asked. "What was the need to fake those sketches and make me believe in something which I never even thought of?", she asked but he stood silent. "What was the need to go leaving everything in the middle and now come back after these many freaking days?", she asked but still he was silent.

"I know you won't say anything Mr. Dixit. Because you don't have the courage to face the consequences", she said smiling a sad one while he was staring away from her. "You keep running away from the truth Mr. Dixit. But one day, when you come in face with it, it will break you.. Break you into pieces", she said disappointedly but he didn't seem to budge a little. "But remember one thing Mr. Dixit. Do whatever you want, but nothing can change the truth", she said staring at him.

"I hope you know about me", she paused. "I will never let anything go away from my hands. What is meant to be mine will always be mine, no matter whomever comes in between, I will get it by hook and crook", she said staring at him who was still looking away from her. "And now I want only one thing Mr. Dixit, you!", she said seriously and he turned towards her frustratedly. "I can lose the whole world to win you, because you mean the world to me", she said and he stared at her in disbelief. "Your eyes.. they still say the same thing", she said staring into his honey brown orbs. "You can read my mind, isn't it?", she asked and he furrowed his brows at her. "Then read this too", she said smirking and he looked at her confused. "YOU ARE MINE.. FOREVER!", she thought and his eyes widened in shock.

Suddenly they heard the door knob click open and sensing someone entering in, Sonakshi stopped. "Dev, when did you come?", Adithya asked surprised entering in. "Umm.. Just now", Dev said with a tight lipped smile. "And Ms. Bose, I forgot to introduce him to you in the party. He is Dev Dixit, my bestfriend", Adithya said smiling. "We know each other", Sonakshi said while Adithya looked at her surprised. "What? How?", before he could ask anything Dev interrupted. "We just know each other. We have met before", he was quick to reply while Sonakshi looked at him doubtedly. "Oh it's good then. I don't want to introduce you both to each other", he said getting seated while Sonakshi too sat opposite to him.

"And I came to ask you something", Sonakshi budged in. "Oh yeah sorry. Go ahead", he nodded at her. "Well my doctor advised me to take rest for a few more days", she said. "Yes ofcourse you should. Don't worry about the business. I will take care of it till you become better", he said. "That's what I want to ask you about", she interrupted while he looked at her quizzically. "He asked me to go on a vacation for a few days to get some refreshment", she said. "That's a good idea", he replied. "Yes. And so I thought why not invite you too. I know my business partner too badly needs a vacation", she said but he didn't seem to agree to her.

"It's okay. What's the need to..", before he could say she interrupted him. "You too need some time to relax. It's not that always you should keep working on. We have so many employees for that. If not, you can get your best friend too along with you", she said and Dev who was silently listening to them till now, looked at her shocked. "As if you will leave me if I say no!", Adithya said raising his hands in surrender and Sonakshi smiled at him. "Okay so where?", he asked and sonakshi smiled one sidedly. "To my favorite vacation spot, my Bungalow in Jharkhand", she said looking at Dev, who on hearing her, looked at her shocked.

What's gonna happen now? 🤔

Precap : Getting back to the bungalow! 👻

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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